DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

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David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by David Merrill »

Thule wrote:
David Merrill wrote:There is more to it than meets the eye.
Not really. Your magic words don't work, your case flunked, you won't get your millions. You failed. That's about it.

It is nothing more than an evidence repository in the "exclusive original cognizance" of the US government. The clerk of court is keeping it safe for me. The clerical error and mutterings of BLACKBURN and MIX mean no more in law than their interpretation of my lien.

I suppose if it were my civil suit I would be discouraged about now. At first glance BLACKBURN thinks the whole matter was a coram nobis, and that is obviously an error on his part.


David Merrill.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by The Observer »

Thoughts at large:

(1) David's courtroom record has now worsened to 0-5 at the least - and it could be worse since I am not privy to all of the inane filings that David has initiated.

(2) wserra and Dr. Caligari predicted this result accurately: dismissal and no jury trial granted, contrary to what David's expectations were.

(3) One has to wonder if David's "investors" (all 18 of them, if David is to be believed) are privy to these results and understands the ramifications in regards to their expectation of cashing in.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:The clerk of court is keeping it safe for me. The clerical error and mutterings of BLACKBURN and MIX mean no more in law than their interpretation of my lien.
But this is the same clerk that made the "error" in the first place. So why would you trust this person to keep your "evidence repository" safe? On the other hand, I do see the convenience of being able to blame other people for your cases don't that seem to get off the ground.
At first glance BLACKBURN thinks the whole matter was a coram nobis, and that is obviously an error on his part.

Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh! I get it - you are going to appeal in order to keep this turkey flying. Ok, wserra and Dr. Caligari - what is David's chances of getting the appeal heard and ruled on?
Last edited by The Observer on Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by grixit »

So how come Merill isn't under a "may not initiate any legal action without express permission" order yet?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by Nikki »

David does not comprehend that he lost and that it's over.

He is still attempting to impose the judicial rules of Planet Merrill on a Federal District Court and doesn't under why they don't act as he has instructed them.

Interesting tidbits from the decision
Contrastingly, plaintiff’s objections are imponderous and without merit
And, in contrast to David's strenuous insistence that he never filed a civil suit
First, there is but one form of non-criminal action in the district courts of the United States, a civil action, which is commenced by the filing of a complaint
It also seems that his famous relinace on "saving to suitors" has failed to pass muster.
David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by David Merrill »

I have formed a great evidence repository and it is nearly complete. I have perfected a $20M lien too. There are several arrest warrants for criminal malfeasance awaiting execution too.

All I did for all this great testimony was petition for a writ of enforcement. I find it refreshing and encouraging that the clerk tried to conform that to the one form of action - 1935 (Colorado) and 1938 (federal).



The only objection I had was to what Caligari implied; about this stopping me from pursuing a jury some time in the future in federal or state courts. This was not my civil suit. I did not initiate it. I never served it on the respondant. My case has not been dismissed.

My case is still an evidence repository in formation. I still file testimony in the original case file. When the clerk of the US court becomes incompetent to keep the record, I just complain to Congress, like I already did to get MANSPEAKER replaced.


David Merrill.

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by Nikki »

The fat lady has sung.

The Norwegian Blue Is dead.

Pigs failed to fly.

David is still working hard to delude himself into believing that 'petitioning for a Writ of Enforcement' (of an imaginary judgement) somehow complies with the rules of the court.

David will continue babbling and insisting that what the courts say doesn 't matter until such time (shortly after hell freezed over) as they concede he's correct and agree with him.

He is not capable of realizing that he is wrong.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:Ok, wserra and Dr. Caligari - what is David's chances of getting the appeal heard and ruled on?
David has a right to appeal. He has no right to do so in forma pauperis, and the odds of the Tenth Circuit granting him that status are virtually zero. That means he will have to pay filing fees and the costs of printing multiple copies of the record and briefs.

If he springs for this, he will then have the right to a summary affirmance.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by bmielke »

01/06/2010 24 STATEMENT (Civil Cover Sheet) by Petitioner David Merrill. (sah, ) (Entered: 01/06/2010)
01/13/2010 25 NOTICE to the Court Rule-E(8) Restricted Appearance by Petitioner David Merrill (sah, ) (Entered: 01/13/2010)
03/15/2010 26 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 20 MOTION for Order to filed by David Merrill, be DENIED and this case DISMISSED and Stricken from the court's active docket by Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix on 3/15/2010. (erv, ) (Entered: 03/16/2010)
03/24/2010 27 OBJECTION to 26 Report and Recommendations filed by Petitioner David Merrill. (sah, ) (Entered: 03/24/2010)
04/06/2010 28 ORDER. The Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge 20 filed 03/15/2010, is APPROVED AND ADOPTED as an order of this court. The objections stated in plaintiffs Objection 27 filed 03/24/2010 are OVERRULED. Plaintiffs Petition for Writ of Enforcement 20 filed 12/28/2009, is DENIED. This action is DISMISSED. By Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 04/06/2010.(sah, ) (Entered: 04/06/2010)
04/07/2010 29 WRIT OF CORAM VOBIS and REFUSAL OF CAUSE by Petitioner David Merrill. (sah, ) (Entered: 04/07/2010)
04/07/2010 30 JUDGMENT by Clerk. The Petition for Writ of Enforcement 20 filed 12/28/2009 is DENIED. This action is DISMISSED. Signed on 04/07/2010. (sah, ) (Entered: 04/07/2010)

