National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Chados »

This stuff in Dixie County is ahot issue right now because a mob of these NLA types bum-rushed the courtroom over some outnumbered bailiffs and chained the doors shut behind them.

What gets me is the emergence of the mainstream Tea Party as the dominant force behind these fake grand juries. This is the third time (Roger Dowdell, Darash, now Trussell) that I've seen a mainstream Tea Partier as the guy behind the curtain for these fake grand juries, and it's pretty disturbing, frankly.
notorial dissent
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Just gets more and more entertaining. I wonder how the county will officially react at this point?
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

This is the most recent newsclipping I can find on the NLA:
Legal Monitor Worldwide (Jordan)
August 1, 2014

Effort Seeks Support For 'Common Law Grand Jury'

Citizens from across Georgia will be gathering in Ringgold today in an effort to have "Common Law Grand Juries" in each county.
Cowetans were invited to participate in the meeting in the north Georgia town, but it is not known if any are planning to attend. The National Liberty Alliance of Hyde Park, N.Y. is sponsoring the meeting.

The NLA website lists county coordinators for three adjoining counties – Carroll, Fayette and Fulton.

According to a press release from John Darash of the NLA, "We the people will be holding an election for the reinstating of the Common Law Grand Jury" in each of Georgia's 159 counties. The meeting is to be held at the Cracker Barrel, 50 Biscuit Way in Ringgold, at 11 a.m. There will be a presentation first, followed by "a vote by showing of hands." According to the press release, "participants will then be invited to register for the Common Law Grand Jury."
Darash, who is often described as a spokesperson for the Common Law Grand Jury movement, could not be reached for comment.

The NLA, founded last year, is the result of political and judicial research that began in the spring of 2008. Initially called the New York Committeemen, the group changed its name as other residents of other states got involved.

Frank S. Alexander, Sam Nunn Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law and founding director of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion, said the Common Law Grand Jury is a concept that pre-dates the current system of American government.

"Somebody's reaching back into early English history," he said Tuesday morning. While such grand juries played "a functioning part of the development of law in the 17th century," the Common Law Grand Jury "does not have any contemporary parallel" and has not since the Revolutionary War.

C. Peter Erlinder, who teaches at William Mitchell College of Law in Minnesota, and has been involved in international legal issues including service as lead defense counsel for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, talked about how Common Law Grand Juries functioned.

"The concept is sort of honored in the breach these days," Erlinder said.

In colonial America, judges rode a circuit. There were no standing police or prosecutors and empaneled groups of 16-23 citizens decided who in their community should stand trial for criminal charges.

When the Articles of the Confederation – which essentially allowed for "13 almost independent states" – was superseded by the Constitution, which created a more powerful and centralized government, there was some resistance, Erlinder said. He said the Bill of Rights was enacted as "a limit on the government the founding fathers were imposing" – with the Fifth Amendment requiring people be tried for felonies only after a decision to do so by a grand jury.

In the mid-1700s, "citizens knew more about what was going on in their town than the judge did" and there were no professional prosecutors or police, Erlinder said. Police and prosecutors have become commonplace "as society got more complex," he said.

Today, grand juries generally hear cases presented by prosecutors or police officers – or some combination. "They end up pretty much rubber stamping what the prosecutor presents them with," Erlinder said.

Erlinder said there are powerful governmental and private interests today that could make a Common Law Grand Jury's functioning difficult. Americans in the 1780s-1790s had "a completely different power system they were operating in."

The NLA's website does not fully address how Common Law Grand Juries would operate or how they would establish their legal force. The website does indicate the NLA has a goal to have an election in each county in the United States, that a single person in a county can call for an election and that there would eventually be four paid people per county to handle administration and juror orientation.

"Their intent that empowering the ordinary people to take a larger role in governance is an idea I support wholeheartedly," Erlinder said.

Because of the complexity of society today, however, a Common Law Grand Jury may have a hard time functioning effectively. "I'm not sure the grand jury can do it on its own," Erlinder said.

© 2014 Legal Monitor Worldwide. All Rights Reserved. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. ( ).

And one of the more extensive articles about NLA:

Ocala Star-Banner (FL)
January 21, 2014

'Grand jury' makes demands; money, office space, supplies

Jan. 21--Members of a group called the Common Law Grand Jury demanded on Tuesday that the County Commission help them seek justice on behalf of citizens whose rights have been ignored or thwarted by government officials.

Asserting authority derived from the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Florida Constitution and a U.S. Supreme Court ruling authored by Justice Antonin Scalia, the group maintained it was standing up on behalf of "we the people," as society's "supreme rulers."

