Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:I have a suggestion.

Y'all can come down here on this side of the Pecos and I'll be happy to read the arguments and render a decision.

Trust me, I'll only charge them $20.00 (silver) per page for their presentments.

Outcome not guaranteed.
What kind of crooked Kangaroo Court are you running there? ...
Crooked, well, there might be some bends here and there - but we don't have Kangaroos 'round these parts.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by arayder »

eric wrote:
arayder wrote: I wonder if there aren't more than a few low profile freemen/sovs living peaceful lives out of the government's way who cringe at rants like this.
I actually am friends with a couple of the "quiet" freemen you mentioned. Although they totally believe in such aspects of Canadian FMOTL philosophy such as the birth certificate bond they live their life quietly. As much as possible they minimize their interaction with government organs by living off a cash economy (they both live quite well, but modest lives), avoiding such organs of the oppressors as banks, taxes, the post office, vehicle registration and insurance requirements, and the police. Except for such minor matters as paying the appropriate taxes and submitting the right government paperwork they are perfectly honest citizens and endeavour to fly under the radar as much as they can.
Here in the states I have lived in Indiana, Mississippi and now in Kentucky and I can tell you that off in the hills (okay Indiana doesn't have many hills) there are plenty of ole boys who ain't got no use for the authorities and the authorities don't mind one bit to let it lay as long as the ole boys don't come into town much, or cause any trouble with the other folks up in the holler.

These boys were free men before freemen were cool.

The sheriff doesn't mind too much about Buford's unregistered truck or whether his AR-15 has been converted to full auto as long as Buford doesn't come into town with a snoot full, or start waving guns around in town, or cause too much trouble up on his creek.

This understanding is the reason (and I don't want to start a gun control discussion) county sheriffs in highly rural areas abhor the idea of,at Washington's command, going out to ole Buford's house to confiscate a high cap magazine or an evil black rifle.

That said none of these rural communities would stand for Buford writing a rage filled, profanity laced screed aimed at a judge and then putting it on a blog for everyone to read. Rural America has work too long and too hard to get past the chaos of the Hatfields & McCoys days when clans hired out competing judges and sheriffs.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by bmxninja357 »

schismatrix wrote:Our mysterious masked sovereign is (or claims to be) in Edmonton though...
first, sunglasses yes, mask no. and the shades are prescription. and it is a common misconception that canada inc is owned by the u.s. or the vatican, or the rothchilds etc. the belief canada is owned by the u.s. is simply because it is registered to do business in the u.s. this misconception is so common as to be ridiculous. but thats why many folks try to use american law or cannon law for that matter.

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by The Observer »

[quote-"bmxninja"]...[O]r cannon law for that matter.[/quote]

Not me, I always use howitzer or mortar law for those kinds of situations.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by bmxninja357 »

I don't know. I kinda enjoy cannon law. Well to be more specific frank cannon law....

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote:Not me, I always use howitzer or mortar law for those kinds of situations.
Gregg still working on those drone deployed weiner attack dogs?
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by LordEd »

Please don't give the internet any more ideas. There's already enough people doing stupid things with drones that before I can get properly into the hobby it's going to be super regulated and even more expensive.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Burnaby49 »

Allen Nelson Boisjoli; the gift that keeps giving;

Sovereign Autonomous Man
5 hrs ·

waiting...for your answer
A. Boisjoli
6:48 AM

Pass this along please XXXXXX.

Sooo, I am waiting for your answer Rooke. I have contacted the RCMP and CISIS...are you going to be honorable and handle this internally and pay for the Trespasses or am I to start an investigation into why you are trying to cover up your brother judges crimes up by abusing your vested authority and breaching the public trust?

You better consider this real hard when I start this investigation I will go back all the way to why you people have abducted my children with no right and no cause and then proceeded to frame me for crimes I did not commit and extort me into pleading guilty on threat of violence and incarceration...and your role in covering it once again abusing your VESTED AUTHORITY. You sir are a PUBLIC SERVANT....and you do not have the right or capacity to try and create law or policy regarding me or my children.

You are in BIG trouble here. This cannot be denied as I have documented everything. and there is no getting out of it sir. Peter committed perjury and I have it on video...on my youtube channel...for everyone to see. Yo people are NOT going to be able to wriggle and play fraud to get out of this one.

If you were smart you would respond with a check in my mailbox and an order to return my children...or I am sure by investigation you will be stripped of your PUBLIC office and sent to prison I would imagine...You have 3 days to respond and then I will file a claim with the RCMP fraud division and CISIS said they will assign someone as well...and I will also call your insurance provider as well and file a claim with the Attorney General.

You have a good day.

