Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I find it ironic that the freeman gurus constantly accuse those in power of relying on lies in order to maintain their positions of authority while at the same time the gurus themselves lie through their teeth so they may continue to enjoy the status of being a guru.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I find it ironic that the freeman gurus constantly accuse those in power of relying on lies in order to maintain their positions of authority while at the same time the gurus themselves lie through their teeth so they may continue to enjoy the status of being a guru.

Every once in a while there's a news story about a politician or office holder saying he or she doesn't want to be a senator, mayor or whatever so badly that they'd endorse something they find objectionable.

I am reminded of Newt Gingrich's refusal during the 2012 Republican presidential debates to endorse what he felt were harsh immigration policies saying he didn't want to be President that bad.

It helped kill his candidacy.

Freemen gurus don't do that sort of thing.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

There's been an update to Dean's action in Federal Court whose Statement of Claim is linked in a previous message. The Defendants are going on the offensive. On April 28, 2014 four documents were filed, one of which is an affidavit of service on Dean. The others appear to form an application to strike out Dean's action:

Document #3:
Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in writing to be dealt with in the Winnipeg local office for "1. An order pursuant to Rule 221(1) of the Federal Courts Rules striking out the Statement of Claim as against HMTQ, without leave to amend; 2. In the alternative, an Order pursuant to Rule 8 of the Federal Courts Rules extending the time periods in the Federal Courts Rules that may pertain to this action, such that they do not start running until this Honourable Court decides on this motion to strike; 3. Costs of this motion..." filed on 28-APR-2014
Document #4:
Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 3 filed on 28-APR-2014
Document #5:
Motion Record containing the following original document(s): 3 4 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendant filed on 28-APR-2014
I'll try to pick these up sometime in the not too distant future. I'm rather curious to see the arguments advanced by the Crown, and what I presume, from #5, are some more of Dean's magic documents.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Hmm. Dean's keeping himself busy. Some more documents have appeared in his Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench proceeding: a Notice of Application and an Affidavit, both dated April 29, 2014.

This appears separate from his post-April 17, 2014 documents as the next episode of The Dean Show, scheduled for tomorrow (May 1, 2014), is a double-header, with two apparently separate applications scheduled for May 1 at 10:00 a.m. This duplication is also found on tomorrow's court list.

I strongly suspect one of the two applications is a review of Dean being denied judicial interim release (bail) by the Provincial Court, but as for the other one, I don't have a clue.

I don't see any discussion of the May 1 hearings on Dean's usual channels or by his 'journalist' supporters at Winnipeg Alternative Media and We Are Change Victoria.

What is very relevant to Dean's situation, oddly enough, is Glenn of Fearn. Not that there really was any doubt that Dean's habeas corpus applications were misplaced, but now we have a nice succinct restatement of that and why by Justice Tilleman in R v Fearn, 2014 ABQB 233 (
[27] The authority of this Court to receive and hear applications for a writ of habeas corpus flows from the common law inherent jurisdiction of UK courts. The history of this remedy was recently reviewed by the Supreme Court of Canada in Mission Institution v Khela, 2014 SCC 24 (CanLII), 2014 SCC 24 at paras 27-29. Justice LeBel describes habeas corpus as “... an essential remedy in Canadian law ...” for the protection of a person’s Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part 1, Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11 [the “Charter”], ss 7 and 9 rights (citing May v Ferndale Institution, 2005 SCC 82 (CanLII), 2005 SCC 82 at para 22, 2005 SCC 82 (CanLII), [2005] 3 SCR 809).

[28] The importance of this right to access the courts and determine the validity of a restriction on personal liberty is illustrated by the codification of the habeas corpus remedy in Charter, s 10(c):
10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention ...

c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.
[29] The scope of the habeas corpus remedy is broad and substantial. For example, in Mission Institution v Khela the Supreme Court of Canada concluded that habeas corpus is available to protect the residual liberty interests of prisoners, despite the existence of an alternative remedy of judicial review: paras 42-49.

