"Buy 1 for yourself and get the chance to sell your friends and family 5 and get your downline started!" We examine the multi-level marketing industry, where only the people who come up with the ideas make any money, and everybody else is left unhappy, broke, and tired of reading scripts and selling overpriced vitamins and similarly worthless products. Includes Global Prosperity, Pinnacle Quest International, IRS Codebusters, Stratia, and other new Global Prosperity scams.
BobbyB wrote:.
James, look up kinebar and see what it means. Then you will know how and why you can have grams of certified 999,9 pure gold. Anything besides kinebar loses value once the integrity of the storage facility is compromised, meaning once you take it out.
My point regarding stupid is made. BTW, I think you were attempting to say 999.9%, but stupidity may cause you to confuse commas and periods. Right up there with your fabulous half-gram of gold, which I'm quite certain you overpaid for.
And since you have a thing for Star Trek, I made the effort to quote a principal player, George Takei: "You, sir, are a douchebag. Yes, a douchebag."
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Ok Web. I just want to point out that it is a physical impossibility to have something greater than 100%.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire
Ok. I did indeed look up kinebar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinebar I t is just a security mark special to Union Bank of Switzerland. Means nothing to the value of the gold or really just means they use a hologram instead of the tang stamps that everyone else in the world uses. Looks prettier, I will admit that. And again, if you are living in Germany and can make use of this "bill", why worry about the US dollar?
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire
Let's just say I'm 999.9% sure this is a troll...Sorry, Arthur! I couldn't help myself. And I think having a world-class mathematician around is fun. Point to James for catching the joke when I was waiting for you to comment.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
BobbyB wrote:BRRRRRRR!!!
That is frightening...and using big words doesn't disguise your ignorance.
What is your take on the QE2? I bet I know...
That is when the mother ship is coming down to beam you out of your mommy's basement and save you from the real world...yeah take it elsewhere you ignorant freak.
OK, I’m officially confused, or at least mildly bewildered. How did we go from acknowledging your woeful ignorance of reality in general and finance in particular to the QE2???? Even with your limited grasp of reality, that is a bit of a jump. Please, let's just stick with one batch of your delusions at a time, the rest of us have lives to get on with.
Now I have to admit that I was waiting for you to start prattling on about flying saucers and lizard men controlling everything, but I expected you to wait at least a little while longer until I ran out of current things about you to laugh at, but noooooo, you had to jumpt the gun and spoil all my fun and prove once and for all that you are totally clueless and woefully ignorant.
And yes, I am prone to using polysyllabic words, and the fun part is that I not only know what they mean without having to sound them out and look them up, but I don't even have to think about them, they are just there.
BobbyB wrote:Oh I almost forgot...once the dollar devalues you won't be able to buy as many bags of doritos, so I would turn off the ELO album, wipe off the lipstick, put on your best pit-stained shirt and get in grandma's vega to head on out to stock up, I bet you really like the ranch flavored crumbs all over your chest. Time to shut down the computer and talk to some REAL people buddy, get a sense of what is happening above ground.
Well, we certainly wouldn’t want you straining yourself now would we, I would imagine that trying to hold two continuous thoughts together for more and a few seconds would be downright painful.
Oh my, now I’ve don and hurt his widdo feewings and he’s going to attempt to make witty repartee, since he can’t come with anything else of substance, and attempt being the operative phrase here. Just as an aside to the one real bit of reality you let intrude, why in any sane, rational, or other moment would I ever conceivably want to buy doritos in the first place, and if the economy has collapsed, they how would there be doritos to buy. And just what are they going to give you in change for your little tiddly bit of gold pray tell?
Cathulhu I think you missed a 9 in your equation.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
ND, did you want me to add another one in? I thought the troll would do it first.
Been way too long since college, I can't really remember the stuff about irrational numbers and imaginary ones anymore. I bow to Arthur in this area. I'm so freakin' old I know how to use a sliderule, although I lost my ten-inch log-log slipstick on the bus years ago.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
I found my old log log deci-trig in a box in the basement a couple of years ago. At the time I bought it - senior in high school - it was a prized possession, and the most expensive thing I had ever bought.
When I showed it to her, my older daughter - then a very bright high school senior - had no idea what it was.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
I was vice pres of the Junior Engineering and Technical Society in high school. Beat that for nerd credits! I also hustled my lunch by playing chess in college. Never did pay for lunch.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Cathulhu wrote:I was vice pres of the Junior Engineering and Technical Society in high school. Beat that for nerd credits! I also hustled my lunch by playing chess in college. Never did pay for lunch.
But, did you wear your slide rule hanging from your belt?
No! I'm female, and girls don't wear toolbelts unless they're lesbians. But a toolbelt-wearing lesbian is a very fine thing to have in your friends list if you aren't handy or have a tendency to fall down and break bones a lot.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
Cathulhu, I think he deserves at least one more to assure fine measure, and I certainly think he deserves that extra courtesy.
I guess I will have to plead to being the antediluvian here, I went from using log tables to one of TI’S little miracles in a black box and never had to touch a slide rule. I have lots of friends that swear by them, but then these are also the same people who swear avocados and artichokes are food, and I don’t believe them anymore about the one than I do the other.
The largest one I have ever seen, courtesy of one of the aforementioned friends, is around 2 feet in length and 6 or 8 inches wide, he claims it works beautifully and it is the pride and joy of his collection-did I mention he collects them? He had to build a custom mounting bracket to display it is so large and heavy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
My remaining slide rule is a Pickett 500-ES, in the original leather case, and with a lifetime guarantee. (I don't know what they'd do if I returned it for warranty service?!?)
lol... I had one of the cheap plastic ones in middle school and high school because my stepdad said everyone should learn how to use them. I learned how to use it even though I had bought one of the first watch calculators and had a nice Casio scientific calculator. Mt stepdad bought one of the real nice TI programmable calculators but still carried his old very nice slide rule. Then again he was like the ultimate nerd sometimes.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire
BTW....gold is being brought up in the context of the latest currency brawl between the US and China.
From the Financial Times:
“Gold is now being viewed as an alternative monetary asset,” Mr Zoellick said. But he added that he was not calling for a return to a gold standard, like the pre-1971 system under which currency was convertible into gold.
His intervention is well timed. Some policymakers think it is dangerous to rely on a single reserve currency, the dollar, from an economy that needs to borrow heavily from abroad. Amid Friday’s failure of the Group of 20 industrial and emerging nations to reach any meaningful accord on global imbalances, France has promised as part of its G20 presidency next year to start a debate about the world’s future monetary arrangements.
Yet none of the obvious options looks immediately practical. There is almost no appetite for a wholesale return to a fixed exchange rate system. Possible alternative or supplementary reserve currencies have their own problems – the eurozone has a fractured bond market and questions about its future given the travails of Greece and Ireland, while China’s renminbi is not freely traded.
Underlying Mr Zoellick’s comments is a concern that the dramatic rise in the price of gold, from a 21-year low of $250 a troy ounce in mid-1999 to more than $1,400 today, reflects a loss of confidence in the paper money issued by central banks and is a signal of future inflation. That has been fuelled by the use of unconventional monetary policy – such as the new $600bn round of quantitative easing just launched by the US Federal Reserve – to try to cope with the financial crisis and recession.http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d77d01f8-ee90 ... z15COJiALo
I wonder what happened to our friend BobbyB? He got a hard-on for Notorial and then disappeared.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire