Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by JamesVincent »

Gregg wrote: I would have never guessed that they had tanning beds back then...did they do nails and hair and such, too?

Tanning racks, maybe. Hair and such would have been involved, and possibly nails also. Not too sure you would have enjoyed it, though.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

JamesVincent wrote:The Civil War was not fought over slavery, that much I think is pretty well recognized by anyone who actually looked at it.
Well, you'd better tell my ancestors that then because that's why they signed up.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by LPC »

14ATruther wrote:I quickly looked over all of the Court cases you have sited and I cannot find one that suggests that American's need to pay taxes.
So, what have the federal courts said about the claim that a person born in a state of the United States is not a “citizen of the United States” and is not subject to the federal income tax?

“Also basic to Mr. Sloan’ “freedom from income tax theory” is his contention that he is not a citizen of the United States, but rather, that he is a freeborn, natural individual, a citizen of the State of Indiana, and a “master”--not “servant”--of his government. As a result, he claims that he is not subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States. This strange argument has been previously rejected as well. “All individuals, natural or unnatural, must pay federal income tax on their wages,” regardless of whether they requested, obtained or exercised any privilege from the federal government. Lovell [v. United States], 755 F.2d [517] at 519 [7th Cir. 1984]; cf. [United States v.] Studley, 783 F.2d [934] at 937 [9th Cir. 1986] (Studley’ argument that “she is not a ‘taxpayer’ because she is an absolute, freeborn and natural individual ... is frivolous. An individual is a ‘person’ under the Internal Revenue Code.”). Moreover, the tax code imposes a “direct nonapportioned [income] tax upon United States citizens throughout the nation, not just in federal enclaves,” such as postal offices and Indian reservations. United States v. Collins, 920 F.2d 619, 629 (10th Cir. 1990), cert. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 111 S.Ct. 2022, 114 L.Ed.2d 108 (1991) (citing Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., 240 U.S. 1, 12-19, 36 S.Ct. 236, 239-42, 60 L.Ed. 493 (1916)). Mr. Sloan’ proposition that he is not subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States is simply wrong.”

United States v. Sloan, 939 F.2d 499, 501 (7th Cir. 1991), cert. den. 112 S.Ct. 940 (1992).

“And, finally, we reject appellants’ contention that they are not citizens of the United States, but rather “Free Citizens of the Republic of Minnesota” and, consequently, not subject to taxation. See United States v. Kruger, 923 F.2d 587, 587-88 (8th Cir.1991) (rejecting similar argument as “absurd”).”

United States v. Gerads, 999 F.2d 1255 (8th Cir. 1993), cert. den. 510 U.S. 1193 (1994).

“Appellant challenges the district court’ jurisdiction by contending that because he is a state citizen, the United States government lacks the constitutional authority both to subject him to federal tax laws and to prosecute him for failing to comply with those laws. Citing to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1856), appellant argues that as a white, natural born, state citizen, he is not subject to the taxing power of Congress. This argument is completely without merit. As this court has made clear in the past, claims that a particular person is ‘not a [federal] taxpayer because [he or] she is an absolute, free-born and natural individual’ constitutionally immune to federal laws is frivolous and, in civil cases, can serve as the basis for sanctions. United States v. Studley, 783 F.2d 934, 937, n. 3 (9th Cir. 1986).”

United States v. McDonald, 919 F.2d 146, 90 TNT 246-11, No. 88-5239 (9th Cir. 11/26/1990).

To the extent the Monfortons contend that as ‘Sovereign State Citizens of Washington States’ they are not subject to federal income tax, this contention is frivolous.”

Monforton v. United States, No. CV-94-00058-FVS, KTC 1995-354, n. 2, No. CV-94-00058-FVS, (9th Cir. 1995), (unpublished).

“The Epperlys next argue that since they are ‘American Inhabitants’ who possess sovereign powers and immunities, they are properly classified under the tax code as ‘nonresident aliens’ and are not subject to taxation by the federal government. Such an argument is frivolous.”

Epperly v. United States, 1992 U.S. App. LEXIS 32286 (9th Cir. 1992), (unpublished).

“As the cited cases, as well as many others, have made abundantly clear, the following arguments alluded to by the Lonsdales are completely lacking in legal merit and patently frivolous: (1) individuals (“free born, white, preamble, sovereign, natural, individual common law `de jure’ citizens of a state, etc.”) are not “persons” subject to taxation under the Internal Revenue code; ....”

Lonsdale v. United States, 919 F.2d 1440, 1448 (10th Cir. 1990).

“Plaintiff claims that he is a nonresident alien or ‘foreign individual of America’ in relation to the United States, and that his residence and citizenship rest solely with the States of Washington, ‘a free, independent, sovereign, territory’ with ‘coequal authority with the other compact states of America.’ ... Despite plaintiff’ creative argument, the court takes judicial notice of the fact that the state of Washington is one of the fifty states that comprise the United States of America, entering the Union in 1889 as the forty-second state. [Citations omitted.] The Fourteenth Amendment states that ‘[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.’ U.S. Const., Amend. XIV, section 1. Plaintiff, therefore, along with being a citizen of the state of Washington, is a United States citizen because he was born in Washington State to parents who were United States citizens. ... As a United States citizen, plaintiff is required to pay federal income tax.”

