Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

eric wrote:
enid wrote:Thought this would be entertaining for everyone to see:

Look below the video for a comment from just two weeks ago by Derek Johnson, basically threatening Kevin Manji for his last post on this thread, apologizing for scamming people with Derek Johnson (and presumably Kevin Kumar). :haha:
The "govern yourself accordingly" phrase sounds more like Kumar than Johnson. However, I've noted that the group appears to share common email addresses since members of the "group of 15" have received miscommunications where its seems

enid wrote:I may have more posts for everyone in the near future. I am a would-be victim of the snake oil salesman.
We should talk privately to see if there is anything you can add to the evidence against the crew - I can give you contacts with various authorities who are investigating Derek and his crew. :whistle:
Agreed. I have also noticed they like to switch roles as they see fit, depending on the response of the victim(s). In my situation, their interaction with me was different than with other victims, but they would switch back and forth, often using the same wording as the other. Very well rehearsed.

That would be great! I will send you a private message to discuss and share information.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

I have gotten a few emails and phone calls from more people that have had dealings with this group. Looks like more people are going to join our group.

This forum has become the number on source of heat for derek Johnson and his group.

We will see more info soon posted here.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:I have gotten a few emails and phone calls from more people that have had dealings with this group. Looks like more people are going to join our group.

This forum has become the number on source of heat for derek Johnson and his group.

We will see more info soon posted here.
This forum was the first thing I found when I discovered who I was really dealing with. The more people who join on, the better! Strength in numbers! :Axe:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:I have gotten a few emails and phone calls from more people that have had dealings with this group. Looks like more people are going to join our group.
This forum has become the number on source of heat for derek Johnson and his group.
We will see more info soon posted here.
Well I guess it's time to start posting some of that new info. As readers of this forum may or may not remember this topic first came up with the inimitable Ty Griffiths - the guy with the dreadlocks, weird hat and Elton John sun glasses.
Perhaps I have an overly suspicious mind, but it appears to me that there is a certain resemblance between the spokesperson on the FreeListCalgary website videos and “Ty Griffiths”. After you mentally remove the get-up that “Ty” is wearing.
Well I can finally answer that question. Various of the crew's sites - hotjusticeralitytv, privatesectoract, etc feature videos with people who have been going through foreclosure and outlining their issues with banks, lawyers, and the courts. I recently spoke with one of these people and here is the answer to the identity of Ty Griffiths, direct from the man behind the sunglasses:
Kevin called me and ********. He started telling me how I need to start recording phone calls with the lawyers and making videos that he can put on YouTube about my story. He asked me if I knew who Ty Griffiths is, and I told him I did not. He told me that he created Ty Griffith, that it’s just him dressed up in a costume to do his videos he posts on YouTube. He instructed me to check out his website, as he has numerous videos posted where he is posing as Ty Griffiths, and it is clearly Kevin Kumar dressed up, wearing dreads, a large top hat and large novelty glasses, speaking with a fake Jamaican accent. He also told me that he has a Facebook account for Ty Griffiths, and instructed me to send him a friend request. This is the link to that Facebook account: He stated that everyone on his friend list are human rights activists, and that soon I would need to post my story there to get activists involved in “attacking” the lawyers with mass emails, demanding answers.
So there we go - Ty Griffiths is Kevin Kumar. I personally find this interesting since it confirms that both Derek Johnson and Kevin Kumar are not just using OPCA arguments to justify their scams - they honestly believe in the philosophy.
... more to follow
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Well they are able to hid behind the freeman way of thinking because they are making a good living doing this.

Strength in numbers is going to bring them down.

I would be interested in speaking with you about your situation. I will pm you my email address if you want to chat.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

This will be another sideline post before I get into the meat of the story about Derek and Kevin scam iteration #3. It could be entitled either "You've got to be kidding me" or "Did the Quatloosians do such a poor job?". If you go back to about page 8 in this thread a poster "theRealDerekJohnson" appeared attempting to justify his actions and as a sideline attacking me. From conversations with more recent victims of Derek's crew (now reduced to just two people but I will get into that in another post) both Kumar and Derek are bringing up Quatloos themselves when their victims get suspicious. :shrug:
For reasons of brevity I won't bother reproducing these missives, but they consist of edited posts by Derek from this topic pages 8 and 9 claiming innocence and blaming everything on me and how I am a tool of RECA. You can read them yourselves if you are really interested.
Oh well, I'm not really a charter member of the illuminati. I do however have a veritable army of hogs who when they aren't monitoring the internet are flitting silently through the night, peering through windows and recording the actions of Derek and Kumar. :wink: Pierre, my french boar, in between puffing on gauloises, types up a report for me on an ancient Royal typewriter. :haha:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by grixit »

Ah yes, Pierre! He's the one with the magnificent bristly mustache. Or is that mustachely bristles?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Looks like we have some new members to the group of now 17.

