Phil Hart (again)

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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

lorne wrote:.....The restoration is happening right now, as we speak, the fiat system is collapsing. The clues are all around you. From White house rats jumping ship, the halting of foreclosures, people waking up, on and on. Can you not see it or are you in denial?
We see this kind of thinking among many tax protester-tax denier types such as yourself, Lorne. Many of you people are delusional in thinking that you "know" something that the rest of us don't know, that you "see" things that the rest of us cannot see, that you "understand" things that the rest of us do not understand, that you have cognitive ability the rest of us do not have.

You are wrong.

Part of your problem is that you try to hard to connect those dots in ways that support your wish-dreams. Many of the dots you see actually are there, Lorne. We see the dots, too. They're real. But you are trying too hard.

"There is a revolution brewing in the country......." Those are not my words, or your words. They're the words of a leading commentator in the New York Times just two days ago. You don't "see" anything that the rest of us can't see, Lorne.

Lorne, if people like you spent less time huffing and puffing and preaching and, figuratively speaking, running around as though your hair is on fire, and more time learning some self-awareness, you would be happier people. You are unhappy, in part, because you do not understand yourself -- you do not understand your own motivation. You do not understand why you have the feelings you have.

And, Lorne, some of the dots you "see" are not real. You don't really "see" those dots -- though you strongly believe that you do. You "create" pseudo-realities in your own mind as a result of your desperate attempts to connect the "real dots" in ways in which they're not really connected.

For example, you hate the federal income tax system so much that you have falsely convinced yourself that the system is illegal, unconstitutional, misapplied, etc., etc. (just pick the adjective you like) and you eagerly swallow many nonsensical theories about the law regardless of their validity -- because you want so strongly to believe what you have brought yourself to believe.

You, like Irwin Schiff, and Peter Hendrickson, and Richard Simkanin, and Oscar Stilley, and Lindsey Springer, and others of like mentality, have gone over the edge. In your irrational desire to reshape the world as you believe it should be formed, you have cut some of the mental ties that hold normal people to an understanding of reality.

You have worked yourself into delusion.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by lorne »

Yes! the dots are real. "revolution is brewing.." been brewing for quite awhile. Are you starting to see it too? Yes, it's very exciting. Almost time to tap that keg o brew. I'm glad you can see it; alot of the news has been somewhat secret, behind the scenes, unless you dig.

Not much left now but to watch 'em round up the the bad apples, the oppressors, and get on with the announcements. No, I don't hate the federal income tax; just think it's been misapplied to ensnare millions of Americans it doesn't apply to. BUT, that scam is just the tip of the iceberg Famspear. Wait til you hear what's coming! Harvester thinks you're an oppressor, part of the scam. But I'm not so sure. I'm holding out hope that you are really just (I must apologize in advance here for using your favorite word) hopelessly deluded. :mrgreen:

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-shiny day.

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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by The Observer »

LPC wrote:
The Observer wrote:Actually Lorne also has plenty of what cattle leave behind.
No, But you can find it directly behind the rear set of hoof prints.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by The Operative »

Harvester wrote: This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Right to Travel Act."

That only proves that morons occasionally get elected to legislative bodies.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »


Lorne is a liar, plain and simple. And not a very smart one. He's so paranoid he thought he had to sneak in here, and had to lie in order to give himself some credibility. Why do I say these things you ask? Take a look at his first post...
lorne wrote:Hello, I have a client who let his Quickbooks subscription expire (or maybe deactivated it, not sure) and it now withholds no federal from his employees payroll checks. but it does calculate and withhold the corect SS and Medicare amounts. He seems to like it this way, more $ for workers, and from his talk I gather he's been reading some of patriot stuff.

I'm trying to talk some sense into him - that he is responsible for the correct amount of fed withheld according to W4 regardless of software. Sent him IRS and Tax Protester FAQ links but not sure. Thinks he can just blame the program. Long-time client and I don't want to push to hard and lose him.

TIA, Lorne
Now, take that, and compare it to the garbage he writes now. :thinking:

Also, by the timing of that post, even if he wasn't flat out lying, he's really not had time to actually try any of the patridiot stuff he goes on about.

Of course, I've thought for a long time he's just a voice in the other idiot's head...
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'm not at all concerned about the so-called "Right to Travel Act" in Georgia. There isn't a state legislature in the Union that doesn't see bills like this, and they soon die a quick death in committee. In Massachusetts, thanks to our "right of free petition", I could go to my state rep. and give him a similar bill, and he would have to file it; but the heading on the bill would contain the words "by request", which is code for "I'm only filing this, for my constituent, because I'm required to do so", and the bill soon goes into committee, never to emerge again.

So, until and unless the Georgia legislature actually enacts this bill into law, or seems like they are on track to do so, this bill is yet another example of wackadooster idiocy that proves nothing to the rest of us.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

The Operative wrote:
Harvester wrote: This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Right to Travel Act."

That only proves that morons occasionally get elected to legislative bodies.
Hmm, so that DID pass, right?
HB 875 - Right to Travel Act; enact
Current VersionPDF VersionSponsored By
(1) Franklin,Bobby 43rdCommittees
HC:MotVSC:Current Status
01/13/10 - House Second ReadersFirst Reader Summary
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Title 40 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to motor vehicles and traffic, so as to repeal Chapter 5, relating to drivers' licenses; provide for a short title; to report the findings of the General Assembly regarding the constitutionality of certain laws relating to drivers' licenses; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
Status History
Bill History Date Action
11/16/2009 House Prefiled
01/12/2010 House First Readers
01/13/2010 House Second Readers
LC 34 2350/pf
LC 34 2350/a
I see it didn't. But they did read it twice in front of an empty gallery without getting laughed out of the building, so that's a start.

