Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

Yup, weekly silliness. I must admit their crowds have certainly shrank however as restrictions have eased and people lost interest. The Airdrie event that Chris Harrod shows up is lucky to get a half dozen, the ones in the cities maybe 50 or so. Yes there have been cases of covid among them with one death that I know of which sort of put a damper on their morale.

The other thing that has slowed them down is targeted enforcement against the organizers. Tickets and fines didn't seem to work so a court injunction signed off by none other than ACJ Rooke has had excellent results. Organize a protest, go to jail for contempt of court and you stay there until you agree to the bail conditions. Here's an example: ... -1.6019536
The Kevin Johnston mentioned in the article, a thoroughly loathsome individual and buddy of Chris Harrod, is still behind bars: ... urt-orders BTW, he has had covid as well, saw him in one video attempting to walk up a wheel chair ramp into Pawloski's church and not having the strength to make it.

I was going to write up this family: ... al-charges
They have appeared on Christopher James' web site acting pure and innocent. I just don't have the time to search for the videos I've seen of them ramming police cars with their vehicle and duking it out with the cops.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Jeffrey »

eric wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:25 pm BTW, he has had covid as well, saw him in one video attempting to walk up a wheel chair ramp into Pawloski's church and not having the strength to make it.
Only 49 years old and he’s been bested by a slight incline.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by The Observer »

Jeffrey wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 10:48 pm
eric wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 7:25 pm BTW, he has had covid as well, saw him in one video attempting to walk up a wheel chair ramp into Pawloski's church and not having the strength to make it.
Only 49 years old and he’s been bested by a slight incline.
But to give him credit, it was an incline that was placed by the sinister police state.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by MRN »

notorial dissent wrote: Sat Jul 03, 2021 5:47 pm
You know what they call a covid deniers and anti-vaxxers weekly get together? A Darwin super-spreader event. If not now then eventually.
Yeah, and that's the other difficulty with getting the good stuff.
Any other time I'd be prepared to slope around looking vaguely like a new supporter and eavesdropping like mad.

The encampment last year was easy because they were set up in a tourist zone and spent half their time trying to convert passers-by and the other half arguing, so they were loud and you could get a lot from a prudent distance.

I'd have had to take my mask off to get anywhere with this crowd. And even though today is officially Hug Day (14 days post-second shot) I'm damned if I'm doing that while surrounded by ratlickers.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by LordEd »

David Lindsay back in the news: ... ult#355701
The longtime leader of the anti-lockdown movement in Kelowna is facing criminal charges.

David Lindsay has been charged with two counts of assault for an incident that is alleged to have occurred on Aug. 19, 2021 in Kelowna.

Court documents identify the victims as two men, believed to be a Paladin security guard and an Interior Health manager.
Assault is a new one for him I think, but there's 4 pages on CSO so it could easily have been missed.
The charges were approved by Crown prosecutors on Dec. 8, 2021 and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Court documents indicate Lindsay turned himself in to the Kelowna RCMP on Dec. 20.

His release conditions include not going within 100 metres of any Interior Health building unless travelling past in a vehicle or seeking medical care. He also must not contact either victim in the case.
Of course, if he's participating in commerce it wouldn't be travelling so that would confuse this order a bit.
Lindsay has been leading anti-science and anti-lockdown protests in Kelowna since the very early days of the pandemic. The Interior Health building on Kelowna’s Doyle Avenue has been a frequent target, in addition to local media organizations and schools.

He also organizes weekly rallies in Stuart Park, which have resulted in him being subjected to dozens of bylaw fines from the City of Kelowna.
AKA the local idiot convention.
Lindsay is due back in court on the assault charges for a hearing to vary his bail conditions on Dec. 31 with another appearance set for Feb. 17, 2022.
Maybe he wants to change the document from uppercase letters to lowercase?
He will also appear in court in Penticton on Jan. 26, 2022 for a hearing related to two public health fines for “failing to wear a face covering in an indoor public space” and “abusive or belligerent behavior.” Those tickets were issued Dec. 28, 2020 in Penticton.
Busy times for him.
Lindsay, who resides in Penticton, has gained a considerable following in Kelowna as a result of the pandemic. He has spent most of his life on the fringes of society, often profiting off the gullible.
Need to keep the income flowing. Freemanism died, so fake pandemic arguments seems like a natural extension. Diversification.
Lindsay has lost dozens of civil and criminal court cases in which he made pseudolegal arguments and has been declared a vexatious litigant in B.C., meaning he cannot initiate a lawsuit without a judge’s permission. He has served prison time for failing to pay taxes.

