Clearly she does not consent to pronouns. However, by extension, who is this "I" or "me" and by what authority does "I" or "me" have to choose to decline offers?NOTICE OF MISTAKE
2. If *I* and/or PERSONS and/or FRIENDS OF THE COURT and/or OTHER SUCH PARTIES ACTING IN MY INTERESTS have led the COURT and/or STATUTORY BODY and/or GOVERNMENT SERVICES and/or AGENTS and/or OFFICERS of such bodies, to believe, by responding to "YOU" and/or "AMY LEIGH COLLINS" and/or OTHER SUCH IDENTIFICATION, such bodies HAVE ADDRESSED ME AS, that I am PARTY WITH SURETY in this matter, then that would be a MISTAKE. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.
3. If *I* and/or PERSONS and/or FRIENDS OF THE COURT and/or OTHER SUCH PARTIES ACTING IN MY INTERESTS have led the COURT and/or STATUTORY BODY and/or GOVERNMENT SERVICES and/or AGENTS and/or OFFICERS of such bodies, to believe, by responding to "YOU" and/or "AMY LEIGH COLLINS" and/or OTHER SUCH IDENTIFICATION, such bodies HAVE ADDRESSED ME AS, that I am, in ANY CAPACITY, a Pro Se litigant and/or LEGAL PERSON in this matter, then that would be a MISTAKE as I DO NOT CONSENT and WAIVE THE BENEFIT to such titles (Waiver of the CHANGE OF NAMES ACT OF NEWFOUNDLAND). PLEASE FORGIVE ME.
As such, *I* am returning your OFFER, DECLINED, for immediate DISCHARGE and CLOSURE.
What would the Abbot & Costello "who's on first" routine look like with freemen?