Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by fortinbras »

I know (from my years at the NY Passport Office) that the birth certificates issued by the Health Depts of some states (not all, and probably not always) were printed on forms produced by the American Bank Note Company.

The same company also produces travelers checks and checkbooks for many banks, certificates for various stocks and bonds, and even the real money and other official stuff for several foreign governments. The company has an excellent reputation for producing elegant and attractive documents with impressive filigree backgrounds and, this is important, sophisticated anti-counterfeiting /anti-alteration features.

As might be expected, in the last half century or so, some competitors have appeared to chip away at the company's market, but there's plenty of work for everybody. Especially because the Intelligence Reform and Anti-Terrorism Act of 2004 established a requirement that every state's birth certificates must now be printed on security paper designed to frustrate any sort of counterfeiting or falsification.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Dai Kiwi »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:So - fellow Quatloosians! Do you think Marcus is:
  • a) just another guru who is going to fleece his flock?

    b) a false flag agent who will now collect the information gathered via the 'email me' campaign for Cabal Intelligence Purposes?

    c) a troll who put together this entire surreal exercise, hinting at conspiracy and wisdom, and after having dangled the bait before the Freeman / Sovereign community will now disappear into nothingness?
Till name is SMS Möwe
OK, so what do we know about Marcus? I had a bit of a browse through that pdf.

His opening statement could be a bit of misdirection/artistic license where 'law society' refers to lawful or legal society. Or it could mean statute vs common/contract/Freeman law society i.e the point at which he opted out or was charged/convicted/bankrupted/something.

His reference to being an actor seems to tie in with the definitions he chooses for some words, it is not meant as a literal career. E.g for 'person' he chooses to accept the first definitions - a mask used by a player, a character or personage acted, one who plays or performs any part, a character, relation, or capacity in which one acts. He doesn't seem to acknowledge or accept that words change over time or have multiple meanings/senses. So of course he is going to mix actor and Act. Or maybe he's just trying to be funny-smart and it doesn't come across.

The law degree seems a bit of a distraction - saying 'if I told you I had ... then you'd believe me.'

In the transcript for video 2 he refers repeatedly to keeping and breeding birds of prey for over 30 years, and to it becoming illegal. I'm guessing he refers to Ontario's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 - Schedule 7 covers all of the birds he lists, including vultures. He refers to protesting it for some time - several years - applying for a license, not getting it because of complaints, and eventually - after several more years - a 30-man SWAT team coming to get him and close it down. With no mention in the press.

When talking about investigating birth certificates he refers to the Ontario Ministry of Government Services having a large advert in the Toronto Sun saying “Birth Certificates without the Labour”. [paper not named in the pdf, but in a doc file on ] Possibly he is or was in or near the County of Simcoe, since he refers to a public notice by it.

I wouldn't be surprised if an old timer at something like the Canadian Raptor Conservancy could recognise/ID him.

So thats who he might have been. As for what he is? A wannabe guru.

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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by grixit »

I've read that the falconry laws in the US are very strict. They expect every bird to have personal attention from a keeper, to get fresh meat every day, to get plenty of flying time, etc. And every keeper is subject to surprise inspections. And birds cannot be sold, each must be captured and trained one on one. In effect, the law treats the birds as protected wildlife that just happens to be in some person's custody. This seems incompatible with the sovereign mentality.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by JamesVincent »

grixit wrote:I've read that the falconry laws in the US are very strict. They expect every bird to have personal attention from a keeper, to get fresh meat every day, to get plenty of flying time, etc. And every keeper is subject to surprise inspections. And birds cannot be sold, each must be captured and trained one on one. In effect, the law treats the birds as protected wildlife that just happens to be in some person's custody. This seems incompatible with the sovereign mentality.
That sounds like what I remember. I read a book on it years ago and thought it was really cool, until I found out what it takes to do it. Still haven't done it. Still sounds really cool though.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Hi, my name is SMS Möwe, and I have a SerpentKing update for you.

It appears Marcus-the-dead-lawyer has changed his mind and has not decided to make his second set of videos, entitled "The Unravel Programs", a pay service, but instead has encouraged his eager fans to spread his fame, far and wide, over the Youtubes and Interwebs.