Betz v. United States, 40 Fed.Cl. 286, 294-296 (1998)
14ATruther wrote:If you are a lawyer or have Law experience I would go back over your cases cited and apply the State Citizen (all fraudulent secret contracts removed) and then see what you come up with. I can see why you would place the HARTMAN case in such a prominent position. It looks horrible that the magistrate is just simply handing them over to the slaughter. Rightfully so, they were (by secret contract) defrauded 14th Amendment subjects, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
Who put the Hartman case "in such a prominent position"? And *which* "Hartman case"?

I know of one case:

“The assertion that the filing of an income tax return is voluntary is, likewise, frivolous. Title 26, United States Code, Section 6012(a)(1)(A), ‘requires that every individual who earns a threshold level of income must file a tax return.’ [citation omitted] Failure to file an income tax return subjects an individual to criminal penalty.” United States v. Hartman, 915 F.Supp. 1227 (M.D.Fla. 1996).

And why doesn't the Hartman case described above "suggest that American's [sic] need to pay taxes"?
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by The Observer »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:The Civil War was not fought over slavery, that much I think is pretty well recognized by anyone who actually looked at it.
Well, you'd better tell my ancestors that then because that's why they signed up.
Most certainly they did, but others who fought in the Civil War joined for different reasons. In Shelby Foote's chronicles of the Civil War, he relates an anecdote of a Confederate being taken prisoner by Union soldiers who were curious about why this Reb had decided to fight. The man was poor and illiterate and obviously could not afford to own a plantation, let alone slaves; he certainly wasn't at risk of losing anything if abolition was enacted. When asked, he told them it was because the North had invaded the South.

And many joined the war because they were told to by their respective governments.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by JamesVincent »

My ancestors, including one who was highly distinguished, joined and fought as they felt the North was trying to control their lives. None owned slaves, and the best known one detested slavery and had actively worked to promote freedom for slaves. He did not join the Confederacy until after the start of hostilities and even then kept promoting the idea of freeing slaves to serve in the Army of the Confederacy and be allowed citizenship if they did. He worked tirelessly in the beginning of the war to prevent it, but left the Union to, as he saw it, protect his home state of Virginia. He made several comments to the effect that slavery was one of the most hideous evils in mankinds history. After the war he tried to get laws passed to ease the fears of Southern people that the slaves would come after them once they were freed and always tried to help the former slaves adjust to their new lives as US citizens. My great-great-great-great-great uncle (I think thats the right amount of greats) Robert E. Lee was that man.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Cathulhu »

My niece--the one who graduated from West Point--did a school project tracing our family, and she swears my mom is a direct descendant of Pocohontas' little sister, the one with the unpronounceable name that the settlers called Cleopatra because they could say that. Don't know that this knowledge has made much difference to me, nor the fact that Dad's ancestors came over on the Mayflower. Simply put, some of my family came over on the boat, and some of them waved hello on this side.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Demosthenes »

During the civil war, my ancestors were on the west coast, either building furniture (one side of the family) or gathering new member for their thriving cult in Utah (the other side).
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:gathering new member for their thriving cult in Utah.

I forgot about him.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Cathulhu »

lol! Wes, you're sick, and I love you for it.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by grixit »

I supposed some of my ancestors fought in the Civil War, But others were on three other continents so they were otherwise occupied.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by bmielke »

CaptainKickback wrote:At the time of the Civil War, my ancestors were still farming on their farms in Europe. Mine is an ordinary, yet obscure family.
Some of mine were poachers in the black forest at that time, others fought fot the Union.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Joey Smith »

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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:At the time of the Civil War, my ancestors were still farming on their farms in Europe. Mine is an ordinary, yet obscure family.
Some of mine were poachers in the black forest at that time, others fought fot the Union.
When the Civil War centennial came around, I asked my father if I had any Civil War ancestors, and he said he knew of none. About 30 years later, I began looking in the National Archives to see if he was right. I had to eliminate four of my great-great-grandfathers, since they were all in England. One of the rest, I knew, had not served; and I quickly eliminated two others. To my great surprise, the oldest of these "paternals" was the one who served, fighting among other places at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. He may have been wounded at some point, because when he was serving in Nashville, from 1864-65, he was a Regimental QM whose health, according to his service record, prevented his talents being used anywhere else.
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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Bernlak75 »

Demosthenes wrote:During the civil war, my ancestors were on the west coast, either building furniture (one side of the family) or gathering new member for their thriving cult in Utah (the other side).
I can see that there is a part of your blood that is a good hand made furniture maker like me. My grandfather always tell us stories on how he makes an Oak table or chair just to earn money on the civil war. Maybe it runs on the family because I still do some Furniture's today although it is only my hobby it is still counted I think.

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Re: Are "All Rights Reserved" for Federalist Educators?

Post by Funkalicious »

Bernlak75 wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:During the civil war, my ancestors were on the west coast, either building furniture (one side of the family) or gathering new member for their thriving cult in Utah (the other side).
I can see that there is a part of your blood that is a good hand made furniture maker like me. My grandfather always tell us stories on how he makes an Oak table or chair just to earn money on the civil war. Maybe it runs on the family because I still do some Furniture's today although it is only my hobby it is still counted I think.

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