Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Frater I*I »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:14 am snip
Dear Cthulhu, how much booze did you have to consume to watch that swill and give us the play by play? I hear by award you the "Hero of Quatloosian Labor" medal...
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Frater I*I wrote: Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:18 pm
Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:14 am snip
Dear Cthulhu, how much booze did you have to consume to watch that swill and give us the play by play? I hear by award you the "Hero of Quatloosian Labor" medal...
While I wrote that I was going to next post about his second new video I didn't make any mention of his third one. You won't be getting a play by play on that crazed bloated pig. It's about an hour long and a quick dip through it shows a more or less continual raging mental breakdown. The one I just reviewed was little more than a warm-up to that monstrosity.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

And next up for review is;

Hope Message For The Children #15 REDO. Seth's 15th Birthday!

Allen seems a trifle insecure in this one. This is his You Tube comment on the video;

"only positive comments on my videos will be tolerated. law of attraction buddy-boy..."

Perhaps because this video is far more personal than the last. It's a 15th birthday greeting to his son. Normally I wouldn't post on such a personal matter, he's had dozens of similar videos over the years I've ignored, but the main content is his discussion on how he's acquired his $5.5 million estate in France and the $30,000,000 he's getting from the government, issues of burning interest to his fan club.

Same venue and mirror image as the last video but this video's much shorter, just over five minutes. As an added distraction he's left his radio on during the entire filming. He started by repeating his comment on his last video that he's found his children on the internet. He invites them to contact him so they can all work together to get justice for the crimes inflicted on them by the government. He's at least lucid (within the context of his world-view) and calm in this one as opposed to the demented rant of my last report. He admits that he was strict with them but said it was a deliberate policy to prepare them for a world where everyone is trying to make them communists. He said that he doesn't think he can win his lawsuit against the government by himself but if his kids join him they could win easy. He's calculated (he didn't go into details) a "bill" to the government of $30,000,000. Bit of a ramble about the injustices inflicted on him but in a much calmer tone than last time and the camera's much steadier. Not constantly grabbing at his nether parts either, at least for the moment. All in all a step up from his last video but the video would look a bit more professional if he'd made the bed displayed prominently behind him and turned the blaring 70's rock music off.

He said, "$30,000,000's nothin' to sneeze at, right, and it would be an easy win with you guys testifying." Then "Oh, this was what I was workin' on" as the camera shifted from the mirror to a laptop screen. A picture of a beautiful chateau in France on a hillside with a formal garden running down the hill. "I was trying to get this for your birthday, this is, I found out this is an heirloom property for our family". The picture was part of a real estate sales listing for a 22 room, 855 square meter mansion on 26.9 hectares in Perpignan France. listed at €3,750,000. Nice spot! Just off the Mediterranean and a bit north of the Spanish border. "This is our castle, I found out that we're the last in line and we can make a claim on our family seat". Various pictures of the interior, very impressive, heluva birthday present!

He said that since he can't just fly over to France anytime he wants he's got an agent there now, he's signed an agent and, more to point, he stopped the sale! At least that's how he framed it. What actually happened, in the world the rest of us live in, is that the vendor changed real estate agents. But, in his world, that was proof the sale was stopped just by him sending an email. He'd written to the previous realtors and now, all of a sudden, they're not the realtors any more. It was now being handled by Sotheby's and Sotheby's is "cool" because "at least they speak English" and "the other guys were getting frustrated because I don't speak French". I'm going out on a limb here and guessing that the previous agent's frustration wasn't due to his lack of linguistic abilities and, had he been a serious purchaser approaching them in English, they would have somehow accommodated him.

