FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Moderator: wserra
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
It certainly sounds better when you are trying to run another and related scam, or at least to someone who thinks the rest of the world just fell off the turnip truck.
Still doesn't change the base facts behind the whole charade.
Still haven't answered the original question either, which speaks volumes.
Still doesn't change the base facts behind the whole charade.
Still haven't answered the original question either, which speaks volumes.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Judging by his previous efforts at understanding the law, I would suggest it's more likely the word "moot" that has Isaacs tricked.wserra wrote:Isaacs claims that the case was "dismissed". I guess "DENIED" is too big a word for him.
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Might also have something to do with the mind set of someone who thought it was perfectly alright and acceptable to appropriate trade and use marks from someone else to sell his own product, and didn’t see anything wrong with that, and continues to refuse to acknowledge that. Wouldn’t see anything wrong with the rest of it. The fact that he got stopped REPEATEDLY in court doesn’t seem to have made much of an impression on him, and the fact that he was trying to appropriate a mark from someone else, who admittedly didn’t have the rights to it either, is how shall we put it, highly irrelevant to the matter of duplicity. It still boils down to one scam artist trying to scam another, and failing miserably, and instead of accepting that the whole thing was a colossal FAIL, said mediocre scam artist is still trying to justify a failed attempt on an even bigger and more illegal failure. The only anguish I can see here is that Isaacs didn’t get to make any money off the marks he set out to further gull, since he apparently wasn't making any money off the original scam, and that since the original scam has now been completely closed down, he seems to be unwilling to give it up, and move one. Not in any case, in my book a mark of intelligence, but then that was pretty well foreclosed by becoming involved in the original scam to begin with. 

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
- Gunners Mate
- Posts: 30
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
You assume that Isaacs misappropriated FHTM's marks based on the suit they filed and not the resolve of such litigation. FHTM never owned the marks they sued for. They were as much of a bully as this website is. THAT WAS NEVER THE CASE. Your info is 3 years old. You obviously dont understand why FHTM sued him in the first place and the reasoning behind the BS suit.
notorial dissent wrote:Might also have something to do with the mind set of someone who thought it was perfectly alright and acceptable to appropriate trade and use marks from someone else to sell his own product, and didn’t see anything wrong with that, and continues to refuse to acknowledge that. Wouldn’t see anything wrong with the rest of it. The fact that he got stopped REPEATEDLY in court doesn’t seem to have made much of an impression on him, and the fact that he was trying to appropriate a mark from someone else, who admittedly didn’t have the rights to it either, is how shall we put it, highly irrelevant to the matter of duplicity. It still boils down to one scam artist trying to scam another, and failing miserably, and instead of accepting that the whole thing was a colossal FAIL, said mediocre scam artist is still trying to justify a failed attempt on an even bigger and more illegal failure. The only anguish I can see here is that Isaacs didn’t get to make any money off the marks he set out to further gull, since he apparently wasn't making any money off the original scam, and that since the original scam has now been completely closed down, he seems to be unwilling to give it up, and move one. Not in any case, in my book a mark of intelligence, but then that was pretty well foreclosed by becoming involved in the original scam to begin with.
- Gunners Mate
- Posts: 30
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
I no longer have any sympathy or empathy for folks here that cannot read nor do they understand anything about litigation and/or MLM.
littleroundman wrote:Judging by his previous efforts at understanding the law, I would suggest it's more likely the word "moot" that has Isaacs tricked.wserra wrote:Isaacs claims that the case was "dismissed". I guess "DENIED" is too big a word for him.
- Gunners Mate
- Posts: 30
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
You seem to forget one major factor - THEY WERENT Fortune's marks to begin with. They were the scam NOT Isaacs. Maybe you should read the final dismissals and not preliminary crap......but then you would be forced to apologize for your total ignorance.
wserra wrote:My facts are straight. If you like the idea of being taunted a second time, I'd be glad to accomodate you.FHTM wrote:You should get your facts straight before posting them online.
