True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by khmacdowell »

Man this is just sad. Sovcits are getting declared competent in court all the time, and I think they almost always are. Aggressively false beliefs are things people are allowed to hold. I'm sure lots of normals who get tickets, or who get held in contempt of court, or who get convicted of crimes, also think they are being unjustly treated.

But boy oh boy are sovcitry and mental illness an unholy marriage. The ideology itself is the very ideological incarnation of schizophrenia. Disjointed, amorphous, stereotyped and repetitive, incoherent, delusional, cryptic, and self-aggrandizingly paranoid. Worthwhile as a potentially informative case study, but I can't in good conscience listen to these kinds of things for any purpose approximating entertainment.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by notorial dissent »

Your point/observation is quite valid. Aside from the fact that the bar to actually being declared "incompetent" in regard to a court of law is incredibly high and hard to accomplish, most of them just simply aren't clinically "incompetent" with a few very obvious notable exceptions.

Some of them are in fact very intelligent people very competent in their own tiny field, life alas seems to have eluded them though and led them in to the trap of believing that competence/genius in one field applies to all, it so very much doesn't. One reason for the large number of doctors, dentists, air line pilots, actors, sports figures, and chiropractors who seem to make up a very visible portion of the spectrum. They are generally VERY good at what they do, the rest of life maybe not so much. Deep seated, passionate belief in something doesn't equate to "incompetence" but it can equate to having severe blinders on about things and to doing very stupid and self destructive things. Example in chief the sovcit/fotl movements where their members regularly self immolate on the pyre of their deeply held(and very very wrong and stupid) personal beliefs.

The whole "incompetence" thing would seem to have crawled out of the morass of the various TP/Tax Honesty/Tax hooey movements of the last many many years. It was long a mantra with them that favorable rulings/wins were hidden away and blocked from public view cause reasons, or that if you were getting too close in court to winning they would declare you "incompetent" to stop you and close out the case. All of which is pure fantasy. The fotl crowd has latched on to the "incompetence" thing as their excuse for their court failures, rather than accept the fact that their deeply held fantasies were just that. The fact that the fotl crowd is considerably smaller doesn't help them with the fact that several of their number really are mentally incompetent and seriously disturbed and who ultimately act out in court and get sectioned.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

When I worked in the field of financial services, I encountered many instances where many very successful professionals turned out to be either completely helpless, completely clueless, or completely deluded when it came to managing their investments. Many of them would violate every good investment practice, for example trying to day-trade mutual funds, or moving six-figure sums in and out of various funds, on a daily basis. I could always imagine them at their desks (or in their lounge chairs, while the rest of the family celebrated the Fourth of July), feeling like they are buying and selling "just like the really rich boys do".

I'm also reminded of the German word "fachidiot", which describes someone who is an expert in one field only, and is clueless about everything else.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by notorial dissent »

Entirely True.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by ShiddyGreg »

After 4 years of stalking and threatening Tommy Sotomayor's life True Freeman challenges him to come to his city Tommy eventually did and this is what happened.

Links removed by Moderator,
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

I’ve never really thought of True as mentally ill. He’s just so hateful particularly the things he said about Sotomayors daughter.

I mean maybe hate is a disorder but eh. Maybe it’s a double standard or whatever.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Gregg »

In regards to the links I've removed. I'm obviously no fan of Tyra Moore but I'm even less a fan of setting up a you tube with a donation link when I don't see much connection between the donation and the cause.

So the Skol Fund is going to have to self fund. Sorry.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by khmacdowell »

Jeffrey wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:37 am I’ve never really thought of True as mentally ill. He’s just so hateful particularly the things he said about Sotomayors daughter.