"So that's our castle buddy, your castle, just so you know". He'd been trying to get it all done in time for his son's birthday but the process of gaining title had taken more time than he'd expected. If he could just go there personally and say "Hey, this is ours, we're the last in line" he'd get the job done but it's been bought and sold so many times that he wasn't sure exactly what was going on. He must have started getting stressed at the thoughts of the excessive delay because he started clawing at his ass again. Everything he'd found that was part of the "family seat" was being auctioned off. Then he said he had to go because somebody was at the door and he had to sign off. There was no explanation given why this specific property was theirs by some right of inheritance or how he'd found it. He mentioned having discussed it in a prior video but I'm not going back and checking.

A few positive comments. I wasn't dealing with an incoherent, profane rant and this video was only about a quarter the length of the last. That won't last. His next video is almost an hour long and a quick skip through it shows that he's gone off the deep end again. I won't be giving a blow by blow account of that one.

Another improvement from a personal perspective, trivial as it may be, was that for the last few minutes of the video the background music changed to Up On Cripple Creek by The Band from their 1969 sophomore album, The Band. My favorite song of all time from my favorite album, a great, great song and album. I first heard when I was 20 at the start of my third year at the University of British Columbia and I've been a Band fan ever since. I initially bought the album on record, then CD, then remastered CD, then the Audio Fidelity Gold CD and, most recently, the 50th Anniversary edition.

Up on Cripple Creek, she sends me
If I spring a leak, she mends me
I don't have to speak, she defends me
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one

No-no, hu-hu
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by SteveUK »

If Alberta is a mere figment of his imagination, then presumably the 30m it owes him also is?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

SteveUK wrote: Wed Aug 19, 2020 4:23 am If Alberta is a mere figment of his imagination, then presumably the 30m it owes him also is?
I've had it with you people, enough is enough. I've reached my tolerance limit with you nitpickers trying to destroy Allen's credibility. Enough of your pathetic attempts to divert focus from the urgent, vital cries of warning that Allen is trying to beat into our complacent heads by picking away at trivial inconsistencies in his messages. That's my job.

A job which I've just wasted over two hour of my diminishing lifespan and most of a bottle of wine. I'd written in my last posting that Allen had said that he'd explained why he was entitled to a free chateau in France in one of his prior video. I said screw it, I wasn't going to chase it down. But I wanted to know, it ate at me. How had he zeroed in on this specific property and why was he legally entitled to it? Why? WHY? So I bit the bullet, popped open a bottle of red, and went through his past videos. And found sweet fuck all about a chateau. Lots of crazy, but no mention of a mansion in Perpignan. All I've learned is the following;

1 - Trump is a great, great president who, with the help of QAnon, is tryng to save us from the NWO.

2 - QAnon is a truth-telling patriot.

3 - 5G is a commie device to kill us all
4 - The coronavirus is a massive false flag to cover up a a huge government assassination program to kill the enemies of our corrupt overlords. Apparently those geriatrics in the old-folks homes were eliminated because they were fighting for our freedoms.

5 - When the government is finished it's assassination program it will finally release a vaccine which, since the coronavirus doesn't actually exist, serves another purpose. They are really going to inject assassin microchips into us that they can trigger to kill anyone who opposes their evil rule.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

In my last posting I wrote;
I've had it with you people, enough is enough. I've reached my tolerance limit with you nitpickers trying to destroy Allen's credibility. Enough of your pathetic attempts to divert focus from the urgent, vital cries of warning that Allen is trying to beat into our complacent heads by picking away at trivial inconsistencies in his messages. That's my job.
So, time to do my job and Allen has certainly done his best to cooperate with this video!

More on masks & new company update 13.08.2020

The first words out of his mouth are a complete lie. "Hey You Tubers, it's Allen Nelson of the Boisjoli family here. So it's August 13th, 2020 and I'm just, uh, I wanted to make quick video". Quick video? This pig's almost an hour long. It's an odd video (aside from the lunatic content) because of the way he's filmed it. It's essentially one long unbroken rant starting with him driving in his truck and paying little attention to the road. He eventually parked and continued ranting for a few minutes while still inside the truck. Then he put a lanyard around his neck with a large batch of keys on it, got out of the truck and went into a empty building still babbling away. I'm guessing he has some kind of job checking up on vacant buildings.

