Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

Not a lot in Point Roberts, it's really largely a bedroom community of Canadians. Since it is American territory but with no land access to the United States you'd have to go into Canada for shopping and entertainment. Americans in Point Roberts are supplied water and electricity by British Columbia and, if there is a medical emergency, Americans also get Canadian ambulance and hospital service. They also use the Delta, British Columbia Fire department. It was an historical accident. When the 49th parallel was determined to be the boundary nobody knew exactly where it went in the west. Turns out it cut off Point Roberts from the rest of the US.

One story I like about Point Roberts. A Canadian Con artist who was charged in 2001 with a prime banking fraud scurried back to Canada and fought deportation. However he apparently forgot that Point Roberts is not part of Canada and went down for a two for one lunch. It was a setup and US authorities were waiting;
A disgruntled investor lured Gilliland across the border with the promise of a two-for-one lunch coupon at a local restaurant, but instead tipped off American authorities to his arrival. After arresting him at gunpoint, officers took Gilliland by boat back to the mainland U.S.
They couldn't bring him back by land because American police have no authority in Canada but no problem. Bellingham Washington is almost in sight across Boundary Bay. ... 9870212874
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Iceland does have the advantage of more geo-thermal than they can possibly use, and a small contained and controlled population. They aren't big on immigration, and there isn't much to really attract immigrants unless you like really cold Winters and not terribly warm Summers. That being said, I think it is a lovely country, if you don't mind the whole treeless thing. Considering the cost of EVERYTHING else there free heat isn't such a bad idea.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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Trees are coming back in Iceland. When we were two winters ago (to get a glimpse of the Northern Lights), we noticed several areas where sections of new trees had been planted. The deforestation of Iceland that has led to critical wind erosion is slowly being reversed by replanting. Its going to take a long time though.

And the government of Iceland is looking for ways to sell some of that geo-thermal energy to nearby off-shore countries.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Wasn't aware of that and good. Still a miserably cold place in the Winter though. And still very expensive.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Not a lot in Point Roberts, it's really largely a bedroom community of Canadians. Since it is American territory but with no land access to the United States you'd have to go into Canada for shopping and entertainment. Americans in Point Roberts are supplied water and electricity by British Columbia and, if there is a medical emergency, Americans also get Canadian ambulance and hospital service. They also use the Delta, British Columbia Fire department. It was an historical accident. When the 49th parallel was determined to be the boundary nobody knew exactly where it went in the west. Turns out it cut off Point Roberts from the rest of the US.
That's much of what makes the place so appealing.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

If you ever doubt Scott Duncan was a dangerous sick mind, here's his last piece of work (sigh):

Let's say I can't stand far right assholes who can't see the difference between exercising your freedom of speech and threatening an entire group of people because of their colour of skin (or inciting to violence). Nobody will arrest you because you said the word n***r (but Facebook can rightfully ban your ass). But if you say you want to kill all Muslims, I will report you to the police without feeling sorry because you're a threat (and no, the terrorist attack in Quebec wasn't a false flag or planned by Muslims). That being said, if you still want to read the article from Duncan, I gave you the link.

"In case you were wondering, this is why being "offended" makes you LEGALLY a special cupcake snowflake in need of protection. As you can see from the above CASE LAW, and OFFENCE is essentially a codeified process for specific conduct. Its initial intent was for actual crimes where there was an INJURED PARTY. In LEGAL PROCESS if someone states they are OFFENDED, they are CLAIMING a crime has occurred. This made the original intent of codified OFFENCES vulnerable to ever-broadening definitions of what constituted "OFFENCE", and therefore a crime. Keep in mind that these "LAWS" are created by GOVERNMENT workers. People who work for the GOVERNMENT because they have no value and aren't wanted in the real world."

Well, guess what? When Muslims get killed because of hate speech, tell them there's no injured party. That's why it's a crime and you can be arrested.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

It looks like Pete Daoust is now a friend with some people from trade unions. Good for him! Enjoy your period of fame! Some people are gullible enough to think they won't have to pay tickets anymore. P.S.: Maybe the rules in the construction are not fair (like getting tickets for working somewhere because of some regulation), but Pete Daoust is definitely not a savior. And Jo Cle also appears to be someone who's looking for his moment of fame. He's ridiculous. (video in french) ... 878347416/
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:If you ever doubt Scott Duncan was a dangerous sick mind, here's his last piece of work (sigh):
Duncan isn't as smart as claims to be. In his pseudo-intellectual rant against hate crimes he uses more than one transparent rhetorical slight of hand to get his argument across.