I'm not sure if this was posted before or not
Judge Robert E. Blackburn
Civil Case No. 09-cv-03001-REB-KLM
Blackburn, J.
The matters before me are (1) the Recommendation of United States
Magistrate Judge [#20]1 filed March 15, 2010; and (2) plaintiff’s Objection [#27] filed
March 24, 2010. I overrule the objections, adopt the recommendation, deny plaintiff’s
petition, and dismiss this case.
As required by 28 U.S.C. § 636(b), I have reviewed de novo all portions of the
recommendation to which objections have been filed, and have considered carefully the
recommendation, objections, and applicable caselaw. Moreover, because plaintiff is
proceeding pro se, I have construed his pleadings more liberally and held them to a less
stringent standard than formal pleadings drafted by lawyers. See Erickson v. Pardus,
551 U.S. 89, 94, 127 S. Ct. 2197, 2200, 167 L.Ed.2d 1081 (2007); Andrews v. Heaton,
Case 1:09-cv-03001-REB-KLM Document 28 Filed 04/06/10 USDC Colorado Page 1 of 3
2 Plaintiff apparently believes that this action has erroneously been filed as a civil action. He now
suggests that the matter should have been docketed as a petition for a writ of coram nobis. See United
States v. Denedo, – U.S. –, 129 S.Ct. 2213, 2220-21, 173 L.Ed.2d 1235 (2009) (describing the origins of
the writ). Putting aside the fact that the first mention of the writ of coram nobis appears in plaintiff’s
objection, there are at least three problems with his arguments and concomitant objection.
First, there is but one form of non-criminal action in the district courts of the United States, a civil action, which is commenced by the filing of a complaint. FED.R.CIV.P. 2 & 3. Thus, assuming arguendo that plaintiff may be entitled to a writ of coram nobis, or any other relief for that matter, he must commence
a civil action and file a complaint to secure that relief. (Neither plaintiff’s current Petition for Writ of Enforcement nor his various evidentiary filings – which he refers to variously as “billing process” and an “evidentiary repository” – constitute a complaint sufficient to commence a civil action in this district court.)
Second, coram nobis is not the appropriate remedy for the injury of which plaintiff appears to
complain, that is, payment of a judgment or debt owed. “[C]oram nobis is but an extraordinary tool to
correct a legal or factual error.” Denedo, 129 S.Ct. at 2221. Nothing in plaintiff’s prolix filings suggests
that he seeks to correct any such error in a prior proceeding. Moreover, coram nobis is an “extraordinary
remedy” and, thus, “may not issue when alternative remedies . . . are available.” Id. Again, nothing in
plaintiff’s papers indicates that the relief he seeks is anything more extraordinary (except perhaps in
amount) than monetary damages or that such relief cannot be secured through the more pedestrian, but
usually efficacious, form of a civil action.
Third, the court’s power to issue a writ of coram nobis pursuant to the All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C. §
1651, presupposes an independent basis of federal subject matter jurisdiction. See id. at 2222. Nothing
in plaintiff’s pleadings regarding the alleged debt suggests that any claim herein arises under federal law.
See 28 U.S.C. § 1331 (federal question jurisdiction). Additionally, although plaintiff styles his action as
one involving a foreign judgment, it appears that he and all the individuals and entities implicated herein
are located in Colorado, thereby, providing no apparent basis for diversity jurisdiction. See id. § 1332.
483 F.3d 1070, 1076 (10th Cir. 2007); Hall v. Belmon, 935 F.2d 1106, 1110 (10th Cir.
1991) (citing Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520-21, 92 S.Ct. 594, 595-96, 30 L.Ed.2d
652 (1972)). The recommendation is detailed and well-reasoned. Contrastingly,
plaintiff’s objections are imponderous and without merit.2
I concur with the magistrate judge that action should be dismissed on both
procedural and substantive grounds. Procedurally, whether considered individually or
collectively, the papers filed by plaintiff fail to satisfy even the liberal requirements of
pleading under Fed. R. Civ. P. 8. Substantively, the papers filed by plaintiff fail to state
any claim on which relief may be granted.
Therefore, I find and conclude that the arguments advanced, authorities cited,
Case 1:09-cv-03001-REB-KLM Document 28 Filed 04/06/10 USDC Colorado Page 2 of 3
and findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendation proposed by the
magistrate judge should be approved and adopted.
1. That the Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge [#20] filed
March 15, 2010, is APPROVED AND ADOPTED as an order of this court;
2. That the objections stated in plaintiff’s Objection [#27] filed March 24, 2010,
3. That plaintiff’s Petition for Writ of Enforcement [#20] filed December 28,
2009, is DENIED; and
4. That this action is DISMISSED.
Dated April 6, 2010, at Denver, Colorado.
David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by David Merrill »

David is still working hard to delude himself into believing that 'petitioning for a Writ of Enforcement' (of an imaginary judgement) somehow complies with the rules of the court.