I mean maybe hate is a disorder but eh. Maybe it’s a double standard or whatever.
The countless insanely long, tortuous ramblings about one person are a flag comprising pure 680 nm electromagnetic pulses constrained to the event horizon of galaxy-sized black hole. But, internet diagnoses are usually bad. So I'll agree he's definitely hateful. Maybe he's also just especially diligent. Shame to let such dedication go to waste.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by TBL »

Gregg wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:10 am In regards to the links I've removed. I'm obviously no fan of Tyra Moore but I'm even less a fan of setting up a you tube with a donation link when I don't see much connection between the donation and the cause.

So the Skol Fund is going to have to self fund. Sorry.
Gregg, I have to agree. I watched as much as I could of that link and quite honestly it felt more like two children squabbling than any sort of justifiable rant. While I always enjoy seeing somebody call these idiots out on their worthless threats, this would just petty and didn't prove anything. Okay, maybe that he was lying, but who cares?
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Gregg »

TBL wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:25 pm
Gregg wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:10 am In regards to the links I've removed. I'm obviously no fan of Tyra Moore but I'm even less a fan of setting up a you tube with a donation link when I don't see much connection between the donation and the cause.

So the Skol Fund is going to have to self fund. Sorry.
Gregg, I have to agree. I watched as much as I could of that link and quite honestly it felt more like two children squabbling than any sort of justifiable rant. While I always enjoy seeing somebody call these idiots out on their worthless threats, this would just petty and didn't prove anything. Okay, maybe that he was lying, but who cares?
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:32 amget sectioned.
Is that anything like drawn and quartered? Or is this a Macbeth reference?
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by notorial dissent »

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by Jeffrey »

Re: the deleted link. They monitor Tyra and ask for donations to fund the endeavor. They caught Tyra yesterday breaking into a neighbors home while armed. I would have had to sit and listen to Tyra all day without them summarizing his tomfoolery.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by AtomkiLLa 0nE »

True Freeman aka Mr Moore is an absolute shameful embarrassment to the community of rural street, with all the loud, shameful, disgusting antics of Mr Moore and the moore household, it is a wonder why the community has not banded together and helped to institutionalize Mr Jamelle Moore, as he need's serious medical and mental attention.

The IMPD is a almost weekly occurrence at their household and driving down the surrounding property prices in the process, Mr Moore a so called veteran YouTuber spends most of his daily life arguing, disrespecting, insulting his audience and his potential customer's and customer base, this man runs a t - shirt business which is already on its last legs and his business ethics and philosophy leave a lot to be desired, and this is a severe understatement.
Mr Moore's unstable private relationship with his remaining son, and turbulent personal life has bled into his YouTube life, couple this with his love for guns and he is now in danger of totally committing an illegal act on his livestream, just to appease his following which is already wavering. I have noticed Mr Moore to be obsessed and have severe homoerotic tendencies towards a fellow YouTuber named Tommy Sotomayor, and various other men, Mr Moore's sexual likes in men are his own but his obsession is bordering on the extreme and insane.
Also note that Mr Moore is also a weapon's fanatic and has on many occasions shown various weaponry in his live streams, once again calling for the need of an in depth and comprehensive mental evaluation.

My experience with Mr Moore is a very poor and unfortunate one, as he possesses delusions of grandeur and extreme narcissism trait's, i find it hard to imagine that this person is indeed an asset to his community and his people, as all i see is a person dragging his family, business, community and his YouTube audience to a very destructive ending.

In conclusion all i can hope is Mr Moore receives the much needed medical and pharmaceutical attention he clearly deserves, and maybe then he can then be a person that can actually contribute to society instead of being a leech to the state of Indiana.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by AtomkiLLa 0nE »

Well, so much has happened to Tyra, since i first drafted my last post. Being arrested twice, taken to jail and bodycam footage by the Indy I.M.P.D. being leaked onto YouTube which paint's True Freeman to be not the hard individual as he claims himself to be on YouTube, actually he came across more like a scared baby when the Police showed up.
He was very weak in body language and speech when the Police turned to his home on many occasions which tell's me all his rant's and rambling's are just for show, and he has countless times said what he would clearly do to the Police authorities if they ever dared to show up to his home, threatening them with violence and bodily harm regardless of what context they would show up in, also stating he cared not whether they had a police warrant or not.

