OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

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Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

My own attempt at pointing out that the ACH error codes were presented at court which prove no money entered USAA from the federal reserve won’t get past moderation. It’s either that or they don’t want people to know Randy was using a Ginnie Mae routing number.

I have managed to score something that should upset BZ, guy that was at the trial wants to do an interview. Already got some great nuggets.

If anyone has suggestions for questions let me know.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Just posting here to preserve the record... my post got a reply!
enthusiastic yet delusional poster on Planet Moonbeam wrote:Not buying it, my friend. There is just NO WAY.
Next thing you’ll do is deny it’s a private money system…..
Such huge amounts of $1M a pop would have set off red flags, and would have
been dealt with immediately if they were not completely valid.
But the large withdraws went on for a period of days…….
During which time the story was concocted out of thin air (just the way
FRNs are created) of “1 digit off from SSN, which was a Ginnie Mae account”.
A Ginnie Mae account is NOT A MATCH to RKB – clearly. And it
would have kicked out – and not been allowed. Only matches
(name and account #) are allowed. That is ironclad logic.
$29M IS the correct total amount, and it’s ridiculous for any
logical person to believe that “error” would be allowed to stand for
several days. It is a large amount, and he was even able to
cash out pending CD purchases, AND buy a $500K vehicle.
Your post strains my credulity – by a very wide margin.
I’ve heard this ACH argument before, and I did not buy it then, and am not buying it now.
Let’s just see what happens.
to which I am attempting to reply
Gregg wrote:Yeah, I guess you're right. If what I was saying was the way it really works, Randy would've been made to give the money back, they would have seized the RV and he might even have been arrested.

I mean, if what I say was true, he could be a convicted felon and they'd put him in prison or something, for sure.

Thinking further, hell they could even charge Heather with helping him if that was the way it worked, she might even get arrested, too.

So obviously, you're right, and I'm wrong
Gregg wrote:You know what the problem of “movements” like this is? You never listen and rarely allow people who actually know what they’re talking about to try and gently correct you. Eventually, we start losing patience and give up the gently part and just try to tell you the truth for you to take or leave as you please.
You ignore anything or anyone that disagrees with you, or you censor it so people don’t even see it, and your original idea that was honestly a simple misunderstanding is fed with increasingly wrong ideas to justify why you’re right, and each explanation is a just a little farther from the truth but more importantly starts getting detached from reality and soon you’re saying things that to people outside your censored little communities makes you look batshit crazy, and yet you persist in telling the world that YOU and ONLY YOU know the truth and those of us who disagree are the uninformed. Now, you’ve become the Elite Ignorants and the experts have become “experts” not to be trusted. We’re misled, or misleading everyone, all to cover up the vast and secret actual truth, known only to your enlightened elders.

This is how you, who I’m guessing ended your legitimate study of the banking system, the mechanics of it, the creation of money, how international banks interact with each other and business, all of that, you learned what you know (that is factually correct) when you opened a passbook account with your paper route money when you were 14 years old. Yes, this is how you feel confident in telling me how it works, and the rest of your little circle chants “Go get ‘Em, Bryan” to you and think you’re showing me, all without knowing much of who I am or what I know. That is a very dangerous game, one that Heather and Randy played here and lost badly.
Far be it from me, who did work at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland many years ago, who has a MS in Economics from the London School of Economics, a Doctorate in International Business from another pretty good school, to tell you, whatever it is you do, that I might know a little bit that you’re obviously confused about. As I said, circumstances instant tend to show that maybe I’m more right than you are.

These accounts do not in any way exist, you’ve been told by me, the banks, the central banks, the FBI, several Courts of Law and every merchant whom you’ve tried to pay your bills with using them. I double dog dare you to show me one single transaction that cleared using your TDA account or other ”secret” account to which you have never contributed and the Federal Reserve or some other nefarious government or Illuminati Banking Cabal nominally controls. Its never happened, or never happened where a little investigation reveals it as a mistake or the person who said so is confused or lying about it.

Because, I can show you literally thousands of times its been attempted and failed, each time costing the person who tried it more in fees for nothing, often driving them out of the market for normal banking and into the exploitative world of check cashing joints, wire service bill payments and payday loans. I can show you hundreds of cases of people who tried it and had to at the very least go explain to a Judge of some kind what they were thinking and the elephant in the room here of course, Heather and Randy just days away from finding out how many YEARS they’re going to spend in Federal Prison, because they just kept believing that they knew better, and us experts have been lying to them.

I have just one last question. If ANYONE would know how to do this correctly, how to access my secret accounts, I think I’d be him. I have all the evil-bankster cabal credentials, Ivy League undergrad, LSE, Federal Reserve Bank, bank of England, I’m not a Freemason but I have been to China. So, theoretically, I should have billions at my fingertips, all I have to do is move it on over to my personal account and start buying cool stuff, and I don’t have to settle for an RV, I know how to fly so I’d get a Jet, a nice little G-5 would do nicely. But I don’t. I don’t even work in the nice, cool secret banking offices anymore, I have, for the last few decades chosen to instead monstrously hot, noisy and stressful auto plants. Building cars, 12 hours a day, at least 6 days a week and right now I’m in the middle of a new product launch so my NEXT scheduled day off is Thanksgiving Day. Why would I do this?
Really, tell me why I bother. For the piddling amount of $20,000 month? Granted, I make pretty good money, and my bonus the last 9 years has been more than my salary, so I am making some bank here, but its nothing compared to what I should have for the asking, and certainly makes me look crazier than people accuse you of being for thinking I’m doing it for the LUL’z.

Anyhow, Y’all might consider broadening the places you’re looking to for answers, because it doesn’t seem to be working out so good for you, and people like me who you call crazy seem to be doing just fine.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Jeffrey wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:14 pm Bill wants more money:

https://terrancognito.blogspot.com/2018 ... p.html?m=1
(there is a bus from Chattanooga)
What happened to the train? :naughty:
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

Jeffrey wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:14 pm Bill wants more money:

https://terrancognito.blogspot.com/2018 ... p.html?m=1
July 17 is coming up which is Heather's sentencing hearing in Knoxville. I have been to every unsealed court hearing so far, and I'd like to be there for this one... Flight alone can run $500-800

The other pressing need is now that I am in Portland, I need to get plates and registration on my car in Oregon to do ride sharing which has been been a good part of my income in recent months... I am for the moment locked out of the Portland market for ride sharing. The fees come up to almost $300.
Gee whiz, Bill, maybe you ought to pay your professional fees first and airfare to see Heather's sentencing second. Especially when the former is how you raise the money you've been spending on the latter so far.

He really is an all-around moron. Not just for believing Heather's baloney to start, but for spending thousands on her upkeep in Tennessee. Oh, and for thinking the case might still be dismissed at this late date.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

TheNewSaint wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:27 pm
Jeffrey wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:14 pm Bill wants more money:

https://terrancognito.blogspot.com/2018 ... p.html?m=1
July 17 is coming up which is Heather's sentencing hearing in Knoxville. I have been to every unsealed court hearing so far, and I'd like to be there for this one... Flight alone can run $500-800

The other pressing need is now that I am in Portland, I need to get plates and registration on my car in Oregon to do ride sharing which has been been a good part of my income in recent months... I am for the moment locked out of the Portland market for ride sharing. The fees come up to almost $300.
Gee whiz, Bill, maybe you ought to pay your professional fees first and airfare to see Heather's sentencing second. Especially when the former is how you raise the money you've been spending on the latter so far.

He really is an all-around moron. Not just for believing Heather's baloney to start, but for spending thousands on her upkeep in Tennessee. Oh, and for thinking the case might still be dismissed at this late date.
I would advise Bill to stay home and not waste his money because the inevitable outcome is going to sting. But it's not his money. The power of hearts multiplied my ass; the heart pumps blood, and obviously his is malfunctioning because not enough of it is getting to his brain. This also applies to any dimwit that wants to fund his excursion to watch Heather get sent up the river.

There ain't no Santy Claus, Bill . . . nor Commander Thorak, nor Super Heather to the rescue. A couple of grifters are going to Fed Pen for a stretch and there isn't a single thing anyone can do about it. Not you, not BZ nor Sheila nor any of the crying, cackling crew.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Bill could hitchhike, or ride the rods.... :lol:
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

TheNewSaint wrote: Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:27 pm He really is an all-around moron. Not just for believing Heather's baloney to start, but for spending thousands on her upkeep in Tennessee. Oh, and for thinking the case might still be dismissed at this late date.
I don't know whether this guy is a true believer in the cult of free money or if he thinks he's gonna score some sweet, sweet poot nookie when Heather's charges are miraculously dropped and she falls into his arms. I'm always fascinated by men who fall head-over-heels for clinically crazy women. It is less common than the women in their teens and 20's who fall for "bad boys," but perhaps even more toxic.

On Fogbow, there's a thread about Cindy Kay Currier, who's clearly mentally ill, but who has managed to get men to leave their wives to move near her and wait on her hand and foot (though it's not at all clear whether she sleeps with them to get them to comply). The discussion is here: http://thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=7979

What is it about Heather that makes this guy want to spend $1,000 to fly across the country in hopes that somehow these pathetic petitions unleashed over and over on the court will somehow cause the jailhouse doors to fly open at this late stage of the game? It's truly staggering that he'll spend that chasing this deranged woman instead of spending it on the needed tools to make a living (current car tags and insurance).
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

Yeah, Bill's clearly got some kind of crush on Heather. Reminds me of a time when I spent a bunch of money on a girl who obviously wanted nothing to do with me, in a misguided attempt to win love by being a nice guy. In my defense, i was 14 at the time.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by AndyK »

And, at 14, you were probably more mature than he is today
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

Let’s keep in mind that the HATJ posts are sprinkled between posts in which he claims to speak to aliens:

https://terrancognito.blogspot.com/2018 ... s.html?m=1
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by AndyK »

Nothing wrong with speaking TO aliens (as in extraterrestrial)

It gets worrisome when someone speaks WITH them.

Besides, it's just another of his lies. Everyone knows they don't speak -- they are telepathic.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

Where it gets really confusing is that some of the aliens have skype.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

I totally get the attraction of a batshit crazy woman. Been there and done that and to be honest it was worth every penny and I miss it sometimes. :D

Now, before we go any further, I'm generally not in favor of ad hominem comments on someone's appearance. Frankly, its a war I don't want to start because I'm not often the favorite to win....but grant me a minute.

If you're gonna fall for batshit crazy women named Heather, might I suggest Heather Locklear? I mean, c'mon, HATJ is a lot of things, but good looking enough to ride a ''Mr Toads Wild Ride" she ain't, and wasn't 20 years ago either.

Anyhow, Bill is for the most part a pathetic loser who's been chasing Heather literally around the world for at least 10 years, acting more often than not as the Treasury Department/Guy wot's getting hosed to pay for this", walking around with glazed eyes and a crazy moonbeam smile that reminds you of nothing so much as the Heavens's Gate Track Club.

And have you seen him? I swear, his pictures look like he's using some filter or effect to make him look cartoonishly ill proportioned.

Anyhow, best I can figure is HATJ gave him a peck on cheek once after he picked her up at an airport, a gratuity for the airline ticket he paid for, and for 10 years he's been THIS CLOSE to finally getting lucky. THIS CLOSE!

I don't know what's more sad, him being a marginally employed and almost mentally disabled loon who can barely make enough money to support himself, or the fact that he takes what he does make and sends it to crazytown for someone who had all the opportunities he must have missed, but pissed it away and is sucking dry what he manages to eek out.

