"free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:
Dr. Caligari wrote:Name one
Ha! As Bartleby would say "I would prefer not to."
Of course you'd prefer not to cite something that doesn't exist.

Of course you'd prefer not to admit that you don't know what you're talking about.

Of course you'd prefer not to admit that you're a liar.

Of course you'd prefer not to consider that everything you believe is a lie.

Of course you'd prefer not to consider the possibility that your life is a worthless exercise in self-delusion.

Of course. It's obvious. We understand.
Dan Evans
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:You know, I could list a dozen cites and you Quatlosers would tell me they couldn't possibly mean what they say.
First, you'd have to provide one cite that actually says what it says.
Dan Evans
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, it's no fun just laughing at you anymore, what little novelty you provided to begin with has long since turned green, unless you provide some more good material you will just become ignorable and pathetic, instead of being laughable and pathetic.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Gregg »

I'm still not convinced he believes any of it himself. I would also point out that a good part of the nonsense he posts here is to ridiculous to be posted on Lost Horizons. Pretty bad when you're to whacked out for a site where they are discussing in all seriousness performing a citizens arrest on a Federal Judge for a decision they don't like.....
Last edited by Gregg on Fri May 07, 2010 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

Doreen Hendrickson has posted a response from Pete Hendrickson with respect to Pablo's "analysis." See:

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... fe06#24840

And, of course, Patrick Michael (I just wuv the Big Peter) Mooney chimes in:
Well written, Pete!

I've said my peice [sic] about Pablo before, so I won't say it again. But the idea that there is anything left to "figure out" as to what is going on here is really bizarre and baffling to me.

If you put in the time and research to study and implement what is found in CTC, you find that EVRYTHING [sic] that Pete writes about is CORRECT.
Yeah, I mean, it's baffling. Gosh, what is left for anyone to figure out? I mean, Pete Hendrickson put in the time and "research" to write Cracking the Code and as the world's expert he lost his own federal erroneous tax refund case with respect to tax refunds he obtained using his own Cracking the Code tax scam. That proves he's correct, right?

I mean, Pete Hendrickson was convicted of filing false tax returns based on his own Cracking the Code tax scam. That proves he's correct, right?

I mean, Pete Hendrickson is going back to prison, having been sentenced to 2 years and 9 months, based on his own use of his Cracking the Code tax scam on his own false tax returns. That proves he's correct, right?

I mean, Patrick M. Mooney has lost his own case in U.S. Tax Court in connection with his own use of Hendrickson's Cracking the Code tax scam on his own false tax returns. That proves Hendrickson's correct, right?

Why, it's just baffling!

The MooneyMeister continues:
Why Pablo, and friends of Pablo, insist on spewing their garbage ON THIS FORUM, I can't say for sure. But I am not as kind as Pete, and my speculations as to this foolish behavior are much less supportive and forgiving.

Once again, reading the Court documents of CTC warriors is VERY INSTRUCTIVE as to the fraudulent tactics of the IRS and DOJ.

Back to the fight. Measure your tactics prudently!
Ohhhhhhhhh Mooney, you are so wonderful! I think you're gonna be the next Pete Hendrickson!

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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Harvester »


heh, top o' the mornin' Quatlosers! Yes, Pete Hendrickson is correct regardless of courtroom shenanigans, the federal income tax is (largely) a scam. And thanks for sharing. Fammie, how will you live with yourself if Hendrickson serves no time on his sentence? The world is waking up your deception and trickery. Keep digging that pit. As both Solomon and Smoking Man have said, "A man digs a pit; he's liable to fall into it."
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Harvester wrote:BOO !

heh, top o' the mornin' Quatlosers! Yes, Pete Hendrickson is correct regardless of courtroom shenanigans, the federal income tax is (largely) a scam. And thanks for sharing. Fammie, how will you live with yourself if Hendrickson serves no time on his sentence? The world is waking up your deception and trickery. Keep digging that pit. As both Solomon and Smoking Man have said, "A man digs a pit; he's liable to fall into it."

Once again, you prove that you are too snivelingly gutless to stand up for your assertions. Time and time again, you have been challenged for proof for your assertions, but you give us only word salad, out-of-context dicta that prove nothing, or else you just repeat your own delusions once again. Do us all a favor, and go infect some other forum. That verbal footwork may dazzle the CtCers; but here, among people who know that your assertions are complete BS, you are just wasting your time and ours.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Harvester wrote:Fammie, how will you live with yourself if Hendrickson serves no time on his sentence?
How will you live with yourself if he serves every day of his sentence, and then is sent back to prison for another term for violating his supervised release?