Here's the videos for your elucidation:

Or you can view them on Youtube:

So I skimmed through a few of the videos, and settled on "Video Ten –- Your Personal Mark of the Beast" as some potential fun. And it's not bad - I particularly like Marcus' "person" paper mask (it's a piece of paper with a face sketched on it, with eye-holes cut out, and little horns!) which Marcus dramatically dons and removes as he explains how personhood is contrary to biblical law.

A few comments. Marcus is still Marcus, reading his script as the viewer observes a minimalist powerpoint presentation. His biblical focus is becoming more and more evident - the Bible is the Law, nothing else. Witchcraft and Necromancy make appearances. But I have to give this to Marcus-the-dead-lawyer, he's one of the most skillful "word-gamers" I have encountered in this trade. He takes the whole process of breaking up standard words (the "understand" means "stand under" gambit) to a quite unusual level - and I'll give the guy credit - he's pretty slick in having constructed this large but surprisingly coherent an alternative world scheme. Well, coherent for this genre, given Marcus is claiming that "person" actually means "per son" - as in you are a person by producing a son. Let's just say that Marcus' pseudolegal theory is a wee bit patriarchical.

The Serpentking videos are getting lots of views on Youtube - Marcus is being quite successful.

Still, do we now know the answer as to how to escape the nemesis of godless state authority? Well, no. The video set concludes...
Now, that you have watched the Unraveled Videos you need to watch the Confusion Videos again. Then watch the Unraveled Videos for a second time and you will see twice as much.

It will be helpful to write down points which you can see are absolutely true and contrary to what you currently do or think. The reason for this is that you will comprehend things, but will relapse in your thinking due to the only life you have ever known. Making a list of truths will help you stay on course. It did for me.

The time to act is when the confusion is gone. First step will be to plan for the change. It may take a couple of months or a year depending on each one’s particulars. There are some very practical steps you will need to take and make decisions on.

Then and only then do you implement the solution. I have yet to decide how to provide the Final and Practical Details. Stay tuned !!

Till then….. read the Law.... nobody is above the Law …… my name is Marcus.
I still have this lingering suspicion that Marcus is a very carefully planned troll. It might have to do with the absence of spelling mistakes in his material.

Till name is SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I think I know who Marcus is.

He has not identified himself by his correct name. I am quite certain he is not a lawyer nor has he ever been a lawyer. His tale, if I am correct, is far more interesting than that.

Marcus has posted transcripts for each of his 13 “Unraveled Programs” videos ( This is convenient because to be honest, I find it a little hard to sit through Marcus’s materials.

But a new tab has appeared on the SerpentKing website menu: “Marcus’s Mind” ( It commences:
Hi, my name is Marcus

My mind is Out of Control.... Out of the control of those that would use it under the disguise of " I care about you and your health and your education and your safety and your blah, blah, blah."

Those who want to show me the way to go, so that I will not depart from it.

I do not reply to any emails for the simple reason, I do not know who you are. I will post answers to some questions I receive so all may read my response.

On this page, I will periodically think out loud so that you may read my mind.

From the ...... mind of Marcus
This turns out to be a kind of blog, but it has only three entries. On Nov. 16, 2013 Marcus recommends the King James Bible 1611 as a legal reference.

The tone suddenly shifts a week later, and in two entries dated Nov. 23 and Nov. 24, 2013 Marcus provide a lengthy history of his alleged mistreatment by authorities, and his ongoing criminal litigation history. Marcus indicates he was ordered to appear in a criminal trial proceeding on Nov. 22, 2013, but he refused to show. He is presumably facing arrest for his failure to appear.

Marcus indicates in the Mind of Marcus page that:
By the way, your Queen also put a publication ban on all this. You are not allowed to know what your servants are doing in your name. They have your trust.
Because of that I will exercise caution and at this point make no more comment on my investigation of Marcus of SerpentKing and his most curious tale.

Till name is SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Dai Kiwi »

Most interesting reading that latest page, after running it through mental filter. And agreed, if there are name or media suppression orders in place further public speculation would be inappropriate for now.

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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

"Marcus" the not-a-lawyer is alive!

A new post has appeared on the Serpent King "Mind of Marcus" subpage:
February 24, 2014

I have been in hibernation since the end of November. Just too damn cold. I have been studying and working on the next series in my den. Wake me up when we get a thaw.