[30] An application for habeas corpus requires that the applicant prove a deprivation of liberty, and raise a legitimate basis to challenge the legality of that detention, at which point the onus shifts to state authorities to prove a basis for the loss of liberty (Mission Institution v Khela at para 30):
To be successful, an application for habeas corpus must satisfy the following criteria. First, the applicant must establish that he or she has been deprived of liberty. Once a deprivation of liberty is proven, the applicant must raise a legitimate ground upon which to question its legality. If the applicant has raised such a ground, the onus shifts to the respondent authorities to show that the deprivation of liberty was lawful ... [Citations omitted.]

[32] In May v Ferndale Institution, at para 50, Justices LeBel and Fish, writing for the court, stressed that the important liberty interest protection provided by habeas corpus means that a superior court of inherent jurisdiction should only decline jurisdiction in limited, clearly-defined circumstances:
... provincial superior courts should decline habeas corpus jurisdiction only where (1) a statute such as the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, confers jurisdiction on a court of appeal to correct the errors of a lower court and release the applicant if need be or (2) the legislator has put in place complete, comprehensive and expert procedure for review of an administrative decision.

[33] In this instance Mr. Fearn’s right to access the habeas corpus remedy is displaced by an alternative legislative mechanism which addresses pre-appeal detention. Section 816 of the Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46 authorizes this court to receive and hear an application for judicial interim release of a person who is in custody, was convicted in a summary conviction court such as the Provincial Court of Alberta, and who has appealed that conviction:
816. (1) A person who was the defendant in proceedings before a summary conviction court and by whom an appeal is taken under section 813 shall, if he is in custody, remain in custody unless the appeal court at which the appeal is to be heard orders that the appellant be released

(a) on his giving an undertaking to the appeal court, without conditions or with such conditions as the appeal court directs, to surrender himself into custody in accordance with the order,

(b) on his entering into a recognizance without sureties in such amount, with such conditions, if any, as the appeal court directs, but without deposit of money or other valuable security, or

(c) on his entering into a recognizance with or without sureties in such amount, with such conditions, if any, as the appeal court directs, and on his depositing with that appeal court such sum of money or other valuable security as the appeal court directs,

and the person having the custody of the appellant shall, where the appellant complies with the order, forthwith release the appellant.
[34] Mr. Fearn may seek pre-appeal release under this provision. In parallel with the reasoning in R v Pearson, 1992 CanLII 52 (SCC), [1992] 3 SCR 665, 77 CCC (3d) 124, I conclude Criminal Code, s 816 provides a complete, comprehensive, and expert procedure to release the applicant if appropriate. This is the first basis on which I reject Mr. Fearn’s habeas corpus application – he has another remedy that has been provided by Parliament for persons such as himself, awaiting appeal.

[35] Spurious habeas corpus applications appear to be a commonplace phenomenon in OPCA litigation, see for example New Brunswick (Minister of Social Development) v J.A., 2013 NBQB 147, 404 NBR (2d) 142; R v Sands, 2013 SKQB 115, 416 SaskR 279. It seems that the fixation of OPCA litigants on their “mutant” common law concept (see Fearn v Canada Customs, at paras 51-53) leads them to use this inappropriate but legal procedure instead of the mechanisms which are provided via legislation to provide judicial interim release.
And that's pretty much it. Since Dean has now, apparently, begun applying for bail, I suppose this lesson is secondary (though Dean & Co. still do claim secret motivations ...):
Recently on 25th March, Dean agreed to a bail hearing in which there he shut down many presumptions from the provincial crown in which during he discussed the terms and conditions for Bail. In the end bail was denied. There are other reasons as to why Dean agreed to a bail hearing but for now we can’t disclose that.
I think Dean's motivation is simple: five months of unsuccessful magic documents. Though given the onus of proof for these proceedings Dean is already in trouble, since it is now up to him to prove a reason why things have changed and the Provincial Court decision to refuse judicial interim release - which was up to the Crown to prove - was incorrect.

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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey has Dean pegged.

Freeman gurus are creatures of habit who do only what they have "learned" from past gurus in a sort of guild system.

Like Ken "the Mummy" Norton dragging his back foot Dean has borrowed a page from the book of his mentor, Winston Stroud, and (in addition to his bail machinations) is pretending the charges against him are offers to contract which he can either reject or A4V. I'll leave it to Dean to explain how slavishly following the court's filing rules isn't contracting, by freeman standards.

Staying true to form Deano will tell the Deaners the only reason things aren't working out is the corrupt and stupid judges. True to form the Deaners will buy the tale.

The show will go on. The freeman faithful will become more detached from reality and Dean will become a sort of elder in the movement.

That way freemen don't have to address their dysfunctionality and Dean gets to be somebody.

That's how a cult works!
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Hey, it's Thursday! So it's time for another episode of The Dean Show. As our faithful viewers will no doubt recall this was a double-header - two Dean applications at one undoubtedly great hearing.

I must admit to my excitement as at long last Dean has apparently concocted a potentially viable legal(ish) argument. And yes, both applications have been updated - their status is "heard":
And the result is encapsulated in document #26 on the file:
Oh! Well, better luck next time, Dean.

No comments posted on any of Dean & Co's official channels or via his 'journalist' mouthpieces. So, any guesses for how long the faithful (and faithless) must now wait before we get an update via The Official Channels? My guess - at least a month.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by notorial dissent »

We'll have to wait at least until Dean can figure out how to spin the latest dismissal of his magic sure fire paperwork, and at this point it may take a while. Maybe he's hoping their short attention spans will kick in and they'll forget about it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Oh, the freeman spin machine knows exactly what to say:

Freeman wet dream fantasy tags <on>

The evil judges, who are mere employees of the corporation Canada, have no intention of recognizing Dean's rights. The judges, who aren't really judges at all, every prosecutor, court cop and RCMP policy officer trembles in fear of the Clifford crusade.

Unable to access Dean's trust account the conspiratorial cadre is working overtime to trick Dean into contract.

The longer Dean stays in jail the more he wins!

Freeman wet dream fantasy tags <off>
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Hey I know we've talked about Dean's court records but did we ever go into Darren's court records?

If you cross reference Dean and Darren's court records, holes in the timeline start getting filled in. For instance the court records for Dean's construction company appear to be listed under Darren Cliffords court records; "JLC Construction". Darren's court records are long as hell:

$400 bad check in 1997,
Something related to tools where they had to pay $4,000 for the cost of replacing tools in 1996
$7,500 for property damage in 2004
Unpaid gas bill in 2005 $1,1860
Unclear services rendered case against Darren 2002, lost $6,473
Something concerning a lease in 2001, failed to show up to court, had to pay $2,580
Sued by Ready Mix concrete for not paying for concrete in 2000, lost $6,318
Sued by Conway electric in 2000, lost $2,683
Unpaid account in 2000, lost $4,164
Spent three months in jail plus one year probation in 1996, not clear for what
Sued by "western statues" in 1997, lost $1,500
2004 case against their construction company but no details posted

Added up 14 court cases in 9 years; $37,578 in judgements against Darren and the Clifford's construction company.

There's also one I been meaning to bring up, Dean's 2008 case between himself and "Aaron Arjoon", that case has been active for 5 years, there were motions being filed as late as July 2013, it seems like Dean was suing him and two different insurance companies for an unknown amount which interestingly he filed four months after his Manitoba insurance case. My guess is this was a counter-suit to the $50,000 judgement against Dean in that case which it seems Dean was fighting up until the time of his arrest last July. I don't think Dean has ever publicly mentioned that particular court battle.