It also sounds like a Derek Johnson is also using the name Patrick and is calling from the private sector act.
This is 100 percent confirmed.

Now they may have a Patrick with them bit apparently A person sounding like the gutless weiner or a man Derek Johnson is now saying his name is Patrick. Staffing shortages?

We also have a couple of confirmed sightings of Kevin Kumar. Looks like he is having to fill in because of staffing shortages.

One of our group was also contacted with some very interesting info by a person from Vernon BC. Apparently he was signed up as a wholesale Investment consultant. Posts to follow soon.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:Looks like we have some new members to the group of now 17.

It also sounds like a Derek Johnson is also using the name Patrick and is calling from the private sector act.
This is 100 percent confirmed.

Now they may have a Patrick with them bit apparently A person sounding like the gutless weiner or a man Derek Johnson is now saying his name is Patrick. Staffing shortages?

We also have a couple of confirmed sightings of Kevin Kumar. Looks like he is having to fill in because of staffing shortages.

One of our group was also contacted with some very interesting info by a person from Vernon BC. Apparently he was signed up as a wholesale Investment consultant. Posts to follow soon.
Looks like you've reached critical mass.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

grixit wrote:Ah yes, Pierre! He's the one with the magnificent bristly mustache. Or is that mustachely bristles?
Hey, i'm the one with the magnificent moustache :snooty:
Actually, Pierre has long white hair, is very slender, and has unusual aquiline facial features for a pig. Due to an unfortunate incident at a very early age he also only posseses one testicle, but it is very large. Since I could imagine him sipping absinthe in a smoky bar discussing poetry, depraved art, and the revolution, as a joke I have been training him as a walking boar entirely in French. And now after that completely off topic post let's get back to business....
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

After recent discussions with a few people, some of them victims or potential employees of Derek and Kevin, here is the way they have adapted to changing circumstances. When we last met them they were still doing quite well, although their advertising for their business was somewhat limited and they were being forced to use multiple company names. They are down to just the two of them - Derek and Kumar, although they are still trying to recruit front men for their organization. Manji was a rising star with them but he appears to have left the group. We always knew that Derek, at least in court, used OPCA arguments but here's a recent communication from a victim discussing Derek and Kumar's philosophies:
I'm finding this information very interesting! Having met Kevin in person
and extensive phone conversations, I can confidently say that he is a nut
case and very much believes in the OPCA philosophy. He gets very animated
when talking about "human rights as a Canadian citizen", and on several
occasions would go off-course and I'd be listening to a bizarre rant about
his views of the government, lawyers, judges and human rights. I brushed it
off at the time, because I thought the legal advice was helping our fight
against foreclosure and that Kevin just had some kooky passion about human

Pat/Derek similarly went on these rants. An interesting fact: for someone
who never shows up in court, Derek knows the names of various judges and
speaks of them as if he knows them. On several occasions, both he and Kevin
bragged about how many times they have "fought the man" in court, and how
many hearings they have attended. One example: Derek told me before our
first hearing that Judge Mason was a bitch, and referenced some hearing he
attended when she was presiding. Ironically, she was our judge on July 23,
and she was nothing but nice to us.

BTW, Derek often used the name of Patrick Sharp, human rights investigator. At least he hasn't used the name Patricia Sharpe lately, since he reserves that name for interacting with RECA.

Previously, the crew made up their own ads on Kijiji to sell foreclosed properties and that was a handy method to trace them. It took them months, but they have finally realized that a better way was to get the victim to post the ads to sell the properties themselves. The mark is given a basic outline of what to say and then they are told to post the same ad every day, deleting and reposting it in the afternoon. Although this keeps it at the top of the list for postings, it makes it difficult to track the ad. However Google can be told to track for cached copies. :snicker: The victim is given a gmail email address and password to use so Derek and the crew can monitor responses to the ad. This does have its drawbacks however, I have noted that it appears when someone replies to the ad there is internal miscommunications as if Derek and Kevin aren't keeping each other up to date.

Still the same tactics after they have made contact with the potential victim. The victim is given a script to read in court and told to send emails to the court and lawyers using the "produce the note" arguments which have failed miserably in Canada. A bit of a change on the contracts for rent to own agreements and purchase contracts for properties though - they've become very vague on details. Perhaps this is to give them an "easy out" when challenged. I will be digging out more as my porcine minions continue to monitor the situation.

Interestingly enough, after I posted links to real court documents Derek and Kumar stopped talking to me, except as I mentioned previously, I have become a target to be blamed for all their problems. Oh well, I have broad shoulders. :shrug:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

eric wrote:Interestingly enough, after I posted links to real court documents Derek and Kumar stopped talking to me, except as I mentioned previously, I have become a target to be blamed for all their problems. Oh well, I have broad shoulders. :shrug:
It is interesting, indeed. As far as I am concerned, they were being "adult bullies" (using their term) to you on this forum, but didn't know what to say once you posted the links to the court documents. I'm curious what made them single you out, odd for them to pick on someone so strong (and with such broad shoulders!), rather than singling out someone they consider "weak".

