The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

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Paths of the Sea
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

I would also note that, in support of this thread, Jonathan Payton, the Holms' #1 promoter, has just posted this note in his continuing effort to have the media pick up on the story: ... 923253227/

(Begin quote.)

It's funny to see every news station within 100 mile radius afraid
to cover this story!

I have contacted EVERY one of them and know numerous people
that have also.

Further shows you just how bought and paid for mainstream media

No wonder nobody believes them anymore and their approval
ratings are falling faster than ever!!!

(End quote.)

And one person has already responded with:

(Begin quote.)

I've contacted them also.

They claimed they would like to report from all sides and are
unable to obtain documents they want due to a child being

I'm not sure why they can't report based on the obvious.

It's sad that they could make a difference, but are scared to get involved.

(End quote.)

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

And there was this in another thread from another poster: ... 429949743/

(Begin quote.)

If we want to get international exposure we need to go
after RT (Russia Today) News.

They do world wide news and they pick up stuff like this

We needs to blow up there Twitter and FB.

(End quote.)

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Here's another gem from "Al Thompson" that was posted a few minutes ago; note the comments regarding his own criminal case and tax protest history: ... 076636045/

(Begin quote.)

I don't advocate a "free man" defense.

I've refused the oath in a deposition and they threatened me with jail.

This was almost three years ago and I walked out the door. I've also been
thrown in jail for contempt of court about 4 times. The main thing is
standing up for what you believe in.

Any courtroom techniques that I use are very simple and they work
the best and get good results.

Just ask the question:

What facts do you have that show that the codes apply to me?

Just keep shifting the burden of proof.

Refusing the oath is critical from a spiritual standpoint.

I don't "win" cases because most of what I know is more in the
damage control.

I used to be a tax protester years ago and I was acquitted on conspiracy.

Few people have ever beat a federal conspiracy charge but I managed it,
without an attorney.

The judge withheld exculpatory evidence from the jury that proved
that I was innocent.

So they got me for 6 years.

They had to cheat to do it.

Recently, I had a traffic ticket and I simply asked the judge this question
What facts do you have that show the Vehicle Code applies to me?

Judge didn't answer the question.

However, 30 days later, when it came up for trial the judge said that
she had called the police officer and told him not to show up, so the
case was dismissed.

I'm not someone who likes to even talk about the court system because
it is so evil. I made an exception in this case because I thought it might

I started in this subject matter from studying the Pizzagate thing which
lead me to this case.

I've tried to use their system and rules and I lost every time or my filings
were ignored. I've observed other people be successful when they shift
the burden of proof.

(End quote.)

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

OK, I ran across an on-line article on Al Thompson and his tax evasion at:

The same picture of him featured in that article is featured on the
Al Thompson FaceBook page of the fellow prominently posting sovcit
silliness on the #freebabyholm FaceBook group, with apparent approval
from the parents of the child in question and the page administrator
Jonathan Payton.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by The Observer »

We covered Walter "Al" Thompson here during the early 2000's; I am presuming those threads were lost in the big crash that hit Quatloos. He had a small niche business in Central Californi that made baggage for airline employees. My guess is that while the business could meet its bills, it never made the kind of money that Al expected it to, thus his turning to the dark side of tax denial in order to recoup the employment taxes he was paying out for his staff. I can't recall if Thompson was able to keep the business going; at one point, I recall reading that his son was now claiming to be the owner of the business. I assumed that this was being put out there to defeat any government liens or seizures for the back taxes. After Al got out of prison, he kept a pretty low profile and did not continue with making tax denial arguments. He moved towards sovrun rights philosophy at least in terms of opinion but certainly no defiant stands like he made with with his tax denier arguments.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

The Observer wrote:
After Al got out of prison, he kept a pretty low profile and did not
continue with making tax denial arguments. He moved towards
sovrun rights philosophy at least in terms of opinion but certainly
no defiant stands like he made with with his tax denier arguments.
I don't recall noticing him since "back in the day", but it seems he has found an accepting venue in the #freebabyholm on FaceBook where he appears to have free reign and an accepting audience.

Here's another gem that Al posted to that group yesterday:

(Begin quote.)

The problem with attorneys is that they use the oath.
That's really my main objection.

They are members of the British bar and they are sworn
to uphold these stupid "laws."

Just be warned that oath-takers get bad results mostly
because they help to sustain the evil power of the state.

I've used attorneys in the past but I won't use them now
for any reason because of the oath-taking.

I don't want to fall under their curse.

(End quote.)

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

This exchange has just been completed in the # free baby holm FaceBook group. I am just showing Al's comments. He responded to various comments on his original thread:

1. From Al Thompson - 9 hours ago

Does anyone here have any facts that show that the DHR codes or policies apply to the Holm family?

2. From Al Thompson - 1 hour ago

It is easier to shift the burden of proof. All that have to do is to disclose the facts that show that these codes apply to the defendant. Shifting the burden of proof to the plaintiff or the govtards changes the whole picture. The Holms family may have violated a code, but how does the code apply to them in the first place?

3. From Al Thompson - 1 hour ago

How does that law apply to the Holm family?