The full time line is starting to look like: Dean and Darren become radicalized in the mid 90's. Darren already has a criminal record by then. Join detax and sovcit movements all offline up until that point. Start construction company, that does terribly and they're constantly sued for stuff. They keep going further down the rabit hole, and at some point Dean takes a leadership role within Freeman groups in Canada in 2008 taking advantage of the new blood that is trying to join post financial collapse and sees a financial opportunity in selling the stuff he'd been trying for years to them. He keeps pushing the lie about being "CEO" of a construction company since it sounds better to the rubes when in reality he can't pay his bills, is seasonally employed as a laborer and is ~$60k in the hole due to the the Manitoba insurance situation and ignoring his utility bills. He's dead broke so he's trying the stuff himself to try and get out of his legal obligations, while selling it to other people to get by. Starts selling marijuana on the side as well out of financial necessity.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Nice review Jeffrey! It does seem as though Dean and Darren have much in common, lifestyle, litigation, and more.

The Federal Courts database indicates that in 2003 a judgment certificate was issued by the CRA against Darren Murray Clifford for an outstanding income tax debt. That then led in 2009 to a writ of seizure and sale by the Sheriff of Alberta, which is consistent with Darren having relocated to the Calgary area around that time. No indication of the quantum outstanding.

It's unfortunate that Alberta court records are not online, otherwise I suspect we'd have yet more data concerning Darren. I re-checked to see if there have been any written judgments issued - nothing I could spot.

I listened more carefully to the latest Youtube video update from Dean & Co., and what struck me is just how little the speakers appeared to know about Dean's activities. There were many excuses: the phone services are interrupted, it's too far to drive to Brandon to see Dean, I have a job, I have to book ahead to visit Dean and then receive a confirmation call from the Remand authorities - but boiled down to its substance it seems none of the speakers had much idea at all about Dean's legal(ish) strategies, court appearances, documents, and so on.

Or they're not willing to acknowledge what they know. All quite interesting.

I was quite excited to hear the announcement by the spokesperson for We Are Change Victoria that that organization is bringing in none other than renowned Detaxer David-Kevin: Lindsay - the "Unlicenced Man", on May 30 to conduct a seminar on how to lay criminal charges against those who annoy you, such as government and law enforcement officials. I suspect it's the same material as in this video (

There is actually a mechanism in Canada where a private person can initiate a criminal proceeding: Criminal Code, s. 504. However, the proceeding itself is then handled by the Crown Prosecutors, if they choose to pursue the alleged misconduct. The one booby-trap is that there is case law where spurious use of that provision led to a cost award against the private person who used the s. 504 procedure: CIBC v. Knight (1993), 84 Man.R. (2d) 231 (Man. Q.B.).

This is nothing new, however, since Dave's been advertising this kind of service for over a decade, as illustrated in R. v. Dick, 2002 BCCA 27:
10 Further, there is evidence that Mr. Lindsay has, in this province, been advertising himself as an expert on legal matters or permitting others to do so on his behalf. In advance of a recent "seminar" that he instructed, he was described in an Internet notice (essentially promotional material for the seminar) as "Canada's foremost freedom expert on the secrets of laying criminal charges against government officials." The notice continued:
Dave will examine some of the common law, principles and obligations as well as some of the rights and freedoms we have there under. Included will be answers to pertinent and repeatedly asked questions involving our RIGHT to use the highways, how this right has been denied to us, how the courts have self‑admittedly been a part of this fraud, what happens with insurance, and how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not protect you.

You will learn how the criminal process works, Dave will be explain [sic] how one can lay their own private criminal charges against anyone in the country, including government ministers, CCRA and other government officials, and even police officers ...

11 According to other material published on the Internet, Mr. Lindsay has also negotiated an “exclusive agreement” with a publisher:
... to work with our subscribers as a court procedure assistant. Whether it means getting help in drafting up court documents correctly, how to lay charges against government agents or how to deal with your own lawyer more effectively, Lindsay has the solution. ...

Lindsay has been involved in court procedures literally hundreds of times, for both defendant and plaintiff's challenges, or for filing court documents on their behalf. Lindsay is not a "lawyer" but has the ability to act as an "agent" for anyone who has to go to court and wishes to do so without spending a fortune on lawyer fees.