Their demands: three secure rooms in the county courthouse; five new laptops; new printers, reams of paper, a conference table and office supplies; 30 "comfortable" chairs for jurors, four leaders and a secretary.

And also a budget of $1.5 million.

All by the end of the month.

Or else.

But the attempt by this self-designated "fourth branch of government" to impose the rule of law may land them on the other end of the criminal justice system.

Clerk of the Circuit Court David Ellspermann told the commission that he was referring the grand jury's presentation to State Attorney Brad King for possible prosecution under a new state law.

That law, enacted last year, allows prosecutors to charge someone who "simulates" the "legal process" to intimidate, harass or hinder public officials while performing their official duties.

The grand jury rolled out its wish list in a six-page writ of mandamus that was delivered to the commissioners.

"Notice, you are warned that anyone who intentionally refuses to provide for the restoration of the Common Law Grand Jury shall be charged with obstruction of justice," said Sean Peete, the group's spokesman, reading from the document.

"The passing of the responsibility of your duties -- passing of the buck -- will no longer be tolerated," Peete continued.

"That has already been done. That is dereliction of duty and is a criminal act. It is delay of justice, and is a crime. That is obstruction of justice and is a crime," he added.

"You are warned that no man is above the law," Peete concluded. "Not you, not judges, not lawyers, not attorneys, not county commissioners, not county clerks, not governors or anyone else."

Ironically, even though members of the group argued that their sovereignty emanated from English common law, which placed them above state laws, their funding ultimatum was cloaked in a Florida statute that says county commissions can pay the costs of "any" special grand jury.

The county's response was swift.

"What is your purpose?" asked Commissioner Kathy Bryant, the only commissioner to address the group publicly. "What do you think is not being done that you need to do?"

"You are asking to take over $2 million from the citizens of this county for a service that we are already are providing."

"Neither the United States Constitution, not the Florida Constitution, authorizes any group of citizens to appoint themselves as a grand jury," County Attorney Guy Minter told the board.

Ellspermann said the grand jury had approached him two months ago with its desires. He rejected them, he said, because no one in the court system recognizes or respects their alleged mandate, role or purpose.

"At no point, I can tell you, will this clerk provide them space, and (I) urge you not to consider the request of these individuals," Ellspermann told the board.

Ellspermann added that he believed the group would "indict" him, and any commissioner who went along with denying their demands.

"We didn't come here to debate," Peete replied to Bryant's point. "We just came here to make clear our intent."

Other grand jury members who accompanied Peete included Pat Cranwill, a County Commission candidate in 2000 who was a member of the Marion County Citizens Militia in the mid-1990s; Stoney Bearden, who ran for the County Commission in 2002 and 2004; and Ken Ball.

Outside the commission chambers, Peete said the group was committed to upholding the rights of the people.

They wanted to public to know that because government officials often don't follow the law, they have the right to bring grievances to the Common Law Grand Jury.

He declined to say what steps the group might take next, if the County Commission did not comply.

The grand jury is connected to another organization called the National Liberty Alliance. According to its website, the alliance says it is the "duty" of such citizen grand juries to root out corruption and fraud perpetrated by politicians or judges.

Its exercise of political power, the website adds, is intended "to control our elected representatives, by bringing them into obedience through fear of the people."

Minter, later in the session, noted that the "genesis" of actions like that taken by the grand jury on Tuesday, or of those affiliated with the militia movement a generation ago, was a feeling of being disenfranchised by the government.

"There is something worthwhile to be gleaned from these kinds of situations," Minter said. "That is, it is still incumbent on all of us to do everything we can to try to help people understand that government is there for them, that government is responsive to their requests."

He added, "This is what occurs when people lack confidence in their government."


(c)2014 Ocala Star-Banner (Ocala, Fla.)
Apparently, a few years ago John Darash was a transmission belt for the Dutchess County (NY) Tea Party (NYT 9/16/2010) and some years before that he was third baseman for the Port Chester High School baseball team (Journal News, Westchester NY, 5/2/2004)
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Famspear »

fortinbras wrote:...According to a press release from John Darash of the NLA, "We the people will be holding an election for the reinstating of the Common Law Grand Jury" in each of Georgia's 159 counties. The meeting is to be held at the Cracker Barrel, 50 Biscuit Way in Ringgold, at 11 a.m. ...
OK, at the expense of appearing to belabor what should be obvious, I'd like to point out that traditionally these kinds of get-togethers were considered valid only if held at Denny's......
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Famspear »

fortinbras wrote:....Apparently, a few years ago John Darash was a transmission belt for the Dutchess County (NY) Tea Party (NYT 9/16/2010) and some years before that he was third baseman for the Port Chester High School baseball team....
Third baseman, eh? That's a tough position. I wonder whether he might have taken a few line drives right on his head -- because he didn't get the glove up fast enough.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

