Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

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Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by MRN »

All this time I've felt kind of badly, because here I am, in theory, in the thick of things in Ottawa and I haven't had a single decent SovCit for you guys. All I ever get is dudes drooling about dragging people to Nuremberg and hanging them, creepy people following me down Wellington Street yelling about how they love me and want to hug me, and the guy with the poster demanding, among other things her is going to have to go to the Nope Store for, the death of Stalin (somebody should tell him but it's not going to be me).

I have discovered my mistake, which is that apparently I should have been looking in Peterborough.

At long last, I have something worthy of posting on Quatloos, and oh boy did I EVER bring enough for the whole class.

A pure-quill, old-school, fee-schedule and everything SovCit has entered the chat.

Meet Christine Massey, who does in fact call herself Chris Mass, because of COURSE she does. In January she rocked up to the house of the Peterborough medical officer of health, knocked on his door, and tried to serve him a cease and desist.

To the shock of nobody except, presumably, her, that little Unwelcome Wagon stunt got her and her buddy arrested and she's been charged with criminal harassment and intimidation of a health official.

What's more, despite her many valiant efforts since to spread evidence against herself all over the internet Get The Truth Out, the charges have NOT been dropped.

(Also, Dr Piggot has neither ceased nor desisted, so there's that.)

So far, mildly promising, but a fair number of the people who got arrested in Ottawa had been putting out all kinds of wild legal theories, waving their little bits of paper around, and all that — right up until the cops moved in.

Once they were actually in custody, though, most of the Convoyers immediately converted to the worship of the Holy Trinity of Up: Wise, Shut, and Lawyer.

Not our Chris Mass, though. Her first court date was June 30. And she BROUGHT the crazy. She brought 50 pounds of it, crammed into a five-pound sack, fed that sack into the intertubes via Zoom, and dumped it right out there on the courthouse floor.

She is a living woman! Created by God! She doesn't consent to any of this! She wants to talk to Regina! Her terms and conditions are subject to change without notice! (She's right about that part, I suspect. Just not the way she thinks). She refuses to give her labour for free!

And she still will NOT shut up:

So I'm guessing this one's going to run awhile, and have some good bits, although the judge seems to be taking it crisply.

When it's all over I predict we'll have a blue, blue Cris Mass. (Sorry. I'll stop.)

Meanwhile while I was writing this this happened:

It may or may not develop into a classic SovCit, but I am sharing it on the grounds that I can't NOT share with you all the delightful and frequently around here relevant phrase 'active shithead situation'.
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by eric »

Generally I have avoided posting too much about Canadian anti-vax protesters but with Ms. Chris Mass how can I count the ways she have screwed up?. She is an acolyte of Christopher James who has his own thread here on quatloos. Anyways, she is a long term anti vax, fluoride rots your brain sort of person.
Things sort of came to a head back in January. First with emails:
Thomas Piggott: I accuse you of fraud and crimes against humanity
https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-cont ... iggott.pdf
and then an attempt to hand deliver her made up cease and desist order which resulted in police intervention. Here is her order: :roll: Note the Christophe James style language of the "notice of trespass"
Notice: Trespass and Liability
https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-cont ... 9-2022.pdf
Things did not go well for her:
https://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com ... -home.html
and her side of the story:
https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/peterbo ... -innocent/
And of course she went on Christopher James' show to whine about it:

Time to go full sov citizen Christopher James style and deliver her "evidence package" to the local constabulary for the Chris Mass court :shrug: (which was the attitude of the police)
https://rumble.com/vr0y3t-christine-mas ... olice.html

Fast forward to June, or at least fast forward in Canadian Court's glacial pace and she delivered this:
https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/notice- ... -as-clerk/
fast summary - pay me a million dollars plus 5K$ an hour if you want me to show up in court. I suspect that things will not go well for her. However she has the full support of Christopher James:

She starts at about 35:00 and is saying things are going well with her court case :snicker:
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by eric »

Thanks to the original poster for pointing out this loverly (purposeful mis-spelling) lady. Anyways, I noted that there was a co-accused in the case, a certain Tyler Berry. Since he had no "contract with Regina" he didn't bother showing up for one of his court appearances with the inevitable result:

Typical majik words of "I do not consent" and "Name and Badge Number" until about 08:35 when the fun starts. I've had the opportunity to wade through this:
https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-cont ... DACTED.pdf Rough summary, it's a package containing all communications between her and the Crown in the matter up until June 30. If she would plead guilty before then the Crown offered a simple one year peace bond with no criminal conviction. In typical sov cit style though Chris Mass is going all in. It makes for fun reading and includes such lovely exchanges as:
(this one is to the Crown)
Hi Paul,
Since you are restricting my access to your office based on "COVID", I require your proof that it exists. It will be needed if
your incoherent and vexatious "case" goes to trial, as well.
and one back from the crown:
I am not addressing your remaining nonsensical comments, allegations or attacks on my integrity,
nor will I be I engaging in any further discussion with you regarding this matter.
Further, and I say this as an officer of the Court, despite His Honour’s patience, should you impugn
the integrity of any judicial officer again as you did today in open court with Justice Konyer, I will
ask that you be found in contempt of Court. If so found, it normally leads to immediate arrest until
the contempt is purged. As a Crown Attorney I will not condone or tolerate any disrespect to
Canada’s judicial institutions nor its officers and will take the appropriate steps should it happen
Fun reading, reams of emails, I have pity for the poor crown in this case
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by Burnaby49 »