If I was concerned about the rules, I would have conformed to them.


If only you could wrap your mind around it...
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:There are several arrest warrants for criminal malfeasance awaiting execution too.
And this is where we see that David never really learned anything from his Montana Freemen days nor anything from the Ed Brown fiasco.

Anyone want to establish odds on David being stupid enough to try to enforce those phony warrants?
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David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by David Merrill »

The Observer wrote:
David Merrill wrote:There are several arrest warrants for criminal malfeasance awaiting execution too.
And this is where we see that David never really learned anything from his Montana Freemen days nor anything from the Ed Brown fiasco.

Anyone want to establish odds on David being stupid enough to try to enforce those phony warrants?

Obviously you have never read the rules. The US Marshal is to enforce them, not me. This is the clerk of court obstructing process again.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by Thule »

David Merrill wrote: Obviously you have never read the rules. The US Marshal is to enforce them, not me. This is the clerk of court obstructing process again.
And what will you do when (not "if", "when") the Marshals refuse to play along with your delusions?
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by wserra »

David Merrill wrote:The US Marshal is to enforce them, not me.
Meaning that they will sit, untouched, until they rot.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by wserra »

Yesterday following the filing of the DJ's order adopting the M-J's recommendation, David filed another 43-page document, which consists of much of his previously-filed stuff along with the M-J and DJ orders with the usual "Refused for Cause" scrawled on each page. I'll link to it if anyone wants, but it seems like a waste of bandwidth. The Court ignored it and closed the case as follows:
Pursuant to the Order Overruling Objections to and Adopting Recommendation of the United States Magistrate Judge [#28] entered by Judge Robert E. Blackburn on April 6, 2010, which order is incorporated by reference,
IT IS ORDERED as follows:
1. The Petition for Writ of Enforcement [#20] filed December 28, 2009, is DENIED; and
2. That this action is DISMISSED.
The End. If David keeps filing stuff, this may be the case which finally gets him declared a vexatious litigant.
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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by The Observer »

Wow. To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, David's attempt to get $20 million ended not with a whimper from the State of Colorado, but with a bang of a judge's gavel. Oh well, there is always the chance that David will be able to intimidate the People's Republic of China into giving him $50 million.
This is the clerk of court obstructing process again.
Yes, that pesky clerk of the court. The one who wields more power than the magistrate, the district judge, the appeals court and the Supreme Court!The clerk who commands the US Marshals! Seems to me that you should have been working to make that clerk your clerk instead of that other clerk who is maintaining your evidence repository.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by David Merrill »

It is an evidence repository - not a civil suit. It stands on the facts. It is nearly complete. I have one more transcript to file into it before I get started using it.

For now the clerk sits ignoring the rule about the warrants. I doubt he can do that indefinitely.


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Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by The Observer »

So you are going to trust a person who has been obstructing justice with your evidence repository? David, you really need to think about that. Or just maybe you want your evidence tampered with, so you can explain away your future losses?

And the question is still out there in regards to what you are going to do to get the arrest warrants executed when the US Marshal's office fails to do so.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
David Merrill

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by David Merrill »

The Observer wrote:So you are going to trust a person who has been obstructing justice with your evidence repository? David, you really need to think about that. Or just maybe you want your evidence tampered with, so you can explain away your future losses?

And the question is still out there in regards to what you are going to do to get the arrest warrants executed when the US Marshal's office fails to do so.

Actually he is not in the position of trust further than to procure the "exclusive original cognizance" of the US government. When the clerk acts up, I will have him replaced. So far here he has filed a civil suit and gotten a lot of misguided Quatlosers all excited. He has not effected the lien in any manner whatsoever. He is just running interference on the US being obliged to help with settlement. Harmless - but useful testimony on my record.


David Merrill.

Re: DMVP "Writ of Enforcement" for $20M "Lien" III

Post by Nikki »

By persisting in attempting to collect on his do-it-yourself lien for $20M and in attempting to have his home-made arrest warrants executed, David is running the risk of legal consequences far more serious than being branded a vexatious litigant (which he would ignore, anyway).

Both federal and state governments take a dim view of people who file liens against public officials in retaliation for some imaginary insult or in threatening public officials in any way.

Should any actions be brought against David as a result of his current quest, he will finally find a legitimate use for all of his evidenve repositories: substantiation for a Cheek defense.