Old friends (?) finally meet their doom

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The Observer
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Re: Old friends (?) finally meet their doom

Post by The Observer »

And on a related motion in district court (New Mexico) by the government to foreclose on property owned by the Hopkins, the results (02/14/2013) should be no suprise:
The United States was the plaintiff in the criminal case against the Hopkins, and necessary to the jury's verdict that the Hopkins were guilty of Criminal Tax Evasion for tax years 1996-1997, and 1999-2001, was establishing that the Hopkins owed the United States a substantial amount of tax, and that the Hopkins used nominees and/or alter-egos to shelter their income from the United States to evade taxes. The doctrine of res judicata thus prevents the Hopkins from relitigating those issues in this civil case against them. Because the record establishes that there is no genuine dispute whether the IRS assessments underlying the IRS' federal tax liens on which they seek to foreclose are valid and accurate, and there is no material dispute whether the Hopkins used the Defendants Grace Trust, Shalom Enterprises, Inc., and House of Royale, Inc. as their nominees or alter-egos to shield their assets from the IRS, there is no genuine dispute that the United States is entitled to foreclose on its liens against the subject property and is entitled to summary judgment as a matter of law. Because the United States has agreed with Defendant Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, that they will equitably divide profits from the sale of Tract #1, the Court denies the United States' Summary Judgment to the extent it seeks the Court to declare that its interest in Tract #1 is prior and superior to any other interest in the property.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff