The Observer wrote:I am surprised that this juror made it through voir dire. Unlesss the defense attorneys thought that leaving him on the panel would improve their chances of getting a mistrial later on...
I wondered that too, and came up with a couple possible explanations:
1. According to earlier reports in this thread, the defense lawyers are not very good at their jobs. Maybe they simply failed to realize they should have objected to this juror.
2. This juror was not entirely forthcoming during
voir dire:
In the note, Juror No. 4 wrote: "Can a juror, a former employee of the Bureau of Land Management, who opens their remarks in deliberations by stating 'I am very biased ...' be considered an impartial judge in this case?"
During jury selection, the man said his past employment would not prejudice his views in the case.
They still should have tossed him, though. In my experience with jury duty, it takes very little potential bias to make at least one party's lawyers not want you on the jury.
And my third theory is a bit out there, but I'll include it anyway:
3. The Bundys thought having a former BLM employee on the jury would
help their cause, not hurt it. I seem to remember them claiming at times they have supporters within the government and the like. They really are that stupid and delusional.