Peoples(s) of the Salmon

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Peoples(s) of the Salmon

Post by eric »

I must apologize for being derelict in keeping up with my promised postings. I have been rather occupied at late dealing with the estate of a deceased member of may family. Because of his rather unconventional lifestyle what should be something quite simple I could grind out in a few days work has turned into a situation of multiple residences and multiple financial dealings, all under different names.

Anyways, getting back to matters Quatloosian, various posters here have declared that the FMOTL/Sovereign Citizen movement is dead here in Canada. I may be inclined to agree with them if all we are concerning ourselves with is those espousing the classic OPCA arguments. That being said, one of the strongest purveyors of sovereign arguments and getting stronger everyday is what I call the “just another fake Indian band”. Here on Quatloos we have touched on this before with Sue Holland/Mike Parsons and the Chilcotin National Congress and multiple posts about Anishinabek Solutrean Métis Nation (ASMIN)

I'm not going to get too deep into ASMIN here, it would take me at least thirty pages. If you have a financial issue, just become a member, some dollars for membership may be required:

The tweet has links to the Manary family which I mentioned in the Christopher James thread ... c1156.html
and a tax fraud/evasion in Quebec which I had missed ... a1354.html

What is more interesting is that the fake “Indigenous Rights” claimants have become major players in the anti-covid restrictions movement. Just claim you're a member of whatever nation, even better an ambassador ala Sue Holland/Mike Parsons and you're all set.

Right now, and for the past few weeks there has been an “occupation” of the Alberta Legislature grounds up in Edmonton with some of the major figures in the covid denial movement claiming these rights. Although the antics of Pat King (sub-chief and general gadabout neo-Nazi) and Kelly-Anne Farkas/Wolfe (“ambassador”) are certainly interesting I don't have time to do them proper justice with an appropriate post about them. Let's just say that almost every day one or both of them have a news story about them. Note The encampment was in the process of being cleared out on Monday.

Instead I'm going to talk about a smaller group – The Peoples of the Salmon. They tick off every box for fake Indian – some “real” Indians but membership is open to all; a conflict between inherited title and elected band council; and unusual, somewhat humorous “you're not the boss of me” declarations based on the UCC and somebody, sometime did or did not sign a treaty. I first became aware of them last week. It was all over certain facebook groups and on the personal pages of some of the local villagers that all you had to do was fire off this declaration and the government of Canada would resign enmass on 18 October and you certainly didn't have to follow any covid restrictions.

Intrigued, I checked up on them, and it was blast from the past time since one of the major players I had been aware of for years, just never got around to writing him up. First some background is required. There are real “People(s) of the Salmon”. Roughly speaking they are Coastal Salish/Haida cultural groups occupying coastal regions from Washington State, through BC, up to Alaska. As their name implies their entire lifestyle and culture revolved around the salmon fishery.

This particular group appears to be the brainchild of two people, plus assorted bit players. The two major players are both members of the shíshálh nation. Quite a prosperous little band based out of Sechelt BC, I expect that Burnaby49 has probably driven through their territory multiple times as have I. Their method of government is somewhat unique – an elected band council which handles day to day administration, but all major decisions are carried out by referendum. Social and cultural matters are the job of a group of elders who also act as advisors to the elected council.
The two major players I have identified are the following: a person known as maathlaatlaa is up first. I couldn't find out anything about him except he has a grudge. I would expect considering his age and language skills and claimed status as a headsman he would be one of the advisory elders. Surprise – he isn't, having done some research on the nation's site

The next character is David Quinn aka popois. Here ya go:

At approximately 0:45 he states he went under UCC in 2008 and is now “the secured party for all his contracts” whatever that means.
Since he went down the sovereign path ten plus years ago I will go way back and look at his history before going deeper into Peoples of the Salmon. His public (non-sov) persona has been as a herring fisherman and forestry practices advocate. Here's an example: ... ch-650758/

The first of the two threads that tied together to create the People of the Salmon has to do with Indigenous land ownership and resource rights in Canada. Roughly speaking, all reserve land is owned by the band in common. If you live on-reserve, you may own your house, but the land it sits on is communal land. What often happens though is that an individual band member rents out farmland or timber cutting rights under the table. In fact this illegal practice is common enough that they are referred to as Buckshee Contracts in the Prairie Provinces which is an old commonwealth military slang term for something done not quite legal and performed under the table involving pilfering and bribes.

