OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Moderators: Prof, Judge Roy Bean

Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
Total votes: 41

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:I vaguely recall references to the husband while she was in Morocco or at least the kids were there. Seems logical to me that if the husband is Moroccan and she moved to Morocco it was with the husband. Wouldn't make sense to leave the Moroccan husband in the states and move to Morocco yourself when you can't even speak the language. Plus she stated once the husband was himself sovcit, makes more sense to me that he would leave after she fills the house with dirty hippies than before. Then again we never saw the husband in Morocco so I'm not sure.
So, fine, you nagged me into it. I did a few word searches in the original OPPT discussion and came up with a timeline. Basically it seems that she and her husband were on the outs when she buggered off to Morocco in 2013 and that he never joined her. It seems just chance that she went to her husband's home country, perhaps she ws comfortable with it because of her frequent trips when they ran their Tacoma business. Or, as has been suggested on Quatloos, because the United States and Morocco do not have an extradition treaty.

This article on their business was in a November 2007 edition of the Tacoma Weekly.
by Matt Nagle

Moroccan Treasures at 906 Broadway just opened in February this year but already the new business is having a significant impact on the city. With owners Youssef Jarraf’s and Heather Tucci-Jarraf’s intimate ties to the country, the two entrepreneurs are working to both build their business and establish a solid partnership between Tacoma and this Northern African nation, the most westernized of the Arab countries.

Walking into Moroccan Treasures is like stepping into an upscale indoor Moroccan marketplace and art gallery. The rich colors, textures and sparkle of the merchandise provide a luxurious feast for the eyes. A stroll around the 4,000-square-foot sales floor takes the customer on a tour of lovingly crafted Middle Eastern finery, every single item handmade by artists who eschew electric tools for hammer and chisel to exercise their extraordinary talents.

Everything sold at Moroccan Treasures is hand picked by Jarraf on his frequent buying excursions. He has developed an eye over the years for the types of goods Americans are interested in and he enjoys looking for these unique items. “I go all over,” he said, from furniture makers’ shops to the desert where he buys fossilized Moroccan-quarried marble.

The variety to browse through seems endless - drapes and fabrics in a rainbow of shimmering colors, tasseled floor pillows, hand-carved chairs, couches and living room tables inlaid with intricate mother of pearl designs, fossilized marble countertops containing remnants of seashells more than 400 million years old, brightly painted mosaic tiles, exotic carpets, painted lampshades and sconces and a large array of personal items like jeweled trinket boxes and polished marble desk accessories.

“Our goal is not to create a warehouse, but a gallery setting to honor the pieces that are in here,” said Tucci-Jarraf. “Some pieces take months to prepare. All the technique and craftsmanship is handed down to each artist and each artist modifies it for their own signature.

“These are historical pieces, and every piece is collectible and most are one of a kind.”

Jarraf said he tries to never buy the same things twice so that he can provide customers with a thorough selection of everything Morocco has to offer. “I like to change so that people can come and see samples of what they make there,” he said.

“We are a Moroccan import store but it’s really more than that,” said Tucci-Jarraf. “We’re a gallery that represents the artists and educates the community on the wonderful handcraftsmanship that they do.”

The couple takes great pride in the ethics by which they work: to treat the artisans with respect and compensate them fairly for their items. This is how the artisans make their living and they oftentimes are taken advantage of by dealers in the Middle East and United States, according to Tucci-Jarraf. “We saw a need for representation of the artists because they usually see only about a five percent profit on what they make,” she said.

The couple is completely devoted to helping build a sound and mutually beneficial business and humanitarian partnership between Tacoma and Morocco. Jarraf was born in Casablanca then moved to Florence, Italy, where he met Heather while she was there on business. The two married and decided to anchor their business in Tacoma where Tucci-Jarraf was born and raised.

Tucci-Jarraf is chair of the committee that succeeded in winning the Tacoma City Council’s unanimous vote last month to make El Jadida, Morocco, Tacoma’s 11th Sister City. “I’m very excited and honored to be part of that,” she said. “Historically speaking, Tacoma has done wonders with the Asian world and bringing in those contacts and ties and creating a strong port for the United States. But we didn’t have any ties with the Arabic world. It’s a world we haven’t explored much as a city.

“With the connections that Youssef and I have with the Arabic world and in Italy we felt that was something we could contribute to Tacoma.”

In 2004 the United States signed a free trade agreement with Morocco, “the best free trade agreement between the U.S. and any country,” Tucci-Jarraf observed. She said Morocco’s position between the United States and Europe could open up a wealth of trade opportunities for American companies.

“We hope to build more awareness and knowledge of the capabilities in Morocco for the West Coast and position Tacoma for the center of that point.” She said discussions on how to do this are ongoing with the Moroccan government. “We have a number of dignitaries coming next year.” She noted that she also looks forward to seeing Morocco and all of Tacoma’s Sister Cities showcased during Tall Ships next summer.

“I’m really proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish here,” said Tucci-Jarraf. “We always get great reactions from people who walk through the door because it really is like you’re transported to another country. I think we’ve captured it.

“We have a lot of future plans for this place. The possibilities abound.”

So that explains the Morocco aspect. At least their familiarity with the country. She's fled to Morocco by early 2013;
Postby vkey08 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:55 am
notorial dissent wrote:I would like to know what correspondence school, or cracker jack box Heather allegedly got her law degree from, and why she gave it up.
Don't know the school, but she was a personal injury lawyer in Washington and ended up having her home foreclosed upon, shortly after that she gave up her law degree and fell into the Sovvie Slush with Charles C Miller..

That's about all that's known about the woman..she wont' even show her face, an does all of her shows from some "unknown location" in Morocco, due to as she calls it, an illegal charge against her for and this is a direct quote "Doing 'SOMETHING' to an Officer of the Law"
It appeared she went to Morocco with Caleb, one of her cohorts, and the villa she stayed at was his;
Deep Knight » Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:09 pm
American Kabuki Update. Delicious irony when you consider he's warning people away from doing what he just did.

Updated: Morocco Diary #3 By American Kabuki January 2, 2014 ... Regarding recent travel inquiries: We are getting a lot of inquiries from people wanting to come to Morocco and stay with us at Caleb's villa. We frankly don't have any room. Caleb and Heather have projects they are working on which are not complete, in fact they are very much in infancy. We have no facilities to house visitors (or feed them) at this time. Caleb's villa serves as his working office. It cannot be the center of any sort of large gathering. There are no spare rooms. The situation here in the Tetouan area is quite a bit different than the special event that Heather arranged in May-June, which she designed so she could learn about us and we could learn about her and her life one on one. OPAL Bob, Lisa, Brian and Nanako have decided to come visit next week. They are arranging their own housing situation. We didn't know it was going to be another "OPAL TOUR" until yesterday when we saw it on their web site. Anyone coming here to participate in Bob and Lisa's OPAL Morocco Tour need to make their own arrangements for housing. Caleb, Heather, or I can't do that for you. Late note: originally said that they were coming here for an OPAL Morocco Tour, that announcement has been since been changed to say one is planned in the future. OPAL is not funded nor directed by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. All credit for it belongs to those who created it and fund it. Lisa and Bob have amazing media skills, and Brian, well everyone loves Brian. I can't even say Brian's name without grinning. Nanako is a gifted event organizer.
No mention of Heather's husband. This posting indicates he was out of the picture, by the latest, in early 2014;
Postby Alcibiades » Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:36 am
American Kabuki, the anonymous blogger who has been associated with the One People movement from the early days and who now resides in Morocco, has posted a further diary blog (http://americankabuki.blogspot.com.au/2 ... ary-4.html) in which inter alia, the recent trials and tribulations of Heather are laid bare, including the fact that she and her partner, Youssef Jarraf, have now parted company and that she is impecunious. Some readers may recall that before the OPPT madness descended, they jointly operated Moroccan Treasures, an import store in Tacoma, Washington State. Now it seems that she has to run on the smell of an oily rag.