Before I get into details I have some observations. One, he's really lost it. He's showing a strong martyrdom complex and seems just one more public confrontation away from the slammer. Second. He's firmly in QAnon's pocket. The opening page to the video has QAnon's slogan "Where We Go One We Go All" proudly displayed across it. Finally, Allen's shown himself to be just another run-of-the-mill freeloading sovereign hypocrite. This is a common denominator with all of them. They want to divorce themselves from all laws and government constraints, evade paying income tax, refuse to pay for any government services, while doing their best to gorge themselves at the trough of government benefits. Keith Lawson was a prime example with his copious consumption of free medical benefits while piously proclaiming that he was doing his best to live an honourable life by criminally evading paying any taxes to support the health system. Paraclete Belanger claims that his religious beliefs exempt him and his followers from all of Canada's laws but he still demanded that the government pay him welfare.

Well Allen has joined this illustrious throng. He started this video by relating a "heated discussion" with a nurse in his doctor's office. Doctor's office? What's he doing going to a doctor? He just had a long rant in a previous video about how Alberta and it's laws didn't exist and no laws applied to him because the government is a fiction that has no powers over him. He said specifically that the Health Act didn't apply to him. This would be the Health Act that provides free medical services to Canadians. Yet there he was raving away at a nurse at a doctor's office where he went to get free treatment. In other words a hypocritical freeloader maxing out on government benefits that he refuses to pay for. Up until this point I had at least a bit of respect for his position, demented as it was. He seemed to at least follow through on both sides of his position by denying that he had any responsibilities towards Alberta but, the other side of the coin, not accepting government benefits. That just turned out to be bullshit. He's at the trough the same as the rest of us.

Anyhow, on to the start of the video where he immediately starts babbling on about his problem with getting medical services. He has a thyroid problem and he needs blood tests to monitor it but the labs are refusing to test him. Why? Because he refuses to wear a mask when on lab premises and he can't find a lab that will take blood samples if he doesn't comply with their mask rules. So he went to rant about it to his doctor and they wouldn't let him in either unless he wore a mask. He explained to the nurse (probably just a receptionist rather than a nurse) "the reality" of the value of wearing a mask, that it's just bullshit. However he's not just another ranting loon with no logical support for his mask refusal. He had a science-based explanation providing irrefutable factual proof that masks are useless. "When you fart you still smell the fart, you've got like two layers of cloth under you and you're still smelling the fart. It's the same thing." That must have demolished all of the receptionist's assumptions regarding the efficacy of masks in an instant. She was probably also regretting that she'd decided to get a medical-related job rather than be a legal secretary. He said he got into a heated discussion with the nurse about how government mandates don't apply to anyone unless you believe the government exists and since he doesn't they can't impose mask-wearing on him. It's extortion to pretend mask wearing is legally enforceable. For someone who's prime overriding goal is to get his kids back he's taking an odd path. Demented conspiracy-obsessed ranting? Check! Refusal to follow basic health care rules for himself, never mind his children? Check!

Then he used his brilliant oratory skills to demolish the nurses arguments! "In any case I told her, well you know, who cares about that crap. When you become a doctor you take the Hippocratic oath which says that no matter what because you're a health care professional you have to, if somebody asks, you have to help them, that's your mandate. Nobody can tell me what piece of clothing I have to wear. I don't know what world you think you're living in but this is America, right?" Until Allen set her straight with that comment the totally clueless nurse probably thought she was living in the city of Edmonton in the province of Alberta situated in Canada. No wonder Allen goes off on rants if these are the kind of people he has to deal with.

