2018 is almost here. Phase 2 has begun. Let's lay out the ground rules.
They are pretty much the same as THE TENDER FOR LAW.
Pay attention to the rules, and you will learn a lot. Do not try to pick and choose the answers you like, and do not try to mix what I teach you , with ANY other "belief". If it contradicts what I say, IT IS WRONG; it doesn't matter what you say/think/feel/believe. There is a LOT to Cover/Verify, and the more time you waste contradicting me, the more time you rob from others getting answers to questions they NEED answers to. This is why we have no time for opposing "belief"; It's wrong by default. We are at war with wrong.
While we all support open and decentralized governance, it does not apply here. This is a dictatorship. You have been warned.
What I teach in THE TENDER FOR LAW, comes at a price. You owe a debt. You pay that debt by passing on what you learn. TRUST that what I say is TRUE, but VERIFY IT! Do not charge money for anything I teach. EVER! This is for your own good! Pete Daoust has held TWO conferences, and has NEVER charged money for what he teaches, nor does he profit in any way from it. He is paying a DEBT to Rogue Support Inc. The CRA makes bogus charges because they are SO SURE he must be charging money (Thus giving them standing/jurisdiction) that they just counted on finding evidence of it! They seized his phone and Eric Bardier called EVERYONE on Pete's contact list, trying to find someone who's paid for this knowledge. Mister Bardier failed to call me though. Go figure! Others simply asked Mister Bardier "Can I use the SECURITY of my PERSON to DISCHARGE this PUBLIC DEBT"?
...he didn't like that. When awkward evasion failed, he simply lied, and said "NO". So of course they wisely asked if he could send the "fact" that "No, yous cannots beings usings the SURETY of Le PERSONne to bings DISCHARGEs dems PUBLIque DEBTes" (I tried to keep the LEGAL terms and the FRENGLISH together! I'm quite impressed with myself.) to them in writing, and they could shut us all up! Mister Bardier declined! Every Time! GO FIGURE!
This group is NOT about "Law" or "Legal". It has ALWAYS been about MONEY! The money you labour for. The money we make through math. The money we are going to make.
People who listened to me in 2012 and earlier, are ALL MILLIONAIRES. Making money will ALWAYS be a byproduct of listening to everyone from the "First Wave". They will all help you "catch up". It's a LOT of work/reading. We get that, and we will do our best to help you along, but you are being notified now; YOU DON'T GET TO UNLEARN WHAT WE SHOW YOU HERE. This is a ONE-WAY trip, and you can't go back! Ever.
Like the "Phase One" of THE TENDER FOR LAW, we start the group at the end of the year. It was December 2012. Cryptocurrencies had been around for 3 years in a decentralized model, and 15 years in a centralized model. The Aquilae Trust has used a cryptographic centralized currency since 1997. It still sounded "crazy" to make your own bank/currency.
Now, not so much. It's time to "Up The Crazy" a few notches! I'm always 5 years ahead of all of you, and I'm literally the dumbest among "My kind". What will unfold here in the coming months is NO DIFFERENT. It will seem "crazy" at first. You are welcome to think that as well! Just keep it to yourself. I don't care. The same goes with with any opinion that contains any of the following words:
...and pretty much anything that contradicts the fact that I'm BETTER than you. I know that hurts your fee-fees, but it's still true. To think otherwise means you are WRONG by default. If it contradicts what I say, YOU ARE WRONG. Wasting time trying to debate shit that was covered way back in THE TENDER FOR LAW, robs those who see "Phase Two" as a "Second Chance" of precious time.
In "Phase One" of THE TENDER FOR LAW (Hereafter "Phase One") and in THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING, you have seen me speak of "TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FREE SHIT JUST WAITING TO BE EXPLOITED". Well it's still there. Waiting. I want to show you how to build things that will feed you, and sustain you, free of Government oversight. There really is TRILLIONS of dollars worth of free shit out there. I see THOUSANDS of opportunities that would consume a lifetime, were I to pursue them. That's why I need to teach YOU! I want YOU to understand what I see. I want to GIVE you ideas and the ability to build them, for little or no start-up costs. What's the catch? I want 10 of whatever you make. Make currency? I want 10 of them. Make a computer? I want 10 of them. Make a machine gun? Ten please!
That's it. I collect when you succeed, and you "pay" with the product/service you make ANYWAY. The rest is ALL YOURS. I waive any other claim on anything you produce. It sounds "crazy" but we are going to build something that cannot be stopped. It cannot be turned off, and we won't need ANYONE'S permission to do ANYTHING commercial EVER AGAIN! Sound crazy? I'm just getting warmed up!
We are starting a video channel (On every major, and a few minor, streaming services) and it will be YOU who decide the subject. If you ask a question that would take a lot of typing, I'll make a video instead! Pete Daoust is going all video crazy, but he speaks in Quebecois Pseudo-French, so nobody else in the world will understand. I, on the other hand, promise to speak in clear, articulate, accent-free English. (Fun Fact: This is one of the GUARANTEES Rogue Support Inc offers to its clients. It's VERY popular!)
At Pete Daoust's next conference, we will be showing off what we build here in this group. Work hard to "catch up" if you need to! There is ALWAYS someone from "Phase One" in THE TENDER FOR LAW's DISCORD channel [
https://discord.gg/7JVjDPR ] if you have any questions. You will find Tara and I there often, as well. There is NO shortage of answers there!
Remember: THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS, Just Inquisitive Idiots, and there are a LOT of you. It's not your fault. Necessary knowledge was stolen from you. I intend to give it back. I'm the ONLY ONE who can LEGALLY do that. I understand that's going to change, but that just means the rats are leaving a sinking ship, so we are pressed for time.
War is good for innovation. Peace is good for prosperity. We need innovation, and adults with imaginary friends from middle-eastern death cults (Believers in Abrahamic cults) are dumbing down the West in a shockingly efficient manner.
I mean to change that. I'm going to teach you how to get the LEGAL advantage that all the big corporations have. I'm not giving LEGAL ADVICE, though! I'll be giving SOLICITOR'S advice. Because of this, I WILL BE THE ONLY ONE PERMITTED TO CITE OR QUOTE ANYTHING "LEGAL". I'm looking at YOU, Derek Moran. You even do it ONCE, and you will be so banned, they will feel the shockwave at city hall. You ( Derek Moran ) are not to write about ANYTHING "legal" henceforth.Just shut the fuck up and read.
Everyone else may write what they like. This is a "Special" (Like "Special Olympics") case, and we've already established that this is an educational dictatorship.
I leave you with artwork from Grand Fluff Auto(tm), where we show off cool Rogue Support swag, and some La sûreté de SA personne / The person's SURETY Conference Shuttle Busses.