National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

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notorial dissent
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

In all honesty I wouldn't put it past some of them, they already think they're so very much smarter than the rest of the population, so why shouldn't that work too? After all, they're already prepared to tota;;u mess up someone's life legally, why not go all the way. :roll:
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

Since they're all so sure-fire certain this is going to work, you'd think there'd be more of the FEMA camp chatter that was big last summer. After all, once the militias start arresting every judge, attorney, sheriff and court clerk, what's Obama to do but round up the people, chop off their heads with the hundreds, (or is it thousands) of guillotines being shipped to FEMA camps and bury their headless bodies in the dry sandy desert inside non-biodegradable PVC "coffins."
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

Update on Terry Trussell's misadventures in Dixie County. I was looking at his
Case Progress Docket thru On 09/04/2014 it shows an "indigence application" submitted. After his temper tantrum about corrupt court officials, is he asking for a court-appointed attorney?
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by wserra »

Happens all the time.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

It does happen frequently with sov'runs but it is always deliciously ironic. Here are people that claim all BAR attorneys owe allegiance to the Queen, and that all lawyers are corrupt, etc. Until they do something stupid with their sov'run magic and end up in court, then all of a sudden not only are attorneys OK but they want the government (which is a corporation and evil, remember) to pay for it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

Through some most excellent sleuthing (sorry, I watched Bill & Ted last night), Fogbow has uncovered Darash's real name, John Vidurek. That, in turn, uncovered quite a few lawsuits in the state of New York, which he also lost, not just common law-related but business as well. Apparently he was spewing the same ideas under his given name but perhaps because the failures were mounting and he needed new marks, he decided to make a change. Darash appears to be a phonetic spelling of a Hebrew word meaning to seek or pursue.

Here's a link to page 140 of the Common Law Grand Juries thread at Fogbow. Most entertaining. ... s/page-140
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Big applause to the fogbow posters, gatsby et. al, for uncovering Darash's REAL identity. I suggest we all start referring to him by his real name so that google starts linking "John Darash" with "John Vidurek."

Its interesting that he went through quite a bit of trouble to hide his real last name, someone should go onto his phone call and announce it - the law enforcement that is listening probably already knows his real name, but it couldn't hurt.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh god, one of the things linked in the recent findings by fogbow is this train wreck of an interview under Vidurek's real name: ... -in-review

I could only listen to 15 minutes. He starts going off about how brilliant he is to use his precious writ of mandamus (in one of his now failed court cases). The stupid hurts so bad. I had only a few law school classes as electives in graduate school, and it just hurts me to see how excited he gets over a writ HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT ACTUALLY IS. He says in the interview that it "forces the government to follow the law." No, John, it commands a public official to carry out a MINISTERIAL DUTY. And the court gets to decide whether or not the duty in question is ministerial.

I know, I know, :beatinghorse:
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

I was wondering if Terry Trussell was still pushing his agenda since his arrest so I wrote him an email at which he'd provided on one of his announcements last August. (Yes, I live under a bridge.) Surprisingly, one day later I got an answer. Guess that application for indigency hasn't taken any fire from his belly. I'm copying my email to him ...
now that Mr Trussell has been arrested, what becomes of the peoples grand jury? Are they still meeting? Are they waiting to see what happens to Terry? Everything was going so well but I'm afraid people are now scared of being arrested.
and his response.
****, the People's Grand Juries in Florida and other states is alive and flourishing! We have added four counties in just the last 2 days. My arrest has ignited our base and People are so outraged by what the Court is trying to do to me, they are standing up. As far as arresting anyone else, all jury member's identities are secret and protected by Law and by Statute. So who would they arrest? The only reason they were able to arrest me was because I signed my name legibly.
We are confident the charges are transparent and I have no fear they will be forced to back away from continuing my prosecution.
Thanks for your interest and I encourage you to get involved in your county's own People's Grand Jury. You have nothing to fear except what they are planning to do to you if you don't.
I guess that'll teach 'em. All the other CLGJ foremen have to do is chicken scratch something on a piece of paper and they're safe. I'll write him again in a couple of months, after he's made a court appearance.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Still doesn't get it, and probably too damn dumb for it to ever sink in, even when they really do slam the jailhouse door on him. As to his cohorts, I wouldn't bet but what they don't know who or all of them are, it's not that big of a county after all, and stupid is standing tall right now.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

If past experience with sov'runs is any indicator, their delusion about how much support they are getting from their fellow sov'runs is just that - a delusion. Now that he has been arrested, I would bet all those other sov'run county grand jurys that are "standing up" have lost 90% of their membership. Other counties around him may still be playing sov'run grand jury, but its probably only a handful of people.

I am a firm believer in my Fair Weather Sovereign Theory (TM). The vast majority of soverigns love to act like they are fearless warriors for freedom until one of them gets arrested/charged, then its a stampede to the exits. Trusell is going to be surprised at how little of the chest thumping support he gets from his fellow sov'runs at his hearings - few will show up to court or help him file more gibberish. They will have moved on to the next scam already.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

LiD, in Trussell's case I would say you are on the mark, he doesn't believe he has done anything wrong, and that he will be vindicated, of course he also whole heartedly believed in the OAS nonsense and we know how well that all turned out. I think his arrest has rattled some of their cages, but this bunch is maybe a bit dumber than some of them and it may take a time or two before it really sinks in. I do think the turning point will be when John "Vidurek" Darash gets his own personal shiny set of bracelets. So far Trussell is the only one besides Darash to do anything publicly blatantly stupid.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by LightinDarkness »

This week, on As the World of Crazy Turns the NLA national propaganda call:

- Interestingly, Darash-Vidurek goes the entire call without mentioning the 1600 letters that got sent out two weeks ago. Remember, the NLA was supposed to all be in the courts and having the Sov'run Inquisition common law grand jury proceedings at this point. Everyone was assured this was the big thing that would give NLA its power, and now that nothing has happened, Darash-Vidurek ignores his failure AND none of the callers appears to be smart enough to ask about it.

