An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons


Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Harvester »

Famspear wrote: Any questions?
Just one. Why do you keep suggesting I've done anything wrong and likely to face prosecution when you & everyone else here knows it will have absolutely no effect on me? There's a growing awareness of just who are the real criminals (,District of) and that y'all continue to align yourselves with them does not speak well.

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by bmielke »

I've seen that check three or four times.

First there is no Madashell, IL
That would be MAD AS HELL, it does not exist. The first time he posted it I tracked it back to Woodstock IL.

So that proves thart the check is doctored.

If he was willing to doctor the check in one way what makes you believe he would be unwilling to Doctor check numbers. I for one would if I were going to post a picture of ill gotten gains on the internet. If our keyboard rambo has not we should definitely retain a copy in the archives because I would bet the next time he posts it it will have a different account number.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Famspear wrote:Any questions?
Yes. Would you please approve the post before you reply to it. I was going to give him a chance to redact the check.
I apologize. I didn't even notice that Harvester's post was in pending status. My mistake.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Duke2Earl »

Harvester wrote:
Famspear wrote: Any questions?
Just one. Why do you keep suggesting I've done anything wrong and likely to face prosecution when you & everyone else here knows it will have absolutely no effect on me? There's a growing awareness of just who are the real criminals (,District of) and that y'all continue to align yourselves with them does not speak well.
Nobody here is "suggesting" anything. We are stating categorically that if you earned enough income to be over the trigger amounts and did not pay income tax that you are absolutely breaking the law. And neither CTC or any of your other fantasies has any effect on that whatsoever. And by definition, those who break the law are criminals. Is that clear enough for you?
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:
Famspear wrote: Any questions?
Just one. Why do you keep suggesting I've done anything wrong and likely to face prosecution when you & everyone else here knows it will have absolutely no effect on me?
Are you dense?

I am not "suggesting" you've done something wrong. I am saying flat out that you have done something wrong -- something illegal -- because you keep admitting that you've done things that are illegal. The fact that you refuse to admit that what you've done is illegal doesn't change that.

I have never said you're likely to face prosecution. I have repeatedly said, either in this web site or in other places where we have interacted, that it is unlikely that you will be prosecuted. What's wrong with you?
There's a growing awareness of just who are the real criminals (,District of) and that y'all continue to align yourselves with them does not speak well.
Baloney. You and Hendrickson are the real criminals.

EDIT: And Harvey, the fact that you keep implying that my explanation of what the law is constitutes "aligning" myself with someone you don't like doesn't change the fact that I am right about what the law is -- and you are wrong.

The fact that you do this also indicates your immaturity. You continue to confuse explanation of what the law is with agreement with the law or with the policies behind the law.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Burzmali »

The 5 in the amount is copied from one of the 5s above it and the day looks to be modified (the 9s look to be identical). There is a website here that can show most of the editting.

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by silversopp »

The creator of CTC is now in prison...that alone should be enough to make you worried since you used the very same scam.

You're active on the Losthorizons website, where a large number of people have reported failure after failure once the legal system catches up to them. Not a single poster there has beaten the legal system.

The IRS won't prosecute everyone. That's the only thing you have going for you.

Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Nikki »

Minor point of fact:

The IRS doesn't prosecute anyone. All the IRS can do is to give a referral to DoJ requesting criminal prosecution.

DoJ then decides whether to run with it or drop it.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Joey Smith »

If anybody wants to know how valid Pete Hendrickson's legal theories are, they need to ask Pete directly.

Visiting hours at the prison are listed on the prison's webpage.

Or, you could go onto the LostHorizon's website and talk with the people there.