4. From Al Thompson - 10 minutes ago

I was trying to demonstrate a point. And the point I was making is that these goons don't have any facts. When you ask this question in a court room the whole process comes to a grinding halt and in many cases they are dismissed and no more harm is done. I don't give a shit what you think and if you want to be rude that's fine with me. I'm trying to teach a different way by shifting the burden of proof. If I am annoying a lot of people in this group, I'll be happy to leave.

5. From Al Thompson - 2 minutes ago

And those are just some of the reasons the codes don't apply. They intentionally deceive people into "volunteering" into their nonsense and I was trying to help the Holms family learn something that is easier to remember and easier to use. I was asking the facts question to demonstrate that the stupid question cannot be answered.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Those interested can check the #freebabyholm group on FaceBook for details.

I will just note that Al has since been bantering with an Alabama lawyer, Lisa Chasteen, whose FaceBook page is at:

She specializes in DHS case and bashing DHS.

Alas, she demonstrates she doesn't know who Al is or where he's coming from and seems frustrated in, what some might consider, Al getting the best of her.

I've tried to warn them.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Lisa may be warming up to Al and figuring him out.
Maybe it was something I said!

A few hours ago, among other things, she wrote to him:

- "No, I don't represent them,
- but if they are listening to
- inexperienced dumbasses like you...
- they need counsel."

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Al Thompson has now posted an article about the Baby Holm case on his on blog at: ... -holm.html

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Now a Tim Holmes has showed up and in a post on the #freebabyholm group this morning he invoked the name of "Marc Stevens":

Link to #freebabyholm thread and Tim Holmes comments below: ... 749860311/

Link to Tim Holmes page:

(Begin quote.)

Someone might advise their Court they are a municipal Court
thus a corporate court,

With No Contract they are harming this family and can’t provide
Jurisdiction since corporate entities are NOT an actual man/woman

thus feel no loses , no pain, can’t stand legally in a court to testify
to any Complaint,

oh and for the Record

our Constitution guarantees “Right to Counsel” meaning anyone you
wish may stand to assist, you don’t want them playing Lawyer and
playing their games, Learn what Pro Per is, stand as such, demand
they prove Jurisdiction, then its game Over!

See Marc Stevens videos on YouTube , many people following as they
prove nationwide that no one needs a License to Travel, Its simply
illegal what these municipal Corporate courts do to maintain that money

(End quote.)

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Rumor has it that Brady may have a long history with the following group: ... print=true

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Gregg »

Look, I've been biting my internet tongue for 3 days now and I just can't stand it anymore.

You're talking to yourself here, and making Quatloos your own personal central clearing house for a story no one else is, well, its not that we're not interested, but no one else here seems to be phucking obsessed with this story that is at best tangential to our normal subject matter.

If the last 13 posts on a thread that is less than a week old are all from the original poster, with minimal response from the cheap seats or others, along with 15 other things about the whole thing that make me a little queasy. perhaps its time for you to fold up your tent and take it to another place. I would be very happy to see this fade to black here, and I can say its been discussed by some just how much this discussion belongs.

We get it, its a tragedy, its wrong, its, its, its....well its something. What its not, is interesting to the general readership when you can't seem to go a few hours without chirping back in with some other....other.

Please, try to limit your own response here to posts that are part of a conversation and not the longest monologue on the subject in the English language.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Gregg wrote:
I would be very happy to see this fade to black here,
and I can say its been discussed by some just how much
this discussion belongs.
If the "some" include management, they are welcome to "blacken" this thread.

I'll move along now.

I make mistakes once in awhile, and I guess I made another one in thinking there might be some interest in this venue. I guess I misinterpreted the "views" statistic. I would gladly just delete the entire thread myself, but I don't think management allows that; so I leave it up to them.

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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Speaking solely for myself, and certainly not for Management, I have no problem with this thread. I have not had any comment to make on this story, but I have been reading the posts, and I don't think it's outside the purview of this subforum.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Duke2Earl »

For the absolutely nothing it is worth, I agree that the story is of some interest....but I do not think it is of enough interest to require a post every time anyone burps. A short summary of actual important developments (if any) every week or so would be easily sufficient... not obsessive coverage of everything marginally related to it. Several posts a day is too much.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by grixit »

Agreed. This is not the first time that someone has complained that Paths has made a topic into a monomania.
Nonetheless, there is value in the things he brings up. The same can be said for at least one other regular.

So here's my suggestion:

Designate a section of the forum for "journaling". That is, where someone can start a topic and then post research in progress. Then, as suggested above, they could periodically, post summary updates in the main section.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Dr. Caligari »

A better suggestion:
So long as someone is posting things that are relevant to Quatloos, not abusive of other posters, and don't violate other forum rules, let him or her do it. If you're not interested, don't read the thread.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
A better suggestion:

So long as someone is posting things that are relevant to Quatloos,
not abusive of other posters,
and don't violate other forum rules,
let him or her do it.

If you're not interested, don't read the thread.
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Re: The Alabama "Baby Holm" Case

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Brady Byrum - still the best kept secret in the Baby Holm custody case.
Brady Byrum may now be meddling in a child custody case in your neighborhood.
Ernie Land says it might be so!
Who would know?

The Cobb-Baty Exchange on Baby Holm & Brady Byrum ... rady-byrum

Paths of the Sea