Mazu Global Better for Stiffies than Viagra!

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Mazu Global Better for Stiffies than Viagra!

Post by soapboxmom »

Mazu Gold is one of the most hilarious scams I have ever had the pleasure of blogging about. Forget Viagra! If your weenie is too tiny and that stiffy too iffy then just drink that Mazu until it comes out your wazoo. I signed up for more information and quite to my surprise I ended up as an associate with a website. There is a delightful thread here: ... lobal-336/

I thought those who made it through high school science would like to comment on this miracle elixir! This is incredible stuff! Think of all the doctors that will be put out of business. :lol:

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Re: Mazu Global Better for Stiffies than Viagra!

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:I thought those who made it through high school science would like to comment on this miracle elixir!
There actually isn't that much on which to comment. These guys claim the active ingredient is something called ecklonia cava, which is a species of brown algae. Does it work? I dunno. Does the juice from sneaker laces work? I dunno that either, but I kinda doubt it. It is up to the purveyor of a product to prove its efficacy, and the scientific standards for such proof are no secret. Why do no "superfood" MLMs even try? It's pretty obvious - they know it doesn't work too. One simple question cuts through all the pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo these guys throw out - "Where's the double-blind clinical study?" Then sit back and listen to all the excuses.

I do think the FDA might be interested in claims such as these:
prevents you from getting viruses, including the flu virus and the herpes virus
joint pain disappear
drop high blood pressure 40 points in as little as 12 days
scours out amyloid plaques linked to Alzheimer’s
Cuts your cholesterol . . . inhibits the oxidation of LDL “bad” cholesterol
Helps you get off diabetes meds for good
in one study, it scored much higher than Viagra® in improving orgasmic function
What "study" was that? You guys wouldn't claim a "study" and then not cite it, would you?

Looking, looking - ah, found it!

Final point - Viagra has earned an average of over $1 billion per year for Pfizer. It's a big market (sorry). Along come these guys with a supposedly superior product - and they market it by MLM, instead of becoming overnight billionaires by selling it to big pharma.

Bridge, anyone?
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- David Hume
Arthur Rubin
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Re: Mazu Global Better for Stiffies than Viagra!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

wserra wrote:Final point - Viagra has earned an average of over $1 billion per year for Pfizer. It's a big market (sorry). Along come these guys with a supposedly superior product - and they market it by MLM, instead of becoming overnight billionaires by selling it to big pharma.
Although this product is obviously bunk, it's possible that someone with a superior product might not want to "sell out" to big pharma.
Last edited by Arthur Rubin on Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: typos; I'm on a laptop computer
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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