FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Moderator: wserra
- Basileus Quatlooseus
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
What are the consequences of his posting material here in (apparent) violation of the terms of the agreement that he signed?
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Without looking at the arbitration agreement, $15k for the first offense, $15k for the second offense, and $20k for every offense thereafter.
And while looking through the thread, I was reminded of this by Wes which said:
Until he posts the final arbitration, he's just making claims he can't prove. And the funny thing is that he shouldn't post it because it likely includes a confidentiality clause. But of course, at least some of the claims he's made likely breach any confidentiality clause, so he already screwed himself.
And while looking through the thread, I was reminded of this by Wes which said:
So the posted arbitration agreement is likely not the final one - which makes Joe's posted proof utter bullshit.wserra wrote:Moreover, you personally (not your lawyer, you) filed a status report with Judge Forester on December 18, 2012 in which you said, "The arbitration is proceeding, the Arbitrator's discovery order, (Exhibit B), closed the Plaintiff's discovery window on November 1, 2012, the Arbitrator has set a status conference on December 18, 2012 (Exhibit C) to set the final hearing". That arbitration order you linked to was dated June 30, 2011. Doesn't sound like the arbitration was over as of five months ago, does it?
Until he posts the final arbitration, he's just making claims he can't prove. And the funny thing is that he shouldn't post it because it likely includes a confidentiality clause. But of course, at least some of the claims he's made likely breach any confidentiality clause, so he already screwed himself.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
- Gunners Mate
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
The Arbitration was dismissed back in 2011. What part of that document (http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Fortune%20 ... 0order.pdf) dont you comprehend? In addition the settlement agreement from 2011 doesn't call for FHTM to get 15K or 20K for possible violations of non-disclosure. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
FHTM finally agrees to get completely out of Isaacs ass and dismisses claims of breach of settlement agreement. Once again they were blowing smoke up Isaacs ass and finally decided to stop. He can reclaim his life finally. Settlement agreement replaced with NO non-disclousure this time.
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Final%20se ... missal.pdf
I am certain some loser moron on this board will figure out a way to misinterpret another set of documents, just like all of the rest.
FHTM finally agrees to get completely out of Isaacs ass and dismisses claims of breach of settlement agreement. Once again they were blowing smoke up Isaacs ass and finally decided to stop. He can reclaim his life finally. Settlement agreement replaced with NO non-disclousure this time.
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Final%20se ... missal.pdf
I am certain some loser moron on this board will figure out a way to misinterpret another set of documents, just like all of the rest.
- Gunners Mate
- Posts: 30
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
I guess all of the lame ducks finally rolled over and died. What happened to the apologies
that should have been forthcoming from all of the members here who never had a clue?

- Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Joe, not even you can be so blind as to not see the contradiction between the two links in your post. Yes, the arbitration was dismissed on June 6th 2011 but the arbitrator retained jurisdiction over any breach in the settlement. And breach it you did. No one needs to dig any further than your second link for proof of that but to save anyone the trouble I'll pull up a link to your own site with more details.Skapegoat13 wrote:The Arbitration was dismissed back in 2011. What part of that document (http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Fortune%20 ... 0order.pdf) dont you comprehend? In addition the settlement agreement from 2011 doesn't call for FHTM to get 15K or 20K for possible violations of non-disclosure. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
FHTM finally agrees to get completely out of Isaacs ass and dismisses claims of breach of settlement agreement. Once again they were blowing smoke up Isaacs ass and finally decided to stop. He can reclaim his life finally. Settlement agreement replaced with NO non-disclousure this time.
http://www.joseph-isaacs.com/Final%20se ... missal.pdf
I am certain some loser moron on this board will figure out a way to misinterpret another set of documents, just like all of the rest.
You could have walked away from this whole train wreck two years ago and FHTM was even willing to pay you 50 grand just to get you out of their hair (would have been money well spent) and all you needed to do is to keep your lying pie hole shut. I wont pretend to be able to diagnose what mental dysfunction prevents you from speaking the truth but it appears it also made it impossible to abide by the settlement agreement you yourself swore to and signed.
Technically correct but still deceptive. The date on the motion for injunctive relief due to your breach of agreement was January 25th of this year, just days before FHTM was most deservedly shut down. Your final agreement was not with Paul Orbison's FHTM, it was with the court appointed receiver for the company. Legally it has the same effect but it's intellectually dishonest to pretend they are the same thing. But anyone who has read enough of Joe's blather on the internet will find it impossible to be surprised by him being dishonest.Skapegoat13 wrote:FHTM finally agrees to get completely out of Isaacs ass and dismisses claims of breach of settlement agreement.
