New academic publications on pseudolaw in Canada

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New academic publications on pseudolaw in Canada

Post by DNetolitzky »

Hi everyone,

I have a couple new papers in press with the Alberta Law Review. One covers the fate of the Detaxer and Freeman communities, post-2015: ... _-_Part_II

The second is my review of novel pseudolaw phenomena that do not have an antecedent in pre-2015 populations, gurus, and theories: ... -_Part_III

These are preprints, so the final version will probably have some changes, perhaps some updates. However, since these will not be formally published until April 2023 and July 2023, respectively, I thought I'd link them here, in case these prove of interest to the Quatloos community.

And also, thank you to all of you for your contributions and efforts in documenting this stuff. Quatloos really is the encyclopedia and global long-term memory for Sovereign Citizen, Freeman, and other pseudolaw nuttiness. If it weren't for resources like the Quatloos community, so much would be lost. And, among other things, that would make my efforts much more difficult, and far less productive.

So thanks again, all of you.

The Part III paper points to an impending publication on the Magna Carta Lawful Rebels. That should be published in the next month or two, and I'll link that when it becomes available. Hopefully, that will be the last word on that particular peculiarity.

Stay well, and all the best!

Donald Netolitzky
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Re: New academic publications on pseudolaw in Canada

Post by eric »

Just a note regarding Dievergent5 that probably is too late breaking so you missed it on your Part III history. The original Australian group, led by Matt Brownwar appears to be still active.
Jodi Levey's/ Darren Clifford's British Columbia based version of Dievergent5 has been inactive since early June of this year and for the two months before that had drifted into some strange form of divine feminine/new age spiritualism that had little to do with classic Clifford equity trust goop. Of course the usual claims of hijacking and recriminations back and forth. Their website website now leads to a dead link and nothing of importance on their facebook pages wrt dievergent5 guru status since June 11. (the BC version)
and from may 14 British Columbia version:
M B AKA “Matt”
In matters of: Trust
Without Notice.
Dïevergent5 has deemed it prudent to make it known to all men, that this particular person is indeed the same “Matt” that Hijacked the Original Dïevergent5 Website; and-
1. Continued espousing unfounded slanderous statements professing the wrongdoings of Dïevergent5
2. Who continues to engage people on that Original Website as: Darren Clifford.
3. This may seem trivial, However, Matt does not have permission (written or otherwise) to impersonate Darren Clifford, in any respect; and-
4. As such, is actually liable for said actions, subject to Criminal and Civil Prosecution.
5. Notice of Intention
To recover by Judgment property other than land in a proceeding at Chambers made ex parte.
Matt Brownwar
6. Where it is alleged by the Petitioner that the Respondent has unlawfully possessed, taken possession of, and is acting as, and charges and continues to charge the person belonging to the Petitioner absent authority to do so; and
7. Whereas the Petitioner seeks an order pursuant to section 4 of the Law and Equity Act,
Equitable relief for Plaintiff; and section 8 No restraint by prohibition or injunction; and 38 Execution of instruments by order of court.
8. Whereas it is asserted and Charged by the Plaintiff (herein) the Respondents actions, contrary to Equity furnish the grounds directly to have the Respondent’s Person (including all debts and assets ) Executed by a writ of Attachment and Delivery and Possession and made subject to CLIFFORD-Trust; and
9. Whereas it appears the Respondent is deemed unlikely and unable to settle the matter within the prescribed time frame of thirty days and thereby forfeits his interest, and accepts in default the order(s) sought; and-
10. Whereas, the Plaintiff shall be at Liberty to cast out the Respondent, and cut him off of his inheritance and subject him to the wilderness without redress or capacity to recover;
11. Petitioner reserves rights to leave to enforce the Trust, and Obtain process to issue;
12. Subject to the discretion of CLIFFORD-Trust and it’s specified beneficiary(s).
The following responses made below by the said Respondent
Shall be used as evidence against him (if any).
The above Notices served upon the Respondent this Fourteen Day of May, Two thousand twenty two years in our Lord, and are in addition to any Notices served by any other means as directed by the court or any Judge thereof.
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Re: New academic publications on pseudolaw in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Donald's harsh, very harsh, to my Canadian compatriot Jacquie Phoenix:
At best, the MCLR was a peripheral component of Canadian pseudolaw. MCLR
members world-wide are unsophisticated conspiracists. Despite their threats of
vigilante action via “The Gallows,” this population were never a meaningful threat to
social order. The rise and implosion of the MCLR was driven by the proliferation and
dissemination of cultic milieu pseudolaw throughout improvisational millenialist157
super-conspiracy communities. MCLR adherent ideology was unfocussed, less
political than simply apprehensive, occupying an intersection where paranoid
QAnon perspectives met New Age and anti-science nonsense, and medical, health,
and safety paranoia. Pseudolaw often is fundamentally illogical - ritual and magic -
rather than anything rational.158 That is probably the best explanation for the MCLR:
a strange document-based spell intended to miracle away state authority. While
most pseudolaw adherents are unsophisticated, unsuccessful persons, both the
MCLR leadership and their followers represent a low-point in pseudolaw, a dismal,
disorganized, uneducated, and socially marginal collective.159 The rise and fall of the
MCLR was a hollow transient crisis-driven process, supercharged by the unusual
circumstances and social-tensions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, that
deflated without even any external pressure.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: New academic publications on pseudolaw in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Kinakwii and ASMIN materials and court decisions identify “Grand Chief Buffalo
Eagle” a.k.a. William Allan Baldwin, “Grand Chief Wabiska Mukwa” a.k.a. Zane Viger
Plouffe Bell, and “Clan Grandmother Ikway Michine” as the leaders of these entities,
however, the keystone legal figure in both groups is a suspended Ontario lawyer:
Glenn Patrick Bogue, a.k.a. “Spirit Warrior.” Bogue, “Attorney General of ASMIN,”197
provides the legal analysis component of Kinakwii and ASMIN pseudolaw, which is
stereotypical Sovereign Citizen theory, but where governments and courts have no
authority over persons who are born in Canada. Bogue says birthplace location
defines “Indigenous,” rather than historical community affiliation.198
Both Bogue and Ikway Michine are discussed in some depth on Quatloos. By chance I happened to be in court the last time that Bogue actually argued on behalf of a client (Debbie Anderson, tax evasion) before being suspended.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: New academic publications on pseudolaw in Canada

Post by DNetolitzky »

Thanks Eric, Burnaby49,

I had picked up the Dievergent5 website antics, but in light of the length of my article - I'm verbose, I admit it - I left that out. Now, if that dispute turns into fratricidal litigation, well, then I'll see if I can squeeze that into the final edits. The Alberta Law Review is really supportive in updating articles to make them as current as possible, prior to publication.

Figure I may have to update the Didulo saga quite a bit.

Donald Netolitzky