So as before this is a very violent person who need's a psychiatric evaluation immediately however, there was an incident many many years ago where an evaluation actually took place in front of Tyra's home where he was again placed in handcuffs by the Indy p.d. so what the actual medical outcome of that incident was, one can only assume Tyra talked his way out of that one. Using his poor grammar skill's and knowledge which he has gained over the years.
This is 2022 now and Tyra Jamelle Moore still is causing so much hate and violent behaviour on YouTube, i'm very surprised YouTube has not taken his channels down. But then again YouTube has not been very cohesive and logical regarding their policies on their platform, and so many content creators can attest to this fact.

Tyra has an up and coming court date, and one hopes he will be found guilty of harassment and abusing his position as a content creator on YouTube, and being violent towards two bounty hunters who were clearly doing their job, and basically kidnapping a person and holding him hostage against his will for a couple of minutes during a livestream. I hope the Judge will also take into consideration all the highly sensitive material Tyra has accumulated on his many external hard drives and the prosecution will push for a maximum sentence with the allowing of no good behaviour, and he has to serve at least 2.5 years in jail.

We all hope the best for Tyra but as he has clearly said on his livestreams many times over the years, "You live by the sword, you die by the sword". !
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by AtomkiLLa 0nE »

How truly ironic and sad, my last post regarding Tyra i ended with "You live by the sword, you die by the sword". !

Then in Tyra's latest stream in which he went live after many days, but this is very understandable considering the situation and pressure Tyra is currently at. Tyra went live showing basically speaking swords, since he has his firearm licence revoked and to do this and give the prosecution even more ammunition to bury him in court, rather beggar's belief. I have always maintained the philosophy that when the "shit hit's the fan", then we really get to see the measure of a man and what he's really made of.

Tyra has always over the years waxed lyrical that he knows and understands Indy law inside and out, yet during an active and pending case he goes live live on YouTube showing swords since he can't show a gun. ?
What kind of insanity and madness is this i ask you ... I would imagine all those years of ingesting MMS has finally rotted Tyra's brain cells to the extent that he is having a hard time differentiating fact from fiction. Tyra is in my current estimation wanting to go out in a blaze of glory so he can say to all the Trolls on YouYube that critiqued his work thoroughly over many years years, that he stood 10 toes down till the end.

But then again a martyr that chose the wrong path knowing the right path was there for the taking, isn't an intelligent being, nor a man to be respected or looked up to in life.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by AtomkiLLa 0nE »

Well indeed hasn't this been a momentous and topsy turvy last two month's for our resident hoodlum Tyra Moore, what with his own arrest by Indy P.D. twice in one day no less, a swat intervention and the recent live arrest of his Mother on YouTube, which was oh so shameful and sad to witness. I'm surprised Tyra has not checked into the nearest hospital for a glucose i.v. drip and some much needed rest.

The Black Sector is rife and buzzing with the current storyline of Tyra and his current antics, which are forever changing. You'd think family members of Tyra would come to his aid and rescue and try to help him out in his time of need, alas no one not even his own son Darius has come forth to matters easy for his Father in his time of crisis. This say's volumes to how his only biological son has been raised by Tyra and is a testament to how not to raise your offspring in life.
The amount of pressure he's been under is rather amazing, lesser individual's would have cracked under such weight of constant troll, court and home life pressure's, even i'm impressed by his firm standing during these times. But looking back this is all he has left to his name to "Stand 10 toe's down". !

