New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum


Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Capnwack »

CaptainKickback wrote:Kids, here is the scary thing, Capnwack likely really, truly and fervently believes what he writes. Also it does not matter how many court cases you cite refuting his beliefs, he will steadfastly refuse to believe you because he is absolutely convinced that there is a giant conspiracy and the courts and you are part of it.

On the flip side, his "beliefs" are going to prevent him from doing a lot of things in life. He is likely to not travel more than 20 miles from his house, which is likely in a rural-ish environ. This means he (and his family) will likely never enjoy museums, concerts, travel to new cities or countries. He has literally built a very small cage for himself and willingly locked himself inside it, all while claiming the space inside his cage is "real" and greater than anything and everything outside of it.

A "real man of genius." :roll:
It amazes me how you know what my beliefs are, or the activities that I participate in on a daily basis. I have actually done all the things you presume to KNOW that I will never or have never enjoy(ed).

You guys need to get your heads out of your anal sphincters, before you make assumptions based on FICTION.

Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Capnwack »

And, in a leap of Orwellian, "genius", he is likely to have decided that all of those other things (museums, concerts, travel) are "elitist" and therefore unworthy of consideration by a member of the Community of the Common Man (or something like that). Not too long ago, I dealt in person with one of these people, on my way out of a package store where I was leaving with a six-pack of one of my favorite microbrews and he was leaving with a 36-pack of Bud Light. As he loaded his ... um, "beer" into his truck, festooned with sovrun bumper stickers, he sneered "look at how much beer I got, for just a dollar or two more than you paid for that fancy little country club beer of yours." My response: "you favor quantity. I favor quality." He got a blank look on his face, and got into his truck.
I don't drink alcohol very much. When I do, I drink New Castle, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, or Isopropyl.

Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Capnwack »

Thule wrote:
Capnwack wrote: Now I would like to point out the Scam To you Misinformed Dilettantes. Yes, Dilettantes.
Ohhh, what scathing words. You meanie!
I can be a meanie sometimes. But I usually try to respect others, which is probably the most important principle that I adhere to.

Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Capnwack »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Given your apparent mental state, how would you really know if you were entertained or not?
Are you going to explain quantum mechanics to me now?
You won't have to waste your precious time on attempts at keeping us posted; we rely on more substantive and less delusional sources.
No, you have deluded yourself and immersed yourself in a legal mythology which will only cause you (and your family) more grief and dismay.
You know what they say about opinions. (A rational assumption on my behalf)
You clearly don't understand what your rights or RESPONSIBILITIES are. Hopefully the court will at least order a mental competency hearing as opposed to simply incarcerating you for being obdurate.
I know exactly what my RESPONSIBILITIES are, as well as my rights. I still am curious as to why you spew such hatred towards me. Would you care to enlighten me. I only ask that you provide me with factual reasons as to why you HATE me so much.
You can put lipstick on a pig and try to teach it to sing, but you still end up with an irritated, ugly pig. Your screed (below) puts you smack dab in the idiots, imbeciles and utter morons category.
You guys need to lighten up. Seriously, what have I done to offend you so greatly.
I want to state for the record however, if its because you think I evade taxes, that is just plain false. I collect taxes. As a contractor with no withholdings, and well applied tax credits, I still get a refund at the end of the year. I'd be a "real" idiot to not file for a refund of worthless FRNs.
Which is a nice cut and paste from another legal imbecile.
I'll tell you what. I'll put you on the visitor list when I get relocated to the DOC.

Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Capnwack »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Given that the previous post was 6 days earlier, I hesitate to estimate your "mean time between lucid /sober moments".
I can answer that one for you so you don't have to estimate anything.
It depends on the half-life of the chemical I introduce into my body!

6-18 hours

Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Capnwack »

wserra wrote:I think you deserve credit for facing facts. That is not an easy admission to make.