P.S. You are going to love the end game to all this.
Tempting us again, Marcus?! So now, I suppose, we wait.

There are now also full transcripts of each of Marcus's videos, in both English and French.

As I previously noted, I believe I know who Marcus is, and the nature of the litigation in which he is involved. I poked around the 'net to see if I could find out what developments there have been, if any, but without success. So I too shall restrain myself.

Till name is SMS Möwe
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by grixit »

So the SerpentKing's weakness turns out to be exothermy, as expected.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Marcus is back!

Well … sort of. ( has had an update. And a new splash page! A full screen image of Marcus, posed before a wall of verdant greenery, gazing not quite at but above the viewer. He hold glasses and a learned appearing tome.

The text reads:
“man of law”

l… and He said….
It is now written….
A button beckons us to click.

Oh hey, and with that it’s the same ol’ SerpentKing website with a minor facelift.

Six buttons in on the menu and it’s all the same. Oh waita second, there’s a new message in "Marcus’s Mind":
May 28, 2014

Yawn !, Stretch !....... I am awake !...... I am here…….. Is anyone still there?

While set apart in my Den, away from the thieves, I have decided how to bring to you the end game.

The purpose of the Confusion Videos were to bring to YOUR MIND, things we all DO and are INVOLVED in, but never stop to think about. I certainly never did…… until I did…….

The Unraveled Videos are based on the LAW, which is real, natural, true and self-evident. It can only be observed with open eyes; and LIVING it. The principles once found are tested through LOGIC; and become an inarguable TRUTH.

What is it that makes us go round and round in circles, rather than proceed by the way which is straight and narrow? The answer is we believe in non-sense. We make the SIMPLE, complex and confuse ourselves. We can SEE things that are NO-THING! We really are amazing creatures.

So, I have come to the realization that I need to speak to you Face to Face, but not in Person. I am currently learning how to set up a weekly Webinar program where I can interact with YOU. This method will allow me to find the points of BLOCKAGE in your brain; by hearing what comes out of your mouth.

Concepts which are contrary to the concepts you currently hold or believe require explanations in different ways, until I hear from you, “OH, I CAN SEE IT NOW”

I will ARGUE with you, I will Fight with you, and I may Offend you; but I hope by the end; I will just LAUGH with you. I know first-hand the physical, emotional and economical burden that you and your family endure when you begin to learn, “Things are just not right”. I can assure you, you are not alone.

Now to the Webinars:

Within the next couple of weeks I will post all details on the Webinar Page and the starting date. This webinar will not be a “Free for All”. I am thinking most serious minded people can afford 20 bucks a week, and keeps the “know it alls” out, but not definite yet. All those who have emailed me in the past will get this posting emailed to them.

Whether you find this posting or get it in your email, COULD YOU PLEASE EMAIL ME AGAIN, saying your name, age, your address (so I know your time zone) and your email address (so I can copy and paste it in an invite list).

From the ………… mind of Marcus
Huh. So the first hit was free. Down to it, hmm, are we Marcus? Time to pay the piper? Well, to be fair, at $20 a week that’s not so bad. Beats any day! But, nevertheless, I’m a little sad to see Marcus is dropping all the pretenses and has turned himself into another cash-mongering guru. And now "know it alls" like me are most certainly not welcome.

Marcus, I’d not be surprised you’re watching. After all, we have a few mutual acquaintances, don’t we? Let’s have a chat. I’ve respected your identity because it seems you face some serious legal sanctions – and I want to make certain your rights are preserved and protected. Here’s my point. I’ve watched very carefully with the public domain resources available to me on your legal proceedings. Those may still be underway, and you may remain under a publication ban. Fine and good. But – unless and until that litigation is resolved in your favour, do you think it’s fair to sell your claims to others?

If you won – share. Your potential customers deserve it. If you won - congratulations! I do not besmirch those who have been found innocent in a court of law. I’d love to hear about it and promise to report as fairly as I can.

But if you lost – then tell your real story. You have an ethical obligation to do so.

You left enough of a key that I dug and found out who you were, and your background, and frankly that is far, far more interesting that this charade, this make-believe. Is it fair to your customers that your are a “persona” – a mask?

... and it’s making me bloody crazy NOT telling that tale. ‘cause the mock undead lawyer thing is stupid. ‘cause you have dared amazing things – failed yes – but dared! And sometimes succeeded!

