Harvey's Predictions

Joey Smith
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Joey Smith »

we take down the banking cabal
<<< snicker >>>
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"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to suijuris.net)
- - - - - - - - - - -

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by lorne »

I asked Harvey to send me the offending link, a Jim Rickards piece about the Federal Reserve going bankrupt. PM me if you want it. I don't know what the deal is . .. your censorship is comical.

http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/ ... krupt.html
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Famspear »

Captain, your writing here reminds me of the work of John Milius. And for those who don't know who John Milius is -- let's just say: My comment is intended as a compliment.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Harvester »

Eww Captain. Didn't need that image of what you do in the dark.

Fammie! Are you so afraid of me now that you won't even say Hi?
http://www.trutv.com/video/conspiracy-t ... usion.html

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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by . »

Perhaps the most pitiful troll, ever, wrote:censorship
Actually, this place doesn't censor sh!t, other than commercial spam. If it did censor actual sh!t, you would have been gone a long time ago.

Like I've said a number of times, the "Fed is evil" crap had been around since forever. And, it's true to the extent that the purchasing power of the dollar has been being depreciated since forever. But, that's what governments do; they debase currency because they can. Yet, despite all of the multitude of Fed mistakes over many decades, we're still here, muddling through.

I hope the semi-literate, delusional clowns like yourself who have recently caught on to this "Fed" stuff aren't using any leverage, as one morning you might wake up to a concerted intervention by the Fed and other central banks that takes the dollar up and gold and silver down overnight by way more than you thought was even imaginable. Way more than enough to wipe your chickensh!t account out. If you're just an idiot bullion coin buyer, well, then, you'll just have to lick your wounds and ponder how many decades it will take you to get even after paying the ridiculous spreads you paid.

I've been trading this stuff ("stuff" being futures contracts of every imaginable description) for over 40 years, and the mere fact that idiots like you are getting excited has me watching very carefully for signs that the exits are getting crowded. Reminds me of 1980, another turning point in the direction of government and metals (and other) prices.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
Joey Smith
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Joey Smith »

Harv/Lorne doesn't realize that hundreds of people have come on to Quatloos! over the years espousing that "next month" the system was going to collapse, people would be bartering with gold, etc.

The only constant is that all of these people have themselves turned out to be utter failures in life, big-time losers who hang "911 Truth" banners off their balcony between their visits to the welfare office or scrounging money from their relatives between their odd jobs.

When did the losers of the world suddenly gain the monopoly on knowledge?
- - - - - - - - - - -
"The real George Washington was shot dead fairly early in the Revolution." ~ David Merrill, 9-17-2004 --- "This is where I belong" ~ Heidi Guedel, 7-1-2006 (referring to suijuris.net)
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Harvester »

Probably when you stopped looking for it cousin Joe. The fact that something predicted has not occurred, doesn't mean it won't occur. We're very close, all is in place, but not even the banks know the date of the switchover.

Ding! Dong! the Fed is dead
which is dead?
the FED is dead.
Ding! Dong! the big bad Fed is gone.

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by silversopp »

Unfortunately Harvey, you attached dates to your predictions and ended up with a stellar batting average of .000

You've learned your lesson though. You used to be very specific with your predictions. You used to claim things like "we delivered magic paperwork to all the governments, and they will be forced to resign within one month! hahaha!" Now you've been reduced to predictions like "something big is in the works and something will happen some point in the future." Clearly your confidence in the Sovrun/Patriot movement has been shaken greatly.

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by lorne »

Harvey, did you skip #5 or did you flunk mathematics?

And I guess you saw this one....
Bond insurer Ambac files for bankruptcy
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

lorne wrote:...

And I guess you saw this one....
Bond insurer Ambac files for bankruptcy
And let's see if you have some kind of insightful explanation that might illustrate the real impact of Ambac's bankruptcy filing - other than cobbling together things anyone can find via Google?

Care to offer a substantive opinion?

Oh. Wait. It's lorne ...

Never mind.

We now return you to your regular programming.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Brandybuck »

Harvester wrote:The fact that something predicted has not occurred, doesn't mean it won't occur.
You made predictions for specific dates. Those dates have passed (except for the one on April 1st, 2011). There is no way they can possibly occur as those dates are in the past. Impossible. Teleologically impossible. As in "If you still think they can happen you are fruitier than a San Francisco AltCon".

I seem to recall something in the Bible about those who make false predictions.

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Harvester »

Ah, you read the Bible as well as Tolkien, glad to hear.

