Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

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Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by LordEd »

It seems like every other week I find yet another article with some freeman related thing attached to it. I think i'm going to create a dumping ground thread and link out to other previous discussions where possible.

Found a gym in kelowna that has decided they don't want vaccinated people in their gym. Seems like a well reasoned decision to cut the majority of your potential customers. But then I find this:
We are proud members of the Anishinabek Solutrean Metis Nation.
And then searching that out ( what should I find but some of the magic words:
Declaration of Sovereignty Pursuant to the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People.
WE are not a surrendered Nation - nor a Not for Profit Corporation under the laws of Canada, which are in fact owned by the Corporation Of Canada/Provinces
Pretty much the only ones talking about the 'corporation of canada' wind up here, so a quick search pulls 9 burnaby49 hits including Glenn Bogue, Debbie Anderson, and Andrew Miracle.

Sample Canlii case with the 'tribe':
(case mentioning their 'tribe', not them specifically) ... ultIndex=1
The Plaintiffs’ Claims Regarding Indigenous Rights

[17] At the hearing, Chief Grand Wabiska Mukwa indicated that he, as Chief Justice of his Indigenous Nation, was participating in the hearing together with the plaintiffs whose rights he states are being attacked.

[18] The title of proceedings for the plaintiffs’ claim and amended claim state that the pleadings are issued in conjunction with “ASKIT” and “Kinakwii Indigenous Tribunal.”

[19] The evidence before me indicates that Chief Wabiska’s email address, which includes the phrase “askit4equity,” is linked to a website advertising the Anishinabek Solutrean Metis Indigenous Nation (“ASMIN”), which claims to be one of the oldest unsurrendered, untreatied matriarchal Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island. For $225, anyone can become a member of the ASMIN nation on filling out an application.

[20] The Kinakwii National website suggests that Kinakwii Nation was founded by William Allan of the Baldwin family and Jon of the Maskell family under certain notices which are in evidence before me. For $300 annually, anyone can become a member of the Kinakwii Nation on filling out an application.

[21] Neither the ASMIN nor the Kinakwii Nation are recognized as a First Nation on a comprehensive list of all First Nations across Canada that is compiled by Crown-Indigenous Relations, Northern Affairs Canada, and Indigenous Services Canada.
[28] I agree with Myers J.’s assessment that the plaintiffs’ claim is designed in furtherance of illegitimate litigation tactics commonly referred to as Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments, as described in Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571.

[29] I decline to entertain the plaintiffs’ organized pseudolegal commercial arguments. ... ultIndex=2

So there's no need to wonder if they are freeman idiots.
Membership Benefits
1. Obtain an Indigenously Born Certificate with a private A #, similar to a S.I.N., with these benefits:
A. Ownership of your land.
B. Ownership of your Resources.
2. Access to a new Wealth system where each Woman and Man born on Turtle Island (LINK) has an equal share of our gross value. Example: For those in CANADA, the Resources are U.S. $33 Trillion (or approx. U.S. $1 Million each).
3. Registration of your Intellectual Property, in your private Vault, with the guarantee of 50 % of the net profits.
Membership Fee: Cdn. $50.00
4. Eligible for Healer Certification Program
Fee: $250
I found this tribe being mentioned related to a application made by "Debbie Anderson" ( ... c2170.html). ... in-prison/
Infamous Chilliwack tax cheat ‘educator’ is back in prison
Debbie Anderson was a no-show for 2018 appeal of 4.5-year jail term but was arrested Dec. 19, 2019

Debbie Arlene Anderson was a follower of well-known ‘natural person’ tax scam educator Russell Porisky who was sentenced to four years in jail and handed fines of just under $260,000 in 2016.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