We have arranged to make Lindsay available for one‑on‑one telephone assistance to any Canadian who needs help with court challenges or wishes to learn how to deal with court challenges for their own benefit.
Perhaps Dave can assist Dean! Dave has an envious record of failure reported in Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 at paras. 100-108.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:
Added up 14 court cases in 9 years; $37,578 in judgements against Darren and the Clifford's construction company.

There's also one I been meaning to bring up, Dean's 2008 case between himself and "Aaron Arjoon", that case has been active for 5 years, there were motions being filed as late as July 2013, it seems like Dean was suing him and two different insurance companies for an unknown amount which interestingly he filed four months after his Manitoba insurance case. My guess is this was a counter-suit to the $50,000 judgement against Dean in that case which it seems Dean was fighting up until the time of his arrest last July. I don't think Dean has ever publicly mentioned that particular court battle.

It seems the "do no harm" Clifford brothers have a good deal of trouble understand what belongs to them and what belongs to others. I imagine nobody in the construction trade who knows Dean wants to have much to do with him.

I am sure they have found some way to rationalize taking goods and services they never pay for. In Dean's recent filings he puts out a little whine about how the bad ole goberment conspired to take away his tools and his livelihood.

Dean dug his own hole and he's not man enough to own up to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote: I listened more carefully to the latest Youtube video update from Dean & Co., and what struck me is just how little the speakers appeared to know about Dean's activities. There were many excuses: the phone services are interrupted, it's too far to drive to Brandon to see Dean, I have a job, I have to book ahead to visit Dean and then receive a confirmation call from the Remand authorities - but boiled down to its substance it seems none of the speakers had much idea at all about Dean's legal(ish) strategies, court appearances, documents, and so on.
It's completely bizarre and fascinating at the same time. They make references to stuff that clearly means they know more than they're letting on. None of us here had the information about Dean's roommate's charges being dismissed yet they had it, the information about the accounts being frozen, references to transcripts and courtroom exchanges, they know about the guy who is handling Dean's finances while he's in jail, etc.

And Arayder, if the complaint about tools is the same one in the online court records, then it wasn't the government that stole the tools, it was the company that rented them to him.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote: Arayder, if the complaint about tools is the same one in the online court records, then it wasn't the government that stole the tools, it was the company that rented them to him.
If I recall correctly the facts didn't stop Blame Boy Dean from portraying the courts as corporate co-conspirators contriving to steal his wealth.

The incidents go to the question of whether Dean can be trusted to carry out the business of

I would submit to freeman lurkers that it's not wise to give money to an individual not much different from the neighbor who doesn't return your lawn mower.
Last edited by arayder on Sat May 03, 2014 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

is seasonally employed as a laborer...
Given his track record, his "creditworthiness" has probably spread around most merchants and suppliers in the area. Casual and small jobs will be all he can get.
None of us here had the information about Dean's roommate's charges being dismissed yet they had it
Maybe he cut a deal for a much lesser charge? Dean is obviously the main player.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Friday Night Update from the Dean Crew:

*They get right to business and complain about people who nitpicked about discrepancies between the audio and article. And that it's a "semantic" argument about why some people can call Dean but others can't.
*They're still claiming the February charges were struck off.
*Dean is in jail doing "recon"
*Comparing the criticism they are receiving to London being bombed by Nazi Germany; another comparison to Dean with Leonidas
*They claim the federal charges against Dean have been dropped.
*The judge complimented Dean on his penmanship. (Mowe you aren't a judge are you?)
*The claim that the Federal charges have been dropped is based on a letter Dean obtained from the deputy attorney general saying they aren't interested in pursuing the charges. (I bet five bucks they haven't and won't be dropped)
*Darren has no idea which charges are federal but Chris slips up and mentions that Alex has the full list of charges.
*They big up David Lindsey again.
*Darren claims he "works out of his home", that his job is "renovating his home" and has been doing it for three years and the job won't be completed for another three years.
*Darren says they've been doing this since their late teens. (this is consistent with the arrests in the mid 90s)
*Some honest comments about clogging the courts and causing the courts to incur massive costs
*Darren contradicts himself about his previous arrest for the billionth time, admits there was a car chase and he didn't pull over
*Hardcore hair splitting by Darren, claims the indictable charges were dropped, omits that he spent months in jail and was found guilty
*They're dead broke, had to borrow money to pay their hydro.
*An update on Dean's freeman valley, it failed
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by wserra »