Apparently Heather still radiates an intense energy field that is readily detectable by all who venture close and which effectively results in withdrawal symptoms after separation (like nicotine). It seems that D, who now lives on Malta, is suffering from this withdrawal but can't afford to get back to Morocco. And perhaps it explains why all the One People who can afford it are either in, or travelling to Morocco, for their 'fix'.

The good news is that after various setbacks, Heather has regained her composure, "back on her feet and working hard again" (on heaven knows what, we wonder).
And she seems to have been divorced by that time;
Postby LightinDarkness » Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:24 am
Alcibiades, thanks for pointing out that "update" from the OPPT fruitcakes. A few things I noticed in reading the blog post:

- Heather is in such dire financial straights after her divorce that shes being given free rooms by Caleb (Project 13 founder - a OPPT nut BUT he has actual skills that allow him to get paid like being able to program).

- The AK blog guy has decided that moving to Morocco has reactivated his true DNA and that he has grown a inch since arriving and will probably top out at 7 feet (hes in his 50s).

- Heather has taught the AK blog guy how to "remove chem trails" by making chalk board eraser motions in the air, which hes been going out and doing daily at farms around the area.

What is most hilarious is that all these fools were brought together by the promises of free money and magical legal language offered by Heather. And now here we are, over a year later, and Heather is penniless and begging for someone to give her shelter. This is the same woman they all believe has a direct line to the most powerful people int he world and teleported mass amounts of gold of planet with her mind. Yet she can't seem to use those powers to manifest a bank account with a balance greater than $0.

By the way, OPPT is a perfect example of the "whats the harm?" argument you sometimes get from people regarding crazy scams like this. There is in fact real harm. Every single person, even among the gurus and Heather herself, that went down the new age/conspiracy rabbit hole has been divorced/separated/disowned by their significant others. Only exception seems to be D, whose husband was a new ager to begin with. On top of all that the gurus have fleeced the OPPT flock for tens of thousands of dollars for 2 round trips to Morocco now and the OPPT magical sex bus tour. A flock that was already in debt and had no money, who maxed out their credit cards and home HELOCs to give money to the gurus since they were told their $5 billion was coming thanks to the magical UCC documents.
As Jeffry noted the gang started moving to Morocco en mass to join Heather in early 2014;
Postby Jeffrey » Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:14 pm

Finally some images from Morocco. Lisa Harrison is now living there, sharing a tiny room with another cult member. Claims there are 19 members now in Morocco including one child. If you don't have the stomach for the full 22 minute video, she shares a bizarre parable where God creates an experiment involving two angels and one of the angels realizes it was all a farce by God. The whole thing has a creepy Jonestown vibe; they've transitioned into a full blown cult now.

The more recent video has Brian Kelly reporting in from Morocco discussing more commune plans. D from RTS and her husband Nick remain in Malta. I'm assuming the plan for the commune is in Oued Lamil in the Taza province. Brian claims they have the blessing of the "Royal Families" of Morocco for their plans.
We will be building machine shops and labs for inventors to utilize, working together as we move forward in the realms of zero point energy, alternative means of propulsion, the study of frequencies and developing healing technologies.

If you try to see past the bullsh*t, Brian appears to be trying to attract fresh blood and donations via the "free energy" angle. I guess they're just going to ignore that the "water powered RVs" never worked. It's not clear how long they can remain in Morocco given that they lack the money for food, housing and other necessity. How they plan on building a commune is a mystery.
And Jeffry speculated about the reasons for the marriage breakup;
Postby Jeffrey » Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:23 am
It'll be interesting to see if the close proximity to Heather makes one of them realize that she's crazy.

Alternatively I hope they escalate the crazy and actually do something super illegal to get at least one of the core group jailed. Heathers latest documents signal, to me, a shift back into vague gibberish documents that can't get her or anyone else in trouble.

It doesn't make sense from her position either since there's no carrot for her to dangle in front of her followers for them to keep the donations coming. The sale of the RVs is only going to give them 3 to 6 months of food and housing money under optimistic scenarios.

By the way a very revealing part of the show is when Heather cryptically acknowledged her personal problems. Where are Heathers kids during all this mess? Did her SovCit insanity and random people moving to Morocco finally cause her husband to leave her? Would any court give her custody?