It's a shame they have stopped commenting on here, it provided me with great entertainment. Popcorn just isn't the same now. :snicker:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

It is interesting, indeed. As far as I am concerned, they were being "adult bullies" (using their term) to you on this forum, but didn't know what to say once you posted the links to the court documents. I'm curious what made them single you out, odd for them to pick on someone so strong (and with such broad shoulders!), rather than singling out someone they consider "weak".
Derek Johnson targets and bullies his victims who are outspoken and exposed his modus operandi. He uses tactics by harrassment and suing the victim/s on his false/made up court to extort money. In the meantime, he does it while in hiding...what a coward! Hmm..I wonder why he is in hiding? The law must have been catching up on him.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

Yes, the law must be getting close to him. I always found it odd that he never wanted to meet up face-to-face, yet lives here in Calgary.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

Yes, the law must be getting close to him. I always found it odd that he never wanted to meet up face-to-face, yet lives here in Calgary.
I got a registered mail from him and was notarized at West Bank, B.C. Having said that, I recieved an email from another member of our group stating his address in B.C. When I googled that said address, the owner of the house belongs to Derek Bannister. Does this mean that Derek Johnson could have another alias as Derek Bannister?
Last edited by rmsimmons on Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

rmsimmons wrote:
Yes, the law must be getting close to him. I always found it odd that he never wanted to meet up face-to-face, yet lives here in Calgary.
I got a registered mail from him and was notarized at West Bank, B.C. Having said that, I recieved an email from another member of our group stating his address in B.C. When I googled that said address, the owner of the house belongs to Derek Barrister. Does this mean that Derek Johnson could have another alias as Derek Bannister?
Really?! That is very interesting! He claimed he lives in Calgary to me. I did notice the Statement of Claim documents from his Court of King's Bench state West Bank, BC. Sounds like you have discovered a potentially valuable lead! :whistle:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

Really?! That is very interesting! He claimed he lives in Calgary to me. I did notice the Statement of Claim documents from his Court of King's Bench state West Bank, BC. Sounds like you have discovered a potentially valuable lead! :whistle:
That is the power of the group. We share information on emails. So I really cannot take that credit for that valuable lead :) I hope other victims of Derek would be brave to come out in the open to expose his other frauds.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by enid »

rmsimmons wrote:
Really?! That is very interesting! He claimed he lives in Calgary to me. I did notice the Statement of Claim documents from his Court of King's Bench state West Bank, BC. Sounds like you have discovered a potentially valuable lead! :whistle:
That is the power of the group. We share information on emails. So I really cannot take that credit for that valuable lead :) I hope other victims of Derek would be brave to come out in the open to expose his other frauds.
I will be one of the new victims to come out in the open very soon.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

enid wrote:
rmsimmons wrote:
Yes, the law must be getting close to him. I always found it odd that he never wanted to meet up face-to-face, yet lives here in Calgary.
I got a registered mail from him and was notarized at West Bank, B.C. Having said that, I recieved an email from another member of our group stating his address in B.C. When I googled that said address, the owner of the house belongs to Derek Barrister. Does this mean that Derek Johnson could have another alias as Derek Bannister?
Really?! That is very interesting! He claimed he lives in Calgary to me. I did notice the Statement of Claim documents from his Court of King's Bench state West Bank, BC. Sounds like you have discovered a potentially valuable lead! :whistle:
Bannister's only association with Kumar is that he is his landlord. Kumar is very careful to avoid having real property in his own name in case of unfavorable court rulings, the numbered Alberta corporations that accept deposits for real estate transactions are in his wife's name etc. Derek Johnson does live in Calgary, does have real property in his own name, and I have met the man in person on a couple of occasions.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

eric wrote:Interestingly enough, after I posted links to real court documents Derek and Kumar stopped talking to me, except as I mentioned previously, I have become a target to be blamed for all their problems. Oh well, I have broad shoulders. :shrug:
enid wrote: It is interesting, indeed. As far as I am concerned, they were being "adult bullies" (using their term) to you on this forum, but didn't know what to say once you posted the links to the court documents. I'm curious what made them single you out, odd for them to pick on someone so strong (and with such broad shoulders!), rather than singling out someone they consider "weak".
They can't handle the situation of going off script. They have worked their scams for so many years they have become set in their ways. Victims, once they get over the shame of admitting to being conned, are supposed to just make a few complaints for the space of a couple of weeks on social media. A sustained effort by a group of victims is a new thing for them, especially when the group doesn't just use social media to "out them", but actually intensively lobbies various authorities to both change procedures and if possible produce civil or criminal remedies.
enid wrote: It's a shame they have stopped commenting on here, it provided me with great entertainment. Popcorn just isn't the same now. :snicker:
They aren't used to having intelligent people debate them.