- Gunners Mate
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
How can you claim there was a breach to the 2011 settlement agreement with a straight face? There was a claim of breach as a way for the FHTM legal team to justify massive billing hours and for FHTM to avoid the release of the money they promised Joe to go away. A year later FHTM was out of business and its affairs were being managed by the Receiver who made the determination that the breach Motion was nothing more than BS so they dropped it paving the way for Isaacs money to be released.
Any other interpretation is mere heresay and total unsubstantiated BS. The facts speak for them selves:
1. The original Federal case FHTM vs. Isaacs was dropped for lack of evidence, which resulted in an FHTM initiated settlement agreement - made in 2011.
2. The original Arbitration was settled by the Orberson legal team because they knew their lawsuit and arbitration had no merit. They would have never agreed to pay Isaacs 50K to go quietly away if they had a case with merit that actually could have been won.
3. The Breach to settlement agreement (all that remained in Arbitration - post settlement) was nothing more than FHTM trying to figure out a way to wiggle out of the Isaacs payment and for their lawyers to bill for hundreds of thousands in legal fees.
4. The Breach was finally dismissed because it lacked merit and evidence to proceed. The fees FHTM agreed to pay Isaacs in the 2011 settlement were approved for disbursement.
Any other interpretation is the rambling of a mindless fool.
Any other interpretation is mere heresay and total unsubstantiated BS. The facts speak for them selves:
1. The original Federal case FHTM vs. Isaacs was dropped for lack of evidence, which resulted in an FHTM initiated settlement agreement - made in 2011.
2. The original Arbitration was settled by the Orberson legal team because they knew their lawsuit and arbitration had no merit. They would have never agreed to pay Isaacs 50K to go quietly away if they had a case with merit that actually could have been won.
3. The Breach to settlement agreement (all that remained in Arbitration - post settlement) was nothing more than FHTM trying to figure out a way to wiggle out of the Isaacs payment and for their lawyers to bill for hundreds of thousands in legal fees.
4. The Breach was finally dismissed because it lacked merit and evidence to proceed. The fees FHTM agreed to pay Isaacs in the 2011 settlement were approved for disbursement.
Any other interpretation is the rambling of a mindless fool.
- Caveat Venditor
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Project much?Skapegoat13 wrote:Any other interpretation is the rambling of a mindless fool.
"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt
- President Theodore Roosevelt
- Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Simple, as a document you posted clearly stated arbitration between you and FHTM was dismissed with prejudice in June of 2011 except the arbitrator retained jurisdiction for any potential breeches of the agreement. The very next link you posted was a final withdrawal of a motion for finding of breech dated a little better than a month ago. If FHTM breached against you I expect you'd be screaming your indignation to anyone unfortunate enough to hear you so by process of elimination I suspect it was you accused of being in breech. How could saying this with a straight face be in any way difficult?Skapegoat13 wrote:How can you claim there was a breach to the 2011 settlement agreement with a straight face?
By the way, in my previous post I linked to a file on your website, a file detailing FHTM's argument for proving you were in breech. For some strange reason It doesn't look like that file is publicly available at this moment. Doing a little house cleaning Joe? It's one thing to make only some of the files available (it's harder to paint yourself as an innocent victim when you tell both sides of the story) but it's another thing to make files you posted disappear when they prove inconvenient. I'm sure this is only a temporary technical glitch, of course, of course.
Ya see Joe, this is where your reputation for lying your ass off bites you in the.,.. well where your butt would have been. If you didn't try to turn every vagary into some self serving spiel, if you didn't keep repeating your shopworn lies over and over again like some dull monotonous ache even after they've been disproven, then perhaps we might owe you some benefit of doubt. But any fair minded person with enough curiosity can read this thread and document your deceptions for themselves. My personal favorite was from May 9th of this year:There was a claim of breach as a way for the FHTM legal team to justify massive billing hours and for FHTM to avoid the release of the money they promised Joe to go away. A year later FHTM was out of business and its affairs were being managed by the Receiver who made the determination that the breach Motion was nothing more than BS so they dropped it paving the way for Isaacs money to be released.
If you bothered to follow the entire case you would have realized that it was later determined that the infringement never existed and the URLs FHTM sued for belonged to Time Warner (Fortune Magazine).
Yes, Joe wants you to believe that the websites FHTM sued for, fortunesocial.com, fortunewebinars.com and fhtmwebconnect.com belonged to Time Warner. Of course elsewhere and more importantly before a Judge, Joe doesn't make such outlandish claims but I think it's sorta cute that he'd think we're dumb enough to believe him.