True but deceptive. You tried to get the case against you dismissed from a USDC in KY due to lack of personal jurisdiction. On May 10, 2010, Judge Forester denied your motion. The hearing on FHTM's motion for a preliminary injunction had been adjourned at your request until the next day, May 11. On May 11, the hearing was again continued, until May 18, to take up the issue of arbitration. On May 17, Judge Forester granted the motion to arbitrate the dispute, but directed that FHTM's motion for a preliminary injunction was properly before him, and noted that the hearing on that motion would proceed as scheduled the following day. Before the hearing, you guys basically gave up, and agreed to immediately take down your websites and cease infringing on FHTM's trademarks.FHTM just had the case against Fortune Social and Isaacs removed from Federal Court.
So yes, the case is now "removed from Federal Court", but with an order that you knock the sh*t off. Congratulations.
BTW, isn't "FHTM" a trademark? Aren't you infringing by using it here, thus violating the order? If I weren't the nice guy I am, I might report that to FHTM's attorney, one Brian M. Johnson, of Greenebaum Doll & McDonald in Lexington at (859) 231-8500, email available in the order linked above. But I don't take sides between scammers.
Right. It was mooted by you agreeing to it. What do you call the order if not an injunction?Fortune was not able to get an injunction regarding their bogus claims against Isaacs.
Because "the guy who seeks to tell everyone the real truth" first tried to scam people by recruiting them into FHTM, then tried to scam FHTM distributors by "helping" to build their pyramid, and when those didn't work tried to scam people who were already victims with "tools so you can help yourself out of this bind".Why are you bashing the guy who seeks to tell everyone the real truth.
Clear now?
- Gunners Mate
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
- Supreme Prophet (Junior Division)
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Okay, Skapegoat. If you ever bothered to read any past threads on Quatloos, you would know that many of the regular posters are professionals who know litigation and MLM issues extremely well; so the fact that you respond to attacks not with facts and evidence, but with ad hominem thrusts, speaks volumes about you. Not only that, you very nicely evaded the direct question which I put to you not long ago. I suggest that you make no further posts on this thread, because you have certainly lost my respect (and, I'll bet, the respect of most other regulars), UNLESS you can respond to criticism of your posts with something evidentiary and substantive, and without the petty attacks so characteristic of your posts here.Skapegoat13 wrote:I no longer have any sympathy or empathy for folks here that cannot read nor do they understand anything about litigation and/or MLM.
littleroundman wrote:Judging by his previous efforts at understanding the law, I would suggest it's more likely the word "moot" that has Isaacs tricked.wserra wrote:Isaacs claims that the case was "dismissed". I guess "DENIED" is too big a word for him.
Somehow, though, I doubt that you'll do this.

"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
- Gunners Mate
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/ECF%20U%20 ... Ismiss.pdf
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Fortune%20 ... 0order.pdf
The problem is that the posts made on this site from 2010 had no merit. You continue to claim Isaacs used or stole FHTM marks when in fact that was not true. The "fortune" mark they claimed they owned is and has always been owned by Fortune Magazine parent - Time, Inc.
You havent provided anything since to back up your continued insane suppositions.
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Fortune%20 ... 0order.pdf
The problem is that the posts made on this site from 2010 had no merit. You continue to claim Isaacs used or stole FHTM marks when in fact that was not true. The "fortune" mark they claimed they owned is and has always been owned by Fortune Magazine parent - Time, Inc.
You havent provided anything since to back up your continued insane suppositions.
- Order of the Quatloos, Brevet First Class
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
First, I'd like to share this little tidbit from the Iggy Pop and the Stooges stage rider, as it seems to illustrate your method of discussion.
Vanity presses are for those who cannot sell to established markets. That's why they charge the author with the cost of creating the book.
I have noticed that liars often repeat their story, over and over, unasked. I believe they think that constant repetition makes bull more credible. And I still think you're Joe, although you've danced like mad around the question.we need: one (1) monitor man who speaks good English and is not afraid of death.
{Only joking.... or am I?}.
Also, he needs to know a little bit about monitors. This may seem a little obvious, but believe me....
(For example, in Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia in Northern Spain, they appear to think - if they just ignore riders like this, then supply a fat, bearded, ignorant hippy with a digital monitor desk (doh!) who doesn't know shit about eq-ing, and monitor wedges that would be better suited to wedging doors open, and a load of stage managers and PA geezers and promoters reps who shout a lot - that this is the same as actually providingwhat the band needs in order to do a gig to the best of their ability. And that if they deny that their gear is no good, it will suddenly, mysteriously, become good.
IWell I would just like to say that the next time the Stooges get booked for their festival, I'm going to turn up with some pickled eggs, a small blue vibrator with a jelly dolphin balanced on the shaft, a set of dog-eared encyclopedias with the volume E-G missing, and a screwdriver that's been accidentally dropped in a lavatory
And then, when they say, "That's not the Stooges",
I'm going to say, "Yes it is!"
And then they'll say "No it isn't".
And I'm going to say, "Yes it IS!!!"
See how they like it, the fuckers!
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes...
We do not have our own monitor man, because in the future robots will work for us and make the world a better place.
Vanity presses are for those who cannot sell to established markets. That's why they charge the author with the cost of creating the book.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
- Gunners Mate
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
- Supreme Prophet (Junior Division)
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- Location: In the woods, with a Hudson Bay axe in my hands.
Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
That wasn't my question. It was:
"And then, have you ever posted from tampfl.fios.verizon.net, as have FHTM and fhtmclassaction?"
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
As I said, one con artist fighting with another. I understand perfectly. The fact that FHTM didn’t have a right to use the marks that they were using in their scam and that you tried to steal, does not absolve you of the attempted theft, and you were ordered by the court to cease and desist, and that order was sustained. At least one of the reasons FHTM sued was trademark theft, and I suspect as much otherwise because of the attempted poaching on their sucker list as they need some cutting in to their pickings. Again, one scam artist trying to do in another.Skapegoat13 wrote:You assume that Isaacs misappropriated FHTM's marks based on the suit they filed and not the resolve of such litigation. FHTM never owned the marks they sued for. They were as much of a bully as this website is. THAT WAS NEVER THE CASE. Your info is 3 years old. You obviously dont understand why FHTM sued him in the first place and the reasoning behind the BS suit.
You still haven’t answered the straightforward question put to.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
- Illuminati Obfuscation: Black Ops Div
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
First a little general education on IP addresses. Your IP address can be traced back to your geographic location with over 80% accuracy (within the US). How? IP addresses are given to ISP's in blocks, those blocks often correspond to specific regions. Hell, even in my backwoods state (we're getting high speed EZ Pass lanes this month!), my address corresponds right to my city. This isn't always the case. My posts from work are out of a nearby town. Simply put, while we can't always peg you right from the town you're posting from, we can pin you down to a small area. It should also be noted that sometimes our IP's change. This can be due to the adding of additional locations which causes a re-arranging of the ranges. I rocked that redundancy.
Skapegoat signed up here using an anonymous proxy server. Succeeded. We implemented ZB Block shortly thereafter, which pretty much forced him to use his real IP. This IP traces back to a location only nine miles from joseph-isaccs.com's location.
But that's not all folks! fhtmclassaction last posted here two years ago. Understandably, the IP is different - it's been two years. Still resolves to the same geographic location as the one in use now. What are the odds of that? Unless his friends are at his house or his neighbors are trolling this site and sound exactly like him, it's nil. fhtm also posted from the same IP as fhtmclassaction at some point.
Not only that, but Skapegoat_13 and Skapegoat13 both use email addresses that lead me to believe that we're talking to Joseph.
Skapegoat signed up here using an anonymous proxy server. Succeeded. We implemented ZB Block shortly thereafter, which pretty much forced him to use his real IP. This IP traces back to a location only nine miles from joseph-isaccs.com's location.