Actually what caught my eye in the court case mentioned was this:
The plaintiffs have launched an action claiming wide-ranging and only loosely connected related relief against various defendants. These include the provincial government and certain of its agents and employees (the “Ontario defendants”), the federal government and certain of its agents and employees (the “Canada defendants”), Mr. Biggart and Mr. Hart, who were counsel for the Town of Georgina in another proceeding in respect of which the plaintiffs claim counsel committed actionable wrongs, and Farm Credit Corporation (“FCC”), which provided mortgages to the Manary family, which the Manary family now seeks to avoid, raising land claims and other issues. FCC has counterclaimed for enforcement of the mortgages.
Brent and Kathy Manary have a long history of getting into arguments with the authorities. I was planning to write them up on the Christopher James thread elsewhere on quatloos but I see they have moved on to another tactic, probably because they're broke. Short summary - The Manary family are(were?) relatively prosperous vegetable and tobacco farmers in SW Ontario. One of their brushes with the law has left them out approximately 1.4 M$. Here's the backgrounder - tobacco is heavily taxed, the entity that physically pays the tax is the cigarette manufacturer who eventually recovers the money from the retail consumer. To ensure that nothing slips under the table, the farmer (Manary) puts a tag on every bale of leaf tobacco he sells to the manufacturer and record the transaction for government inspection. The manufacturer does the same thing, recording the purchase, except they pay the tax. The Manary family thought that this was an infringement on their rights, even though they don't have to pay any taxes on the sale so they started to sell untagged tobacco to the Indian cigarette manufacturers. They got caught, and since the Indians don't have to pay taxes, government logic dictated that they had to, to the tune of 1.4 M$. There is lots of stuff over on Christopher James site about their plight, here's a few examples:
BTW, the untaxed cigarette business is ridiculously lucrative. At the other end of the country (Alberta) from where it is produced, a carton of untaxed smokes can be obtained for 25 to 40 bucks per depending upon quantity and how high up the smuggling chain you are and who you know. Normal taxed price is about $140.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by LordEd »

It seems that they have decided to hide their proud tribal heritage taking the page down and locking down their sign up form that drew attention.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by grixit »

Founded by a man. Current "chief" is a man. Where does the "matriarchal" part come in?
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:58 am Founded by a man. Current "chief" is a man. Where does the "matriarchal" part come in?
Just re-read the Debbie Anderson discussion. In her fantasy world while indigenous clans are supposedly ruled by a chief they are really ruled by a clan mother and her matriarchal group. In a brilliant legal move Debbie bought a membership in a fake tribe which meant that the Supreme court of British Columbia no longer had jurisdiction over her. This, in Debbie's world, meant that her tax evasion case had to be transferred from the British Columbia court system to her new tribal association where the clan mothers, rather than the court's judges, would sit in judgment over her.

Speaking of Debbie I have an update on her to post if I can force myself to revisit the Poriskyites yet again. I thought I was finally rid of them but Debbie has proven me wrong.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by CrankyBoomer »

A British YouTuber's take on how things are in Canada recently. This young lady has a first class honours degree in Journalism though some of her videos seem (to me at least) to be about strange topics.

Editing because someone had mentioned I hadn't given a precis of the video. I thought I'd taken the rules of this site on board but maybe I've read them and not memorised all of them. The young woman was averring that Canada was being somewhat strong in its enforcing of rules to control the spread of Covid-19. I was interested as a British person to know how accurate her interpretation was though she does seem to be conspiracy minded (but then she is still very young). She did wind her neck in towards the end of video saying that there had been some easing. I think she might have been trying to make the point we might be getting strict rules in the UK - though the lockdown did ease on 12th April 2021 in the UK though we are still supposed to socially distance.
Last edited by CrankyBoomer on Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by wserra »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 10:59 amThis young lady has a first class honours degree in Journalism
Then, regardless of the wisdom of granting Canadian police some of the enhanced powers the video describes, she ought to know better than to throw around phrases like "police state".
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Philistine »

Argumentum ad YouTube.
I thought it was customary to at least have a brief synopsis or opinion when posting videos.
At any rate. It's a nice picture of four constables.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Philistine wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:10 pm Argumentum ad YouTube.
I thought it was customary to at least have a brief synopsis or opinion when posting videos.
At any rate. It's a nice picture of four constables.
That's fair comment - I'll have to re-read the rules because I must have forgotten that one. Partly it was a case that I (as someone from the UK not knowing the situation in Canada on the ground as it were) was interested to know if there was any truth in the assertations in the video or if, as is sometimes the case with conspiracy-minded citizen reporters, there is some truth but the subject matter has been somewhat distorted.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:56 pm I'll have to re-read the rules because I must have forgotten that one.
First Rule of Rule Club is there are no rules.