Case and Point
BAILIFF: ---- People vs. “SMITH”. (in upper case letters)
The charges are two counts of operating houses of ill-repute: 3 Counts of armed robbery;
2 Counts of murder in the 1st degree;
5 Counts of indecent exposure while dancing in the rain and 30 Counts of bigamy.
JUDGE: (he sees the strawman's name "SMITH" in his file, and that’s how he is addressing him)
---- State your name. ----
THE ACCUSED Smith: ----- Your Honor, I will be glad to state my name if you can show me any presentments with my name on it for me to accept.--
JUDGE: ---- Accept? ---- What are you talking about?
THE ACCUSED Smith: ----- The court is looking for an ACCEPTOR, as the PRINCIPAL has the primary obligation to pay or discharge any instrument presented for acceptance.
See ACCEPTANCE under 3-410 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
JUDGE: --- Mr. you are accused of some very serious crimes. ---- Now how do you plead?
THE ACCUSED Smith: I will plead guilty to the facts, but not the crimes, but first I need to make sure there is an ACCEPTANCE BOND.
JUDGE: What do you want a bond for?
THE ACCUSED Smith: Whoever filed the complaint is making a CLAIM on me and in the Jurisdiction of Admiralty you can not make a CLAIM unless you BOND your CLAIM.
JUDGE: Well what about that prosecutor?
PROSECUTER: I'm not sure about, no bond.
THE ACCUSED Smith: What about a BID BOND? Do you have the bid bond?
JUDGE: (pretending not to know) What's that?
THE ACCUSED Smith: --- [Because] A BID BOND is what gets [then] filled out and if the defendant (or accused) does not close, settle, pay or discharge the claim he defaults or dishonors the court.
The BID BOND, PERFORMANCE BOND and PAYMENT BOND gets sold to the U.S. District Court where these bonds are bought up by Insurance Companies and then sold on the open market, mainly to the Japanese and Chinese, which becomes the primary [collateral] source of our economy.
JUDGE: Oh, ----- THAT BID BOND. (acting as if he had inadvertently forgot about that)
PROSECUTER: Judge this is ridiculous. This man is charged with multiple counts of crimes and the state is asking for the max.
JUDGE: What about sir?
THE ACCUSED Smith: ---- Your honor, is this a TORT action or a COMMERCIAL CRIME?
If it’s a TORT, then where is the INJURED PARTY or if it’s a COMMERCIAL CRIME, then where is the CONTRACT?
PROSECUTER: Your honor, this is an outrage!!! This guy is accused of murder.
--- NO…… HE IS NOT!----
Prosecutor… You have no CLAIM against him.
---- It isn't his responsibility to BOND YOUR CLAIM(S).
---- Sir…..You’re free to go...!!
A BID Bond
BID BOND (Under $100K)
Application: This bond guarantees that if bid of principal is low, they will enter into a contract and file a Performance Bond.
BID BOND (Over $100K)
Application: This bond guarantees that if bid of principal is low, they will enter into a contract and file a Performance Bond.
Payment & Performance Bond
PAYMENT BOND (Under $100K) Application:
A payment bond is given by a contractor to guarantee payment, subject to the bond terms, for
………………………, which he/she is obligated to perform under the contract. This liability may be contained in the performance bond, in which case a separate labor and material bond (payment bond) is not issued.
PAYMENT BOND (Under $100K) Application:
A payment bond is given by a contractor to guarantee payment, subject to the bond terms, for
………………………, which he/she is obligated to perform under the contract. This liability may be contained in the performance bond, in which case a separate labor and material bond (payment bond) is not issued.
Application: The Contract Performance Bond is given by a contractor to an owner guarantees that they will faithfully perform the terms and conditions of a written contract.


Application: The Contract Performance Bond is given by a contractor to an owner guarantees that they will faithfully perform the terms and conditions of a written contract.

For: Trust# 983170-321522-193058

By: Allen-Nelson of the Boisjoli family
Divinus Partum, Deus Genus, Autonomous Free-will Man, Creditor & Sacred Trustee of the Divine Trust

Not in any legal fiction, federal zone, state, province, corporate municipality, or any other territory, abode, enclave, domicile, dwelling, residence, et al., implied or expressed.

Not subject to, or in accordance with, the jurisdiction of Canada, Crown, Queen, Her Majesty, Commonwealth, United States, District of Columbia, City of London, Vatican Pope, Rome, nor any derivatives, attachments, agents/agencies, possessions or subsidiaries thereof; disclosed or undisclosed, released or unreleased, attached or unattached.