Thank you, however, all of you have already made up your mind about me, and admitting I am wrong will win me no merits from the likes of the people in this forum.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Kestrel »

Capnwack wrote:My problem stems from opiate addiction. You see, when I was serving this country to protect the freedoms you think you have but don't, and enjoy everyday regardless of whether or not you have knowledge of it, I was shot and put on opiate pain medication for years and years.
First of all, thank you for serving. And thank you for putting yourself in harm's way so that others can be free.

When I was serving this country - something which I did for years and years, where I spent an entire career, earned regular promotions, and eventually qualified for full retirement benefits - when I was serving this country what I did NOT do was give in to the temptation of habitual drug use. Furthermore, I know the military medical system all too well. If you were on opiate pain medication for "years and years" I know you weren't getting it from active duty military doctors for any longer than it took you to make your initial recovery from your injuries and return to duty or be discharged. I also know that the military is VERY concerned about substance abuse and is very proactive getting people into treatment programs so they can be rehabilitated. To suggest that it's the military's fault you are still a lifelong drug addict, and that you yourself aren't primarily at fault now, is irresponsible and disingenuous.

I can't speak for the Veteran's Administration and those doctors, nor can I pass judgment on the extent of your injuries, the ongoing pain you may be enduring, and the treatment you received after leaving active duty. But I do know from experience that the vast majority of people who suffer from chronic pain do not become lifelong potheads or worse. And those men and women who actually have real integrity, even though they may succumb to addiction temporarily, will find a way to overcome it.
Capnwack wrote:I will smoke a bowl, and enjoy it. I just have one question. What makes you so much better than myself?
What makes me better than you is that I have high moral standards, high ethical standards, and integrity. I don't treat responsibility like an intellectual game. I actually exercise personal responsibility every day, all day. I do not blame "the system" when things don't go my way or disreputable people work against me. I took advantage of the opportunities the military offered for advanced education and for personal growth. I used my time in the military to hone these traits, to learn and practice leadership skills, and to set myself and my family in a good position for continued success after retiring from active duty.

When I got off active duty and the job market was not what I hoped to find, I did not retreat into a selfish drug-abusing haze of blame. No, I went to work at the jobs which were available, took some additional college classes, then I qualified to sit for the CPA exam and passed all four parts on the first sitting. I continued my personal growth and development, adapting my skills to best use my military-hones abilities in civilian life.

But you, happily smoking your bowls, wouldn't understand anything about that.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Capnwack wrote:
Nikki wrote:However, there is a certain degree of irony regarding his signature. I wonder how he expects to have any violations of his ™ or © enforced when there is no legitimate government agency to do so. Perhaps one of his Constitutional Grand Juries supported by members of a We THe People Militia?
I don't actually plan to enforce any trademark or copyright infringement against my person.
Why bother with it then?
Capnwack wrote:Why are you all so threatened by anyone who wants to stand up for their God Given Rights? If there is no injured party (corpus delecti), than I have in fact, in LAW, committed no crime.
Oh dear. You don't understand do you? Presumably you drink drive because, by your logic, so long as you don't cause any damage it's OK.
Capnwack wrote: Even the libelous vomit spewed out about me....
Where? I must have missed it. Please point out the libelous comments. Or even the libellous ones. Then point out the injured party (corpus delecti). As corpus obviously means body and your reputation doesn't have a body, I'm also curious how this works.

Finally, don't give me the crap about being a poor speller or whatever. You're just stupid or lazy and don't care. I have for long held the belief that anyone who takes your opinion on such matters should be treated for diabetes by persons with a similar approach to spelling and its importance. Hyperglycaemic? Hypoglycaemic? What's the difference?
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Capnwack wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Given that the previous post was 6 days earlier, I hesitate to estimate your "mean time between lucid /sober moments".
I can answer that one for you so you don't have to estimate anything.
It depends on the half-life of the chemical I introduce into my body!

