Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

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Re: Greetings to all.

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grixit wrote:... So if you're going to Somalia, bring your own security and a lot of cash. Because they don't take emergency calls and they don't take American Express.
But they do take American Express cards...and your Visa and Master Cards. They will also take your wallet, your cash, your car, your home, your wife, your children...
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Re: Greetings to all.

Post by Prof »

I always find it interesting that folks like Eastman are often also survivalists -- they are constantly preparing for the collapse of civilization and the anarchy that follows.
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Re: Greetings to all.

Post by Gregg »

Prof wrote:I always find it interesting that folks like Eastman are often also survivalists -- they are constantly preparing for the collapse of civilization and the anarchy that follows.
I find it interesting that a lot of those survivalists strike me as people who would be crying in the fetal position at the first sound of any real gunshots. Danny the Dogwalker turned out to be quite the tough guy in the end if I recall.
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Re: Greetings to all.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Prof wrote:I always find it interesting that folks like Eastman are often also survivalists -- they are constantly preparing for the collapse of civilization and the anarchy that follows.
... and fervently hoping for the day when they can shoulder their favorite firearm and set forth to defend their sovereign castle against the rabble from the cities, who will come to steal their food, gold and silver.
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Re: Greetings to all.

Post by Prof »

As I have pointed out recently to Gregg, I think, There's a new version of "RED DAWN" about to be released.
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Re: Greetings to all.

Post by webhick »

Wouldn't it be funny if the world ended and everyone was suddenly super friendly and helpful? Of course, that would have to mean that all the politicians died. How sad. :twisted:
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

Post by wserra »

Dale Eastman at one time or another has advocated every dumbass tax protestor argument known to idiots. He now appears to have gotten back to basics: no law makes anyone liable to pay income tax. Damn, Dale, you survived the cognitive dissonance that came from an anarchist declaring bankruptcy. Can't you do better than this?

ETA: Eastman's board (above link) reports that it contains a total of 1784 posts. Of those, it says, Eastman posted 1798.

I think his own board just refused to tally any more nonsense.
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

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And it looks like its pretty basic...gibberish. Again, snipping quotes from dicta, non-court testimony, and sections of IRC code, all of it out of context or misinterpreted. It didn't work back in the day and it ain't going to work now.

Like a Quatloosian said, I can't remember who, that if you stand by the rivers of Frikintardistan long enough, you will see the same garbage flow by again.
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

Post by wserra »

"If you read Quatloos long enough, you will see the delusions of all the Frickentards float by."

- me, with apologies to Sun Tzu.
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Or just watch a You Tube video. In this one, over 20 minutes of a woman rambling away, she doesn't say a single thing that Canadian sovereign didn't try a decade ago. Every last thing she babbled about has been discussed and refuted on Quatloos. The sovereign movement is on life support here in Canada but seems to have been given a new life in the US.
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

Post by wserra »

Anyone who doesn't recall (or never knew) Dale Eastman, kindly review this thread. Once you see that he is a prolix dolt who, at one time or another, has taken every tax protestor / sov position known to idiots, stop. You're wasting your time. He's wrong about everything he says, but nonetheless insists on saying it at mind-numbing length.

Years ago, he was a regular on Marc Stevens' long-defunct board, posting under the login "Habenae Est Dominatus" ("government is mastery/tyranny"). He posted A LOT. His thesis, such as he had one - as the reader can see from this very thread, he avoids actually stating one like the plague - was that any government compulsion is illegitimate, basically because a government can't do anything that the individuals who created it can't. There are all sorts of things wrong with this idea, of course, not the least of which can be summarized in two words: Why not? He was thus an anarchist.

Anyway, in those days I would occasionally post on Stevens' board. I figured out that "Habenae Est Dominatus" was Eastman. I don't really recall how - this was many years ago. I then checked him out and, in addition to finding all of the places (going back to misc.taxes on Usenet) where he would espouse anything, no matter how dumb, that meant Dale Eastman didn't have to pay taxes, I found the new info in the post below (I frequently keep posts from other boards):
Habenae Est Dominatus wrote: Bump just for Wserra.
Why, thanks, Dale. In point of fact, I did answer those questions. I realize that you don't like the answers, but that's a different matter. And I stopped engaging with you because I got tired - not tired of the ideas, but tired of dealing with your dishonesty. For example, your very first quote:
Can anybody delegate an authority they don't have?
wserra wrote: I don’t know.
Habenae Est Dominatus wrote: "I don’t know." Translation: I'm fucked if I answer honestly.
Now that, of course, was about ten percent of my answer. The entire answer - go back to the original post if you want to verify - was:
I don’t know. Can anybody put a man on the moon? Probably not. Can anybody write the United States Code? Probably not again. Can a lot of people do it? Yes, of course.

If you accept that, in a democracy, ultimate authority resides with the people, then what is so hard about accepting that the people, acting together, can delegate parts of their authority to individuals and bodies? If you don’t accept that, in a democracy, ultimate authority resides with the people, then we have insufficient common ground to discuss the matter.
The point, obvious to anyone capable of abstract reasoning, was that the fact that anybody can't do something does not imply that everybody can't do the same thing, acting together. You omitted my entire point so that you could make your own false one from a straw man. I have to deal with enough dishonest people in the real world.

So, Dale, I'm not going to interact with you, here or on Quatloos (yes, Dale has posted to Quatloos). Instead, I'll take a page from your book. You seem to like avoiding the points I make - for example, most recently, how the James Witt case again proves how far off the mark (marc?) Stevens is. You insist on asking your own questions, even when I've answered them. So I have a couple for you.

You have said repeatedly - following Stevens, of course - that no court can exercise authority over you without first offering evidence proving that the law the court seeks to enforce applies to you. Correct?

You have further said that the only authority courts actually possess comes from "a goon with a gun". Right?

A few years back, you filed for bankruptcy, didn't you? 05-44357, WIED (Eastern District of Wisconsin), right? You'd racked up $111K in unsecured debt, mostly on credit cards but also to your parents and your wife's parents? Then you went to court and stiffed them, right? Tell us, what was your evidence that the laws applied to the people to whom you were in debt? And, when it was to your advantage, you had no problem employing the services of those goons with guns, did you? When used against you it's tyranny, when used for you it's justice, right?
After I posted that, Eastman at first denied that it was he. Then, once I posted proof, he admitted it. He nonetheless insisted at his usual verbose length that it was before he had adopted his present beliefs - recall, however, that Eastman's bullshit goes back to Usenet in the mid to late-80s - and that he would never use government compulsion against anyone again.

Well, he did. He again filed for bankruptcy, few years after that exchange. 18-bk-26685 (WIED). Since then, he has continued the bullshit on his own site, which you can find in this thread but I refuse to link to again. It's as though nothing happened. The Trustee's final accounting shows that the Trustee received $375 to pay off debts totaling over $130K.

People like Eastman (and many others whom we discuss on this board) get righteously indignant when govt uses compulsion against them, but are perfectly fine when govt uses compulsion for them. A principled position.
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'd have another question. How the hell did he get $130,000 in debt just a few years after stiffing creditors on $111,000 of prior unsecured debt?
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Re: Greetings to all (Dale Eastman)

Post by wserra »

According to the bankruptcy schedules, he defaulted on a $117K home mortgage. Why anyone would actually loan that to Eastman, you'd have to ask them.
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