An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Dr. Caligari
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I tried to register, I was denied. I could have lied about who I was, but unlike Pete, I won't do that for a website.
Same here.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

At losthorizons dot com, in a discussion about the Patriot Network ("PN"), user "free2live" writes:
I was involved with the PN for a time. They take your money and leave you twisting in the wind. You can't trust these people. It was started by Robert Clarkson, now deceased, They can get you into a lot of trouble by following their instructions and then having NO backup for what they want you to do, IMHO, stay away from them and save your money.

Yes, good advice. As opposed to getting involved with Peter E. (Blowhard) Hendrickson and his Cracking the Code method -- the method that he says is not a "method."

The difference is, of course that at least when Blowhard Hendrickson is not in federal prison for using his Cracking the Code "non-method" on his own tax returns, Blowhard will take your money, and leave you twisting in the wind with no backup for what he claims you should do to uphold what he refers to as the "rule of law." Oh, wait, that's pretty much the same as the result you get with the Patriot Network.

Oh, except that when you post a complaint on Blowhard Hendrickson's losthorizons web site that his "non-method" didn't work, Blowhard will "support" you by posting an explanation that you didn't really follow his "non-method" properly or that your defeat was somehow really a "victory" for the "rule of law."

We recall that this is the same "free2live" who posted this gem back in June:
I have been filing CTC [Cracking the Code] since 2004, I have refiled from 01. I have received (1) check for my money back for all those years. They want it back too. I see all these victories and I wonder what in the H*** I'm doing wrong. I have liens against all of my property, have lost big time in T.C. [Tax Court] almost every day I get notices, letters and such from IRSS.
I know the truth about the taxation in America but seem to attract IRSS agents that don"t see it the same way.
We are not talking about a a lot of money here. I work in the construction business, actually I was laid off last Sept. and haven't worked since. Now they are coming after earnings of my wife.
I just don't know what to do. ... ght=#25222

(bolding added).

Don't know what to do? Oh, well, you could write to Peter E. (Blowhard) Hendrickson and ask him. He used his own Cracking the Code "non-method," and look where it's gotten him. Here's his address:

Peter E. (Blowhard) Hendrickson, inmate #15406-039
FCI Milan
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1000
Milan, MI 48160

He'll be there for a few years. Take your time.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, at any rate, he'll have lots more time for research??? now...., so he can answer all those really urgent requests for help....
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by notorial dissent »

Good point, but it should cut down on the lag time and postage expenses.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by lorne »

Gregg wrote: ... Beyond his beliefs in Hendrickson, well, the more he talks to more stupid he makes himself look.
Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges? You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read? Alrighty then, enjoy being scammed by the best of 'em. My point on the "economy" is that if you follow the trail, the source of our economic malaise, it leads to central banking (Federal Reserve in this country). And then, you'll learn how it's intertwined with our misapplied Income tax/IRS system. Enjoy the collapse! ... leId=20853

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by bmielke »

lorne wrote:
Gregg wrote: ... Beyond his beliefs in Hendrickson, well, the more he talks to more stupid he makes himself look.
Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges? You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read? Alrighty then, enjoy being scammed by the best of 'em. My point on the "economy" is that if you follow the trail, the source of our economic malaise, it leads to central banking (Federal Reserve in this country). And then, you'll learn how it's intertwined with our misapplied Income tax/IRS system. Enjoy the collapse! ... leId=20853
$25=3 days lunch out
$25=Trip to Movies for myself
$25=Trip to the range with 100 .223 rounds
$25=A DVD and Popcorn
$25=3 Gun Magazines

So much better stuff then this BS book.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

lorne wrote:
Gregg wrote: ... Beyond his beliefs in Hendrickson, well, the more he talks to more stupid he makes himself look.
Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges? You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read?
No, this is not a pot and kettle situation. However, from the standpoint of book's legal validity, we are indeed all knowing. And we didn't have to read the book to become all knowing.

The book, Cracking the Code, is not the authority on whether the book is correct. Peter Hendrickson is not the authority. And you are not the authority.

