What happens when you can't find the note?

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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

bmielke wrote:Who the hell does personal business with Postal Money Orders? I have a check book, I haven't needed a money order since I was 16. If I don;t use them how am I going to see where they are negotiable and why would I care when I have a check book?
It does not matter if you don't use money orders. The same thing goes with your bank check - get a strong magnifying glass and look at the line where you sign your name on a bank check - you will find out something you did not know that may surprise you - it is not a line - it actually says something - someone went way out of their way to hide something from you in plain sight without your knowledge of it ever taking place in broad daylight right under your nose.

You are authorizing big daddy and company to raid your personal trust account sitting in the treasury dept in order to monetize your signature every time you sign a check - he can adds a bunch of zeros to the amount and sends you the tax bill in the mail every month in the form of a monthly statement you call your mortgage or car payment which is simply a tax on the money from the interest he made on your personal unlimited credit.

Everything you purchase in your life for example like buying food etc. was already paid for the minute you decided you wanted it and everything else you are lead to be-lie-ve you have to pay for was already paid for because you are the creditor and not the debtor and big daddy is simply borrowing your personal credit and not returning it.

He just can't ask you nice that he wants to borrow your personal credit because he knows you would not agree with his loving purposes - like starting wars for example.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by Nikki »

No, I totally disagree. The Redskins have completely (although not mathematically) eliminated themselves from any shot at the title this year.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by Paul »

The same thing goes with your bank check - get a strong magnifying glass and look at the line where you sign your name on a bank check - you will find out something you did not know that may surprise you - it is not a line - it actually says something -
Maybe on YOUR checks -- mine says "This is a line."

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

Paul wrote:
Maybe on YOUR checks -- mine says "This is a line."
Ahh... :naughty: you did not look - o'well another one bites the dust ...poof
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Yet another urban myth re-re-re-re-resurfaces.

It's called 'microprint' and it was developed to thwart check forgers a long time ago.

The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

CaptainKirk - first of all a "person" is not a "people" - The big daddy government does not use Webster dictionary - he gave that to you to use - so you would trip all over yourself speaking in tongues talking out of the side of your mouth not understanding what you were actually saying - actually lying to yourself and to everyone else keeping you all mixed up beyond your wildest imagination, so he can get over on you at every turn of the corner of your lonely empty shallow artificial life.

Second of all, since you are the creditor of this nation, big daddy needs your voluntary consent and authorization without your knowledge in order to contract with you to borrow your personal credit, so he can monetize your personal credit out of thin air to make millions giving you the impression you have to work a job to make money - something there is nothing of.

This is all done to keep you thoroughly busy so you behave properly living in the matrix like a good obedient slave thinker -You might want to have the kleenex box and the ky jelly handy when he asks you to bend over and grab your ankles so you don't scream too loud.
Judge Roy Bean
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Ooooooh . . . . the matrix thing.

By the way, who is 'loud'?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
The world is a car and you're a crash-test dummy.
The Devil Makes Three

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

Judge Roy Bean - the application to the alleged loan was assigned a cusip number - tell the bank you want the cusip number for the application back - it is your money.

The CHARGE they are talking about is simply a money 'claim', or a money 'charge', but you cannot pay for a money claim with something there is nothing of - money - dollar bills are not money, they are debt instruments, promises to pay. You cannot pay for a debt with a debt instrument - it is impossible! A CLAIM IS NOT MONEY...it's just a claim.

It was through a "Compelled Performance" - we were compelled through threat to perform "A Fiction Contract" with a fiction corporation - because FICTION cannot deal with REAL PEOPLE!

After 1933 the PEOPLE were given the status of DEBTORS and at that time everyone became a PERSON = It means they treat you as if you were an Inanimate "Object" or a "Thing". “Impersonal”,... It's “Nothing Personal it's Just Business”.

That is why they can throw you out of your house and not think twice about it. You are considered a 'thing'.

They are playing upon your sensitive emotional nature to scare the holy crap out of you to make their game of highway robbery look real by dressing themselves up in uniforms to get you to perform a fiction contract with a ghost.

No one was taught how to do the business of contracting with the Bankrupt Corporation, so you could go ahead and live your life as YOU see fit in abundance as the creditor of this nation!

That is why everyone is treated in a contemptuous nature and considered to be incompetent to handle their own affairs, by getting us to voluntarily hand over our sovereign power and authority in their fiction contracting schemes, through threat and intimidation without our knowledge of it ever taking place, while you were under the impression you had to work a
j-o-b to survive.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

CaptainKickback wrote:KarmaC is a clod and I say this with all sincerity,
Look the word PERSON up in Blacks Law Dictionary - You can certainly try to be sincere all you like, though your sincerity is no guarantee for any truth.

You are using webster dictionary from 5th grade talking out of the side of your mouth just as planned to keep you mixed up like everyone else which is confirming your erroneous belief system that something is taking place when it is not - it's not anyone's fault of course, it was by design for deception.

Your perception falls under a presumption, that something is taking place, when it is absolutely not. A nightmare extravaganza is being played upon your consciousness, a very expensive, elaborate, smoke and mirror dog and pony show from hell on wheels.

You are tricked beyond your wildest imagination through the fraudulent use of the conveyance of the language you were taught in 5th grade to keep you confused.

For example; anytime you see the word 'order' it actually means 'contract' - look on your bank check... Pay to the (order) 'contract' of, the strawman - big daddy and company absolutely needs to contract with you to make their game of highway robbery look real, in order to keep you busy doing useless things of no significants and you just happen to call it your life wise guy.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by bmielke »

KarmaCarburetor wrote:
Look the word PERSON up in Blacks Law Dictionary - You can certainly try to be sincere all you like, though your sincerity is no guarantee for any truth.
Does anybody here own a copy of Blacks? There is one in the library at work, which we never really use unless the internet is down or we fell like doing things old school,but as to blacks, I only use it when there is something I feel is so simple that I should know but don't. The last thing I looked up in Blacks was Etux that was 15 months ago, I don't think I have seen anyone else use it.

To our new um...friend(?) Blacks is not authority.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

bmielke wrote:
KarmaCarburetor wrote:Does anybody here own a copy of Blacks?
To our new um...friend(?) Blacks is not authority.
Thanks my new friends. I have a Blacks Law Dictionary and looked at it years ago. The name PERSON = is defined as an "Inanimate Object" or a "Thing". “Impersonal”,. it could be a table or a chair ....“The business of contracting is "Nothing Personal, it's Just Business”. They have taken the mafias tactics and made them legal under guise of legalism, though it is not lawful under common law. The word PEOPLE is a completely different animal, so to speak.;o)

On any form ...they get you to consent to being a 'Person', an inanimate object. An Object cannot own any property! That is why they can come and take any property 'your body' is 'using' or 'renting' from you - and you can't do a thing about it - because YOUR PERSON BODY cannot own anything. You see?

They have "Jurisdiction" over "The Property", Your Strawman ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME IS the PROPERTY of the bankruptcy and they need YOUR BODY to answer for THE NAME listed on a piece of paper - because...as they say....

....."Some-BODY" HAS to go to JAIL ...and you absolutely know it is not going to be them! – It is YOUR "Live Body" that goes to Jail for the FICTION NAME listed on a Piece of Paper - The Strawman CAN'T go to Jail, because he is already a Deadman in Commerce - and has no legs to show up for jail time. ;o((

The system / courtroom Does Not use "Webster Dictionary" - they gave that to you to use - to make sure you would trip all over yourself speaking in tongues using a fiction language trying to have a conversation talking to a bunch of ghosts who represent a fiction bankrupt corporation listed on a piece of paper, who cannot hear a word you are actually saying out of your mouth -

When your live flesh and blood body was standing in the courtroom talking to IT - IT is a THING - IT is NOT REAL - it cannot hear you - they just need your live body in the courtroom to make the scam to steal your life look real.

Maxim of Law - The presence of the body cures the error for the name. The truth of the name cures the error of the description.

Representatives of the fiction corporation are trained in Taking Notes when they deal with REAL PEOPLE, so they can keep writing the Script to their Ongoing Screen Play, for their next "Offer To Contract" with 'Your Body' - so they can continue to monetize you simply by YOUR LIVE BODY opening its MOUTH answering all of their 'Fiction Questions' - to keep 'You' FOREVER in a Constant State of CONTROVERSY - SO YOU DON'T GET THE ACTUAL TIME- TO HAVE A LIFE. That was stolen a very long time ago.

You don't bend the spoon with your mind, you bend the spoon by bending your mind. Everything works out when you look at it in reverse of what you are trained to think. You are not the debtor, you are the creditor, they just never bothered to teach you how to act and behave like it. So you behave properly and act like the debtor and think you owe someone some money - something there is nothing of. What a concept aye.

The bigger the lie, the easier it is to get you to believe it. The more they do to you, the less you seem to believe they are doing it. This is a script to a sci-fi movie and I love to lie.

You must realize that it is your complicity and ignorance that permits the sorcerers to destroy sovereign nations, obliterate civilizations, and expertly silence anyone who exposes their corruption . You are complicit in the crime against that which you complain about, by your unknowing participation.
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by LPC »

bmielke wrote:I tried I really did but I couldn't make it all the way through that crap.
You tried?

I didn't bother. You can usually see which way the vacuum is blowing about four or five sentences in, and when I start scrolling and see lots of capitalization I know it's time to keep scrolling.
Last edited by LPC on Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dan Evans
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by LPC »

bmielke wrote:Does anybody here own a copy of Blacks?
I don't. Never have. Not even as a law student.