"Our government servants, our employees, don't dictate to their employers what they can and can't do". He had to agree to the mask policy before it applied to him and he doesn't agree. "That's the way freedom works and the mandate of Canada, the Charter, says that it's a free and democratic society". I can see a couple of problems with that argument. Firstly he's argued vehemently through two videos that the Alberta government doesn't exist. If he believes that how can anyone be his "government servants"? Secondly doctors and their staff are not employed by the government. Their as much civil servants as the construction workers roofing the house down my street. Doctors bill the government for the health services they provide based on a government fee schedule but that's their only connection to government, they are not civil servants. Nor are the employees of the testing labs that refuse to test him. At least here in British Columbia they are all private enterprises. The woman our idiotic protagonist was ranting at would be paid by the doctor who's practice she worked at. Her services, like all the rest of his practice's expenses, are built into the per-visit rate in the government's fee schedule.

At this point Allen was starting to lose it and was randomly laughing away as he babbled on about his rights and how it's all just "tip-toe through the tulips" little increments into communism. Then on to how he told the nurse about the Jews (A comment from Burnaby49, he wasn't being anti-Semitic, he was comparing the oppression he was facing from the Alberta government to the oppression the Jews faced in Germany in WWII; it's all one and the same!). He told the nurse the German government set everyone against the Jews and the Canadian government was doing the same thing to him and that "The only way this communist takeover is going to happen is because of people like you." He wasn't going to live on his knees begging to his employees and public servants to take care of this stuff for us. So "in America, I don't know about Europe and that other crap, but that's why America was founded to get away from the tyranny and oppression of the leaders of Europe". That nurse didn't have a clue what she was getting into when she asked Allen to wear a mask! She wasn't even an American when the conversation started. However Allen didn't relate how his doctor's office confrontation ended up so I'm assuming he didn't get his lab tests done or get a check-up from his doctor. Had he received either of these services he'd have been on an hysterical high raving about how he'd beaten the Alberta government and how he was now free of all laws and constraints.

Then even by his standards, he started getting confusing. He said that his was how the communists took over, by attacking the Jews. There was some famous night "a night of glass" "Hmm, what the heck did they call it now? In German it sounds real cool. The night of glasses it's called, it's really cool when you hear it in German" That's "Kristallnacht” you halfwit and it had nothing to do with any communist takeover of anything. Hitler hated communism even more than Allen does. At this point he rewarded himself by lighting up the cigarette he's been waving about the entire drive. He said he's been smoking since he was ten and he's almost fifty now so it's almost forty years. Then on to his pending martyrdom "Chances are some hot-head cop is going to end up shooting me over this crap so don't take me for granted, I may not be here tomorrow". More empty promises. Again, not a statement I'd advise making if you want to convince authorities you'll be a responsible parent if you get your kids back.

We were getting a lot of manic laughter at this point (13:00) while he started going on and on about something or another how "you guys" weren't going to destroy freedom. At this point even he conceded that he was rambling. Bottom line, he's not going to wear a mask and he wants "them" to try and ticket him because he'll "bust this shit wide open". Then a plea to his kids to phone him. I'd think it might have been a bit better placed at the beginning of the video rather than making them wade through a quarter hour of batshit lunacy to get to it. If it wasn't for rebels like him and John A. MacDonald (the founder of Canada and our first prime minister) we'd already be living in a Communist country. He's been going on and on about Germany, the persecution of Jews, and Kristallnacht but for some reason blaming it all on communists. He hasn't mentioned Hitler or the Nazi Party once.

Apparently he went to Staples yesterday to get a fax and had a fight with the staff about masks. Again he told the staff it was "what it was like when they started discriminating against the Jews" but the young staffers just rolled their eyes "as if they know what communism is like at all". More wild laughing. He told a girl that 75 years ago she would have been shot for telling him to wear a mask. "BOOM, DEAD! PROBLEM SOLVED!" For some reason the staff got upset by this and he apparently didn't get his Fax.

The hysterical laughter was taking over and he said that the only way authorities will make him stop is by shooting him. For someone who claims to be completely non-violent he certainly seems to have a very disturbing fascination with shooting being the answer to everything. I couldn't stop thinking of this;

A rant about authorities kidnapping his children a decade ago and "If I was violent like all you guys pretend that I am . . . well you fuckers would be dead already like a long time ago and, if not, I would be hunting you down and I would be waiting for you HAHAHAHA" Then this statement I'm sure the authorities are paying attention too "As soon as I find my children we'll be gone, gone, gone as fast as you can say gone." Back to his bizarre obsession with communism. "It's a communist takeover here and it's almost done and it's pushing in on America and I ain't gonna let that happen." "We have one of the biggest and most funded armies in the world and I don't think we're going to let you guys do that". He's certainly not talking about the Canadian Army with 67,500 active personnel and a budget that couldn't run an American army base. "If you think my country and my government is going to put me out to pasture you've got another thing coming because Donald Trump he's on the frickin' warpath here and . . . . ". (I put ellipses where he just goes on and on about child trafficking, drugs, and Trump's problems fighting communists). He really seems to think that Canada and the United States are the same country and we're led by Donald Trump.

Cigarette done so he said he's rambling again and that's his video for today, "It's long enough". Unfortunately he’s lying again, he’s nowhere near done. This bloated pig of a video has another half hour or so left on the clock. But I’ve had enough for the moment. Since this is the point where he finally got out of his truck and went into the house I'll end this posting here.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

"When you fart you still smell the fart, you've got like two layers of cloth under you and you're still smelling the fart. It's the same thing."
Without going into the undoubted efficacy of cloth in trapping fecal particulates, he's nicked that from Gavin Seim... who since he hasn't has an original thought in his life obviously nicked it of someone else.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:34 am
"When you fart you still smell the fart, you've got like two layers of cloth under you and you're still smelling the fart. It's the same thing."
Without going into the undoubted efficacy of cloth in trapping fecal particulates, he's nicked that from Gavin Seim... who since he hasn't has an original thought in his life obviously nicked it of someone else.
When you've got a solid science-based argument you run with it regardless of the source.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I was wrong in a prior post when I wrote;
"We have one of the biggest and most funded armies in the world and I don't think we're going to let you guys do that". He's certainly not talking about the Canadian Army with 67,500 active personnel and a budget that couldn't run an American army base.
I was completely wrong in disparaging Canada's military like that. It turns out that our armed forces are vastly more powerful than I'd assumed. Unknown to me Canada is planning to use our overwhelming military might to invade and subjugate Venezuela! Don't take if from me go to the source, the Venezuelan government, which claims that Canada, and Canada alone, is responsible for all of the woes and setbacks that Venezuela has suffered in the past few decades. We've destroyed Venezuela in order to weaken it prior to our impending invasion. ... e9025fad8/

Makes me proud to be an Imperialist Overlord again! However I do have to wonder what our evil Canadian Illuminati expects to gain from the upcoming conquest. Frankly the country is beginning to seem like a Mad Max dystopia and it seems like a fool's game to want to run it. However I'll have to assume that the Venezuelan foreign minister knows more about Canada's intention than I do.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Frater I*I »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Aug 23, 2020 3:08 am snip
Hold on now, you Habs have never been imperialist overlords, you were lorded over by the crown of England...

Can't fool us Americans, no sir...

I lived in Detroit and we know better than to trust you, we could hear you every night across the lake...sharpening your ice skates for invasion...

Uummm what were we talking about again... :sarcastic:
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I didn't say that when we enslave the peace-loving, prosperous people of Venezuela we will be doing so of our own volition. Of course we're nothing more than mercenaries acting under the direction of our overlord, the lizard queen HRH Elizabeth II.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Time to get to it and review part 2 of Allen's demented rant. It's all one video but can easily be broken into two discrete two segments, a demented rant inside his van and a demented rant outside of his van. I finished part one just as he was stepping out. The remainder of the video is significantly longer than the part I've already reviewed. So on with the show. The first thing he did was go to the back of the van and show that he's really using the fake license plates he was bragging about in the first video. He walked into what seemed to be a vacant building, can't make out what it is yet, seems to be a large deserted house, and wandered around while daring the police "you guys" to arrest him. Rambling on same old, same old as he walked around. He loves repetition. On and on about police, freedom, whatever.