First he says hate speech merely offensive language.
Often what is branded "hate", on further examination is merely just offense.
After fantasying about shooting his mother Duncan goes on to tell us hate speech laws criminalize mere emotion.
. . .n the past two decades, every Western Nation managed to criminalize a human emotion.

Hoping none of us have actually read the law Duncan mis-states Canadian law.

The problem with "hate crime" laws is that truth is not a defence, and it's not even allowed in your defence.

Then he goes on to tell us hate is really good.

Hate is what caused me to do the amazing things that I did. Hate sustained me through the darkest of times. I dare say hate allowed me to change the world.. . .Hate is not a bad thing.

I won't bore the reader with a detailed explanation of the logical fallacies Duncan thinks fool the reader. But let it suffice to say he misrepresented the nature of Canadian hate speech laws.

It is true that world wide there is debate about hate speech laws. Some countries have criminalized the mere disparagement of others.

But in Canada the law forbids hate propaganda which advocates or promotes genocide of any section of the public "distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation".

If we read the law we see Duncan's outright lie is unmasked by the fact that Canadian law says the accused may defend himself by arguing that his statements were true (or that he believed them to be true) or were based on a belief in a religious text. ... _in_Canada

In little less venom, fewer grade school debate games and a little more reading would be in order, Scott.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Pete Daoust is mad. He's mad because we are being mean with him. We're telling him he's crazy. We're the ones who are crazy because we don't believe everything he says. ... 1442754007

"LEARN WHAT MONEY IS, bunch of idiots :P
THEY GOT YOU BY THE BALLS..... stop it, DO WHAT I DO and stop this madness, bunch of IDIOTS!!!! :| "

I gave you the link so you can enjoy all the f words, because Pete Daoust is very mad and Scott Duncan too. He's not crazy: YOU ARE!!! :lol:
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by bmxninja357 »

arayder wrote: But in Canada the law forbids hate propaganda which advocates or promotes genocide of any section of the public "distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation".
thing about hate speech is its a slippery slope type of argument. take islam for example. say you dont like it and your a racist. islam is not a race nor is it a religion. it is a political system. yet it is treated the same as a race or religion or sexual orientation. thusly hate speech laws are thinly veiled censorship. i may not like what people say but things that only hurt feelings should not be outlawed.

or should we run to our safe spaces because my post triggered you? maybe we need trigger warnings here...

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:Pete Daoust is mad. He's mad because we are being mean with him. We're telling him he's crazy. We're the ones who are crazy because we don't believe everything he says. ... 1442754007

"LEARN WHAT MONEY IS, bunch of idiots :P
THEY GOT YOU BY THE BALLS..... stop it, DO WHAT I DO and stop this madness, bunch of IDIOTS!!!! :| "

I gave you the link so you can enjoy all the f words, because Pete Daoust is very mad and Scott Duncan too. He's not crazy: YOU ARE!!! :lol:
LOL!!! Pete's the one struggling. If he wants to be free he'll deep six Duncan's woo. It's only a matter of time before Petey gets tired of carrying the water for Duncan.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

bmxninja357 wrote:
arayder wrote: But in Canada the law forbids hate propaganda which advocates or promotes genocide of any section of the public "distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation".
thing about hate speech is its a slippery slope type of argument. take islam for example. say you dont like it and your a racist. islam is not a race nor is it a religion. it is a political system. yet it is treated the same as a race or religion or sexual orientation. thusly hate speech laws are thinly veiled censorship. i may not like what people say but things that only hurt feelings should not be outlawed.

or should we run to our safe spaces because my post triggered you? maybe we need trigger warnings here...

Well, recently, some people got arrested here in Quebec because of hate speech because they said more Muslims should have been killed in the mosque or that the killer did a good job. Not because they wrote that they don't like islam. You can be called a racist because you hate islam, but it won't get you arrested and it's not hate speech. There is a difference. It's not just about hurt feelings: it's about inciting to violence.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

Canada's hate speech laws are out of bounds on Quatloos. Nor do we allow religious discussion apart from the intersection of religion and sovereign beliefs such as Belanger's idiotic argument that Canada's laws are of no legal effect because they are not written up in the King James bible.

The Quebec mosque shooting is a good example of how confused these discussions can get. Was it motivated by religious hatred? Racial hatred? White Supremist beliefs? All of the above? Only the shooter knows. The RCMP don't seem to care about specifics, they just lumped the Quebec shooter and everyone else they don't like into the same category;
Speaking to a Senate committee, Mr. Paulson described the lone suspect in the Jan. 29 murder of six Muslims in Quebec City as a “criminal extremist.” He defined this category to include people such as Justin Bourque, who killed three Mounties in Moncton in 2014, and the Freeman-on-the-Land movement that challenges government’s authority across the country. ... e33920071/

Belanger, Menard, the Poriskyites, and most of the other freeman types we discuss here might be a pain in the ass for the police and other government officials but equating them to mass murderers is just stupid and seems counter-productive to actually focusing on real threats.