As I've said before, I think I may have used it once or twice when I was an associate in a law firm, but that was more than 25 years ago.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by LPC »

KarmaCarburetor wrote:I have a Blacks Law Dictionary and looked at it years ago. The name PERSON = is defined as an "Inanimate Object" or a "Thing". “Impersonal”,. it could be a table or a chair ....“
Well, those are lies.

Okay, they might not be lies. They might be hallucinations. Or the products of psychotic episodes, complete lapses of memory (and reason), or abject stupidity.

But they're certainly nothing from Black's, and they're certainly not true.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by KarmaCarburetor »

CaptainKickback wrote:From law.com, which is similar to what is in my Barron's Law Dictionary:

Person - n. 1) a human being. 2) a corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages.

Natural Person - n. a real human being, as distinguished from a corporation, which is often treated at law as a fictitious person.

People - n. the designation for the prosecuting government in a criminal trial, as in People v. Capone. Such a case may also be captioned State v. Davis or in federal prosecutions, United States v. Miller.

KarmaCarburetor mind seems to be clogged with sludge, grime and now operates poorly and sporadically.
CaptainKrunch- - thank you for your due diligence with the definitions - I think you have made it perfectly clear - a 'Person' is the same as a corporation - they are both fiction entities whom Real People cannot deal with. A 'Person' has no rights or emotions, because a Person is an object who has no mind to think or heart to feel, the same as a corporation.

Only "PEOPLE" can have babies and reproduce themselves. Fiction can only duplicate itself.
Governments operating in the fiction, is FICTION. It cannot tell you the truth about anything -

You folks are trying to argue legalism in a feudal system designed in sea of controversy that is not lawful - A Real People cannot deal with a Fiction Person/corporation. Nothing complicated. The UCC is fiction Codes and Statutes under the color of law - though it is not lawful. It is called tyranny -

Dollar bills are legal tender it is not lawful money, you cannot pay your debts at law with promissory notes. You can only promise to pay for something - though you can never actually own anything - because Queen Lizzy of London owns you and everything you only think you own.

You were not given the instruction manual on how to discharge the debt obligation - because the illuminati bankers could not keep you a slave tethered to debt that never was if you knew how to do it.

You have been tricked with the fraudulent use of the conveyance of a fiction language to get over on you - The fiction language was set up intentionally and on purpose after the federal reserve was formed - The fiction court says one thing and they mean something completely different - you don't ever win a court case - it is impossible -

Ask yourself just WHO in the world is talking to YOU anyway?- Just exactly WHO is making these Statements?- NOBODY - YOU cannot just "Appear Out Of Thin Air" for a "Hearing" - no one can "Hear" anything, because they are ghost representatives of a dead fiction corporation and you personally cannot speak to ghosts out of your mouth and expect a fiction to "hear" what you are actually saying - so they make stuff up - because you keep playing with them.

Ask yourself why that would be - what is wrong with this picture - the denial is high for the mind controlled sheeple living in dreamland - accept the fact that you are being hookwinked beyond your wildest imagination using fiction language with a dead fiction corporation - then you might have a chance to come out of what you have found yourself in -

You are Chattel property - you don't have any rights, because you are considered an 'Incompetent', a 'Subject', who has traded "Benefits for Privileges" in exchange for "Security" with Big Daddy to keep you safe from GHOSTS!
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by wserra »

Could be SharingDarkness, except for the absence of quotes nested five levels deep.
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by Funkalicious »

So he joined 7 months ago and just started commenting yesterday? Is that typical for this type of poster?
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by bmielke »

Funkalicious wrote:So he joined 7 months ago and just started commenting yesterday? Is that typical for this type of poster?
May have taken that long to figure out what he was going to say, or maybe he just went off his meds.

Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by Nikki »

Is there an electronic equivalent of STP or GumOut?
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Re: What happens when you can't find the note?

Post by The Operative »

KarmaCarburetor wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:From law.com, which is similar to what is in my Barron's Law Dictionary:

Person - n. 1) a human being. 2) a corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages unless there is a statute authorizing the award of punitive damages.

Natural Person - n. a real human being, as distinguished from a corporation, which is often treated at law as a fictitious person.

People - n. the designation for the prosecuting government in a criminal trial, as in People v. Capone. Such a case may also be captioned State v. Davis or in federal prosecutions, United States v. Miller.

KarmaCarburetor mind seems to be clogged with sludge, grime and now operates poorly and sporadically.
CaptainKrunch- - thank you for your due diligence with the definitions - I think you have made it perfectly clear - a 'Person' is the same as a corporation - they are both fiction entities whom Real People cannot deal with. A 'Person' has no rights or emotions, because a Person is an object who has no mind to think or heart to feel, the same as a corporation.

All you have done is provide proof that you have a reading comprehension problem.
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