Famspear wrote:
fortinbras wrote:...According to a press release from John Darash of the NLA, "We the people will be holding an election for the reinstating of the Common Law Grand Jury" in each of Georgia's 159 counties. The meeting is to be held at the Cracker Barrel, 50 Biscuit Way in Ringgold, at 11 a.m. ...
OK, at the expense of appearing to belabor what should be obvious, I'd like to point out that traditionally these kinds of get-togethers were considered valid only if held at Denny's......
As far as I can determine, the nearest Dennys to Ringgold, Ga., is in Chattanooga, Tenn. Obviously the Law of Necessity comes into play here.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Famspear »

fortinbras wrote:
Famspear wrote:
fortinbras wrote:...According to a press release from John Darash of the NLA, "We the people will be holding an election for the reinstating of the Common Law Grand Jury" in each of Georgia's 159 counties. The meeting is to be held at the Cracker Barrel, 50 Biscuit Way in Ringgold, at 11 a.m. ...
OK, at the expense of appearing to belabor what should be obvious, I'd like to point out that traditionally these kinds of get-togethers were considered valid only if held at Denny's......
As far as I can determine, the nearest Dennys to Ringgold, Ga., is in Chattanooga, Tenn. Obviously the Law of Necessity comes into play here.


And just for the record: I'm far too polite, urbane and sophisticated to point out that the name of the meeting place -- "Cracker Barrel" -- is in no way eponymic of the crackpots---- oops, I mean, the folks who are trying to set up these "citizen grand juries."

No, I'm just not gonna go there....

......................I have too much class to stoop to something like that.

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:OK, at the expense of appearing to belabor what should be obvious, I'd like to point out that traditionally these kinds of get-togethers were considered valid only if held at Denny's......
I am normally a tolerant person, but finding out that sovruns are looking to up their game by moving into Cracker Barrels is getting on my last nerve. There are times when one must look away and ignore small miscarriages of injustice and then there are times that one must consider drawing a line...
fortinbras wrote:As far as I can determine, the nearest Dennys to Ringgold, Ga., is in Chattanooga, Tenn. Obviously the Law of Necessity comes into play here.
That is not enough to justify sovrun invasion of a Cracker Barrel.

Famspear wrote:No, I'm just not gonna go there....

......................I have too much class to stoop to something like that.
You best not, I might have to include you in my declaration of war in defense of Cracker Barrel.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Famspear wrote: :)


And just for the record: I'm far too polite, urbane and sophisticated to point out that the name of the meeting place -- "Cracker Barrel" -- is in no way eponymic of the crackpots---- oops, I mean, the folks who are trying to set up these "citizen grand juries."

No, I'm just not gonna go there....

......................I have too much class to stoop to something like that.

And you're going to try and attempt that with a bald faced innocent smiley, in front of we who have had to suffer though your limericks and poetry and bursts of song???? You're going to try that!!!!!! :snicker: And finally, since when??????
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

And on an actually related note, it is nice to know that FL has a counterfeit of legal process statute, one can but hope it has some real teeth in it.

Maybe they'll be so kind as to start with the grand slam jury down in Dixie since I think they would make nice examples to start with.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote: I am normally a tolerant person, but finding out that sovruns are looking to up their game by moving into Cracker Barrels is getting on my last nerve. There are times when one must look away and ignore small miscarriages of injustice and then there are times that one must consider drawing a line...

Seen outside of the Cracker Barrel in Morehead, KY on 7 July. You might have some friends out there Obs. They really do need a bigger drive through.

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Chados wrote:This stuff in Dixie County is ahot issue right now because a mob of these NLA types bum-rushed the courtroom over some outnumbered bailiffs and chained the doors shut behind them.

What gets me is the emergence of the mainstream Tea Party as the dominant force behind these fake grand juries. This is the third time (Roger Dowdell, Darash, now Trussell) that I've seen a mainstream Tea Partier as the guy behind the curtain for these fake grand juries, and it's pretty disturbing, frankly. this wasn't just sneaking in through the back door, but mobbing the staff and chaining the doors behind them? How can this NOT lead to an arrest for all involved? Surely the bailiffs would have called local law enforcement when a group of people mobbed the court house? This gets stranger and stranger.