6-18 hours
You take radioactive substances? :shock:
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by wserra »

Capnwack wrote:
wserra wrote:I think you deserve credit for facing facts. That is not an easy admission to make.
Thank you, however, all of you have already made up your mind about me
Oh, I don't think that's true. I haven't, and from their comments others have not either. However, as Kestrel points out, you tend towards self-pity and blaming others - as you just did, in the short quotes in this post. As far as the law is concerned, you have persisted in posting nonsense, even following correction. Are you saying people shouldn't draw any conclusions from these things?
and admitting I am wrong will win me no merits from the likes of the people in this forum.
I am absolutely certain you're wrong about that. Do you in fact admit you're wrong about the law, and that your original post consisted of cut-and-paste that you probably didn't even think about? Even if the audience will give you no quarter - false, but assume so for a moment - don't you benefit from thinking clearly, and admitting when you're wrong?
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Capnwack wrote:
wserra wrote:I think you deserve credit for facing facts. That is not an easy admission to make.
Thank you, however, all of you have already made up your mind about me, and admitting I am wrong will win me no merits from the likes of the people in this forum.
The reason that we (or, at least, most of us) have made up our minds about you is that you post unadulterated horsebleep such as this:

Quoting capnwack: "The United States exists in two forms: The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.

The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.

The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since 1871. It is still intact to this day. This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.”
The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred when warrants were delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010.

The rewritten Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution for the United States of America, which explains why our Congressmen and Senators don’t abide by it, and the President can write Executive Orders to do whatever he/she wants. They are following corporate laws that completely strip sovereigns of their God given unalienable rights. Corporate/Commercial/Public Law is not sovereign (private), as it is an agreement between two or more parties under contract. Common Law (which sovereigns operate under) is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private."

On the Sooey forum, you may be able to fool the ignorami with this sort of bulldada; but here, when you're dealing with people who are well schooled in the law and in the makeup and workings of the United States, all you're doing is convince us that your brain has slipped a few sprockets. The fact that you cite a DISSENTING opinion, OUT OF CONTEXT, is further evidence that you have absolutely no clue as to just how our system of government operates. You have absolutely no understanding of what common law is -- and you forget that much of our common law has its roots in England, where there was only ONE sovereign -- the King (or Queen). You offer us C-RAP idiocies, pretending that the Restore America people actually accomplished something with their official-sounding warrants, last year, when all that happened is that these warrants wound up in the recycling bin, the trash can, or the state Attorney General's office (Criminal Division).

You have no one to blame but yourself.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by grixit »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Capnwack wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Given that the previous post was 6 days earlier, I hesitate to estimate your "mean time between lucid /sober moments".
I can answer that one for you so you don't have to estimate anything.
It depends on the half-life of the chemical I introduce into my body!

6-18 hours
You take radioactive substances? :shock:

Sometimes the term "half life" is also used for the persistance of chemical substances.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Never heard it used that way.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by The Dog »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Never heard it used that way.
See for instance:
The average biological half-life of carbamazepine in non-addicted epileptics was 41.5 h, 43.5 h for
alcohol-dependent patients during abstinency, and 38.6 in abused patients. It may be concluded that ethanol doesn’t influence the
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic of carbamazepine in acute drug intoxication.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Gregg »

[quote="CapnWak]...freedoms you think you have but don't, and enjoy everyday regardless of whether or not you have knowledge of it...[/quote]

If I think I have the freedoms, but don't, how do I enjoy them everyday?

Dude, I've seen your videos on YouTube, it's gonna take a lot to convince me you're not nuts.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Cathulhu »

I'd love to be able to acquire an opiate addiction, but being extremely allergic to them is why I'm forced to investigate alternative therapies. Which can be difficult for someone who used to get "The Skeptical Inquirer". I'm starting to think "holistic" is another way of saying bulldada.

