Triumph of the PRA Argument

Princeps Wooloosia
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Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 4:50 pm

Re: Triumph of the PRA Argument

Post by fortinbras »

Frankly, before 1916 and the adoption of the 16th Amendment and the first internal revenue code, the US did (1) use something other than income tax to fund the govt and (2) have a lot fewer programs than it has now. Prior to the legitimization of the income tax, the principal source of federal funding was high tariffs on imports. This encouraged foreign govts to retaliate with high tariffs on US goods. The result was that US was not doing very well in international trade as either a buyer or a vendor. At the same time, the govt was doing a lot less than it does now; it wasn't insuring bank accounts, it wasn't doing quality inspections of meat, it wasn't doing much to promote new developments in agriculture or business, it wasn't regulating broadcasting, the FBI was run by Andy and Barney, etc, etc.

The income tax enabled the US to drop its tariff barriers, which in turn enabled the US to become an economic powerhouse. It also enabled the govt to be something more than a dreary hodgepodge of fileclerks mired in 19th century technology.

Re: Triumph of the PRA Argument

Post by bmielke »

truthseeker67 wrote:No Nikki.....I will never leave.....

Oh good because life was so boring before you came.
truthseeker67 wrote:I will pound the TRUTH into you and you will see the real light.

To each there own I always say. But I for one don't think you need to be pounding anything into anyone here.
truthseeker67 wrote:By the way, to fund federal highways....hmmmm.....I do believe there is a tax for that called the GAS TAX...... not the income tax.
Gas Taxes can not possibly pay for all Federal Highway spending. It is 18.4 cents a gallon. in 2008 the budget was $40.3 Billion see: 15.44 cents goes to the Highway trust fund see: We use 9 million barrels a day which according to wiki answers works out to 142 Billion gallons a year. See for data on usage: ... tml#demand That works out to (according to my calcuator) about $26 Billion a year. Of which only $21.9 Billion goes to highways.
truthseeker67 wrote:Keep calling me names for in the end you will reap what you sow.
I am pretty sure you called us communists lang before anyone called you names. If not then sorry you are so easily offended it's what happens when you throw around fake arguments and expect people to accept them as the gospal truth.

Re: Triumph of the PRA Argument

Post by bmielke »

truthseeker67 wrote:
truthseeker67 wrote:
Nikki wrote:TS67, like many of his predecessors, came here with the thought athat he could reveal the TRUTH to us and demonstrate how we are all lackeys of the NWO, Communist, Socialist, powers behind everything to oppress WE THE PEOPLE.

Unfortunately, he -- like all those who came before him -- wilted in the glaring light of facts.

He has returned to Sooey, LoserHeads, or whatever inane gaggle of self-avowed freedom loving lunatics he came from. The only way to tell will be to see where he counts coup for venturing into the lion's den and emerging unscathed, if not victorious.

The unfortunate aspect is that he will continue with his soverignoramus actions without any benefit of reality.
No Nikki.....I will never leave.....I will pound the TRUTH into you and you will see the real light. By the way, to fund federal highways....hmmmm.....I do believe there is a tax for that called the GAS TAX...... not the income tax. Keep calling me names for in the end you will reap what you sow.
If your not part of the SOLUTION, you are part of the PROBLEM
Could you explain this one to me TS67? You replied to your own post so are you part of the problem because I don't see you offering any solutions.