YouTube is ablaze with talk of True Freeman and what could end up happening to him, if the shit does indeed hit the fan, his life as a man in his 40's hang's in the balance, all because he's so hard headed and can't say sorry to people who genuinely deserve an apology from him. This would have made the world of difference to so many people, who were his friend's ended up resenting him, and then becoming his enemy over the years.
I have been following True Freeman from about 2012 and this is way before the day's of his run in with Tommy Sotomayor and then his forever lasting obsession with him, and the only reason Tyra has stopped going after Tommy is because Tommy is removed from YouTube, which is rather ironic and funny.
True Freeman wanted Tommy gone from YouTube, he has and now Tyra could be going to jail for a very long time and his YouTube career in tatters as he learns jailhouse etiquette the hard way, all because of his mislaid anger and vendetta against a YouTuber called Tommy Sotomayor, and his infatuation with the troll's who come to his chatroom.
The ongoing saga of Tyra his YouTube and real life never ceases to amaze me and still continues to make me think, why didn't he just stop entertaining the troll's who fed off his energy and actions. !
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by AtomkiLLa 0nE »


I have known of BlackDUST for many years now, and for people who don't know who he is well, he's basically a old school troll, and the only real thing i know of him is that he lives in Chelsea England. Lately i have been thinking of his archives which he possesses.
The reason is someone gave me a snapshot of a part of his collection, and i swear i almost fainted. Why he doesn't go live, and or upload the content like "The Gawd TV", frankly amazes and saddens me in equal amount. The wealth of content he has would put in the dark people like Swoosh Freeman, TheRealNeptunesFan and Black Sector God. There were streams i've never even heard of and or knew still existed, and they were endless. One folder had at least 300 streams in it from one year alone.
He is sitting on a gold mine of unbelievable Tyra content that stretches far back as 2015 which should be available in the Black Sector.

BlackDUST if you get to read this, (i imagine you will knowing how you're like), please give serious thought and upload Tyra's streams. With Tyra potentially facing serious time going to the jailhouse, watching his old classic throwbacks would be like a breath of fresh air to the troll community and fans and haters alike of True Freeman.
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by AtomkiLLa 0nE »

Well the saga and antics of Tyra Jamelle Moore never ceases to amaze me, Tyra at his age and being in the current position he's in at the moment regarding facing jailtime. He thinks it's wise and intelligent to livestream and throw a birthday bash for himself at his age.
Tyra is like the cube from "Hellraiser", you just don't know what you're going to get until you open the box correctly or incorrectly. Does Tyra honestly think this whole incident with the bounty hunters, will be quietly swept under the rug. ?

He's a old man facing serious time in jail but sees fit to livestream his birthday, while a man in his position who has any ounce of intelligence, would take stock of his life and concentrate on the worst scenario, and make provisions if it ever came to pass. Tyra is still i see entertaining trolls who have made his life a living hell for so many years, so i take it he just does not reflect in life whatever the situation he could face, and the ramifications for his family.
I was thinking at this time surely his only biological son Darius, would be doing the rounds in the Black Sector, and telling us some more authentic and first hand information about his father, but Darius is a no show which i am genuinely surprised at. I thought Darius would jump at the chance to make money off the misery of his father, so maybe Darius learned his lesson by talking to Chucky713 and Tommy Sotomayor.
So maybe there is still hope for Darius the remaining seed of Tyra Jamelle Moore, but then again there is an awful lot of emphasis on the word "hope".

I never tire of writing these monologues regarding True Freeman, as he has had quite a journey over the years and all the trolls have came along with him for the ride, we've had good, fun, sad and shocking times but it looks like the end is near for Tyra and that could end up being such a blow for the Black Sector, as he has provided us with amazing entertaining content for years on end. But all this could come to a sad and miserable ending and all those years of work gone in an instant and no more being "Tyra Intensive", for so many people.

If this realisation is not depressing i don't know what is. !
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Re: True Freeman / Freeman 317 / Tyra Moore

Post by wserra »

AtomkiLLa 0nE wrote: Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:48 pmhe's in at the moment regarding facing jailtime. . .
He's a old man facing serious time in jail
You've alluded to that a couple of times, without any further details. Please provide them. Court? Location? Docket/indictment number?
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