But hey, gives him a nice excuse to be JPD (Just Plain Dumb).
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by texino »

"If it's drugs you want, let the old doctor help you out"-Phil Procter. There are quite a few malady's which require opiates in order for the patient to accept treatment (of course there is always the big mallet) Unfortunately stroking these receptors may lead to such a feeling of congenial well being, the patient my Rx him or herself to a long term regimen. While this is getting harder to do what with the DEA monitoring MD and pharmacy shopping, the lengths to which the habituated person will go to get the medication are truly shocking. Believe me I've heard every excuse in the book: (A squirrel reached in my window and took my Vicodin) Yes drug addiction is bad, yet we do not have a "Dolor-meter" to measure pain. To that end, I have come to the conclusion that trials of medical marijuana are worth pursuit. The drug is non addicting and will not kill you. The degree of helpfulness needs more study, but there seems to be no shortage of volunteers. One thing about drug control that I have found to be almost criminal, is the reticence of some practitioners to Rx strong analgesic meds to the terminal patient because the person my develop an addiction. Thank goodness for hospice. I don't know if people realize that as long as the patient gets air and water (IV and breathing support) they can be kept pain free and also be reversed to the point that they can converse with family as per their wishes. It is also important to know that dying from certain cancers are truly horrifying events. (often a massive exsanguination from the lungs or a ruptured artery)
So sad as it is, so often what may seem less than heroic measures are necessary in order to do no harm. I do hope I have not offended with my seeming support of drugs. I know that many folks with strong intellects haunt the Q and I do not want imply more than my level of experience.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Thule »

Cathulhu wrote:I'd love to be able to acquire an opiate addiction, but being extremely allergic to them is why I'm forced to investigate alternative therapies.
Too bad, then you will never experience the joy of low-level flying in a helicopter while high on morphine. Almost worth the hypothermia, two dislocations and the whole "shit, I'm gonna die up here"-feeling.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Cathulhu »

Thule wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:I'd love to be able to acquire an opiate addiction, but being extremely allergic to them is why I'm forced to investigate alternative therapies.
Too bad, then you will never experience the joy of low-level flying in a helicopter while high on morphine. Almost worth the hypothermia, two dislocations and the whole "sh*t, I'm gonna die up here"-feeling.
Thanks, I'll pass. I don't know how to fly a helicopter.

Tomas, I can't agree with you more. Since baby sister was diagnosed with stage 4 advanced cancer, and the radiation did not shrink the tumors, drugs are all that are letting her manage. But she isn't pain-free, and watching her now is the most awful thing I can recall living through.
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Re: New Poster's Sig at Sui Juris Forum

Post by Gregg »

As someone now providing care to a father dying of cancer, I fully agree with the Hospice comments and the pain management stuff. Dad is taking upwards of 100 mg a day of morphine, he gets two time release pills a day and we augment that with break through dosages of liquid morphine of 10-20 mg every 3-4 hours. It's damn hard to watch, and damn hard to do.

On the low level eggbeater ride on morphine, I've done that though I only remember the very first part. If you've ever been in the Military, you prolly remember that in order to graduate basic training (in the army anyhow) you had to take a test, at Ft Benning it was Called AO Eagle in the early 80s. One of the tasks, which are all learned by rote, was "Stop the bleeding, treat for shock" which had maybe 10 essential elements, the last of which was ''reassure the victim'', in order to pass you had to say the words "you're gonna be okay".

So to set up the situation, I had a motorcycle accident at Benning, and because of where I was they came and got me in a medivac. On any Army base besides Rucker, or maybe Cambell, the aviation community is a pretty small group, you may not know every name, but you certainly recognize the faces of most of the pilots, medics, crew chiefs etc...
So they came and picked me up, peeled me off the tree I wrapped a bike around, strapped me in on a stretcher and the medic who was working me put a set of headphones on me just as we're taking off. As soon as he did, he said ''Lt, I know I'm supposed to tell you you're gonna be okay, but you're F***ed up, sir" The last thing I remember is hearing the Doctor on the radio telling him to give me 25mg of Morphine and I swear I could feel the dope coming down the IV tube. I never saw the medic again. It's funny now, at least.
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