But that's not all folks! fhtmclassaction last posted here two years ago. Understandably, the IP is different - it's been two years. Still resolves to the same geographic location as the one in use now. What are the odds of that? Unless his friends are at his house or his neighbors are trolling this site and sound exactly like him, it's nil. fhtm also posted from the same IP as fhtmclassaction at some point.
Not only that, but Skapegoat_13 and Skapegoat13 both use email addresses that lead me to believe that we're talking to Joseph.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
- Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Joe has a habit of posting documents he shouldn't on his site. Here's FHTM's attorneys complaining about that and yes, the file is hosted on Joe's site. On a file he previously hosted on his site he accused FHTM's "agents" of parking in the cul-de-sac outside his home and hacking his wifi to post disparaging things about FHTM from his IP address contrary to the terms of his arbitration agreement. So I'm sure he'll claim that the previous names he's posted under here where really just FHTM trying to make him look stupid. I'm sure we can agree with this much, everything posted here from his IP address to date does make him look pretty stupid.
Joe, you have to understand, we're scam busters by nature. If you avoided telling all your stupid little lies and were not in fact the primary cause behind all your trouble with FHTM we'd be on your side. FHTM sucks and everyone here is elated that the law is stepping up to shut them down. But you do lie, constantly and what ever personality flaws or mental dysfunctions you suffer from are probably to blame for 85+% of your litigation/arbitration problems with that company. As I told you when I banned you from RealScam, you achieved the nearly impossible feat of making me fell sorry for FHTM.
One very small but easily provable example of the stupid little lies Joe Issacs tells on a never ending basis, the trademark claims. He'll spout to anyone who will listen that FHTM doesn't have the trademark on the word "Fortune." This is absolutely true and completely meaningless. Here is an archive dot org copy of a press release Joe issued on February 1st 2010. The problem isn't that Joe used the word "Fortune" in his fortune social website, the problem was that he took the FHTM company logo and Photoshopped the word "Social" on top of it to promote his site. A service Joe hoped to market with that site is what he called "FHTM Webconnect®" and yes, he put the little ® thing on there himself. So FHTM doesn't own the trademark for the word Fortune but they do own their own logo and I'm pretty sure that they own "FHTM" in this context.
I salute everyone who played a role in getting FHTM into receivership and yes, Joe deserves some microscopic degree of credit here as well. But he can not be trusted to relate even the most basic facts of his dispute with the company, what facts he does share are selected to only cast him in a positive light and he will blatantly lie about the facts which are inconvenient to the story he is now trying to mass market. If he comported himself in a similar manner against a legitimate company I would applaud that company for every legal action they took against Mr. Issacs but this is Joe verses the FHTM volcano and it's almost a shame that one of them need to win.
Joe, you have to understand, we're scam busters by nature. If you avoided telling all your stupid little lies and were not in fact the primary cause behind all your trouble with FHTM we'd be on your side. FHTM sucks and everyone here is elated that the law is stepping up to shut them down. But you do lie, constantly and what ever personality flaws or mental dysfunctions you suffer from are probably to blame for 85+% of your litigation/arbitration problems with that company. As I told you when I banned you from RealScam, you achieved the nearly impossible feat of making me fell sorry for FHTM.
One very small but easily provable example of the stupid little lies Joe Issacs tells on a never ending basis, the trademark claims. He'll spout to anyone who will listen that FHTM doesn't have the trademark on the word "Fortune." This is absolutely true and completely meaningless. Here is an archive dot org copy of a press release Joe issued on February 1st 2010. The problem isn't that Joe used the word "Fortune" in his fortune social website, the problem was that he took the FHTM company logo and Photoshopped the word "Social" on top of it to promote his site. A service Joe hoped to market with that site is what he called "FHTM Webconnect®" and yes, he put the little ® thing on there himself. So FHTM doesn't own the trademark for the word Fortune but they do own their own logo and I'm pretty sure that they own "FHTM" in this context.