However, when posting You Tube videos it's worth bearing in mind that You Tube or the original poster may remove them leaving a hanging post where in a couple of years no-one knows what the hell it was about! :D
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by eric »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:56 pm there is some truth but the subject matter has been somewhat distorted.
Some truth but more than somewhat distorted. The major fallacy in the video is her confusion over the fact that these "draconian police state powers" only apply to one province - Ontario, not the whole country. I realize that residents of Toronto, Ontario aka Hogtown are quite sure that the world ends somewhere slightly north of Steeles Avenue but I was not aware that this confusion had made it over to the UK.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

Covid restrictions in British Columbia have been increased recently because, as with the rest of the world, we've been facing a surge in the variants. The new rules mainly affect travel but nothing I'd consider particularly draconian. From a personal perspective there's nothing that further restricts my current lifestyle. Covid regulations are applied provincially and, as eric noted, the most stringent rules are restricted to Ontario which is facing a crisis situation. I'm not going to watch the video but I'm guessing she's taken Ontario's rules and applied them as representative of the entire country.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 5:58 pm Covid restrictions in British Columbia have been increased recently because, as with the rest of the world, we've been facing a surge in the variants. The new rules mainly affect travel but nothing I'd consider particularly draconian. From a personal perspective there's nothing that further restricts my current lifestyle. Covid regulations are applied provincially and, as eric noted, the most stringent rules are restricted to Ontario which is facing a crisis situation. I'm not going to watch the video but I'm guessing she's taken Ontario's rules and applied them as representative of the entire country.
Sounds like a case of serious professional journalism to me. :sarcasmon:

I saw the notice that Ontario had gone to full lockdown, didn't realize it was that serious elsewhere. I 'm sorry to hear about it. We have two states in the US right now that should be in full lockdown as serious as things have gotten there, and their state's governors are literally sitting on their thumbs watching Rome burn. My own state has just relaxed rules because we have seriously dropped both infections and hospitalizations. Mainly because of tough rules since the first of the year and a serious drive for inoculation. We are still at mask and social distance, but things have opened back up. We have some serious looney tune factions in state, always have, but I don't get the feeling they are getting much traction. I am still hoping that our stats will continue to drop and that things will hold.

I hope you all stay safe and well.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I hope you all stay safe and well.
Amen to that.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

British Columbia is facing a serious surge in covid, both in active cases and hospitalizations.
B.C. health officials announced 849 new cases of COVID-19 and one more death on Tuesday as the number of patients in hospital hit another record high.

In a written statement, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix said there are currently 9,145 active cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus in B.C.

A total of 456 people are in hospital, with 148 in intensive care — both record highs. In the last week, the total number of hospitalizations has risen by 20 per cent, while the ICU numbers have increased by nearly 28 per cent.
The number of new daily cases has also plateaued at a much higher level than we've seen before. At our peak last winter we were recording about 750 - 800 new cases a day. That sank to about 500 during the January-March period but is now hovering around 1,000. ... -1.5994962

it's a finish-line race between vaccinations and variants and, at the moment, covid is ahead. Apparently Canada is due for a massive shipment of Pfizer but we've heard announcements like this before. So I've got absolutely no issues with any minor infringements on constitutional liberties as an emergency measure.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by MRN »

I'm just going to do links and try not to add a lot of commentary but: things are pretty awful here.

So the experts responsible for advising the Ontario government say that our best chance to bring cases down is to do this:

The stay-at-home order does this: ... -1.5977646

Which is not going to appreciably lower cases.

The Premier is, apparently, busy doing this: ... -vaccines/

Which is not how vaccine distribution works.

The feds are doing this: ... -1.5994487

And random groups of regular citizens are filling the gaps doing stuff like this:
and this:

And the hospitals are shuffling patients around like this:

And triaging:

In the midst of all this the local anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-lockdown crew have been running around my neighborhood putting up their stickers and posters and trying to taunt and get in the faces of residents in masks. So that's awesome.

I haven't seen anything properly SovCit, but I shall keep an eye out when next I venture forth for a walk with Sharpie, pocket knife, and nail-polish remover.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

As a west coaster my sympathies. Things are bad here but nothing like Ontario.

I really have no way of judging the effects of any of this because, after retirement, I became a semi-hermit so covid hasn't radically change my lifestyle. No pubbing at local craft breweries, a lot of cancelled traveling, but nothing I've really missed apart from our annual trip to Palm Springs last year.

The biggest price has been losing a year of seeing and taking care of our four year old (now five) grandson. That's about it. Also my wife stays home a lot more. However, one generation down, one son lost his long-term job and is still unemployed and the other hasn't been to the office in over a year.

I can't say that all these sovereign idiots and their protests are of any consequence whatever. They make a fuss, the police do what they do, and nobody really pays any attention.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Philistine »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:56 pm
Philistine wrote: Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:10 pm Argumentum ad YouTube.
I thought it was customary to at least have a brief synopsis or opinion when posting videos.
At any rate. It's a nice picture of four constables.
That's fair comment - I'll have to re-read the rules because I must have forgotten that one. Partly it was a case that I (as someone from the UK not knowing the situation in Canada on the ground as it were) was interested to know if there was any truth in the assertations in the video or if, as is sometimes the case with conspiracy-minded citizen reporters, there is some truth but the subject matter has been somewhat distorted.
It's customary and polite internet forum practice, not arule. Beyond the fact that the video may be removed at some time, some of us can't view the video at all from where we're posting at the time.
At any rate, I apologize if my post seemed rude. I was suffering a bad tooth ache and a slight hangover from my first jab of Moderna.

I'm at ground zero in Peel region. The Draconian measures that the Ontario government (provincial only) tried to put in place were de jure but not de facto. Word on the street was that the Peel and Toronto police informed the govt. that they wouldn't enforce them. The Ontario govt. then walked back the stop and check parts of the law.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by MRN »

Philistine, I'm so glad you got your shot. Burnaby, you were ages ago, yeah?

I'm in on Friday. I don't even know which one I'm getting and don't much care.

Peel's situation is horrifying and I am glad the municipality is taking additional steps on workplaces with outbreaks. I am REALLY hoping that this catches on with municipalities, because a lockdown as IS a lockdown is direly needed.

The protestors ... honestly I don't know if they're having any direct effect. They seem to have mostly been doing their really big shindigs outdoors, which is pretty safe, either by chance or because on some level they actually do grasp that they're wilfully going along with a pile of nonsense because it lets them play out their fantasy of being heroes and suck up a lot of attention. Or maybe it's already been through them like wildfire and they've done all the damage they're gonna do.

They seem to have caught the imagination of various MPs, MPPs, and municipal politicians, though, and that we could definitely do without. They've established themselves as a constituency whose point of view has to be allowed for, and that's ... quite bad.

I don't think it's even political at this point to say that somebody needs to drop Randy Hillier, Independent, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, in a lake and keep him down until the bubbles stop. I think that's a broadly multipartisan position right now ... ... e-ontario/

Edit: Unless I actually run into a wild SovCit or at least a genuinely entertaining anti- I think for the sake of everyone's eyeballs I'm gonna stay out of this topic.

I'm not doing very well with all of this. Quite honestly for my household, like Burnaby's, it's really minimal changes from how we've lived all year, but I'm furious and petrified for friends and neighbors, and I live on a common flightpath for the Ottawa Hospital's helipad, so concentrating on the things I can change, etc, isn't going so well.
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Re: Freeman infection of anti COVID groups

Post by Burnaby49 »

Got my first shot two weeks ago tomorrow. I got Pfizer because the fuss over Astro-Zeneca resulted in the province not giving it to people my age. I wasn't concerned about the clotting issue, the chances of being affected by it seem insignificant. All drugs have costs, we just don't know what they are yet for Pfizer.

Friends and family are also my main concern. One friend almost died of it, on a ventilator for a week. One of my daughter's-in-law and my grandson got it. She had a hard time but grandson literally barely noticed. He had mild flu-type symptoms for a few hours one night and that was it.

One significant change for us relates to your comment about flight paths. We live directly under the main landing flight path for Vancouver airport. They make a gradual descent from the west flying over Vancouver, Burnaby, and Surrey then finally land in Richmond approaching from the east. They're about 5,000 feet or so going over our house, not window-rattling but noticeable. We'd have dozens of flights a day passing over. That stopped abruptly early last year and we had a very quiet summer. Just picking up again now, an Air China 777 from Beijing just passed over a few minutes ago, but still just a fraction of what it was.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".