- As always I am amazed at some of the scams NLA people call in to talk about. This week a women called in and was VERY excited to share about a new way for all the deadbeat NLA parents who had their kids taken away from them to get back at the courts. It was a long and involved process, but basically she is having NLAers file false claims of mental disability (stating that their disability is now "separation anxiety" due to the courts) to get ADA accommodations with the courts. When their ADA requests get denied (because they are insane things like asking for recording of ALL court proceedings), they then file a complaint with another agency alleging the denial was wrong. The investigating federal agency as a matter of course has to look into it, which means they get a case number and investigator (the caller was VERY excited about this). Of course what is going to happen is the investigator will find there is no actual issue here and close the case, but not before these idiots have wasted huge amounts of federal resources. They think what is going to happen is they'll hit payday for these ADA violations, but of course when your claim is made on a fraudulent disability you aren't going to get paid.

- Even though the NLAers are now paying Darash-Vidurek's son for "technical support" (that is how he directs a lot of the donations back to himself), he apparently isn't smart enough to not do something dumb like put a password on Darash-Vidurek's computer that he can't remember. There was at least 30 minutes worth of discussions about how Darash-Vidurek can't get onto his computer because it wants a password now.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

I'm unable to listen to the calls because of a hearing condition but I follow the thread at Fogbow to get the gist of it. One comment mentioned that Darash/Vidurek is now putting responsibility for success on the listeners using the Tinkerbell Effect, suggesting if these CLGJs fail it's because his listeners didn't clap loud enough. Guess he's trying to set up an out for himself when Trussell gets sent to the hoosegow.

On another note, the Fogbow thread mentioned the call opened with the announcement that they were looking to "root out" an "infiltrator" who had registered at NLA and communicated with Trussell. I'm thinking that might have been me as I've been registered at NLA for months and occasionally comment, but always as one of them to keep up appearances. I posted a copy of our email correspondence here a few days back. I'm glad they mentioned it as I planned to contact him again after his first court date. Now I know to use a different email address. I've got several of those as well as nom de plumes, so good luck finding me.

BTW, the only two places I noted my communication with Trussell were here and at Fogbow so apparently Darash/Vidurek or his goons are lurking about. I think that can work to our advantage.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, the sound of crickets with regard to the "letters" really isn't surprising, since that has been the response to them, and Darash-Vidurek isn't about to admit that he has been ignored, doesn't do the street, or in this case gutter, cred any good. I would say the resounding silence is VERY telling in a number of directions. As pointed out, since the super duper "powerful" papers sent out by the great and powerful Darash-Vidurek have fallen on deaf ears so to speak, it is now the members fault for not believing hard enough, since otherwise they'd have to admit that Darash-Vidurek was full of it.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by davids »

This is their alternate-universe idea of what Trussel's actions mean: ... e-big-news

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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

Bovine, Flatulating: wrote:This is their alternate-universe idea of what Trussel's actions mean: ... e-big-news

Yeah, good luck with that. :snicker:

Especially this part:
PS: Members of the BAR(British Accreditation Registry) will be asked to resign their BAR membership before you can lawfully become a member of a Citizen Grand Jury.
A better idea would be asking members of the bar to set down their coffee before reading the link.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by Slim Cognito »

On 9/15, The Dixie County docket for Trussell's case shows an entry stating
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by davids »

Slim Cognito wrote:On 9/15, The Dixie County docket for Trussell's case shows an entry stating
It probably means that Trussel was wanting the Public Defender's office to go full sovrun in his defense and start talking about imaginary strawmen, birth bonds and the illuminati. When that was refused due to their need to provide actual legal services, he became such a gargantuan putz that he demanded to represent himself. The judge, apparently, is long on patience and has enough of a sense of humor that he allowed the request.
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Re: National Liberty Alliance - Citizen Grand Juries

Post by fortinbras »

It probably means that Trussel either (1) insisted that his lawyer make some truly nitwit SovCit argument, which is a direct violation of the professional canons and the rules of court because it counts as dilatory & frivolous pleading, which is a serious ethics violation, and/or (2) the lawyer has reason to believe that Trussel or one (or more) of the people Trussel wants to put on the witness stand intends to commit perjury, which - if the lawyer knows this - is a really serious ethics violation that could get him suspended or worse. Because of the ethical obligations to his (former) client, the lawyer CANNOT come out and say explicitly to the judge or anyone that My client insists on an argument that I know is totally bogus or My client intends to commit perjury, so he has to be circumspect about Why he wants out. Another possibility is that Trussel simply refuses to talk to this lawyer at all.

If Trussel thinks that forcing his court-appointed lawyer out will either delay his trial or enable him to get a non-lawyer to parrot the SovCit arguments as his advocate, he's wrong on both counts.