For those of you that have been following the Sue Holland/Mike Parsons thread forestry rights were one of the things claimed by the fake Chilcotin National Congress. In summary the same thing happened around Sechelt. One family, represented by David Quinn popois claimed the right to determine forestry policy. Things did not go well for them: ... de92cff598 ... ultIndex=4 ... ultIndex=3
The defendant, the Province of British Columbia, applies for an order striking out the plaintiffs’ Amended Notice of Civil Claim against the Province on three alternative bases: (1) the plaintiffs lack standing; (2) the claim discloses no reasonable claim, is unnecessary or frivolous, or is an abuse of process; or (3) the claim is moot.
Although the Sechelt Indian Band did not appear at the hearing, counsel for the Province provided the court with a letter from the Band, dated April 30, 2013, and signed by Chief Garry Feschuk and two councillors, which states:
As Chief and Council of the Sechelt Indian Band and Nation (“Sechelt”), we wish to confirm that the Plaintiff David Quinnis not authorized to represent Sechelt in any court proceeding or in any capacity whatsoever. Further, Steemas also has no authority to represent Sechelt and any arguments, positions or evidence advanced by him are his own.
Sechelt does not wish the Court to be misled by any representations by the Plaintiffs in this action as they do not have the authority to make any representations on behalf of the Sechelt people.
There is evidence that for some time the Band has challenged the authority of David Quinn to represent the Sechelt Nation in respect of matters pertaining to the assertion of aboriginal rights and title. On December 11, 2011, prior to the issuance of the TSL in issue here, the Sechelt Indian Band notified BC Timber Sales that only the Chief and Council of the Band has such authority and that David Quinn is neither a member of the Council nor authorized by the Chief and Council to deal with matters affecting Sechelt Nation rights and title. Attached to this letter is a public notice published in a local newspaper in December 2008, where the Band makes the same statements regarding David Quinn’s lack of authority.
[42]        The Province’s application to strike the whole of the Plaintiffs’ claim is granted and the claim is dismissed.
[43]        The plaintiffs’ application for injunctive relief and damages to the environment is also dismissed.
And it is not just with respect to forestry rights that David Quinn popois has had issues. He has had some problems while “travelling” in his state vehicle. Let us call him by his proper name: :popois of the :shishalh.-tl’extl’ax-min, authorized representative for David Brian Jeffries Quinn
also sometimes known as: Fictional Name David Brian Jeffries Quinn . Ok, I admit defeat, I will just call him Quinn from now on. Anyways, Quinn, like most of his ilk has issues with licence, insurance, and registration while “travelling”.
In 2009, Mr. Quinn, an aboriginal from Sechelt Indian Band, was pulled over by two Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers on reserve land owned in fee simple by the Band.  They ticketed him for (ironically enough) displaying Canadian flags instead of license plates.  He did not have car insurance.  Quinn claimed that he would not sign the violation ticket nor would he obtain insurance, because, he claimed, he was operating a “state” vehicle immune from provincial requirements.  The RCMP impounded his car and Quinn brought suit, claiming the officers exercised unlawful authority to ticket him and to impound his car. ... erve-land/ ... sc792.html ... c1287.html
After having lost one of his vehicles to impound, being a determined sort of fellow, he repeated the same offence twice more. This time he went full nuclear on all and sundry:
Popois Authorized Representative for
David Brian Jeffries Quinn
RCMP officers: S. Coutts, CPL. Attlesey, Tracey Dubnyk,
C. McPherson, Attorney General for Canada, Attorney
General for British Columbia, Minister of Public Safety,
Solicitor General for British Columbia, Super intendant of
Motor Vehicle, ICBC
and this was his statement of claim:
[1]           On June 5, 2017 the plaintiff filed a notice of civil claim which in Part 1 reads:
1.         Popois is a nimulh shishalh tlax-min(reference by CANADA as an INDIAN)
2.         Two vehicles have been taken by above listed RCMP officers. A 1999 dodge Ram Pick up vlalued at 10,000 and a Mazda MX6 valued at 5,000.
3.         Numerouse tickets have been given by these Rented Police OFFICERS of the Sechelt Detachment WITHOUT CONSENT.
4.         Two of these Tickets driving without a license and insurance were dropped by the Attorney General's office.
5.         At all times, Popois was on his lands, unceded, unpurchased and unconquered Indian Lands.
6.         BC refused to hear the case in PROVINCIAL COURT on the grounds of a Constitutional QUESTION.(June 9, 2017)
7.         True Bills made out to the PROVINCE of BRITISH COLUMBIA Solicitor General HAVE GONE UNPAID.
8.         Bills of Sales for the vehicles were in POPOIS and David Quinns name.
9.         These vehicle registrations were made in the PPSA and UCC as the secured party POPOIS.
10.      Denial of Jurisdiction has been made by Postal Contract to the province.
11.      Popois is an Elder and age of Majority.
12.      A $10 million dollar INDEMNITY BOND has been in place since 2008.
13.      Sechelt does not own the lands and ownly has a corporation on these lands.
14.       Fee Simple lands and Crown Lands are still Indian lands.
15.      Coutts RCMP was not allowed ticketing and no consent was stated.
16.      Coutts admitted she had prior knowledge of Popois.
17.      T. Dubnyk RCMP had no consent.
18.      Cpl Attlesey RCMP had no consent.
19.      The Solicitor General and Minister of Public Safety are contractors of the RCMP in this Province.
[2]           The plaintiff seeks the following relief:
1.         RESTITUTION AND Punitive Damages from the Minister of Public Safety.
2.         RETURN OF MY VEHICLES by the officers who took possession and have the vehicles towed. Dubnyk and McPherson towed the MazdaMx6 and Attlesey towed the Dodge Truck
3.         Aboriginal right to travel unhindered.
4.         Expunge of all Tickets on BCDR. License 2052737.
5.         The Ticket issued by S. Coutts be dismissed.
with the inevitable results
[19]        I am satisfied that the plaintiff is a vexatious litigant within the meaning of s. 18 of the Supreme Court Act.
[20]        My order is that the plaintiff’s pleading be struck and the action dismissed. The plaintiff is not entitled to institute any legal proceeding in this Court without leave of the court. I decline to order that, if the plaintiff makes an application for leave to institute a proceeding, his application be limited to three pages or less and be accompanied by only one affidavit. To do so would purport to fetter the discretion of the Chambers judge who may hear an application by the plaintiff to institute proceedings. ... ultIndex=2

Well that didn't go so well.... Things sort of went quite with Quinn for a couple of years, except for being bust at various forestry protests and then he decided to create Peoples of the Salmon in 2021 where I caught up with his latest antics.
First of all, Quinn goes through the standard process of claiming all parties he doesn't like are bad people: ... 6.2021.pdf

Here's a summary: Send letters to all sorts of people, from The Governor General on down saying he doesn't like them. A few odd ones in there – the Ontario Teachers' Pension Fund who rates anEmergency Writ of Mandamus
which absolutely baffles me. Included are some other odd ones -
Provost Marshall Derek Andriatz, Esquimalt, BC . Captain Andriatz is in charge of the Military Police Detachment at CFB Nanaimo and is certainly not the Provost Martial of the CAF. (Note the spelling). Another odd one - Bernard Dionne RCM Strategic Military Command. Checked that one's address as well and it's Bernard Dionne who is in charge of Strategic Communications (Public Affairs Officer)at my old alma mater, Royal Military College or the guy who makes a statement when the young gentlemen (or ladies) there do something which attracts public notice. ... sept-2021/
Now that Quinn has decided that there are a lot of BAD (tm) people who annoy him, you can relive yourselves of all chance of these people telling you what to do by simply sending this notice to the Governor General: ... -governed/
To: Her Excellency the Right Honourable Governor General Mary May Simon, In your official and private capacity, I hereby give notice that, due to an ongoing breach of trust, lack of good faith actions, and failure to provide trustworthy governance, I do not have confidence in you, any political party, any parliament, premier, prime minister, member of parliament, member of a legislative assembly, city council, municipal board, school board or any other alleged government agent, department or agency in Kanata (Canada). Therefore, I hereby revoke, rescind, withdraw, remove and deny my consent for you, any man or woman, any political party, any parliament, premier, prime minister, member of parliament, member of a legislative assembly, city council, municipal board, school board or any other alleged government agent, department or agency in Kanata (Canada) to have authority over my actions, choices or property. I do not consent to be governed, having lost all confidence in said governance in Kanata (Canada).
There, that told them, didn't it. :sarcasmon:
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Re: Peoples(s) of the Salmon

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm more of a Vancouver Island than a Sunshine Coast guy but, yes, I have driven through the area numerous times.