I salute everyone who played a role in getting FHTM into receivership and yes, Joe deserves some microscopic degree of credit here as well. But he can not be trusted to relate even the most basic facts of his dispute with the company, what facts he does share are selected to only cast him in a positive light and he will blatantly lie about the facts which are inconvenient to the story he is now trying to mass market. If he comported himself in a similar manner against a legitimate company I would applaud that company for every legal action they took against Mr. Issacs but this is Joe verses the FHTM volcano and it's almost a shame that one of them need to win.
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
- Posts: 13806
- Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm
Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Yay Webhick!!!
I'll see you and raise you, the same whiney petulant writing style that jumps out at you like a sore loser scam artist is one I have read before. I was sure when I read Skapegoat13's first post that I had read it all before, and am still even more sure that I have after the current round of exchange. I can't say with certainty that Skapegoat13 is Joe Isaacs, but I am certain in my own mind that it is the same poster all the way through, and as I say the Duck Protocol still applies.
I'll see you and raise you, the same whiney petulant writing style that jumps out at you like a sore loser scam artist is one I have read before. I was sure when I read Skapegoat13's first post that I had read it all before, and am still even more sure that I have after the current round of exchange. I can't say with certainty that Skapegoat13 is Joe Isaacs, but I am certain in my own mind that it is the same poster all the way through, and as I say the Duck Protocol still applies.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
- Conde de Quatloo
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
That doesn't mean you didn't steal it, it just means you stole it from someone else. Unless of course, you have permission from Time Warner....Skapegoat13 wrote:http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/ECF%20U%20 ... Ismiss.pdf
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Fortune%20 ... 0order.pdf
The problem is that the posts made on this site from 2010 had no merit. You continue to claim Isaacs used or stole FHTM marks when in fact that was not true. The "fortune" mark they claimed they owned is and has always been owned by Fortune Magazine parent - Time, Inc.
You havent provided anything since to back up your continued insane suppositions.
Now, go sit in a corner and figure out how to spin that one....
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
- Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
That's exactly correct, GD, and very well put. One thing in addition: FHTM (also scammers) has various word marks on "FHTM". The USPTO's TESS system doesn't allow linking to search results, but run a search for "FHTM" here. Not only did Isaacs clearly infringe, but he agreed he did by consenting to the order I discuss above.GlimDropper wrote:One very small but easily provable example of the stupid little lies Joe Issacs tells on a never ending basis, the trademark claims. He'll spout to anyone who will listen that FHTM doesn't have the trademark on the word "Fortune." This is absolutely true and completely meaningless. Here is an archive dot org copy of a press release Joe issued on February 1st 2010. The problem isn't that Joe used the word "Fortune" in his fortune social website, the problem was that he took the FHTM company logo and Photoshopped the word "Social" on top of it to promote his site. A service Joe hoped to market with that site is what he called "FHTM Webconnect®" and yes, he put the little ® thing on there himself. So FHTM doesn't own the trademark for the word Fortune but they do own their own logo and I'm pretty sure that they own "FHTM" in this context.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
- David Hume
- Stowaway
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)

- Stowaway
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun May 12, 2013 8:15 pm
Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
notorial dissent wrote:Since Skapegoat13's seriously over done, fact lite protestations and boostering of poor ole picked on Joe, sounded just like poor ole Joe's previous attempts as "FHTM", "fhtmclassaction" earlier in the thread, all three still sound exactly alike, all spouting the same line, and same lies, the absurdly small chance they weren't Joe since he has been running a one man band all this time, and as no one else seems to be concerned about the current state of Joe abuse, the likelihood of it being anyone else is terrifically small, so under the Duck Protocol, you're stuck!
Basically, a really piss poor scam artist tried to scam a bigger scam artist, and his suckers, got REPEATEDLY slapped down, and did in fact lose in court, REPEATEDLY, and is now trying to scam the few remaining poor souls who have been lost on a desert island lo these many years and have never heard this tale, told by a ****** (you can appropriately fill in the blank as suits you), full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, with a fabricated sob story of Homeric dimensions, that as I previously stated, belongs on the fiction and fantasy shelves in the remaindered section.