All Rights Preserved & Reserved

The mind is competent, the blood flows, the flesh lives and the spirit is redeemed. ... 8224633129

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The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS, /ˈsiːsɪs/; French: Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité, SCRS) is Canada's primary national intelligence service. It is responsible for collecting, analyzing, reporting and disseminating intelligence on threats to Canada's national security, and conducting operations, covert and overt, within Canada and abroad.[3] It also reports to and advises the government of Canada on national security issues and situations that threaten the security of the nation. ... ce_Service

So Boisjoli is going for broke in his quest to see justice done to his nemesis ACJ Rooke. Well in three days we'll see if Rooke does the right thing or if he forces Allen to unleash the powers of the RCMP and CSIS. I think Allen is going to be sadly disappointed in the response he gets.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

If you were smart you would respond with a check in my mailbox
Extorting a Justice Official? Boisjoli is begging to be locked up for LIFE !!! :brickwall:
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by arayder »

Threatening a judge works against the argument that one is a good, sane daddy who ought to have his children back.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say the rage and vitriol fueled rants and documents he creates would go a real long way to bringing his sanity and ability to act responsibly as a parent, or functioning adult, in to serious question about as much as anything. As far as I am concerned, and any judge or welfare worker for that matter, after having read some of that nastiness, the last place I would EVER let him be is near a child or at risk individual. He may have been grossly wronged, it happens, and we'll never really know thanks to the Canadian court system, but I seriously doubt it, and he just ends up making the opposition's case for them. In this instance, I am more concerned about the safety and welfare of the children and wife than I am about his alleged wrongs.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by bmxninja357 »

Al and his ex are on good terms. Al was a very good father. The kids were literally stolen from both families. I was there. In court. With both allan's family and the mothers family present. All of the above willing to take guardianship. Most just average good taxpaying hard working folk. But the kids got put up for adoption by those childsnatchers. That is exactly why al seems to be losing it. His kids were stolen by a broken system.

In his situation you might do things differently but I think you would be pretty pissed at a failed court.

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Jeffrey »

That really seems like a stretch frankly. We honestly supposed to believe the system stole the kids for no reason whatsoever? And based on the case history it seems like a stretch to believe him and the ex are on good terms.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by bmxninja357 »

To be honest I don't care what you believe. Yes they are on good terms. In fact her, al's mom and I were smoking together outside court. There was no hard feelings. Couples break up. There adults and get over things. And yes alberta has a track record of being child snatchers. Google it. This is not the first family's to have their children unjustly taken here. Far from.

And yes, all said and done there was no reason.

Like it or not the system failed. And when it did it created the paperwork monster you see today.

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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Jeffrey »

I've edited out my comment since it was untrue and based on a misreading of the decision.
Last edited by Jeffrey on Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by wserra »

All I know about Boisjoli appears in this thread. Generally speaking, however, litigants who lose tend to feel that the court that ruled against them was unjust. And the more personal the loss, the more unjust the court. Whether true or not, a court must provide a truly damning reason to justify the removal of kids. On all fronts, therefore, it is something pretty personal.

Just as the jails are filled with innocent people. I know some of them are. But not that many.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Philistine »

bmxninja357 wrote:<snip>And yes alberta has a track record of being child snatchers. Google it. This is not the first family's to have their children unjustly taken here. Far from.

And yes, all said and done there was no reason.

Like it or not the system failed. And when it did it created the paperwork monster you see today.

This seems to be headed dangerously towards conspiracy theory territory. Without the details of the case (which I guess are sealed) we have no way to determine the justness of the case. You seem to be a buddy of Boisjoli so unfortunately that leaves the rest of us to have to consider your opinion having a bias. I don't think we have the whole story to put it mildly.
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by bmxninja357 »

So it's a conspiracy theory although it's common knowledge that that family services in alberta are a bunch of child snatchers. Here's what the national post had to say about it as suddenly my word as an eye witness isn't good. :roll:
Secretive and often overzealous care agencies protect children largely at parents’ expense ... ts-expense

It's far from a one off incident.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote:So it's a conspiracy theory although it's common knowledge that that family services in alberta are a bunch of child snatchers. Here's what the national post had to say about it as suddenly my word as an eye witness isn't good. :roll:
Secretive and often overzealous care agencies protect children largely at parents’ expense ... ts-expense

It's far from a one off incident.

You said that they took his kids "for no reason" - without violating the publication ban, can you ELUDE to what the actual reason was?

You know, like how a prostitute eludes to her fee by saying "I am turned on by men that weigh ($)200 pounds or more" !!!

(I guessing about the prostitute part :snicker:)
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Re: Allen Boisjoli - Alberta stomps on vexatious OPCA lititgant

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:You know, like how a prostitute eludes to her fee by saying "I am turned on by men that weigh ($)200 pounds or more" !!!

(I guessing about the prostitute part :snicker:)
That allusion/ellusion looks better in the UK....
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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