I don't feel sorry for them. I can't, none of them. Every single one of them has done more than ask for this, they've gotten on their knees and begged for it, and good on 'em that the are all ending up broke, crazy or incarcerated.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Gregg wrote: Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:04 am I totally get the attraction of a batshit crazy woman. Been there and done that and to be honest it was worth every penny and I miss it sometimes. :D
Yeah, that can be fun for a one-time fling in your 20s or early 30s, but you gotta move on or else really bad stuff happens. There were a couple of "what was I thinking?" adventures in school that I remember with amusement but have no desire to ever come close to repeating.
Now, before we go any further, I'm generally not in favor of ad hominem comments on someone's appearance. Frankly, its a war I don't want to start because I'm not often the favorite to win....but grant me a minute.
Agree that it's not appropriate to snark about HATJ's looks, or anyone else's. But I think a legitimate inquiry as to what could motivate Bill Ferguson to chase this woman for so long with so little fulfillment would have to include looks as one possible catalyst to ponder for his ludicrous devotion. Personality, money, a sense of humor and many other attributes are also on the checklist, but looks are a legitimate criterion for what gets people revved up about someone. I'm impressed that this forum has managed to take the high road so far in that discussion.

One doesn't have to be rude to observe clinically that HATJ is distinctly average (plus or minus) in looks for a 50-ish woman. It's sufficient to note that she simply doesn't seem to have any sort of "spark" that would get men going. With Cindy Kay Currier, I can see how some men would find her physically attractive enough to be motivated to try to hit on her. But in the case of HATJ, while she's not repellently unattractive, there's not even a momentary instinctive twinge for me of "hey, I could hit THAT." That's why Ferguson's slavish needy-puppy devotion is so perplexing. I know a lot of improbably gorgeous women have platoons of that sort of male following them around, but HATJ???
If you're gonna fall for batshit crazy women named Heather, might I suggest Heather Locklear? I mean, c'mon, HATJ is a lot of things, but good looking enough to ride a ''Mr Toads Wild Ride" she ain't, and wasn't 20 years ago either.
I actually met Heather Locklear on a handful of occasions 40 years ago, just as she was on the cusp of her TV career. Not yet bugnut crazy, but it was very clear that she had that indefinable spark that would bring her fame in Hollywood. I certainly can't claim to have been friends with her or dated her as she was light years out of my league, and she would never remember me, but everybody who met her in those days remembers her.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

John, I agree completely. I have to say I am divided on his apparent infatuation, or more like fixation, with HAT. I have to say that based on past history he doesn't strike me as the type. The ONLY person Bill is or ever was concerned with is Bill. My suspicion is that our great super grafter genius Bill is/was planning on hooking up with HAT to get hold of the money he thinks she has access to because he's such a wonderful irresistible catch and women and resist him, he thinks. I really can't say/tell if he actually believes in aliens or not, but I am leaning towards yes. It would certainly be consistent with his actions and behavior to date. He is not all that bright and I think he is delusional just not crazy. Doesn't alter the fact that while he is a penny ante grifter, he is still nothing but a grifter. Just because he believes in aliens and an alternate reality monetary system doesn't make him any less of a grifter. They even have a special and very specific name for what he does, it is called Affinity Fraud. The salient point being that he preys on a very specific and special subset of the dim and bewildered who if they haven't already willingly suspended their sense of disbelief weren't horn with one, in other words, pigeons ripe and willing for the plucking.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

For those of you who can only imagine what a hideous chud we're talking about, or who doubt me when I say he's strangely like a person made by a mad Picasso, please step away from your keyboard, put down your drinks, and if you are a sensitive soul, you might want to skip this....
We're talking about the guy (or whatever) on the left here....

I know, what a catch he would be.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

He looks fairly normal for an American.

Maybe the only ones I see are tourists. :-)
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

Cindy Kay Currier uses sex appeal as part of her presentation. Heather doesn't; she's all business. That's the big difference, IMO.

Bill's trying to pursue Heather by buying her stuff. Heather's not interested but wants the free stuff, so she does the minimum necessary to get it. I'm sure we've all seen this dynamic before.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Chaos »

Gregg wrote: Wed Jul 11, 2018 3:30 am For those of you who can only imagine what a hideous chud we're talking about, or who doubt me when I say he's strangely like a person made by a mad Picasso, please step away from your keyboard, put down your drinks, and if you are a sensitive soul, you might want to skip this....
We're talking about the guy (or whatever) on the left here....

I know, what a catch he would be.
Blob! or just Kevin Durand always in character