Then an update on his post-carpentry life. He's started something, opened up a website in Texas but he might have done it "a little bit wrong". He got even more confusing than usual. He's registered but he didn't, he doesn't know, he did something but maybe he didn't do it. He may have to do "it" online, it was weird how they made him do it there. Unfortunately he hasn't said what the "it" is. When he was a kid this would have taken him a few days but he's too busy, not enough time in the day to get things done. He's falling behind and running himself ragged "look at the bags under my eyes" as he took off his sunglasses. Check out 29'20, he certainly look like shit. Now it was time to dump on you Americans. He wants to start his business and website in the United States but there's "too much nonsense, too much red tape" he may not have done it right so he's going to get business advice from the State Department here in Texas. Then he corrected himself, down there in Texas. He's been this way through the past three videos, confused as to whether he's in Canada or the United States and mixing them up in his ramblings. Maybe it will straighten up in his mind when he goes back "in a couple more weeks". If he does somehow find his way back to coherence perhaps he'll explain how, and why, the State Department will help him set up a gaming website.

This apparent freedom of movement between countries makes me think he has dual citizenship.

Note - it's no longer a suspicion, there is this exchange in the comments;
Bush Man 1 week ago
We love Canadian Sovtards in Texas come on down.

A. Boisjoli
1 week ago
actually im American
Along with this idiotic rant;
. Boisjoli

1 week ago (edited)
The sovereignty of the american people is not devient behavior as you seem to potray by attempting to use it as a derogatory label. You sound like a cop and maybe you should remember that you're a public SERVANT, and you work for us, your MASTERS, The Sovereign American people. We are your employer's and maybe you should smarten the hell up stop talking shit and promoting communist behavoir before i fire about that?

Only communist sympathisers believe that being Sovereign American is some sort of deviant and criminal Behavior!

Considering that's exactly why America was show the world powers, as it states in the declaration of independance, that all men are created equal and it's self-evident! Thus ending the age of feudalism and ignorance...

Then an explanation on the house. He said that he's leasing it as his office and he wants to rent it out. He's living there with a couple of "roommates". He says he's leaving his computer setup here when he goes back down to the states because this is where he's set up his trust for his children. Is the French mansion in it? No recent word on that. His claimed business is setting up a bulk buyers club for PS4 cards, XBOX, and something about Google and Steam. It was scheduled to be up and running by August 15th so he'll be in the money and a prosperous businessman by now. I thought his website was screwed up to the extent that the State Department had to help him fix it.

Then he started cramming food in his mouth and guzzling milk from a 4 liter jug, a sight you don't want to see. He was back to talking about his pending untimely death and trying to find his kids before he expires. He claimed that somebody gave him a "chunk of land out in B.C". He's a British Columbia property owner just like me! He told his kids there isn't much time to contact him before the communist takeover starts and the introduction of the "real virus" this fall when flu season starts. There will be actual deaths this time. Then a few minutes of confused babbling I didn't bother trying to figure out.

At this point, about 36 minutes in, he seemed to be winding down to an end, but he can't stop yammering, there's still almost 20 minutes of this garbage left to go. He reinvigorated himself with a complaint against Chase Bank which wouldn't give him a bank account in Texas. He got one which was immediately locked up. He was really mad and the bank was just lucky that he didn't have any money in the account because he'd have sued them. He said they could brush him off like he was "some kind of nutbag" but he could sue their ass off and win because banks are frauds since they don't lend money. "You guys don't want to be pissing me off man!" He'll make a formal complaint to the FDIC and "you guys will be on your ass the next frikkin' day." But if Chase finds his kids and makes them come home to him he might not destroy them. But be warned, it's on a knife's edge because he's getting madder and madder and they're "crazy motherfuckers". Is there a mirror in the house Allen?

