Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

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Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

Post by The Observer »

A flyer arrived in the mail today, glossy and full color with the words at the top, in bold: "Let's get this PARTY started!!!" Being that we are in the middle of a 3rd-winter season (Montana has 19 to 22 seasons, compared to the rest of the world, depending on which expert you are relying on) I had ample time to digest what was being proffered and poured myself a second cup of Earl Grey.

Instead of being an invite to some local community social event, I instead read the following:
Dear Neighbors, This letter is to inform ALL that I have written a document called "Writ to Abolish" that affects all of us.
Not a good thing to find out that a local sovrun has been preparing writs on behalf of myself and everyone else. After all, what if this writ makes my life worse than better? One thing that I notice is that these sovruns never seek out my opinion or permission about affecting me, they just bull-nose ahead and act unilaterally for anyone and everyone. Which is rather hypocritical of them since they complain about the government doing the very same thing to them. But I am sure they would assure me that they had my best interests at hear when they started dipping their quill into the ink well.
For those unfamiliar with the legal terms a WRIT is a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in some way.
Since I am not a lawyer, I won't quibble over the accuracy of the author's definition of a writ. But I will ask a relevant question that might ruffle the author's feathers: Are you a legal authority or court? If not, then I am thinking your writ is worthless.
My writ has been delivered to several of our public representatives in Montana.
Okay, we are definitely on our way down Sovrun Highway. I would not be surprised to see that he hand-delivered these to the government officials.
It outlines how in 1976 our public trust walked away from the duty of upholding our will and created a criminal organization against us by failing to create just laws for their political benefit.
Nebulous reference to a date without specifics? Check. Accusations of elected and appointed government officials abandoning their duties? Check. Conspiracy against the entire electorate? Check. Corruption? Check. Definitely in the fast lane and approaching the borders of Frikintardistan.
The established constitutional laws I am following to execute this action are not my own will or creation
And always the claim that, no matter how nonsensical the sov action is, there is some existing legal procedure or law that allows sovs to issue bogus documents.
The Government has decided to act outside the duties we have provided for them in the constitution. They have abandoned post and therefore have no just lawful authority over the people of Montana. There is strict accountability they now owe the people of Montana.
And there it is - the reason why we no longer have any laws in Montana. And from what I gather in researching this writ further, we have been in a lawless state since March 1, 2022. Almost a month and a half and I am only finding out about it today. But I am guessing I am not the only ignorant one since it appears that the entire state is blissfully ignorant, with everyone carrying on with their normal routines. Sure we still have crimes and traffic violations happening, but the police are going ahead with arrests and citations. And as far as I know the legislature is still meeting and passing laws, the bureaucracy is still operating, and the tax agencies are still collecting.

This must be the reason that the author of the writ, Shawn Cowan, decided to spend a couple thousand bucks for the advertisement. He realized that simply issuing the writ of abolishment wasn't enough. He had to educate the masses as to what he had done for them! With a simple 13-page rambling and pointless document, Mr. Cowan had liberated all of us and yet here we are, spineless sheeple to the core. We could be driving at 100MPH if we wanted, refusing to pay our taxes, and robbing banks with impunity. And we have a get-of-jail card with that writ!

Mr. Cowan did provide a few links that he provided for cynical jerks like me who might doubt that the writ actually exists or that it is even effective.

A Chang.Org page that Shawn has set up for his Mission: Impossible operation.

Shawn's Facebook page where you can find more entries of his sovrun thoughts.

A link to a PDF of the writ.

There is a lot more to this but I am still digging through the available information. Needless to say, some of you will see the true motivation for Cowan's actions if you start going through his sites. Some of it appears to be sad and some of it just demonstrates typical sovrun behavior. I will post more over the next few days.
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Re: Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

Post by Frater I*I »

The Observer wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:57 pm

We could be driving at 100MPH if we wanted, refusing to pay our taxes, and robbing banks with impunity. And we have a get-of-jail card with that writ!

I guess they reinstituted the daytime speed limit since I last lived there...
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Re: Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

Post by The Observer »

Frater I*I wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:20 pm I guess they reinstituted the daytime speed limit since I last lived there...
Yeah, its a mere 80 MPH nowadays. But there are a few who seem to be not aware of it and continue on at higher speeds.
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Re: Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Well, we can at least credit Shawn Cowan for creating some original Authentic SovCit Gibberish instead of engaging in tons of copy-pasta from previous attempts. Unfortunately, his original work falls below the entertainment value of much of the existing corpus of Authentic SovCit Gibberish (e.g., National Liberty Alliance fancy-font manifestos, David:Wynn-Miller tortured syntax, the oaths signed by Colorado pretend grand jury LARPers like Bruce Doucette and many others).

I actually read the dreck in his manifesto. Looks like Mr. Cowan has been incarcerated for a good portion of his life, including time in the hoosegow as a juvenile (he conveniently provides some of his own juvenile records, otherwise sealed, to document this). As an adult, he has been a guest of the Montana government on several occasions for faux pas including child custody agreement violations in the recent past, and tons of parole vioations. He used his time in prison to file tons of lawsuits, all of which met the usual end that prisoner lawsuits usually meet.

The interesting new twist is the use of glossy brochures to market dreck instead of merely posting it on Facebook for people to discover. It would be fun to have scans of the direct mail piece.
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Re: Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

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Re: Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

Post by The Observer »

JohnPCapitalist wrote: Wed Apr 13, 2022 6:47 pm I actually read the dreck in his manifesto. Looks like Mr. Cowan has been incarcerated for a good portion of his life, including time in the hoosegow as a juvenile (he conveniently provides some of his own juvenile records, otherwise sealed, to document this). As an adult, he has been a guest of the Montana government on several occasions for faux pas including child custody agreement violations in the recent past, and tons of parole vioations. He used his time in prison to file tons of lawsuits, all of which met the usual end that prisoner lawsuits usually meet.
Yes, that is a hard-and-fast summary of the life of Shawn. What this glosses over are some unpleasant facts that were not of Shawn's doing. It appears from my research that Shawn's parents divorced while he was a young minor. A broken home is more than likely to present a threat to a child's ability to mature and become a responsible person. Whether that caused Shawn to become a chronic juvenile delinquent is not possible to say. But the court documents he shared has on record that his mother said that Shawn was "ungovernable." There is also Shawn's implied statement that he is disabled by autism, but there is nothing in the documents to certify that. The court document states that Shawn was diagnosed with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which could certainly explain why his mother was unable to control Shawn's behavior. All of this adds up to a case where his becoming a juvenile delinquent was a probable event.

As a result, Shawn ended up being placed in a state facility after he violated the probation terms of his original sentence. He and his mother were apparently not happy with him being sent to this particular site, thus they sued. The court pointed out that Shawn was legally deemed to be a delinquent minor and as such, was properly placed in the hands of the state for incarceration; just because the plaintiff and affiant weren't happy with the location didn't mean that it was right or wrong, and the court did not have jurisdiction to judge that placement. There is an attached report from an investigation that uncovered several issues of malfeasance or negligence at the site that Shawn was sent to, but again there is nothing in particular that Shawn was harmed by these problems. Another issue is that the investigation report appears to be an incomplete copy that was inserted into Shawn's "writ", causing one to wonder if Shawn was omitting information that would hurt his claim.

Beyond that, I have to agree that Shawn got a bad deal in life, with circumstances beyond his control as a child. He didn't ask for a broken home, ADHD (and possibly autism), and didn't ask to be mistreated while under the state's supervision (if that is indeed an true event). But at some point Shawn became an adult and thereafter, all of the events that followed are of his own making. So seeing Shawn now using sovrunhood as a way of shifting blame for his actions is just par for the course. I will discuss more of the events occurring after Shawn was released from juvenile detention in a subsequent post.
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Re: Shawn Cowan Abolishes Montana State Law

Post by Hercule Parrot »

The Observer wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:57 pm
A link to a PDF of the writ.
Note that viewing via this link appears to require log-in to Adobe account, and I assume that as document owner Shawn will have access to that data. Which may include where each visitor came from.
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