Jeffrey wrote:*Dean is in jail doing "recon"
And when he gets out of jail, he'll be doing "ex-con".
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote: *Dean is in jail doing "recon"
Dean does a lot of recon.

This spin along with the "we're learning every day so that one day we all can be free" line is the group's attempt to paper over the reality that the once booming Dean & Co. is one trial away from being shuttered like the old GM dealership up the road from me.
Jeffrey wrote: *The claim that the Federal charges have been dropped is based on a letter Dean obtained from the deputy attorney general saying they aren't interested in pursuing the charges. (I bet five bucks they haven't and won't be dropped)
*Darren has no idea which charges are federal but Chris slips up and mentions that Alex has the full list of charges.
Let's not forget that this is the same crew that said Dean's February 2013 charges had magically gone away even as they knew that Dean had been called to an August 2013 hearing over the same charges.

The crew also makes a pitch for donations near the end of the update saying the supporters who have jobs and are too busy to give their time can donate money to Dean.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Jeffrey »

Saturday Night Update from the Dean crew. Highlights include:

*We finally hear from Dean himself
*Everyone is a moron except Dean
*Dean won't say why he's in jail

Basically nothing; still pushing the same talking points as he was 5 months ago.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:Saturday Night Update from the Dean crew. Highlights include:

*We finally hear from Dean himself
*Everyone is a moron except Dean
*Dean won't say why he's in jail

Basically nothing; still pushing the same talking points as he was 5 months ago.
Dean's living in a fantasy world in which he will take the stand and by his words alone shatter the government. He imagines his followers will fire the government.

If the hearing doesn't work out on Monday Dean says he's got some stuff that will get him out "immediately".

It's like a 14 minute Rorschach test looking into Dean's state of mind.

I am struck by the number of "good work", "things are going well" comments made by team Dean after 5 months of Clifford's incarceration.
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Re: Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A few comments on the Dean Clifford Update 8 video. First, I am thoroughly amused by the graphic that displays throughout – it’s an annotated screen capture of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench record for Clifford’s criminal action CR13-01-32571 and is drawing attention to how in that record there are two entries for May 1, 2014.

One note reads: “2 HEARINGS AT THE SAME TIME – 50/50 CHANCE DRAW?”

The other notation is one item has “MAN ????”, the second “LEGAL FICTION ???”

Apparently the implication is that the double entry is weird – perhaps it indicates how the courts are running the split/double person process in their records, or something else sinister.

Of course, the truth is far more mundane, and with a little puzzling can be dissected from the total court record – which is not displayed. Looking at the document record we see that document #20 is a court record which records Dean’s April 17 application has been dismissed. The next three documents – filed after the #20 disposition sheet – are also dated April 17. I take that to mean after Dean’s application was unsuccessful he immediately filed a new set of materials on the same day.

The April 17 filings were heard on April 24, and the proceeding adjourned to May 1. In the meantime, Dean on April 29 files yet more documents, with that hearing scheduled for May 1 as well.

Ergo, two motions on May 1, no great conspiracy, and why would it be so odd to have two different applications lead to two different hearings on the same date? Dean could apply for bail and disclosure, or for habeas corpus (!) and a publication ban. I think it’s rather intriguing to see just how Dean & Co. desperately attempt to find dark conspiracies or sneakiness at every opportunity.

So, Dean reports he was in court on Friday and then cross-examined a police witness, and on Monday says he himself will be testifying. I’m a little cautious about putting much faith in Dean’s self-reporting, but that sounds like a preliminary inquiry with the Crown putting in its evidence, and Dean having the opportunity to rebut.