I'm confused yet again. Why is a man with such awesome powers that he can shut down Chase Bank on a whim scrabbling about for a few bucks? Chase won't give him an account, Canadian labs and doctors refuse to test or see him, he threatens to shoot store clerks because they want him to wear a mask, he just sprinkles sunlight about wherever he goes. A long rant about how his children were stolen from him by lies and through false allegations that he was crazy. You're not exactly giving us a competing narrative here Allen.

A complaint about how Canada and the US are exactly the same, everybody's sheep and lemmings wearing masks and if you don't they look at you like you're a murderer. "Open your fucking eyes, open your eyes people! Snap out of your delusions!" a long rant about how stupid people are then how hard he's working starting a business. He said he rarely, if ever, makes $1,000 a month and he's barely able to feed himself. Except for a few months (I assume when he made all those carpentry videos) the last ten years have been "dead". He's too old and slow to compete as a carpenter any more. He tried to qualify as a truck driver but failed the test, too much stuff to remember. He complained that he's constantly on the go, a million things he's doing, no time to even eat, but it doesn't seem to be bringing him in any remuneration. He's putting all of his hopes in this company. He likes you Texans, you don't take no shit. He seems to be planning a permanent transition to Texas. Godspeed I say, he seems a good fit down there.

Then right at the end of the video a revealing comment showing that his bold stance of defiance is just empty blustering bullshit. He said that finds it easier to be an "activist" up in Canada because "they're not such hardasses". "I'm not as boisterous and confidant when I'm in Texas because the cops are hardasses and they'll friggin' shoot me, I know they would, so I'm not as loud and obnoxious as I am up here". "Even though they're communists up here they have a little more tolerance for different views". Our big fucking hero, our bold martyr, defying the police to shoot him, is very careful to keep this courageous stand limited to Canada where he's confident it won't actually happen but he's a lawful little boy, towing the line and tipping his hat in the United States where his showboating defiance might actually have adverse consequences.

Then finally something worth hearing. He says it will be a while to his next video. We can only hope. His next video will be an update on how his company works out. And this time, mercifully, he stopped.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:03 am Then an explanation on the house. He said that he's leasing it as his office and he wants to rent it out. He's living there with a couple of "roommates". He says he's leaving his computer setup here when he goes back down to the states because this is where he's set up his trust for his children. Is the French mansion in it? No recent word on that.
Since he lives in Edmonton, is short of cash, has a couple of roommates, and is helping his landlord with renovations there is a good chance that he's hooked up with Carmen Pervez in which case he has my sympathies. ... rafficking ... story.html
In case anyone is interested the way the mortgage fraud worked is that Pervez as he was then known would buy a tear down, hire unskilled street people to perform "renovations" in exchange for reduced rent and then re-mortgage the property with an artificially inflated and thus fraudulent property value as it was flipped between various numbered companies that he controlled.
He said he rarely, if ever, makes $1,000 a month and he's barely able to feed himself. Except for a few months (I assume when he made all those carpentry videos) the last ten years have been "dead". He's too old and slow to compete as a carpenter any more. He tried to qualify as a truck driver but failed the test, too much stuff to remember.
He says he failed the written part of the test which is the very first part, known in Alberta as a Q or airbrakes endorsement. I didn't find it all that bad, it's 2 1/2 days combined classroom theory and practical instruction that you must complete topped off with a practical test and a written test online. You have to have your Q endorsement before you're even allowed to learn how to drive a rig. The way his mind seems to wander around from topic to topic I can see him having issues or maybe he just had a really poor instructor of which there are way too many of in the province.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:You're not exactly giving us a competing competent narrative here Allen.