I applaud the man or woman who take a dream and crafts a reality. Yours appears to have been a near miss, but I wouldn't dream of denying your true expertise and successes.

And I think your potential customers too would find that narrative interesting, neat, perhaps even remarkable. I, for one would like to hear your side of the tale and experiences. We may not agree on a number of things but isn’t it wrong to be a lie?

Or, again, as you put it, a person?

I will continue to respect your anonymity until I either learn of the resolution of your litigation or that your identity is no longer under a publication ban.

Til then…… name is SMS Möwe

(yeah yeah, I'm not really a banana freighter, but I'm also not selling instructions on how to be one either, am I?)
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Lambkin »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe ( has had an update.
Typical Illuminati, confusing the Serpent King with the Servant King.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by wserra »

Lambkin wrote:Typical Illuminati, confusing the Serpent King with the Servant King.
Well, they do shape-shift . . .
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Hi, my name is SMS Möwe, but I’m sorry to report "Marcus" doesn’t seem to know who he is. Perhaps that has something to do with operating under a false name and history? Oh, not to worry - "Marcus" isn't totally lost - you see he's quite aware his identity is in his pants (
Hi there, my name is, uhm … hold on for a second let me check for some identification here … oh … must be in my other … pants. Yeah, it’s in my other pants, my identification is in my other pants.

Seems that who I am is in my pants.

Ah! I know! [Marcus grabs mirror and holds it up to his face.]

I recognize him! Marcus – that’s me! Marcus.

[Puts down mirror.]

Well, let’s start over. Hi, my name is Marcus. I recently discovered on the Servant King Youtube Channel a thing called ‘subscribers’. Apparently there’s about 1600 of them – I didn’t know they existed – til someone recently pointed that out to me. Anyways, I’ve decided how to present the third phase of Servant King. I’m going to do a series of webinars so I can speak to you live. One on one. I think we need to have a conversation and give you an opportunity to ask questions.

So if you’re interested – or know someone that is interested ... read the posting on the page called “Marcus’s Mind”, then send me an email if you wish to be placed on an invite list. These webinars have a thing called an invite list.

Now just like the video presentations I’ve never done a webinar before either. They never had them when I was a kid. So we’ll have to see how things go. I might have to hire some 10 year old kid to help me get started. The complete details and any updates about these webinars will be posted on a new page called webinars, so if you check that periodically I expect in the next two or three weeks we’ll get these webinars underway.

Thank you, and until then? My name is Marcus.
A part of me finds this all rather cute and quaint, and "Marcus" does have 700 views on this video thus far – so he has drawn some attention.

But still, there’s that irony…
  • … his name isn’t "Marcus".
    … he isn’t a former lawyer.
    … he is the man wearing the mask.
    … I’m pretty certain he’s still facing trial because the reporting blackout to date on his criminal charges only makes sense if there’s a jury trial impending (or possible).
    … and now that he’s moving into the ‘for pay’ guru category the legal stakes go up.
“Marcus”, I hope you find something else you seem to have lost – your honesty and moral compass.

Have you checked your pants of late?

Til then………my name is SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Seems that who I am is in my pants.
A knob?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by notorial dissent »

Möwe, I’m not sure which was more disturbing or disturbed, your intro, or Marcus’ actual comments. Either, or both are going to haunt me now.

So, we have another all around fraud and legend in his own mind, gee, I’m terribly surprised.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by grixit »

Does this mean we aren't going to see the SerpentKing?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

No one sees the SerpentKing because the SerpentKing is within us - each and every one of us. We are all a SerpentKing. Together we form the SerpentKing.

(or you could just check inside your pants.)

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by The Observer »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:No one sees the SerpentKing because the SerpentKing is within us - each and every one of us. We are all a SerpentKing. Together we form the SerpentKing.

(or you could just check inside your pants.)

SMS Möwe
Check inside our pants? I never saw Marcus reach a definite conclusion about who he was as a result of him checking his pants. Maybe it's just me, but it appears Marcus is saying that in order to be a successful sovrun you have to carry around a big mirror.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, I think that is magnifying glass.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcus the ex-lawyer reveals the ServantKing

Post by webhick »

notorial dissent wrote:Actually, I think that is magnifying glass.
And a pair of tweezers.
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