You keep saying this, "dropped for lack of evidence" but you have never produced a single shred of evidence to prove it. Not only that but all the facts available point to it being (yet another) pernicious falsehood promulgated by Joe. Mr. Isaacs, here's your chance to shut me up. Provide documentation proving the claim that FHTM's federal case against you was dropped for lack of evidence. I dare you. I double dog dare you. You know how to upload PDF files and publish them on the internet. You do it all the time. If there is any court record anywhere proving your claim upload it and link to it.Skapegoat13 wrote:Any other interpretation is mere heresay and total unsubstantiated BS. The facts speak for them selves:
1. The original Federal case FHTM vs. Isaacs was dropped for lack of evidence, which resulted in an FHTM initiated settlement agreement - made in 2011.
[Crickets Chirping]
No merit? You surrendered all of the URL's that were at the core of the litigation (even thought they were owned by Time Warner) and several others as well. I have no clue why they put 50k into escrow (why don't you share that file Joe?) but betting that you would prove to be unable to abide by the terms of the arbitration (and wouldn't see the money) would have been as safe as betting that Al Roker wouldn't start at connerback for the Giants this year. But then the FTC stepped in.2. The original Arbitration was settled by the Orberson legal team because they knew their lawsuit and arbitration had no merit. They would have never agreed to pay Isaacs 50K to go quietly away if they had a case with merit that actually could have been won.
And all they would have needed to do is prove something like Joe posting his settlement agreement and other arbitration documents on the internet. Which Joe in fact did, including, until a few hours ago, their complaint that he was posting private arbitration documents on the internet. Yet in Joe's mind, they are to blame for him violating an agreement he signed off on.3. The Breach to settlement agreement (all that remained in Arbitration - post settlement) was nothing more than FHTM trying to figure out a way to wiggle out of the Isaacs payment and for their lawyers to bill for hundreds of thousands in legal fees.
"Lacked merit and evidence"? What about the arbitration documents you published on your website in violation of your agreement? I saw them, FTHM saw them, hell anyone who looked saw them. You have a documented pattern of entering into and violating legal agreements, then pretending to be a victim of something other than your own lack of self control. I am grateful that FHTM as been shut down and is being liquidated, my only small venial regret is that it came at a time to spare you from your own misdeeds. Oh well, the greater good was served and that's what is important.4. The Breach was finally dismissed because it lacked merit and evidence to proceed. The fees FHTM agreed to pay Isaacs in the 2011 settlement were approved for disbursement.
Oh, and the receiver settled because after FHTM was shut down their argument with you was moot. Not because you were in the right (you weren't) but because he figured he could take $20k out of escrow for the estate and you'd walk away smiling for what he left you with. And he was right.
- Gunners Mate
- Posts: 30
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
FHTM was shut down because Isaacs was right all along and he had the balls to notify the FTC and the AG's that pursued closing FHTM back, in 2010. The rest of your assumptions are just that - assumptions based upon speculation. The receiver closed the case and settled with Isaacs because, unlike FHTM, they didnt have the power or desire to spend 100's of thousands to lose the case. Their was no evidence presented that proved the case or the agreement breach. All BS and propaganda spouted buy the crooks at the top of the FHTM pyramid.
Bottom line is simple - the Arbitration breach case against Isaacs was dismissed and according to his website their is a copy of the payment recently received from the American Arbitration Association.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Bottom line is simple - the Arbitration breach case against Isaacs was dismissed and according to his website their is a copy of the payment recently received from the American Arbitration Association.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Why does it take you in excess of 20 days to post an incorrect and non-responsive reply?
Does it take you that long to clean up the files on your site so they no longer clearly picture you with one or more feet in your mouth?
Why does it take you in excess of 20 days to post an incorrect and non-responsive reply?
Does it take you that long to clean up the files on your site so they no longer clearly picture you with one or more feet in your mouth?
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- Stowaway
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The Isaacs Continuum...Falsehoods Cheats & Scams
Our good buddy Joe has become a food critic. Yes recently on his birthday he visited an Italian Restaurant in the Tampa Bay area...and took a coupon for preferred pricing just in case no one recognized him as the infamous whistle blower Skapegoat thus comping him as a celeb. The owner refused the coupon so Joe being the honest professional he is wrote up the restaurant as having bad food and cleanliness issues. (the ole secret to get it free by any means)
I have not come across his listing as a speaker at anyone's event to promote his book nor has it reached the NYT's Best Seller list. I did read somewhere that he had received several of the covenanted Porcelain Throne Awards. Has anyone had a chance to read this riveting autocrapology.
He has a new MLM opportunity with RUSKABOY RIP Real Estate (Residential Income Properties). Its a package of unregistered securities to invest in Florida Real Estate with a fix return. There must be something I am missing here...Florida Real Estate & Joseph Isaacs.
The poster "I know the Truth" is Barbara Bushe whom we have not heard from for awhile as a devoted Isaacs groupie.

I have not come across his listing as a speaker at anyone's event to promote his book nor has it reached the NYT's Best Seller list. I did read somewhere that he had received several of the covenanted Porcelain Throne Awards. Has anyone had a chance to read this riveting autocrapology.
He has a new MLM opportunity with RUSKABOY RIP Real Estate (Residential Income Properties). Its a package of unregistered securities to invest in Florida Real Estate with a fix return. There must be something I am missing here...Florida Real Estate & Joseph Isaacs.

The poster "I know the Truth" is Barbara Bushe whom we have not heard from for awhile as a devoted Isaacs groupie.
Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
The notorious Mr Isaacs, through his "ISG Telecom" has managed to register the currently under investigation HYIP ponzi fraud "TelexFree" name with the SEC.
Goodness knows the back story behind Isaacs' involvement.
http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe ... ile+Number
Goodness knows the back story behind Isaacs' involvement.
http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe ... ile+Number
- Gunners Mate
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Coming from a midget fudgepacker holds no weight in the real world. Dan is way too obsessed with Isaacs and is just jealous of Isaacs successes over the years. He is clueless. 

- Illuminati Obfuscation: Black Ops Div
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
This is your last warning. You don't get to act like a spoiled, vulgar homophobe just because you're not getting your way. Either you behave yourself or you will be punished.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
If anyone hasn't figured it out yet, Skapegoat IS Joe Isaacs and his playing the "I'm not him, I'm just a random fan of his selfless community service" hasn't fooled anyone.
Supreme Commander of The Imperial Illuminati Air Force
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Your concern is duly noted, filed, folded, stamped, sealed with wax and affixed with a thumbprint in red ink, forgotten, recalled, considered, reconsidered, appealed, denied and quietly ignored.
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
To quote the great Webhick:Gregg wrote:If anyone hasn't figured it out yet, Skapegoat IS Joe Isaacs and his playing the "I'm not him, I'm just a random fan of his selfless community service" hasn't fooled anyone.
Webhick wrote:Skapegoat signed up here using an anonymous proxy server. Succeeded. We implemented ZB Block shortly thereafter, which pretty much forced him to use his real IP. This IP traces back to a location only nine miles from joseph-isaccs.com's location.
But that's not all folks! fhtmclassaction last posted here two years ago. Understandably, the IP is different - it's been two years. Still resolves to the same geographic location as the one in use now. What are the odds of that? Unless his friends are at his house or his neighbors are trolling this site and sound exactly like him, it's nil. fhtm also posted from the same IP as fhtmclassaction at some point.
Not only that, but Skapegoat_13 and Skapegoat13 both use email addresses that lead me to believe that we're talking to Joseph.
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Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire
Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Which explains why he isn't a very good con man/flim flam artist as well. He just ISN'T very good at it. He's just a very bitter one, and the other con artists won't play with him any more because he is so embarrassingly bad at it, besides having proven that he can't be trusted. Only a really really dumb con artist "tries" to scam his upstream partner and then not expect to get burned for it, then spends the rest of his life whining about having been caught, and the injustice of it all. Oh, and making nasty little drive by snipes on various boards about other individuals, which now seem to have escalated to vulgarity. Things must not be going at all well in fantasy land.Gregg wrote:If anyone hasn't figured it out yet, Skapegoat IS Joe Isaacs and his playing the "I'm not him, I'm just a random fan of his selfless community service" hasn't fooled anyone.
Didn't miss you in the least Joe.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
- Gunners Mate
- Posts: 30
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
Clueless Losers. End of story.
- Caveat Venditor
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
WOW! That stings, coming from Mr. 'All Hat, No Cattle'Skapegoat13 wrote:Clueless Losers. End of story.

"No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man's permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
- President Theodore Roosevelt
- President Theodore Roosevelt
- A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: FHTM (Fortune High Tech Marketing)
What's a matter Joe? Bored? Alone? Unloved? Won't the scammers even play with you any more? Poor bunny. Go hide back under your rock, no one here cares or is bothered by you. Must be awful when even the scammers recognize you for the waste of protoplasm you are and won't give you the time of day.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.