Where was I going here? Right. Ninja said;
thing about hate speech is its a slippery slope type of argument. take Islam for example. say you dont like it and your a racist. islam is not a race nor is it a religion. it is a political system. yet it is treated the same as a race or religion or sexual orientation. thusly hate speech laws are thinly veiled censorship. i may not like what people say but things that only hurt feelings should not be outlawed.

or should we run to our safe spaces because my post triggered you? maybe we need trigger warnings here...
I assume what ninja is referring to is this from the Criminal Code of Canada;
319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
About as vague a piece of legislation as it is possible to imagine. "Willfully", "incites", "likely", these qualifiers could mean anything. Throw in whether Islam is a religion, or a political system, and you have a discussion way outside of the mandate of Quatloos. As ninja said, a slippery slope and one we're not going down.

Ninja, and perhaps coffeekitten appear to be of the opinion that the hate speech law is a terrible piece of legislation infringing on free speech and is being used as a weapon to stop what should, in a democracy, be the right to free discussion (I may be expanding a bit more than these two posters implied). If that's their position I entirely agree with it but we're stuck with the law. So a discussion on it is pointless.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Well, I can understand that discussion on hate speech isn't in the mandate of Quatloos. I just spoke about it in relation with an article from Scott Duncan:

I was thinking Duncan was wrong on many points. Maybe the law is too vague: it's quite possible. But well, I didn't intend to start a debate on this. I noticed that racism was very common in Freeman community and in the Surety group as well, that's all.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote:
arayder wrote: But in Canada the law forbids hate propaganda which advocates or promotes genocide of any section of the public "distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation".
thing about hate speech is its a slippery slope type of argument. take islam for example. say you dont like it and your a racist. islam is not a race nor is it a religion. it is a political system. yet it is treated the same as a race or religion or sexual orientation. thusly hate speech laws are thinly veiled censorship. i may not like what people say but things that only hurt feelings should not be outlawed.

or should we run to our safe spaces because my post triggered you? maybe we need trigger warnings here...

I agree that society has developed a politically correct sore spot about hate speech. But when prosecutors start ignoring the statue by trying to make mere hateful talk into a crime we can get worried.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Canada's hate speech laws are out of bounds on Quatloos.Nor do we allow religious discussion. . .
And then you proceed to do exactly that. . .
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by bmxninja357 »

there is also the opposite of racism in many opca/political wierdo/ sovcit type groups. thats where folks dare not say what is on their mind for fear of the interpretation being perceived as racial, politically different or some such.

strange times when one cant call a spade a spade without it pissing someone off. and yes burnaby49, i do think its badly written legislation. but im not going to go down this path as i know that it can only go off topic and become a doorway to a locking of a thread.

is it still ok to say duncan is a complete idiot? or will i be offending the other complete idiots like lentz and clifford? lol

i need a toboggan for this slippery slope.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote:. . .strange times when one cant call a spade a spade without it pissing someone off. . .
Agreed. The discussion isn't about religion. It's about Duncan's intolerance.

I never thought I'd see the day when we here get censored for taking a freeman guru (who is the subject of the thread) to task for blaming the "Jewish community" for everything but toe nail fungus.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:I never thought I'd see the day when we here get censored for taking a freeman guru (who is the subject of the thread) to task for blaming the "Jewish community" for everything but toe nail fungus.
Who was censored for taking Scott Duncan to task about being anti-Semitic? When? And by whom? I just checked the moderator logs and have not seen any activity in the last 30 days or so that would come near to removing a post regarding anti-Semitism; in fact the last time a post was deleted on this thread was by you for a post you had put up.

I find this accusation to be off-base since there are any number of posts existing on the site that have addressed particular individuals as being anti-Semitic (usually supported with proof backing the accusation up). These posts do not violate the "no-religion/no-politics" rule we have here since they deal with a real fact of life that cannot be simply ignored. However, we don't allow conversations to continue that start down the road of discussing the good or bad of "hate" laws since that discussion is subjective and political. I see Burnaby's post on this thread as merely trying to expand the explanation of why we cannot allow the topic to continue in that direction.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

I had no idea what Arayder was talking about either. I haven't taken any moderator action on this discussion. I assume by "censored" he meant that I pointed out longstanding Quatloos policies.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".