I agree, by the way, about the unusual influence of the Tea Party in this. My research seems to indicate there is a split in the Tea Party though and what these few idiots are doing is a extreme minority - but it tends to be the most active people involved, so its often people in local leadership positions.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Listening to this weeks NLA propaganda call, this is the most time Darash has ever spent begging for money. Interestingly, he stated that about 250 people on the website give monthly donations - the minimum of which he asks for is $5. Lets say everyone gives $10 a month, thats $2500 a month or $30,000 a year - not bad for spending 3 hours a week on conference calls. Lets be overly generous and say the website and mailing costs are $2,000 a year, thats still $28k for basically being a sov'run. Hes not breaking the bank, but its not a insignificant amount of money either. This is on top of the $14,000 of which Darash is raising from the website and now $50,000 on a indiegogo site. If he actually gets all this money, he will have mad a pretty penny off this scam.

In other news, the Dixie (Dixon? not sure of the county spelling) County Fake Grand Jurors have had a busy day! They drove all around the county apparently making appearances at the court (demanding the court clerk turn over email records because of some whack conspiracy charge, she agreed to I guess because they are public records), the superintendent's office (presenting their fake indictments because one of them was on common core of all things), and the sheriff (giving him the fake indictments and ordering him to arrest the county judges/superintendent/etc.). Turns out the sheriff knew what he was dealing with and passed the fake indictments on to the Florida state level investigators who are now also looking at the NLA. I am hoping they come down hard on the idiot NLA member who used his position as a real grand jury foreman to hold a kangaroo court (in the real court house, and not Denny's) to make up two fake indictments.

We got a very long recounting of the meeting by the Florida NLA members about their interrogation with the Florida state investigators. I always love these because sov'runs always seem to think that these meetings are anything OTHER than the state gathering information on their activities. The Florida NLA members acted like it was some great intellectual debate and were sure of course that they convinced the investigators that they aren't sov'runs and that NLA grand jurys are real (hint: the investigators just kept nodding so they'd keep talking!). It reminds me of when Tim Turner talked about how the FBI had interviewed him but he had shown them he was President. I'm sure this will turn out just as well for our kangaroo court Florida NLA members.

Someone has to be arrested soon.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Darash has announced the salary scale for Sov'run County Administrations - he has declared they will get paid $60,000 to $150,000 a year plus benefits. Not bad for holding your own inquisition and playing kangaroo court! There are a surprising number of people involved in this who are having delusions of careers as Sov'run County Administrator.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering the number of them in it seriously delusional, Darash specifically, really not so surprising. If they'll believe his CLGJ fantasy, they'll sign on to just about anything, since they obviously don't know any better.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

How very generous of Darash. .... And where is that money coming from? Have 'We The People' been told we'll be taxed for it?
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by grixit »

No, silly. The act of signing their paychecks will create the money!
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by davids »

I am truly surprised at how many references, and how diverse the references are, that I have seen to these fake grand jury schemes. I first encountered them on various libertarian-oriented websites, where one is used to seeing the occasional sovereign citizen scamster come scratching around to hawk some remedies. But lately, I have seen them popping up on left wing facebook pages, pages of persons involved in left-oriented activism, etc. It is becoming a thing that resonates with people because they are so upset with the formal legal process they then assume that the illegitimate process must be better.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Chados »

LightinDarkness wrote:
Chados wrote:This stuff in Dixie County is ahot issue right now because a mob of these NLA types bum-rushed the courtroom over some outnumbered bailiffs and chained the doors shut behind them.

What gets me is the emergence of the mainstream Tea Party as the dominant force behind these fake grand juries. This is the third time (Roger Dowdell, Darash, now Trussell) that I've seen a mainstream Tea Partier as the guy behind the curtain for these fake grand juries, and it's pretty disturbing, frankly. this wasn't just sneaking in through the back door, but mobbing the staff and chaining the doors behind them? How can this NOT lead to an arrest for all involved? Surely the bailiffs would have called local law enforcement when a group of people mobbed the court house? This gets stranger and stranger.

I agree, by the way, about the unusual influence of the Tea Party in this. My research seems to indicate there is a split in the Tea Party though and what these few idiots are doing is a extreme minority - but it tends to be the most active people involved, so its often people in local leadership positions.
My guess is...remember, I wasn't there and I know about what you that there were a lot more of them than there were cops at the time and in this small county no one wanted to create a violent situation in the courthouse proper. Which doesn't mean that they can't go arrest them later on. Will they? I have no clue. Can they? I think so.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by JamesVincent »

Chados wrote:... Will they? I have no clue. Can they? I think so.
Missed the most important question: Should they? You bet your a$$ they should.
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