The statutes and court rulings on the book ARE the authority. Under our legal system, The Authority on the interpretation of our Constitution, our Statutes, our Treaties, our administrative regulations, etc., is THE COURT. And we have read the statutes and the court rulings.

The courts have ruled, every single time, that the book Cracking the Code is wrong.
Alrighty then, enjoy being scammed by the best of 'em.
Baloney. The courts are not "scamming" anyone. Peter Hendrickson is a scammer and he is in federal prison for using his scam on his own tax returns.
My point on the "economy" is that if you follow the trail, the source of our economic malaise, it leads to central banking (Federal Reserve in this country). And then, you'll learn how it's intertwined with our misapplied Income tax/IRS system. Enjoy the collapse!
Baloney. We're not going to "learn" anything we don't already know. We don't need to "follow a trail." You don't know anything about the Federal Reserve System. And the Federal Reserve System is not "intertwined" with the U.S. Federal income tax -- at least not in the way tax protester wackadoosters claim. And the federal income tax is not "misapplied" -- not in the way you're thinking.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by bmielke »

CaptainKickback wrote: that jackelopes exist
You can own one HERE

Now bigfoot, he doesn't exist.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by wserra »

lorne wrote:So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges?
Nobody ever asked me if I had read the book. I just got an email message to the effect that my request for a login had been denied.

It's OK, that's what I expected. Scams don't appreciate competition. Or truth.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by Dezcad »

lorne wrote: Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges? You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read?

I've written a book entitled "Pete Hendrickson is a CIA Operative - Cracking the Blowhard". In it, I prove that Pete is actually working for the CIA and was paid $50M to appear to be a TP. Here is a snippet:
As part of Pete's duties, he recruits TPs and has them send their false tax returns and refund checks to him. He then posts them on a public website for all to see and turns them over to the IRS/DOJ to pursue. Why would anyone want to post fraudulent tax returns and illegally obtained tax refund checks? It is clear that not only is Pete a CIA operative but he isn't even in prison. He is basking on the beach in the US Virgin Islands.

The rest of the book conclusively proves all of this but it will cost you $25 for you to get the book (PM me for payment details Lorne). If you haven't read the whole book, then you can't dispute the fact that:

PETE HENDRICKSON is a CIA operative.


Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by bmielke »

Dezcad wrote:
lorne wrote: Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges? You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read?

I've written a book entitled "Pete Hendrickson is a CIA Operative - Cracking the Blowhard". In it, I prove that Pete is actually working for the CIA and was paid $50M to appear to be a TP. Here is a snippet:
As part of Pete's duties, he recruits TPs and has them send their false tax returns and refund checks to him. He then posts them on a public website for all to see and turns them over to the IRS/DOJ to pursue. Why would anyone want to post fraudulent tax returns and illegally obtained tax refund checks? It is clear that not only is Pete a CIA operative but he isn't even in prison. He is basking on the beach in the US Virgin Islands.

The rest of the book conclusively proves all of this but it will cost you $25 for you to get the book (PM me for payment details Lorne). If you haven't read the whole book, then you can't dispute the fact that:

PETE HENDRICKSON is a CIA operative.

Now that's a book I would buy! :twisted:
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by grixit »

Lemme guess: Chuck Barris was his handler.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by LPC »

lorne wrote:
Gregg wrote: ... Beyond his beliefs in Hendrickson, well, the more he talks to more stupid he makes himself look.
Pot. Kettle.
lorne wrote:So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges?
Would you pay $25 to a conman for a steaming pile of crap and the "privilege" of telling the conman that you had just paid $25 for a steaming pile of crap?

Yes, you probably would. But try to think about it from a rational person's point of view. Does what you're proposing really make any sense?
lorne wrote:You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read?
I've read the excerpts/introductions on his website. They're bad enough. As I've said before, you don't need to eat the entire apple to know it's rotten.
lorne wrote:Alrighty then, enjoy being scammed by the best of 'em.
Better than being scammed by a pathetic loser like Hendrickson.
lorne wrote:My point on the "economy" is that if you follow the trail, the source of our economic malaise, it leads to central banking (Federal Reserve in this country).
This reminds me of an exchange in my first year contracts class, when the professor asked a student whether the appellate opinion reached the right result, and the student answered that the answer was clear. The professor said he agreed, and that the answer was clear, but that the question still remained whether it was clearly right or clearly wrong.

Everyone agrees that our current economic problems are the fault of the Federal Reserve. The only question currently being debated is whether the Fed did too little or too much.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by ashlynne39 »

lorne wrote:Number Six, good to see you on the trail stumping for Peter Schiff.

Gregg, why not register for a LostHorizons login and post over there? just a thought. While I can't speak for Harvester I've been in communication with him and so far the Hendrickson method has been successful for him; no court, no liens, levies etc. Although I gather taht he feels there's a bit more deception involved than just a misapplied tax. He takes it beyond what Pete does, with that notion of a secret financial war is intriguing.

My question for Gregg is, just economically speaking, do you think our country is on the right track?
I'm curious what exactly that has to do with the lawbreaking of the tax protestors.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by ashlynne39 »

lorne wrote:
Gregg wrote: ... Beyond his beliefs in Hendrickson, well, the more he talks to more stupid he makes himself look.
Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges? You'd rather act all-knowing about a book you haven't read? Alrighty then, enjoy being scammed by the best of 'em. My point on the "economy" is that if you follow the trail, the source of our economic malaise, it leads to central banking (Federal Reserve in this country). And then, you'll learn how it's intertwined with our misapplied Income tax/IRS system. Enjoy the collapse! ... leId=20853
No. I'm not contributing one dime toward helping Petey pay off his fines to the IRS. Even were I the sympathetic sort to someone like him, I don't buy B.S.

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Harvester »

Lorne! Thanks for picking up the torch.
CaptainKickback wrote:Lorne, you are an idiot. There are several people on this sight [sic] who have purchased and read Pete Hendrickson's alternate portable bum-wipe packaging unit and found it wanting in all ways, shapes and forms.
Wait... wasn't I the idiot? The only people I see here who have read Pete's book are Lorne and I. As previously related, after reading Pete's book and applying that knowledge to my own situation, I then filed and received a full refund of everything paid-in:

And I now no longer file, having moved off the international bankers' tax plantation. So my $25 investment in what you describe as a "steaming pile of ..." has yielded quite a nice ROI. I realize you consider that irrational. I will pray for you.

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizens

Post by Brandybuck »

lorne wrote:Pot. Kettle. So, none of you are willing to pony up $25 for a book and login privileges?
Conspiraloons and kranks are unable to argue their own case. Which is why they are always pushing some book or DVD. "The Queen of England is really a squirrel alien from the planet Murgatroid! Here watch this video it proves it!"

Lorne is simply unable to make an argument. He can make a statement but he cannot back it up. He can't even open up the book he pushes to cite from it. He just pushes the book.

It's like he thinks the rest of the world is as stupid as him, that they will be instantly sucked into the cult by reading it just like he was.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:Lorne! Thanks for picking up the torch.
CaptainKickback wrote:Lorne, you are an idiot. There are several people on this sight [sic] who have purchased and read Pete Hendrickson's alternate portable bum-wipe packaging unit and found it wanting in all ways, shapes and forms.
Wait... wasn't I the idiot? The only people I see here who have read Pete's book are Lorne and I. As previously related, after reading Pete's book and applying that knowledge to my own situation, I then filed and received a full refund of everything paid-in:

And I now no longer file, having moved off the international bankers' tax plantation......
Yes, and obtaining the refund in the way you did -- assuming you are telling the truth -- was a criminal offense. It's an erroneous refund. And if the IRS were to go after you for it, the IRS would win, and you would lose -- just as the IRS won when it went after Hendrickson in his erroneous refund case.

And if the government were to go after you criminally, you could possibly be convicted of federal tax crimes for using Hendrickson's scheme -- just as he was convicted for using his scheme. He's now in prison.

Any questions?
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Famspear wrote:Any questions?
Yes. Would you please approve the post before you reply to it. I was going to give him a chance to redact the check.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I was going to give him a chance to redact the check.
Not until we scan it and send it on to the DOJ.
Dr. Caligari
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