He continues to host paid seminars on how to privately file criminal charges, a Freeman-on-the-land tactic adopted by the anti-vaccine movement across Canada that has seen protesters “serve” various officials with bogus legal documents. In 2012, Lindsay was named in a legal judgement as one of Canada’s leading “gurus” on pseudolegal arguments.
Probably sending out calls for donations to fight these charges.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

LordEd wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 8:24 pm Of course, if he's participating in commerce it wouldn't be travelling so that would confuse this order a bit.
Lindsay has been leading anti-science and anti-lockdown protests in Kelowna since the very early days of the pandemic. The Interior Health building on Kelowna’s Doyle Avenue has been a frequent target, in addition to local media organizations and schools.

He also organizes weekly rallies in Stuart Park, which have resulted in him being subjected to dozens of bylaw fines from the City of Kelowna.
AKA the local idiot convention.
Lindsay is due back in court on the assault charges for a hearing to vary his bail conditions on Dec. 31 with another appearance set for Feb. 17, 2022.
Maybe he wants to change the document from uppercase letters to lowercase?
Let's get this correct. It's "indulging in services that are being offered" and/or "engaging in commerce". The rumour is on social media that the request to vary his bail conditions was put forward by the Crown and the judge needed more time to think about it - the Crown wanted to add in conditions about going near schools or private residences of local politicians.

Anyways, I could talk forever about the way Freemen/women such as Chris Harrod/Pat King/Kelly Anne Wolfe are active in the anti-vax movement here in Alberta, but here's an easy one. Background - the easiest way for a business to kick out anti-vaxxers is to declare they are trespassing. IANAL but the legal theory they use is that they are private business offering a service to the public so they get to set the rules. Somehow the sov's believe that once they partake of these services they are engaging in commerce and contract law trumps any other laws. This event took place at a food court in Sault Ste. Marie - my go to spot for lunch when I worked at the Bug Lab (Great Lakes Forest Research Institute Laboratory of Insect Pathology - only the government could create such a lengthy name).

The anti-vaxxers show up for pizza slices and believe that once they bought them their monetary transactions makes them as Gods from what I can tell from their arguments with the police. Of course the result can be foretold, skip forward to 13:59.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

And this just in.... I have touched on a thoroughly loathsome individual by the name of Kevin J. Johnston who is/was active as a covid denier out here in Alberta, also ran for mayor of Calgary, etc. Anyways, among his many claims to fame are a 40 day sentence for contempt of court out here, an assault charge in Dawson Creek that he is awaiting sentence on, sued (and losing) for 2.5M$ for libel, an 18 month sentence for hate speech in Ontario, etc.... Anyways, he was serving his 40 day sentence here in Alberta and skipped his last weekend a few days ago and somehow didn't make it to Ontario yesterday to start his 18 month sentence. Today he was arrested trying to cross the border into Montana: ... -1.6303790
Aparrantly the reason he got arrested was he had to be rescued by US Border Security (just a little frigid here)
And who was his pickup driver on the US Side?

None other than ... 275153ther than April LaJune, who has her own thread:
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

And the mocking begins: ... _us_border
When Islamophobic streamer Kevin Johnston failed to show up for the last leg of his Alberta prison sentence a warrant went out for his arrest. Less than a day later, Johnston would be in custody for allegedly walking across the border – but not before getting lost in below-freezing temperatures, forcing his would-be accomplice to call authorities for help.
And another: ... -us-canada
Build a Wall Because Canada’s Worst Troll Just Tried to Escape to the US
A notorious racist was set to begin an 18-month jail sentence, but he instead tried to flee Canada, on foot, with few supplies, in the winter. U.S. authorities had to rescue him before they arrested him.
I won't even attempt to post the assorted memes and heavily photoshopped series of clips on social media featuring his bungled attempt to cross the border. Surely as a real Canadian he would have known to dress properly, bring nutritional supplements in the form of maple syrup, and carry a real map and compass instead of relying on his cell phone for navigation in a region with no cell service. :shrug:
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

David Lindsay, Kelowna's greatest sovereign (or just the last man standing after it all collapsed) isn't currently generating headlines for leading protests against mask and Covid vaccine mandates. However he's found another way to make the news. He's on the run from an arrest warrant for skipping a court date. ... appearance ... t-warrant/

Very Menardian of him.

If he's indeed skipped rather than just forgotten a date he won't have the funds to disappear for long. He's been living in semi-poverty, surviving on government assistance, for years.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

As I posted a few above regarding KJJ the cold weather on the Canadian Prairies can cause problems. Chris Harrod of who has his own thread elsewhere on quatloos seems to have run into a problem on his trip back from Ottawa:

Yes that is the "freedom van", wheels up in the snow, bleeding its little heart out.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by LordEd »

I think they're starting to realize that with mandates and such going away, its their last change to show they're still relevant: ... htm#362491
One of the leaders of Kelowna's anti-COVID restrictions movement, David Lindsay caused a scene at Kelowna City Hall Thursday morning.

According to City of Kelowna bylaw services manager Kevin Mead, Lindsay attended city hall to dispute bylaw notices he's been issued in relation to regular downtown protests.

"We do have an administrative justice process, by which a provincially appointed adjudicator presides over the evidence that's been presented as part of the bylaw offence notice."

Mead says Lindsay was offered several different options to settle his dispute, including a virtual hearing, but he chose to attend city hall in person. When he arrived for his appointment he refused to comply with the mask policy and security guards prevented Lindsay from entering the building.

"The disputant has on multiple occasions refused to put on a mask. He's a known vexatious litigant deemed by the court with multiple other legal actions in process right now," Mead says.

Once Lindsay was denied entry to city hall he became agitated and called RCMP, "by virtue of denying him entry, he accused the City of Kelowna security and one of our staff of obstructing justice under the Criminal Code and declared that he was putting our staff under citizen's arrest, he then called the RCMP."
The other legal issues that I know about being the assault charges he's facing.

Wonder how many new freemen we'll get after they don't have masks or mandates to complain about.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by MRN »

Two wheels good, eighteen wheel bad... or something.

Welp. The Convoy is back, slightly rebranded: ... -1.6433752

And OPS and the City swear they're all over it this time, no, really, they promise. The locals are ... not convinced. Gonna be an interesting weekend.

So, which of our Usual Suspects should I be looking out for this time? Anyone really interestingly batshit headed this way that I should try to egg the Hell out of report back on?
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

Considering how completely the Ottawa municipal government and the police force screwed things up last time the only way to go is up.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

MRN wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:38 pm So, which of our Usual Suspects should I be looking out for this time? Anyone really interestingly batshit headed this way that I should try to egg the Hell out of report back on?
Well you could always try to get a new set of teeth for Chris Sky who is definitely going, Christopher James may show but that is not definite. Of others mentioned here, let me see, going down the list - Chris Harrod is broke, put out a call for 2 K$ to finance his trip with no takers. The Ho Canada group are stuck in the snow around Hinton as of today. Queen Romana is down in Lethbridge with a broken down RV and most of her followers have deserted her but she has been off grid for about a week so who knows.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

eric wrote: Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:52 am Queen Romana is down in Lethbridge with a broken down RV and most of her followers have deserted her but she has been off grid for about a week so who knows.
She seems to be still "active"

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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by MRN »

eric wrote: Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:52 am
MRN wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:38 pm So, which of our Usual Suspects should I be looking out for this time? Anyone really interestingly batshit headed this way that I should try to egg the Hell out of report back on?
Well you could always try to get a new set of teeth for Chris Sky who is definitely going,
I did see Mr Teeth, up close and personal! TBH the teeth are fine, just get 'em up on the hoist and drive a whole new man under 'em.

My ability to garner amusing quotes was probably inhibited by the fact that I was holding an Effin Birds sign that said "M--f--, you do not want to hear my actual opinion."

There was one dude with a sign that called for, among other things, the death of Stalin. We didn't tell him.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by LordEd »

Hard to say for sure, but this has a distinct smell of freeman ism. ... nvoy_tupoc
Billing itself as a “diverse, intergenerational non-governmental organization” the group says it intends to build community “through appreciation and celebration of our unique culture and heritage” in order to solidify a “prosperous future, where all voices are heard.”

After acquiring Saint Brigid's Centre for the Arts in Ottawa, TUPOC covered its doors in red paint and hung banners with its logo – a white tree with branches and roots extending outward.

They have dubbed the former church their organization’s “embassy.”
Komer, Ward and Nolan are all also listed as directors of another organization called the Magna Carta Fund. It was registered on the same day and to the same address as TUPOC.

The purpose of the fund is not clear. According to corporate filings, its intent is to “provide aide, education, and support to defend the rights of individuals.”
I won't be surprised if some legal oddities start happening in relation to this group.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

LordEd wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:18 am I won't be surprised if some legal oddities start happening in relation to this group.
I wouldn't be surprised if a little bit of money is being whitewashed, as in how are they able to come up with the 5.95 M$ purchase price?
This may be of relevance: ... -1.6438103
Summary: roughly 20 M$ raised through crowd funding, 12 M$ still missing and the US based crowd funding site is not answering questions. Probably because of this:
Summary: class action lawsuit against convoy organizers and participants
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by LordEd »

Now it's feeling like a bit of make your own peace officers.

Its still not blatantly freeman yet but really had the feeling.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

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Sounds freemanish to me in that it is trying to create a unit that is promising to interefere with the status quo as they perceive it. It is what Menard attempted to do with turning process servers into private peace officers, it is what the Private Sector peeps did by trying to organize a King's Bench court and a Real Estate Council, and I think there are plenty of other examples throughout the land of Frikintardistan.
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