Some state also has a bill in the same place more or less that recognizes the rights of extraterrestrials. So you and your NESARA friends should like that one too!

you are a stupid creature, aren't you?
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by wserra »

The Operative wrote:That only proves that morons occasionally get elected to legislative bodies.
And how. Look at the bills this guy has introduced.

This one requiring that banks accept and give out gold and silver, and that the state accept and pay only gold and silver.

This one punishing "prenatal murder" (he explains how Roe doesn't apply in Georgia).

This one taxing federal reserve banks.

This one to essentially establish Christianity as the state religion.

This one to repeal mandatory vaccination for school attendance.

This one apparently requiring that folks be able to carry guns, booze and bombs whenever and wherever they want.

This one criminalizing the enforcement of any federal statute that Bubba & Co. find unconstitutional.

And many others. Can a bill redefining π be far behind?
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Joey Smith »

Hey, I thought that the system was going to come tumbling down by the end of September? Now I have to wait until the end of October? Jeez .....


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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

lorne wrote:Yes! the dots are real. "revolution is brewing.." been brewing for quite awhile. Are you starting to see it too?
Now, there's a nice puppy. Sit boy! Sit! Good doggie.
Yes, it's very exciting.
It's OK boy. Nice puppy.
Almost time to tap that keg o brew. I'm glad you can see it; alot of the news has been somewhat secret, behind the scenes, unless you dig.
If it's secret, it's not news, kiddo.
Not much left now but to watch 'em round up the the bad apples, the oppressors, and get on with the announcements.
Ah, yes, it's always just around the corner with you people. It's imminent!
No, I don't hate the federal income tax; just think it's been misapplied to ensnare millions of Americans it doesn't apply to.
Yada yada yada.....
BUT, that scam is just the tip of the iceberg Famspear. Wait til you hear what's coming!
Oh, I know, Lorne -- and you're soooooo smart for seeing the entire iceberg, Lorne. What a good doggie!
Harvester thinks you're an oppressor, part of the scam. But I'm not so sure. I'm holding out hope that you are really just (I must apologize in advance here for using your favorite word) hopelessly deluded.
La-la-la-la, Lorne is in la-la-land. Everything is beautiful.....

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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

wserra wrote:
The Operative wrote:That only proves that morons occasionally get elected to legislative bodies.
And how. Look at the bills this guy has introduced.

This one requiring that banks accept and give out gold and silver, and that the state accept and pay only gold and silver.

This one punishing "prenatal murder" (he explains how Roe doesn't apply in Georgia).

This one taxing federal reserve banks.

This one to essentially establish Christianity as the state religion.

This one to repeal mandatory vaccination for school attendance.

This one apparently requiring that folks be able to carry guns, booze and bombs whenever and wherever they want.

This one criminalizing the enforcement of any federal statute that Bubba & Co. find unconstitutional.

And many others. Can a bill redefining π be far behind?
This guy also makes repeated mention of the "thirteen united States of America". Remind me to find out which district this buffoon represents, and to give it a wide berth if I ever find myself in that neck of the woods.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: This guy also makes repeated mention of the "thirteen united States of America". Remind me to find out which district this buffoon represents, and to give it a wide berth if I ever find myself in that neck of the woods.
The 43rd, north of Atlanta. It's in the "white fundamentalists" (pastors of mega churches getting caught with prostitutes) part of Atlanta, the "black fundementalist" (pastors of mega churches getting caught playing with young boys) part is south of the city. If you take I-285 West I think you miss them both.

Pastors of mega churches have been caught with their hands in the till in both sides of town.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by bmielke »

wserra wrote:This one apparently requiring that folks be able to carry guns, booze and bombs whenever and wherever they want.
Tennessee has the same law, it was passed in the aftermath of Katrina when New Orleans Confiscated all firearms. Now the Governor can't do that (In Tennessee).
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

UGA Lawdog wrote:......And here I thought you cranks were all about common law. This bill would essentially ban common law. :brickwall:
I think it's pretty funny, too. Half the wackadoosters out there want to do away with the principle of judicial precedent -- because they don't like the decisions of the courts on the subject of tax law, and the other half (the SkankBeat half) claim to be experts on common law, claim that "common law" is the way to negate their tax obligations, and want to lecture their fellow wackadoosters on how to use the common law to defeat the mean ol', bad ol' Internal Revenue Service.

If I recall correctly, Bob Hurt in Florida proposed that a statute be passed essentially erasing all judicial precedent on a regular, periodic basis (maybe once a year, I think).

Tax protesters/tax deniers: What a sorry, hopeless group!

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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

the Village Idiot wrote:HA! that's more like it Quatlosers. C'mon now, let's step it up here. We've got the upper hand, but you do you want us "wackadoosters" to get our Republic back? Well alrighty then - take the gloves off.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

Hey, they want to do away with mortgages, too. I say go for it. I have the cash to pay for a house, and if they do away with using borrowed money the market is gonna crash and prices will come down, so I'll be able to get cheap real estate and losers like lee harvey dickwad will have a lot more competition for the really good bridges to live under.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Pangea »

Gregg wrote:
Famspear wrote:
.....and his lawyers says that Hart believes he has *overpaid* his taxes.
Yeah, and I *believe* that every woman I meet immediately falls in love with my dashing good looks, is enraptured by my sense of humor, and is fascinated by my every word as I pontificate endlessly about my views on music, art, politics, the General Theory of Relativity, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and of course my Weltanschauung etc., etc.


You work too hard at it. I just say "Forty-Two" and women fall at my feet!
Ow!! (I think I hurt myself when I fell.)
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by LPC »

Dan Evans
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

we really could have used a keyboard warning for that, Dan!
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

keyboard/pacemaker, actually
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