Except that the only regular poster is now just Skanky, who is basically admitting that Pete is wrong and that the only way somebody can get relief is through unspecified "common law remedies" that he can't figure out how to actually use, and asserted only directly against the Secretary of Treasury himself, who of course isn't going to give him the time of day.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Cathulhu »

I own at least 13,000 books, and my bookshelf space is precious and limited. Nothing gets kept unless it's a pretty good book, otherwise they go to charity when we're done. Can't imagine using my scarce bookshelf space on Pete!
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by The Operative »

I also own quite a few books and my shelf space is limited as well. If I want a book on a particular subject, I purchase one that was written by an established expert in the field. Pete does not qualify.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by ashlynne39 »

Famspear wrote:
You continue to confuse explanation of what the law is with agreement with the law or with the policies behind the law.
This is typical of tax protestors. They are so out there that they don't understand the difference.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ashlynne39 wrote:
Famspear wrote:
You continue to confuse explanation of what the law is with agreement with the law or with the policies behind the law.
This is typical of tax protestors. They are so out there that they don't understand the difference.
I see the problem as being that they are so convinced of the correctness of their positions that the consistent failure of the courts, and of everyone with any education or training in applicable fields of study, to recognize those positions as factually correct is due to conspiracies, corruption, or a combination of the two.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Gregg »

I still want to know why I, screw anyone else in the known universe, just me... What I'm getting at is, if there is ANYONE on the planet more likely than me to know the fact of the supposed scam of the income tax and how the Fed is the big evil bugaboo than me, I don't know of him.
It's all right there in my CV, I worked for the fed, have a wall full of degrees and certificates from fine schools and other various authorities attesting to my own personal knowledge of the the "truth" and yet, instead of using this hard won knowledge for my own personal benefit, I pay, every quarter, over to the Treasury 6 figures of money I certainly feel I would be able to put to better uses. These uses range from helping the less fortunate to exploring my own interests in many fields from vacations to, my own personal long held goal of buying everything RONCO has ever made an informercial for.

In short, what possible motive do I have to turn over to the evil gov'mint money for more entitlement programs and/or fighter jets instead of keeping it myself and spending it on wine, women and song? I mean, I'm one of the head oppressors here, why do I pay taxes I don't owe?
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Harvester »

Gregg, you're an innocent victim, not an oppressor as I see it (could be wrong). Seriously, I've been trying to help, shed a little light, point folks in the right direction. But it's hard to get any point across in this venue; I'm just one of a couple voices saying "hey, things are not what they seem" amidst a cacophony of ridicule and status quo.

You realize that from any point from 1787 to 1933 a kid could take the money his granddad left him and buy the same (or more) with it as when granddad was a kid? It cannot be done now - if I bury ten thousand dollars in the toolshed now, in fifty years it'll buy what, $400 worth? Federal Reserve Notes deflate about 6%/ year. Federal Reserve's track record: 97% loss in 97 years. We used to have real money; silver/gold coins, but there was a little problem with PM coins- they hold their value. It's too hard to steal from everyone without them noticing. Hate to break it to ya pal, someone's rippin you off.

Gregg, the govt isn't evil, it's made up of ordinary good people like you and me. But if a bad apple wanted to run the perfect scam - would it not make sense to bring the govt in as a partner? Do you see the unprecedented borrowing, you see where this is heading? Congress has failed to pass a budget for FY11. FedCorp has little money, no credit, and no credibility. 2.5 million federal workers should be very anxious.

Quatloos is disinfo central. There's so many liars here I can't blame you; be thankful you're not a bad apple or politician. The federal corporation is dying Gregg, bank on it.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by The Observer »

The reason you don't know is because it is standard policy to erase your brain when you resign from working for the Feddies. We couldn't afford to let ex-employees wander around in the private sector and give away the Conspiracy.
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:....Seriously, I've been trying to help, shed a little light, point folks in the right directiion....
Quatloos is disinfo central. There's so many liars here I can't blame you.....
Baloney. There are very few liars here, Harvester. And you're the main source of the lies here right now.

Your concern about the economic well being of the country is understandable.

Your supposed beliefs about tax laws are incorrect. Your repeated references to other people as being "liars" when they are telling you the truth does not say much for your character or your abilities.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"You realize that from any point from 1787 to 1933 a kid could take the money his granddad left him and buy the same (or more) with it as when granddad was a kid? ...We used to have real money; silver/gold coins, but there was a little problem with PM coins- they hold their value."

Well, no. For one thing, there was no such thing as U.S. coinage in 1787. It didn't start until the mid-1790s; and even then, seeing a silver or gold U.S. coin was an uncommon occurrence. The silver coins were swapped for worn Spanish coins and reduced for their bullion value, and the undervalued gold coinage of the time either was exported or reduced for bullion (according to "A Guidebook of United States Coins", commonly known as the "Red Book"). If I went into a store in 1825, for example, I might pay for my purchases in Spanish and British coins, and get change in French or Portuguese coins. It wasn't until 1857 that there was enough U.S. coinage available to prohibit the circulation of foreign coins as legal tender within the U.S.