The Bob guy who called in is a tragic figure. I hope they get some comeuppance for taking advantage of vulnerable people.
By September 2014 the money had seemed to run out for most of them and they were heading for home;
Postby DailyPlanet » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:37 pm
"The morocco compound is decreasing in numbers, it was at a high of 40 people earlier this year and now its down to 20 people."

I am watching how many subscribers sign up for Heather's channel.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gannibal »

Update re: Randy Beane, from the All of Us facebook group:
Randy met with his attorney, Bobby Hutson, yesterday and IT DID NOT GO WELL. Randy said he immediately started discussing ‘his prison term’ and that upset Randy greatly. Said the attorney never questioned him about what or why or anything in the GJ transcript that he and I had been discussing in preparation of his meeting…..only that the attorney wanted to discuss the # of years he will likely serve. Randy told him he did not want to hear that and would not listen to it, that he was FIRED unless he wanted to discuss the true facts of the matter and become educated in the matter, so that he could properly represent him as he was expected to do; that he was not there to help represent him, he was there to put him away for accessing his own funds. Randy said the attorneys face turned beat red, said he could not fire him that the Judge would not allow it. Randy told him the meeting was over. Now……when his attorney returned/returns to his office he will find that I have left him the filed documents! Will that change his attitude or anything about the case I wonder.
**beet red
And re: HATJ, same source:
Phone call with Heather @ 9:33 am CST / 10:33 am EST (12 minute phone call)
August 11, 2017

Received call from Heather
She was exhausted and not feeling well at the moment
At the time of her call, although they had the night before, previously showered and prepared for booking (received bracelet – photos taken), she stated she and others were still in holding area waiting to be completely processed and classified.

At the time of her call, she was unaware of any Case Manager/Direct supervisor assigned to her.
I informed her BZ should have (if not already) transferred her phone account so she could have uninterrupted communications.

At the time of her call, she was suffering from a migraine headache and was staying as low to the ground as possible which makes it more bearable. She said the frequencies – during the transport and upon arrival at the facility – were unreal.

I asked if they were providing any water for her to drink – that it was very important to drinks LOTS of water Now. She said – “if you can call it water” and commented that the stainless steel sinks were black at the bottom. I reminded her that she can transmute any toxins in the water and to drink a lot.

She also mentioned the ‘chemical’ smell in the facility and remarked that apparently several months ago (?) there was a lice outbreak at this facility and that the chemical smell may be as a result of what was used/being used for that matter.

She had requested some Ibuprofen and they stated she would have to fill out a Medical Request form – brought one to her without a tool to write with.

I asked for her to do some relaxing breathing, as well, an pure healing frequencies were then being emitted end infolding her to assist in the transmuting of her discomfort.

She stated that the only way she could get Ibuprofen was through the commissary – which must have a prepaid account under her name – for her to access. I told her I would be working on that immediately. She did say – however – that even if I did – there was a possibility that she would not be able to use it as you must put in your request – in advance – and Thursday was commissary day. She felt that she may be moved to another facility by Thursday – could be Monday if air transport was used or Thursday if by motor vehicle.

She stated the facility she is currently in – Northern Neck in Warsaw, VA. – transports for various ‘entities’ for free. However, they get their funds based upon actual ‘bookings’.

I asked her to request again a pen and form be provided to accommodate her health situation. She was going to do that and call later.

After speaking with Heather – I called Northern Neck several times and just kept getting voicemails. I finally hit ‘zero’ and got a live being.

Her name was Officer Gibson. I gave her Heather’s name – she looked her up. I told her of the conversation I had with Heather @ 10:33 am. Told her about the Migraine, how she was not feeling well, asked for medical attention and was provided a form with nothing to write with. I told her I needed to speak with someone who could provide me with the current state of Heather’s health.

Ms. Gibson said she recognized who Heather was – that she was in charge of her pod and required to visit twice and hour and that Heather seemed fine –and there were no complaints from her. Her time to be in charge of the pod was from 9:00 am EST to 12:00 PM EDT

She seemed to know nothing about a medical request form. I asked if they had a nurse on staff – she said yes but no one was allowed to talk with the nurse – not even a family member.

I was very upset about that and was adamant I speak to someone who could apprise me of Heather’s current health situation – as I had received her earlier call regarding her current state at that time and her migraine.

Officer Gibson said she would try to find someone else to help e – she then transferred me to Lieutenant Gordon. I reiterated the above - he stated
a) She must sign a HIPPA form in order for them to pull her medical records before any medicine could be given
b) They DO NOT provide over the counter medicine – only prescription drugs
c) Nothing would be prescribed anyway until they retrieved data on her after she signed the HIPPA form
d) The only way she could get Ibuprofen or other over counter items was to purchase prepaid account in her name at commissary
e) Gave me the website to pay – it is a 3rd party site that handles this for various different facilities where inmates are (http://www.jailatm.com)
4) They charge $ 5.00 or 10% of the prepaid account for their fee

As we were speaking and I again reiterated my concern based upon my earlier conversation with her. I told him that the chemicals she was smelling in the facility were likely aggravating her migraine. He said they weren’t using any chemicals in the facility.

I told him she was informed that there was a lice out break several months ago and that it was possible that whatever chemicals had/were being used were not helping her migraine.

He said there had been no lice infestation – at all.

As we were still on the phone – he said he was in a position where he was sitting – where he could see her, she was talking on the phone, she had already eaten breakfast and seemed fine – in order to insure me of her good state of health.

I thanked him and asked him to let her know that I would be immediately get a pre-paid account set up for her to use the commissary. He did not know how much anything cost at the commissary.

It took about 20 minutes to go through the process of setting up an account through http://www.jail.com. They do not take American Express (lol).

After I completed the process – I checked the account and it said it would take 24 to 48 hours to show up in the system (facepalm)

I called Youssef right away as I felt Heather would be calling him and informed him of the prepaid account so he could let Heather know when she called.

August 11, 2017 @ 1:58 pm CST – 2:58 pm EST ( 6 minutes )

Received another call from Heather –

She said that as soon as she had finished her call with me earlier, she had to lie down on the floor and finally an EMT was called. She FELT ALL of the HEALING FREQUENCIES requested BE SENT and was feeling so much better now.

I informed her that I had set up her commissary account – and to speak to Lieutenant Gordon as I had had a long conversation with him.

She was happy to hear that and told me she was going to seek him out right away – and she would let me know if she was going to be able to use it.

Shortly thereafter, I received a text from Bill. He said Heather said to cancel the account. So I attempted to do so and the message “THERE ARE NO REFUNDS” – of course.

Now – today’s updates on calls from Heather

August 12, 2017 1:58 pm CST/2:58 pm EST

Her voice was much more upbeat and she said she was GOOD!!!

She had spoken to Youssef. She has and is now experiencing (along with Randy) the lengths to which all involved (FBI, DOJ, SS) will go through to “win”. And she is FULLY aware of how beautiful and amazing this ALL IS!!!

I read to her the update on Randy that Denice posted above^^^.

She asked me to let Randy’s friend know (and I will do this directly through an email) of Heather’s GRATITUDE for her and Randy and ALL doing this. That no one really considered it be would be Knoxville – Randy and his friend are DOing FANTASTIC – she IS There and she Completely trusts their doings at these moments.

After learning of his update – she will be giving me more documentation to file for her and provide to Randy’s friend for filing.

I got a brief start before our phone call was terminated. However, she will call back later to provide language for these anticipated filings.

She was in very JOYFUL state, said she was relaxing a bit and able to come into more clarity and focus.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like Randy is off to a good start, already trying to fire his PD. Doesn't sound like the PD is too impressed with his chances, or maybe possibly kinda sorta Randy left some parts out... Actually I'm not impressed with Randy's chances either, they have him on the wire fraud, and for that dollar amount it is going to mean big long time for him, plus the restitution of EVERYTHING he got away with.