Back when I was a tax auditor I used to deal with a significant volume of files on aboriginal related issues. A short tax primer for non-Canadians, Band members earning money from enterprises on band land are exempt from income tax on their earnings. This can range from replacing a roof, running a gas station or cigarette store, to running a factory. I forget if they had to also live on the band land. We were constantly dealing with stupid schemes, often related to sovereign claims, for claimed exemption from taxes for band members earning off-reserve income and for non-band members trying to somehow run their incomes through the reserve.

I reviewed one where a land developer, without any aboriginal background or connection to a band, cooked up a deal with a band member to run millions of net income from a completed, very successful building project through a partnership headquartered on band land and claim a tax-free exemption for it. The other partner was a band member living on the reserve. I reviewed it and disallowed the whole claimed exemption. They hired a top tax law firm to contest the reassessment. I had one meeting with a partner who told me that this wasn't just a routine assessment, it was a case of national importance. My assessment violated clear aboriginal rights and if it wasn't reversed they'd go to court and show that the CRA was acting against the intent and spirit of the exemption rules. I told him I'd see him in court and never heard from them again.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peoples(s) of the Salmon

Post by eric »

Personally going up the Sunshine Coast to my customers in Howe Sound and Powell River always annoyed me- multiple ferry trips that seemed to be purposely designed to never sync up so that you ended up spending an entire day in travel.
Anyways, the cases you mentioned were more concerned with those claiming residence or company headquarters on native land to reduce their taxes. Buckshee contracts are the process of illegally renting out band lands or resource rights without the trouble or expence of obtaining the permission of Band Council and Indian Affairs. Here are a couple of examples - one for a trailer park in BC and another one for farm land. ... -1.6223471
Quinn and his little group have claimed that they can control or deny cutting rights on Band lands and receive any profits without going through the Sechelt Nation government which has an agreed forest management process with the BC government.
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Re: Peoples(s) of the Salmon

Post by eric »

Looks like Quinn aka popois and his merry band of miscreants have hit the big time by rating a lengthy article in a major Canadian news chain: ... -down.html
and a non-paywall version of the same article: ... came-down/
Remember you heard it first on Quatloos.....
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Re: Peoples(s) of the Salmon

Post by eric »

Nicely trending now on various Canadian "antifa" accounts. Please note I do not post to twitter. Here is a much better paywall free link where you can read the full article. I would almost suspect that somebody has been reading Quatloos ..... ... -down.html
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Re: Peoples(s) of the Salmon

Post by eric »

Anyways, I did a deep dive yesterday into the three leaders of People(s) of the Salmon. I was struck by the fact that all the sov's in BC are mostly following the same playbook, whether they are Chilcotin National Congress (Ms. Holland, Stump, Dorothy Boyd et al), Jamie Sterrit aka God, or these guys. First of all they are all old – they had their glory days twenty years ago or more as native rights activists. They are big on their own courts, and finally they make a big play on their traditional inheritance which has brought them into a disagreement with the rest of their Band. Stanley Stump claims to be descended from a Chilcotin War Chief, ignoring the fact they didn't really have that structure and has been disavowed, the same as Quinn/popois. Some explanation as to naming is required here. Around me, the locals use the English translation of their names as their surnames and keep them for generations to honour their ancestors. Lots of Crowfoots (walks with a limp), variations on Plume, and Many Guns are typical examples. For BC Coastal tribes, your name is a temporary thing, and is more of a description of your title and position. Since under the matrilineal/potlach system your authority in the clan is traced back for generations your name may change multiple times as you advance in the traditional leadership structure. Besides it maintains street creds to those who don't know the system by using your Indian name untranslated, sort of mysterious like.

So I have talked allready about Quinn/popis. The next prominent member, probably because he lives in Vancouver is Harold Bolton/maathlaatlaa. I was mistaken in saying he was a sechelt. From the best I can tell from his postings he fell into the Sovereign sinkhole way back in 2011. He's from a prominent family in the fishing industry from the Terrace area and is a kitsumkalum. That being said he seems to have not made much of any impact.

Finally we have the third signatory to the various documents – Morris Amos aka giltimi. He is a haisla from Kitimaat, across the estuary from the town of Kitimat. His name means that he is a “wing chief”, sort of a spokesman for other chiefs, and is a definite case of stolen valour from court records. Twenty years ago he was a major figure in negotiations over timber rights in that part of the country, Great Bear Rainforest, etc before the movement was taken over by urban activists. Along with that he was also an elected band councillor. Then everything fell apart.

Some background here. Across the estuary from Kitimaat is the town of Kitimat. Until the 1950's it didn't exist. In the space of three years, with the only access by sea, a huge aluminum smelter was constructed, along with the requisite power generation station, a town of 8500 for the workers, port facilities, and a highway to the outside world. They're now working on a LNG terminal. In 2004 the owners of the aluminum company (Rio Tinto) decided to double the size of the plant and triple the amount of electricity generated, with the excess power to be sold to the province of BC.

This is sort of where Morris fell apart. As part of the negotiations for the expansion the company made the required consultations with the haisla offering them a deal worth about twenty million. Morris opposed the deal, failed twice to be re-elected to council and declared war. In 2008 he created a group known as the Strategic Action Commitee or HAISLA HEMAAS claiming to represent the traditional chiefs. Well, if we're going to have a council of chiefs, I guess we better have our own court too “THE TRADITIONAL SOVEREIGN TRIBAL COURT OF THE HAISLA HEMAAS”. Some pretty serious charges too –
In the matter of an act of treason perpetrated by Steve Wilson, Margaret Grant, Jonah (Keith) Nyce, also known as Joey Nyce, Ellis Ross, Kevin Stewart, Rod Bolton, Ken Hall, Alex Grant Sr., Godfrey Grant Jr., Henry Amos Sr. and Kitamaat Village Council, contrary to the provisions of the Haisla Traditional Native Code.
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO APPEAR in the Traditional Sovereign Tribal Court of the Haisla Hereditary Chiefs, located at Haisla United Church, Kitamaat Village, BC, on Friday the 28th day of November, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. to answer the following charges, and make the necessary submissions constituting your defence.
You may bring witnesses and supporting documentation to enter your defence specifically to:
1.         Causing disrespect, disharmony, discord, and disaffection among the sovereign Haisla people, to wit, by engaging in specious commercial and business transactions with Non-Tribal, Non-Traditional parties without the express or implied permission of the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs.
2.         Violating the mandate of the Native Code of the Traditional Haisla by engaging in conduct aimed at disuniting and destabilizing the ways, customs, mores, and traditions of the Haisla people in concert and in furtherance of an intention to defraud and deceive the Haisla people without the express or implied authority of the Haisla Hereditary Chiefs.
3.         Exhibiting conduct unbecoming of a Haisla citizen in direct violation of the written and accepted Native Code of the Haisla people as ratified by the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs.
4.         Perpetrating a fraudulent intent and deceptive practices by memorializing, or attempting to memorialize crucial documentation by unauthorized use of the signature stamp of Jasee, Thomas Robinson, without the implied or express consent, permission, and authority of the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs, in furtherance of an intention to precipitate personal financial gain, benefit, advantage, and purpose.
5.         Negotiating, and attempting to negotiate a Treaty Mandate with the Province of British Columbia and Canada when the consent and approval of the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs, originally obtained on January 2, 1995 was rescinded on November 6, 2007 commanding you to cease and desist from making any representations to British Columbia and Canada for and on behalf of the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs and the Haisla people
6.         Negotiating, and attempting to negotiate a Haisla Nation Resource Management Mandate, issued on 15th of December, 1998, which you were commanded on November 6, 2007 to cease and desist from and all further and future action, or activity.
7.         Conspiring, on or about June 2006, to rig elections in furtherance of a common intention to defraud the leadership of the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs and the people of the Haisla in certain spurious activities conducted in Prince Rupert, Vancouver and Terrace, BC, to illegally vote you in as Indian Act elected Chief Councillor in direct violation of the Haisla Native Code...... and much more including allegations of a 22 million dollar bribe
Well gee, if we're going to have a court we have to find a judge for the court and set up some structure. So let's appoint a judge:
Judge Navin C. Naidu Native American Law & Justice Center P.O. Box 1441 Maple Valley, Washington 98038 Dear Judge Naidu Instrument of Judicial Appointment for Chief Justice, Haisla Nation Judiciary
who had to do a number of tasks:
Your functions and duties will include the following: • Assist our Nation in the set up of a Supreme Tribal Court with rules, protocols, and personnel befitting this organ of a sovereign state. • Adjudicate disputes and controversies in areas involving tribal members and other tribal or non-tribal persons. • Adjudicate disputes and controversies involving Haisla Hereditary Chiefs and the other governments, including band council, municipal, regional district, provincial and federal protocols
We hereby grant you the exclusive right to negotiate and discuss the possibility and economic viability of stationing at least two hundred Gurkha troops as peace officers under the command of the executive branch of the Traditional Haisla Hereditary Chiefs.
So who is Judge Navin C. Naidu ? None other than this guy mentioned here: ... du#p168549 who operated the Ecclesiastical Court of Justice and Law Offices
Anyways, the elected band council did not take kindly to this and in 2011 replied with a defamation law suit. Lots of fun including a non-practicing lawyer, self representation and quotes from Magna Carta, Blackstone and Coke. End result – there wasn't really a council of traditional chiefs, and Morris and friends lost. Note long read – 263 pages Morris and his group owed 98 K$ jointly to all he had libelled with aggravated damages against him personally to all and sundry as the instigator. ... ultIndex=2
He appealed in 2013 and lost again: ... ultIndex=3
with more cutting words from the judge regarding the existence of the tribal court:
When asked in-chief “whether or not there was any sort of court system in [the] village”, Mr. Stewart stated:
Yes, in time of memorial [sic], our Chief, Hereditary Chief and Chiefs were the law of our big community.  And everything that they done was simply listened to by the members of the Haisla people.
He went on to say that when he was about 10 years old, Dick Williams, a hereditary chief, told him the chiefs would convene as a court.  Mr. Stewart also stated that he had observed the hereditary chiefs and elected chiefs convene as a court in a church.  However, he later acknowledged he did not see what happened inside the church as he was not old enough to enter it.
[31]        Mr. Stewart also said that when he was 14 years old, he and nine other boys entered the recreation centre without permission to play basketball.  They were brought before the elected band council that same day and “grounded” for a month.  He said the council took that action at the direction of the hereditary chiefs.
Well that didn't go so well. In 2016 it was time to complain about the special costs. BTW, Janice Switlo was the non-practicing lawyer involved:
Discussion of Special Costs Claim Against Morris Amos, Allan Williams Sr. and Janice Switlo
[31]        In the early states of the litigation the defendants failed to comply with their discovery obligations under the Rules of Court. The plaintiffs brought a series of motions for orders for the defendants to disclose documents and attend examinations for discovery.
[32]        A total of eight orders were made for production of documents after the defendants refused to produce them on discovery. As a result various default judgment orders were taken and followed by applications to set aside certain of those default orders.
[33]        Plaintiffs’ counsel travelled to Terrace from Vancouver on each occasion. He also attended on discoveries in Terrace where the defendants either failed to appear or did appear but without relevant documents.
[34]        It is clear that the defendants generally sought to frustrate the pre-trial procedures either by failing to comply with the rules for disclosure and discovery or by failing to comply with orders of the Court.
[35]        In my view the conduct of the defendants Morris Amos, Allan Williams Sr. and Janice Switlo was reprehensible. They improperly used the BCUC process to attempt to interfere with the elected Band Council and its councillors and they sought to hinder the progress of the litigation by frustrating the discovery process. It also became evident that the numerous and improper allegations of alleged fraud, deceit, trickery, illegal conduct, treason, conflict of interest, bribery, dishonesty, breach of trust and corruption were unfounded and made out of malice.
[36]        While punitive damages were awarded against Morris Amos in my view his reprehensible conduct giving rise to the litigation and its continuation throughout the litigation support an award of both punitive damages and special costs. His efforts to prevent fact-finding and to disrupt the litigation process are deserving of rebuke.
Just a side note, even at the best of times when highways and rails aren't washed out, the journey from Vancouver to Terrace/Kitimat is not easy so that's why Amos/giltimi doesn't appear at demonstrations and such in Vancouver.