During this time, inflation and deflation were at work; but since the value of gold and silver were kept steady, a $5.00 gold coin minted in 1857, for example, still was worth $5.00 in 1931. It didn't buy, in 1931, what it bought in 1857; but the metal in the (presumably unworn) coin was still worth $5.00. Now, let's pretend that in 1975, gold and silver coinage once again became a reality. Remember that the price of gold now fluctuates. On January 21, 1980, I buy a car, and get my change in gold coins with a face value of $100. On that date, gold closed at $850.00 per ounce. I put those coins in my safe, and leave for a two-year trip around the world. I arrive home on January 21, 1982, to find that gold closed, that day, at $376.00 per ounce.

O.K., now -- tell me again how gold always holds its value, and how you can buy the same with it, or more, than you could when Granddad was a kid?
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by The Operative »

Harvester wrote:Seriously, I've been trying to help, shed a little light, point folks in the right direction.
Baloney. As has been pointed out time and time again, your ideas about the tax laws are wrong.
Harvester wrote:But it's hard to get any point across in this venue; I'm just one of a couple voices saying "hey, things are not what they seem" amidst a cacophony of ridicule and status quo.
You have become an object of ridicule because you keep promoting either an illegal income tax scheme whose leader has been convicted of a crime or a group of nincompoops who wouldn't know the law or the Constitution even if it was written at the first grade level. Also, you careen from topic to topic. This is a thread about Pete Hendrickson, his ridiculous theories, and the idiocy being promoted at LH. However, you leap to something else that is unrelated to the income tax laws as evidenced by the following nonsense.
Harvester wrote:You realize that from any point from 1787 to 1933 a kid could take the money his granddad left him and buy the same (or more) with it as when granddad was a kid?
So what? You realize that if a person soundly invested a portion of the money they had as a kid that the return on that money would allow his grandchildren to buy 5 to 6 times more than he could?
Harvester wrote:It cannot be done now - if I bury ten thousand dollars in the toolshed now, in fifty years it'll buy what, $400 worth?
One reason that DEFLATION occurs is when people do not spend money. Without people spending their money, the economy cannot grow, businesses contract and unemployment skyrockets.
Harvester wrote:Federal Reserve Notes deflate about 6%/ year. Federal Reserve's track record: 97% loss in 97 years.
I see your math is just as good as your reasoning skills. For a 97% loss in purchasing power over 97 years, it would take an average annual inflation rate of 3.72%, not 6%. BTW, people who hate the Federal Reserve simply do not know history. There were more economic upheavals in the period of 1813 to 1910 than there have been during 1913 to 2010. The economy was much simpler and smaller during the earlier period.
Harvester wrote:We used to have real money; silver/gold coins, but there was a little problem with PM coins- they hold their value.
Only artificially. Governments have to periodically intervene to ensure that a currency backed by precious metals stays reasonably convertible by adjusting the conversion rate. Also, in order to back the currency with precious metal, the government or central bank has to maintain a certain level of PM reserves. When the PM becomes more valuable than the set conversion rate to foreign governments and individuals, the foreign holdings of U.S. currency are exchanged for the PM and the holdings of gold or silver drop to a level where there is a danger that the currency could not be redeemed for the PM anyway. A situation such as this was a significant contributing factor to the Great Depression. You really need to study economics from reliable sources.
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Re: An Open Letter to Pete's Followers on Lost Horizons

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:But it's hard to get any point across in this venue; I'm just one of a couple voices saying "hey, things are not what they seem" amidst a cacophony of ridicule and status quo.
(bolding added)

This illustrates part of your problem, Harvester. You refuse the accept that explaining what the status quo is -- which is what we do -- does not constitute supporting the status quo.

It's very easy for you to get your point across here. You've done it over and over. There is no mistaking what your point is here. The problem for you is not that it's difficult for your to get your point across. The problem is that we understand your point, and that your point is wrong, and that your point deserves ridicule.
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