She isn't even really checked in yet and things are already going swimmingly. Sounds like she will be being and doing in a very not nice place, oh boo hoo. And things haven't even gotten started yet.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:She isn't even really checked in yet...
I don't think she will ever check in:
And she [Heather] is FULLY aware of how beautiful and amazing this ALL IS!!!
Right, being held in jail, awaiting trial for felony charges is a beautiful, amazing thing.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I reminded her that she can transmute any toxins in the water and to drink a lot.
I bet this reminder went down even faster than a lead balloon. Nothing like having your woo turned back on you.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gannibal »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:
I reminded her that she can transmute any toxins in the water and to drink a lot.
I bet this reminder went down even faster than a lead balloon. Nothing like having your woo turned back on you.
I had the exact same thought, wondering what her expression was when she heard that. Fevered nodding? Disgusted deadpan?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Chaos »

Gannibal wrote:
Siegfried Shrink wrote:
I reminded her that she can transmute any toxins in the water and to drink a lot.
I bet this reminder went down even faster than a lead balloon. Nothing like having your woo turned back on you.
I had the exact same thought, wondering what her expression was when she heard that. Fevered nodding? Disgusted deadpan?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

It sounded like a Bene Gesserit thing to me.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

Any newcomers wishing to read about the OPPT magical bus tour, actually an RV tour, can find a first-hand account here;

http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2013 ... nsion.html

Be warned it is written by a real new-age flake.
Before I continue with the chronology of events, I want to talk about some personal experiences with Synchronicity and Numerology. Julian and I have been seeing the numbers 144, 1144, 744, and iterations of all sorts of double numbers since we began to acknowledge their greater meaning. From a personal and absolute perspective, the universe/source speaks to you through your experience, and when I see numbers like this, it is because the universe is 'underlining' what ever thought or perspective of sharing you are making at the time. The universe will speak to you, if you are willing to consciously listen.

On the way up to Panama City, Julian and I passed exit 404 at 404pm according to our clock in my car, a Scion Xa. The clock in the Scion is 1 hour and 5 minutes fast, which means this synchronicity was, in my perspective, totally a message from the universe. But the connections don't stop there.

In addition, exit 404, on 75 lets out onto CR 236 – High Springs, Lake Butler which is not all that significant, however the previous exit, exit 399 lets out on to US 441 (West Santa Fe Boulevard); revealing significant numbers. Then if that wasn't enough, the following exit – High Springs, Alachua exit, 414 - US 41 / US 441 – High Springs, Lake City was also laden with significant numbers.

Wow. That is 4 connections to the numbers 44, and 144. In and of itself there is a powerful synchronicity there, but the fact they are the numbers we personally see, and have come to understand as a communication from source, was wonderfully profound for us, and created the experience of universal support for our journey, both on the Tour and beyond.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:Sounds like Randy is off to a good start, already trying to fire his PD. Doesn't sound like the PD is too impressed with his chances, or maybe possibly kinda sorta Randy left some parts out... Actually I'm not impressed with Randy's chances either, they have him on the wire fraud, and for that dollar amount it is going to mean big long time for him, plus the restitution of EVERYTHING he got away with.
I'm thinking his PD is trying to get a plea deal to get him the minimum he can. I suspect there is quite a sentence difference between guilty and I promise to pay full restitution and not guilty because I'm entitled to millions of magic dollars.

Oh, and I'm sending Heather positive vibes - all between about 10 and 19Hz.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:
I reminded her that she can transmute any toxins in the water and to drink a lot.
I bet this reminder went down even faster than a lead balloon. Nothing like having your woo turned back on you.
I dunno. Heather so deeply believes her own bullshit that she might get some kind of placebo effect. Or at least it could serve as a coping mechanism. Bring able to have your own little rituals can help mental state.