I attended numerous sovereign court trials and reported on them here. In all cases Crown Counsel took the very sensible approach of just totally ignoring all the sovereign blather and presenting the facts of the case without reference to whatever gibberish the defendants were ranting away about.
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by eric »

The link to the emails I posted above is a record of all the stuff that went on before her court date. She hasn't had her actual trial yet, this is just all the normally boring pre trial matters. Chris Mass is trying to fight the Crown even before trial. BTW, anyone know Liz's email address and direct phone number?
The man Paul T. Murray who acts as “crown attorney” has repeatedly given me false
information regarding so-called “disclosure”; also repeatedly (i.e. March 30, 2022) Paul refused
to discuss this “case” any further with me outside of court and has only once “appeared” in the
court to face me despite his continual involvement in moving this “case” against me; Paul and
the man Stuart Konyer have also refused to disclose REGINA’s name or contact information or
whether REGINA aka “the crown” aka “the queen” aka “the state” is a man, woman or
corporation; further, Paul has provided me no written evidence that he is acting for REGINA or
that REGINA knows anything whatsoever about this “case” (see enclosed emails).
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by MRN »

I suppose one could try liz@royal.uk


As a constitutional Monarch, Her Majesty does not intervene in any political or personal disputes, and letters asking her to do so will receive a standard reply to this effect.

Burnaby: yeah, it's unlikely to reach the spectacularly loopy heights of some of the UK or early Canadian cases, but as I say, it's all I got.

Unless a photo of the really incoherent stickers about Nuremberg we're all still peeling off the lampposts counts as on-topic for here, I regret to say that wrt the convoyers "the law is a secret code to which I and only I have the key" appears to have been largely replaced by "the law doesn't apply to me and if you try to apply it to me I'll make you a target":

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/f ... -1.6502747

And there's nothing much funny about that.
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by eric »

Chris Mass certainly qualifies as loopy enough IMHO. Normally pre trial stuff is just the Crown sends a disclosure package, they have a PTC to make sure everybody is happy and to set a trial date. She however has been trying some sort of "I have no contract with you" routine, outside the court system by sending assorted emails to the Crown, Court Staff, the judge, and even victims. Here's a semi-hilarious example:
https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-cont ... DACTED.pdf
Dear Paul, Mauro, Sara-Jane, and any other man or woman acting as "the crown",
Sara-Jane and Stuart W. Konyer disclosed to me yesterday during the closed-to-public "pretrial" (that I was unlawfully
coerced into attending) that "REGINA" (who is mentioned in your so-called "disclosure" package) is also called "the
queen", "the crown" and "the state". We all agreed that I had no dealings with "the queen" on or about January 19, 2022
and therefore could not have trespassed against "the queen" in any way.
Sara-Jane also stated that Paul had responded to jurisdiction issues already. In fact, in early February Paul refused to
answer jurisdiction-related questions (see attached), and all these months all of you have failed to disclose the name of
this man or woman you call "the queen"/"REGINA"/"the crown"/"the state", or any claim that I trespassed against him/her.
Nevertheless you proceeded against me (trespass), acting for "the queen".
Immediately provide this man/woman's full name along with a verified claim of trespass against "the queen", or written
verified evidence proving that i am your (or "the queen's") property to administrate, or that i contracted to give up my Godgiven rights... or drop this entire case immediately. You've had 9+ weeks to supply this information.
If "the queen"/"REGINA"/"the crown"/'the state" refers to a corporation (a fiction): no man or woman commits crimes
against a fiction, and I have no contract with, nor am i owned by, any corporation. Prove otherwise immediately, or drop
this entire case immediately.
Failure re the above means that further trespass will occur and more public resources wasted.
Respectfully and with all of my God-given rights reserved, without prejudice,
Christine Massey
BTW, sending that single email added another 5K$ to her invoice. I hope she plans on declaring that income to the CRA.
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Re: Have yourself a SovCit FluKlux Chris Mass

Post by The Observer »

The whole "so-and-so refused to talk to me, contact me, respond to my questions" gambit is just the sov's attempt to pin blame on the government. They get it into their heads that the government must react and respond anytime the sov demands it, otherwise it means that the government is hiding something and this proves the sov is right. We saw the same thing happening in Peymon Mottahedeh's filed appeal briefs where he claims that the IRS failed to respond to his questions about his audit and refused to engage him in conversation, thus his reasoning why the appeal courts should be throwing the IRS assessments out. It's rather a tiring exercise for these sovs to pursue the trivial and non-relevant incidents - but hey, it's all they got.
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