Just a guess.

It’s been interesting watching the Freemen-on-the-Land reacting to Dean’s litigation. It’s a topic of discussion at the World Freeman Society forums where there are a couple threads tracking developments:
The second features “Xabre”, a Freeman from Calgary Alberta who’s eager to get media attention on the subject. He clearly has bought in, hook, line, and sinker. But not everyone is so trusting. For example, “bmxninja357” has the following observation:
well i have a theory.....

dean does not want to admit he had guns and drugs; including a loaded prohibited weapon(a prohibited saturday night special along with a few rifles), and that is in combination with the resisting arrest, failure to appear and i can imagine several other charges. so dean is doing what all long term offenders do. he is staying in remand until trial, where he will probably cut a deal for a reduced sentence and his remand days will be used to further reduce his sentence. in canada remand days usually count as a day and a half off the sentence.

its guns and drugs with a lengthy history with police. he is getting a few years.

but hey,
he is winning with his theories....

As I have noted elsewhere, bmxninja357 is rather different from most of those on the WFS forum. He is quick to point out the broadly defective, if not foolish, pseudo-science and conspiratorial tendencies of many who post there. He also seems to have a fairly sensitive guru bullshitometer.

But the really unexpected twist is a statement by “hrp” on the “Prominent Freeman Dean Clifford” thread that Dean Clifford has turned government witness and provided evidence of illegal weapons-related misconduct by a third party:
Are you ready for this?

In other news, regarding Dean, CLIFFORD: Dean, CLIFFORD, who was until recently facing FEDERAL WEAPONS CHARGES, has decided to try his hand at "bought and paid-for POLICE INFORMANT: WEAPONS DIVISION". As I understand it, his "WEAPONS CHARGE" was a fully loaded .25 caliber "PROHIBITED WEAPON". This carries some pretty stiff consequences, if CASE LAW is a record. Since they've already confiscated the WEAPON, the ACCOUNTABLE MAN (AGENT) must be called to ACCOUNT. This requires significant preparation. It requires INFORMATION to be gathered. While this process is occurring, the POLICE and the CROWN will attempt to "make a deal". If you're busted for a small amount of drugs, they will "make a deal" so they can get to a larger cache of drugs. They'll expect you to "rat someone out". Since the dropping of the FEDERAL CHARGES is a pretty sweet deal, and you don't want to rat out your supplier, it's much easier to pick a "disposable target". If you don't want to rat out who supplied you with a gun, you simply pick somebody else, who you don't give a shit about, and leverage the fact that they have several LEGAL and LAWFUL firearms in their possession, and ignore the fact that they have nothing to do with your shit, and point the police there. You can do this by manufacturing "EVIDENCE". The quickest way to do this is to state on the open, recorded telephone line in a REMAND CENTRE, the First Name and Last Name of your intended victim. You then lie that he's a "good friend", and throw in lots and lots of TESTIMONY on his "expertise in weapons". Use the term "Weapons Expert", just to drive the point home, and watch your charges magically disappear. Disposable patsy gets raided by the cops and has his guns seized, and Dean,CLIFFORD gets to walk, as there are only "traffic offenses" left, and they can't cage you for those.

...except the "disposable target" in question, is OUR FRIEND. He's YOUR friend, and has ALWAYS been lurking here. Now Dean, CLIFFORD has formed hostile intent against OUR FRIEND. That is a debt I intend to enforce.

So, watch for Dean's emergence from DETENTION in his new role as "Rat for the CROWN". It's all bought and paid for!

Remember, you heard it here first. TODAY'S DATE IS MAY 5th at 3:30am (BEFORE his next hearing). Let this serve as NOTICE of these FACTS.

But hey, don't let that put you off of going to his next seminar!
This has caused quite the kerfuffle. I don’t recognize “hrp”, but his subsequent messages suggest he’s an old-timer in the community.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]