Sovrun Cattle - The Sagebrush Saga of Cliven Bundy

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The Observer
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Re: Sovrun Cattle - The Sagebrush Saga of Cliven Bundy

Post by The Observer »

It's been ten years since the standoff at Bunkerville. The AP issued an article revisiting the event: ... 735cedef98

Bottom line on all of this? The sovruns are still opposing ownership of lands by the BLM, federal prosecuters are not enforcing the law, and the feeling is that the sovs are emboldened to take on more.

Money quotes:
Since then, we’ve relatively lived in peace. The BLM doesn’t contact us, talk to us or bother us.
- Ryan Bundy
The BLM does not have any comment on this subject.
- John Asselin, BLM spokesperson.
I think we can safely say, 10 years later, the Bundys won that fight, and federal regulators don’t seem at all eager to try again. We have bigger problems than cattle on public land at this point.
- Ian Bartrum, law professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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