Remember when you predicted that he would "never be sentenced"? How did that work out for you?
Dr. Caligari
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Demosthenes »

04/27/2010 Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge Gerald E Rosen: Telephonic Status Conference as to Peter Hendrickson held on 4/27/2010. Disposition: Conference held with attorneys regarding the terms of Supervised Release that were imposed, Defense counsel also requested until 4/30/2010 to respond to the Government's Supplemental Sentencing Memorandum. Court granted defense counsel's request, Judgment will not be entered until the amount of restitution has been determined.(Court Reporter: Carol Sapala) (Defendant Attorney: Mark E. Cedrone; Jack R. Hendrickson, Jr.) (AUSA: Mark R. Daly; Michael C. Liebson) (RGun) (Entered: 04/27/2010)

It's now 5/7 and no response to the Gov's Supplemental Sentencing Memo can be found on the docket.

Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by bmielke »

Demosthenes wrote:It's now 5/7 and no response to the Gov's Supplemental Sentencing Memo can be found on the docket.
I thought he was already sentenced to 33 months will a response or no response have any effect at this point?
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Quixote »

webhick wrote:
The Operative wrote:Harvester, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing.
It's in a jar on my desk. And I made it a bunny suit, which it wears every single day.
That post is by far the most appropriate response to Harvester's trolling. Well done, as always, webhick.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Thule »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
Harvester wrote:Fammie, how will you live with yourself if Hendrickson serves no time on his sentence?
How will you live with yourself if he serves every day of his sentence, and then is sent back to prison for another term for violating his supervised release?
Why, Harv will ignore previous bluders and find another inane theory to latch on to, of course.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

une petite jeune fille, parce que le mot "fille" est féminin.

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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by grixit »

Pete Hendrickson wrote:...his rhetorical question should alert the reader from the very beginning that Pablo's screed is in service to a theory or argument engaged in a desperate search for convenient facts, and he is not unwilling to creatively "misunderstand" things in order to find some...
Project much?
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:heh, top o' the mornin' Quatlosers! Yes, Pete Hendrickson is correct regardless of courtroom shenanigans, the federal income tax is (largely) a scam.
Translation: I, Harvester, will continue to maintain that Hendrickson is "correct," regardless of how many court cases he and his followers lose using the Cracking the Code scam, because I, Harvester, am a troll.
And thanks for sharing. Fammie, how will you live with yourself if Hendrickson serves no time on his sentence? The world is waking up your deception and trickery.
Translation: I, Harvester, after all this time, still cannot get my brain around the idea that Famspear and other Quatloos regulars have no dog in this hunt. I, Harvester, continue to misinterpret Famspear's explanation of what the law really is and Famspear's disapproval of people like Hendrickson and Harvester who engage in immoral and illegal activity as somehow being "supportive" of what I, Harvester, regard as the "scam" of the federal tax system.
Keep digging that pit. As both Solomon and Smoking Man have said, "A man digs a pit; he's liable to fall into it."
Translation: I, Harvester, continue to make my wish-dreams the father of my belief system.

Clue: Harvester, I and other Quatloos regulars are not "digging a pit." We are telling you what the law is. And it matters not how strongly you believe what you believe, Harvester; the law is what we say the law is.
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Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

We could also try something like "Hustler of Hendricksonian Horsedroppings"....
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Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:We could also try something like "Hustler of Hendricksonian Horsedroppings"....
If that is specifically for Harvey I like it, but as a general purpose title, I don't like it. It's too specific. I think Hendricson is fixing to ride off into the sunset here in a couple of months and his followers will surely join him, either they will follow the same path and end up dressing alike for a few years or they will run to the next "Guru" either way I cannot believe CTC will last long term now that Petey is on his way to the slammer.
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Re: Harvester's new rank

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

bmielke wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:We could also try something like "Hustler of Hendricksonian Horsedroppings"....
If that is specifically for Harvey I like it, but as a general purpose title, I don't like it. It's too specific. I think Hendricson is fixing to ride off into the sunset here in a couple of months and his followers will surely join him, either they will follow the same path and end up dressing alike for a few years or they will run to the next "Guru" either way I cannot believe CTC will last long term now that Petey is on his way to the slammer.
The reason why I said "Hendricksonian" instead of something like "Hendrickson's" is that this rank could be awarded to anyone who tries to pass off, on us, idiocies on the level of Hendrickson's, even though they might be unrelated to them.
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Cathulhu »

Couldn't we just use Dispenser of Bovine Droppings? Or just plain Troll?
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Re: "free2live" posts "analysis" from "Pablo" re Hendrickson

Post by Gregg »

How about we just call him the Village Idiot and leave it at that. A special title is too good for him, it's like a crying baby, he only does it for the attention.
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