Plus, "transmute the toxins" is her only option right now. At the end of Harlem Nights, Eddie Murphy mockingly tells the bad guy to take short, quick, silly breaths if he wants to survive the weekend locked in the safe. After everyone leaves, he does exactly that.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Sounds like Randy is off to a good start, already trying to fire his PD. Doesn't sound like the PD is too impressed with his chances, or maybe possibly kinda sorta Randy left some parts out... Actually I'm not impressed with Randy's chances either, they have him on the wire fraud, and for that dollar amount it is going to mean big long time for him, plus the restitution of EVERYTHING he got away with.
I'm thinking his PD is trying to get a plea deal to get him the minimum he can. I suspect there is quite a sentence difference between guilty and I promise to pay full restitution and not guilty because I'm entitled to millions of magic dollars.
Oh, and I'm sending Heather positive vibes - all between about 10 and 19Hz.
I suspect you are pretty much spot on. I think the PD, at least, can see the graphiti on the wall, and is trying to give him the best options he can, and Beane is well an ass and a total fool so of course he isn't listening. FWIW, I don't think Heather will be any brighter either.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Over under for sentencing

Randy 240 months

Heather 70 months

Place yer bets...
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

Randy is an ass and an idiot who thinks he did nothing wrong, and I have faith he will manage to make it worse for himself than it already is. I don't see Heather doing anything to make it better for herself either.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Heather has a new address...apparently the Federal Prisoner Transfer System doesn't take the most direct route.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Gregg wrote:Heather has a new address...apparently the Federal Prisoner Transfer System doesn't take the most direct route.
I'm shocked. Are you saying they don't book a Lear jet to take her direct to her next court appearance?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Gregg wrote:Heather has a new address...apparently the Federal Prisoner Transfer System doesn't take the most direct route.
I'm shocked. Are you saying they don't book a Lear jet to take her direct to her next court appearance?
Wasn't she headed for Camp David? The Secret Service must have decided that it was too public. They must have picked Oklahoma City as about as obscure a locale as possible to serve as the venue for Trump's secret summit conference with Heather.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by wserra »

For some strange reason, the Court didn't like the idea of some unknown person filing a notice of appearance for Heather to be pro se, and struck it. Another unknown person has now filed one on Beane's behalf as well. Also with full property, propriety, plurality, surety, security and without hurting the State, effective punk no lucky, pitter-pattea.

Beane also filed the same 245 pages of gibberish that Heather filed in DC. That document makes the last sentence of the paragraph above read like a Shakespearean sonnet.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Siegfried Shrink »


Antifraudchief at USAA fired? Some camp follower speculation ends up by stating that if 'they' say he was fired because there was a massive fraud, this cannot be true because there was of course, no fraud. Just honest people accessing their value/
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

I-uv.com has a new document explaining the shocking omission of Heather's magic words from the court transcript:

http://i-uv.com/updated-13-august-2017- ... ng-8-8-17/
THE COURT: Very well.

Now, Ms. Tucci-Jarraf, I will ask you and Mr. Bos to come to the podium, please.

Now, Ms. Tucci-Jarraf, I will ask you to please face the Deputy Clerk of Court to be sworn , and
then we’ll proceed.

(Defendant sworn)

What follows in red is missing text in the transcript of the swearing in (see subsequent blog post for context of its importance)

Deputy Clerk: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: By due sworn declaration (pause) Can I have a second?

The Court: Sure.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: OK.

The Court: OK that’s it.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: No. May I proceed?

The Court: We still see you did it.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: No, No. Standing due identification correction. I am source of all that is. Original. Nunc pro tunc, praetera, preterea and I do swear to speak only true, accurate, and complete.

[Begin of Court's Truncated Version]

So basically, Heather said all her magic words during the swearing in. But the transcript doesn't record it verbatim; it just says "defendant sworn" like a stage direction in a script. This is standard court reporting procedure, since 99.99% of the time people just say what they're supposed to, and it's not necessary to record it verbatim.

So that's the big conspiracy. Verbatim text is missing from a section that normally excludes verbatim text. Funny thing is, if she'd chanted this at any other time, it would have been in the transcript. Ms. Perfect Strategy At All Times said her little incantation the one time that it wouldn't be recorded. :haha:

(Pedantic note: since the deposed went way off-script during the swearing in, what she said probably should be part of the record. But that should be a simple matter of Heather's attorney asking the statement to be included in the transcript.)