Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Psam »

“Hey Abraham.”

“Yeah God?”

“I need a very smaaaall favour from you.”

“For you God? Anything! You know that!”

If you happen to know what happens next in this story, then I fail to see how you could possibly disagree with me when I describe Abraham’s supreme commanding officer by saying “WHAT A CUNT!!!”
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by JamesVincent »

Psam wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:27 pm Oh and then there was when God asked his privy council of angels to vote on whether to establish anger management and personal counselling centres in Sodom and Gomorrah or else to prevent the residents of the cities from hurting each other any more by incinerating them all to death, kind of like Hiroshima only without the hassle of splitting atoms.
Funny. I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where God offered to set up therapy centers for sinners. In fact I remember quite the opposite, especially in the Old Testament where the story of Sodom and Gomorrah resides. There was no privy of Angels that I remember, there were two angels sent who were to determine if there were any souls worth saving.
Well maybe for starters, we could look at him drowning every single living thing on Earth to death except for one small boat load of suckers who had to live under the authority of a stupid bastard named Noah who was complicit with his buddy God in the single most pervasive act of mass genocide in the history of the universe.
Ironically the flood story appears in every major religion in the world, not just the three: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In fact it is so prevalent across different cultures that if you ever paid attention to the old school Godzilla movies Mothra's actual role is Protector of Earth and in that capacity he destroyed the Earth by flooding it at one point in history.

Aside from all that it's funny how the most hate and anger I see, when it comes to religious arguments, are generally coming from the anti-religious side. It's almost as if you project your own hate and self pity at someone who actually believes in something that you yourself can never comprehend. So instead of just accepting that others believe in something different you throw hate and anger at them and try to oppress their ideals. Exactly what you accuse them of doing.

As far as your language and behavior go you've shown yourself to be a petulant child over and over. Anytime a discussion doesn't go as you plan or people refuse to bow to your obvious greater intellect (that was sarcasm BTW) you lash out like a spoiled 5 year old being denied a toy at a store. I'm gonna go out on a limb and speculate that your parents were over-indulging pussies that had no clue how to raise a child with decency and common sense. Cursing is an art and you don't have a degree, you just throw them out there for a shock effect. Doesn't work if you don't know how to use them correctly. And it really doesn't work when you do the same thing over and over again. Loses all it's meaning after the first twenty times.

To sum up and recap: No, you are not a nice guy. You're a freeloading douchebag with delusions of grandeur. You have accomplished nothing but ensuring that normal, decent people could care less if you were alive or dead and that's pretty tragic. You have no use in society and you bring nothing to the table to benefit society. You are a waste of the oxygen that the rest of us need to breath and a waste of server space that could be better served with cat pics.

I am not a moderator and I have no say in whether your posts are allowed. I would say to allow them to stay. Let him keep showing the world how much of a fuckwad he is.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Psam »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:20 pm So this is your warning Psalm. You may not bring your Face Book obscenities here nor are you allowed to discuss religion, a banned topic on Quatloos and totally irrelevant to the subject of this post in any case. Do either again and you are banned from Quatloos without further warning. If that's what you want I'm happy to accommodate you.
Okay so I had already made a post that I hit send on around the same time you sent this warning, so I’m hoping that doesn’t count, and I’ve had the ability to delete my own posts (on a discussion thread that was created to discuss me without my consent or consultation) taken away from me by someone who I’m apparently not allowed to call a fucktard despite everybody else on this thread finding it totally acceptable for me to be called a fucktard.

So I’m hoping you can delete the post that I made subsequent to the above warning so that I don’t get banned from this discussion thread that has my name in the subject line.

Also, since my learned friends described me using the word fucktard without being reproached while I used a different word and was threatened with removal, I’m trying to figure out whether there’s a list of words that are banned here that fucktard is not on or else whether perhaps there are different rules for what words I may use from the rules for what words the other participants in this thread may use.

And one further question is if people discuss my Facebook posts on here with the purposeful intention of portraying me as not being a nice guy despite my generous offer to sell you a gram of cocaine for ten bucks, then I would like to know whether my responses can at least include links to those Facebook posts so that these claims can be rationally assessed. Or if some of my posts are viewed as “obscenities” (a highly subjective and arguably false claim), then can the moderator of this thread give me a list of which of my Facebook posts are obscenities so that I know not to post links to them or refer to them in my responses to claims that my Facebook posts prove that I’m not a nice guy.

Thanks very much, my esteemed colleagues in civil debate as to the legitimacy of institutions that claim to be governments.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by JamesVincent »

If the shoe fits it don't hurt your feet.

Actually I have had people ask me to tone it down on here before so before you start whining it isn't just you. There have been other members moderated for using excessive foul language. I would say the biggest difference is when I use a word I use it for it's meaning, not just to show how mature I am. And I use them where they belong, not just slinging them in there. Calling you a fucktard is just a true statement, unlike you calling others names just because they happen to believe something different than you.

I would say it's more telling about you that you chose to complain about me using the word "fucktard" than trying to understand why you would get chastised for an unhinged rant about Christians. There's a pretty good reason why you're edit function was removed, just so you couldn't go back and remove all the crap that you spew.
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