As I watched bits and pieces of the part 2 section of the rant, it reminded me sadly of a woman that I knew that was a relation by marriage. Her own family had a history of mental illness; she became delusional and paranoid after one of her sons was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to a long term in prison for being involved in a murder with others that included special circumstances. She went further and further downhill, first blaming the "system" for the "false imprisonment" of her son. Then she started getting into trouble at work and being discplined. At first she blamed her co-workers for complaining about her behavior, anger and ranting. When HR stepped in and counseled, reprimanded and discplined her over escalating complaints, she then concluded the employer was involved in a conspiracy to keep her son imprisoned and to persecute her. She became very frustrated when anyone who heard her side of the story failed to accept what she was telling them or to take up her cause. As such, she had to, at least in her way of thinking, come up with an explanation for why these people didn't believe her or rally to her. It couldn't be because they were not decent or loving people - after all they were family or friends. So she hit upon the conclusion that they must have been kidnapped and replaced with clones - "lookalikes" in her terminology - who were supporting the massive conspiracy to torment her until she died. This theory she applied to any and all who were in her orbit of associates who didn't toe the line when she got into full rant. And it got to the point that if you disagreed with her over anything not related to her fears, for instance saying you didn't like a food that she liked, you were dismissed as a clone. If you asked her why did she still interact with these "lookalikes" if she knew they were not her family or friends, she would explain that for today, the clones were not around and the evil conspiracy had let the real people out for a while.

I see some of this in Boisjoli's rant, especially when he starts conflating Chase's actions regarding his banking with the issue of his not being able to see his children. I wonder how much longer it will take before he will have to come up with even more disconnected reasons to explain away why he can't resolve the core issues in his life. I am troubled by the moment, starting at 41'35 where he states that the longer he is away from his children..."the worse it is going to be for you..." and then tying it into his seeking justice. Those are dangerous words that may lead him to decide to explode on the wrong day at the wrong moment, whether its in Canada or Texas, regardless of his current thoughts about it being safer in Canada to be a jerk.
Last edited by The Observer on Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: corrected typo
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

You watched all of that voluntarily?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

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Famous things not to do: Go to Texas after saying communists are more tolerant than Texans.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:13 pm You watched all of that voluntarily?
No, I just keyed into the moments that you had mentioned in your narrative. I try to to minimize my exposure to the rants of the sovruns; I have this theory that long-term exposure can be hazardous to one's health.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:49 am Famous things not to do: Go to Texas after saying communists are more tolerant than Texans.
Back in the early nineteenth century, Texas was the place to go to escape debts, warrants, etc. People would write "G.T.T." (Gone To Texas) on their front doors and head south to start a new life. The esteemed David Crockett among them:

"I am told, gentlemen, that, when a stranger, like myself, arrives among you, the first inquiry is—what brought you here? To satisfy your curiosity at once as to myself, I will tell you all about it. I was, for some years, a member of congress. In my last canvass, I told the people of my district, that, if they saw fit to re-elect me, I would serve them faithfully as I had done; but, if not, they might all go to h——, and I would go to Texas. I was beaten, gentlemen, and here I am."

That last sentence just about sums up Boisjoli's situation.

I just hope he stays away from the Houston area!
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:57 pm
Burnaby49 wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:13 pm You watched all of that voluntarily?
No, I just keyed into the moments that you had mentioned in your narrative. I try to to minimize my exposure to the rants of the sovruns; I have this theory that long-term exposure can be hazardous to one's health.
Can't argue that. a half-hour of Boisjoli and I get dark thoughts of drinking myself into oblivion.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Allen Boisjoli has been kidnapped!

Post by TBL »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:53 pm
The Observer wrote: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:57 pm
Burnaby49 wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:13 pm You watched all of that voluntarily?
No, I just keyed into the moments that you had mentioned in your narrative. I try to to minimize my exposure to the rants of the sovruns; I have this theory that long-term exposure can be hazardous to one's health.
Can't argue that. a half-hour of Boisjoli and I get dark thoughts of drinking myself into oblivion.
Maybe cataracts and glaucoma are just a body's natural reaction?