I see y'all are eager to see this timeline unfold. All in good time folks. Lorne, I think you meant to say "Pardon me, but #5 is missing." Yes I left it out, can't talk about it; gag order, very strict NDA. Maybe in a couple weeks.

Judge, AMBAC insured bonds, bank assets. This is a HUGE problem for the banks (and yes, a good thing for freedom-lovers everywhere). Just another piece foretelling the end of the banking cabal.

Yes, I was wrong on Moss. As for #3, Quantitative Easement-2 in the amount 600 billion was announced. Silver closed at $24.73/oz on 11/2 and $28.55 a week later for a gain of 15.4 percent. We're at the beginning of the exponential run in gold/silver, still time to climb aboard. Oh that last minute dive, that's the banking cabal making the CME change the rules (margin rate) as they try to hang on.* Not to worry, those with physical metal will be fine.

So where are we now? We're at either 4, 5 or 6. Hard to say exactly until after the fact.

Won't be long before we stop the looting
and start prosecuting. Enjoy the show!
Last edited by webhick on Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed link on "Enjoy the show" which went to YouTube video of "Greenspan's Admission"

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by silversopp »

Silver's down about 8% to $26.71 today, and Gold is down almost 2% to $1384.

Oil, on the other hand, is up today.
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Gregg »

Ford is up 3.5%, total or 18% in the last week or so, and 1,100% from the low when the market tanked....

Gee Harvey, if Silver had moved as much as my Ford Stock it would be, what, $130 an oz?
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by The Operative »

Harvester wrote: Yes, I was wrong on Moss. As for #3, Quantitative Easement-2 in the amount 600 billion was announced. Silver closed at $24.73/oz on 11/2 and $28.55 a week later for a gain of 15.4 percent. We're at the beginning of the exponential run in gold/silver, still time to climb aboard. Oh that last minute dive, that's the banking cabal making the CME change the rules (margin rate) as they try to hang on.* Not to worry, those with physical metal will be fine.
Harvey, you keep harping on silver and/or gold and how much it is up. What you do not understand is that true investors are not impressed by the gains in silver and/or gold. We understand that various investments will sometimes have large gains which are sometimes followed by equally large losses. BTW, I just exited a position in one investment where I was up 443% in six months. That kind of makes silver look silly, doesn't it?

Another thing that true investors know is that short term gains are nice, but long-term growth and gains are better and more important. Silver is only up about 500% over the past 20 years. My investment in Walgreens stock from 1990, with stock splits and reinvested dividends is up about 950%. You precious metal bugs are nothing but amateurs.
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Brandybuck »

You totally missed the point of my post, Harve.

You made specific predictions which have failed. Failed. Failed. I understand that your cognitive dissonance will not let you see that word, so I will repeat it once more: Failed.

Your prognostications were wrong. The dates you have attached to them have passed. The past is fixed and cannot be changed. You have failed.

Biblically speaking, you are a False Prophet.
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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Gregg »

You made specific predictions which have failed. Failed. Failed. I understand that your cognitive dissonance will not let you see that word, so I will repeat it once more: Failed.
here, try this...

Harvey, caught last Haloween?

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Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by silversopp »

Brandybuck, you need to pay more attention. Harvey is a stout follower of David Van Pelt. A while back, David posted on here that he had invented a time machine. In Harvey's world, the past is NOT fixed.

As we speak, David is currenly in the 18th century collecting ancient legal magical words. When he collects all those words, he will then travel back to March, 2010 century to kick all the governors out of office. He will then travel back to the 20th Century, meet up with himself, and together they will destroy his motor scooter before it can kill Jesus Christ - thereby preventing 9/11. Then it's off to stop the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve Act, and the Queen of England.

Harvey is anxiously awaiting the return of this time-traveling hero.

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by bmielke »

silversopp wrote:Brandybuck, you need to pay more attention. Harvey is a stout follower of David Van Pelt. A while back, David posted on here that he had invented a time machine. In Harvey's world, the past is NOT fixed.

As we speak, David is currenly in the 18th century collecting ancient legal magical words. When he collects all those words, he will then travel back to March, 2010 century to kick all the governors out of office. He will then travel back to the 20th Century, meet up with himself, and together they will destroy his motor scooter before it can kill Jesus Christ - thereby preventing 9/11. Then it's off to stop the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve Act, and the Queen of England.

Harvey is anxiously awaiting the return of this time-traveling hero.
That could be a comic book, DAVID VAN PELT: TIME TRAVELER!

Re: Harvey's Predictions

Post by Brandybuck »

Actually, I am giving serious consideration to the possibility that Harvey is indeed a 14 year old troll seeing how far he can take this stupidity.