2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by LPC »

Harvester wrote:Judge Rosen [...] unilaterally said Hendrickson was in an "employee-employer relationship" without proof (he was not).
Well, that's not true. (I'd say it was a lie but I think you're too stupid to understand the difference between fact and fiction.)

At Hendrickson's trial, two officers of Personnel Management, comptroller Larry Bodoh and Vice President Warren Rose, both testified about Hendrickson's relationship to the corporation, and both referred to him as an "employee." So there was proof to support the jury verdict.

Your assertion that Hendrickson was not an employee is completely incompetent, given that you have no personal knowledge of the facts, you have demonstrated that you have no knowledge of the evidence presented during Hendrickson's trial, and you have repeatedly demonstrated that you have no understanding of the relevant law.

Your postings have deteriorated (if it's possible for crap to deteriorate) to nothing but repeated assertions of the same inane drivel, so I'll be making better use of the "ignore" feature in the future.

Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Harvester »

Yes that's right, common-term wages are not necessarily statutory wages. They have different definitions. And the statutory definition can be found here: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/ ... -000-.html
And here you'll also find the statutory definition of "employee":
(c) Employee
For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation.
There's no other definition given for "employee" in this chapter - this is the controlling definition, it's a custom statutory definition and "employee" no longer retains its common-term meaning, despite LPCs protestations to the contrary. Not everyone is deceived by LPC or legislative draftsmen. By this deceptive "includes" definition neither Hendrickson (from everything I have seen and heard) nor I are statutory "employees." And as such, neither can have statutory "wages" (unless, of course, we volunteered into the scam and failed to rebut any allegation that we did, W2).

And thank you for upholding the true power of juries to judge facts AND the law.

But by all means folks, keep defending the IRS system of institutional slavery. It's fun to watch! I guess y'all haven't got the memo (whatdya think Famspire's been doing all weekend?). We're bringing this bad boy down. The United States Corporation is bankrupt.

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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by The Operative »

Harvester wrote:Yes that's right, common-term wages are not necessarily statutory wages. They have different definitions. And the statutory definition can be found here: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/ ... -000-.html
What makes you believe that your wages do not meet that definition? Regardless of the answer, the definition of wages is actually irrelevant to whether a person would owe taxes on any money they receive. That definition only applies to whether an employer is required to withhold money from a person's pay through the course of a tax year.
Harvester wrote:And here you'll also find the statutory definition of "employee":
(c) Employee
For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation.
There's no other definition given for "employee" in this chapter - this is the controlling definition, it's a custom statutory definition and "employee" no longer retains its common-term meaning, despite LPCs protestations to the contrary. Not everyone is deceived by LPC or legislative draftsmen. By this deceptive "includes" definition neither Hendrickson (from everything I have seen and heard) nor I are statutory "employees." And as such, neither can have statutory "wages" (unless, of course, we volunteered into the scam and failed to rebut any allegation that we did, W2).
More regurgitated nonsense from Harvester. The simple fact is, NO ONE WHO MATTERS AGREES WITH YOU. The majority of all judges, lawyers, members of Congress, would say that Harvester is wrong. Guess what that mean. IT MEANS THAT HARVESTER IS WRONG and is a first-class idiot for continuing to believe he is right.
Harvester wrote:And thank you for upholding the true power of juries to judge facts AND the law.

But by all means folks, keep defending the IRS system of institutional slavery. It's fun to watch! I guess y'all haven't got the memo (whatdya think Famspire's been doing all weekend?). We're bringing this bad boy down. The United States Corporation is bankrupt.

Nonsense. Again, do you have a source that has an IQ above room temperature?
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by notorial dissent »

LPC was too polite to come right out and call you a liar and an idiot, well actually not, he figured it was a waste of time considering the idiot part, you are just too dumb to catch it.

You are a liar, or else so deliberately dense and obtuse as to be institutional material, but I think I’ll just stick with liar as it is the simpler and more likely fact.

The prosecution provided ample proof of Pete’s employment, employment status, and income, the explanation of the law in that regard was what was required.

I am curious about one thing that passes for logic in your feeble universe. If Pete wasn’t an employee, what was he then? He certainly worked for and under the direction and control of his “employer”, and he most certainly received compensation from them as evidenced by the payroll and tax reporting statements, and over a number years in the bargain.(which incidently is the definition of a statutory and common law employee) If Pete was NOT an employee, then why were they paying him? Certainly not for his good looks, stirling character, or charming personality, and the universe positively revolts at the prospect of him being someone’s toy boy, SO, the only option left, is that he was at the time and all times in question an EMPLOYEE of the company, and since prattlin’ Pete somehow could not provide any evidence to the contrary(other than his deliberate misinterpretations of the law), then that pretty well foreclosed all the other silly arguments he was want to come up with.

In the final analysis it come down to this;

was Pete an employee(of the company), the evidence says conclusively

did Pete receive remuneration/income/wages/money/whatever from the company, the evidence(payroll statements, payment checks, tax filings) says conclusively

did Pete earn over the reporting threshold, the evidence say

did Pete file a valid return, both the IRS and the court say resoundingly

did Pete violate the reporting laws, they jury resoundingly said

was Pete convicted -

is Pete going to jail YES for not nearly long enough

So, Harvey, what part of the above is incorrect? The courts have continuously and absolutely declared that all of Pete’s “theories”, and really they are just the delusions of a con artist, to be nothing but the veriest of nonsense, so that leaves us with the fact that Pete is nothing but a lying, egotistical, narcissistic conman, whose house of cards has not only collapsed, but is burning up around him, and that he is gleefully taking his family and his collection of deluded followers along with him to the pyre.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by wserra »

Harvester wrote:Yes that's right, common-term wages blah blah blah
Harvey posted this once on this thread. A mod (not me) saw it, and found it not only repetitive and mind-numbingly stupid, but off topic as well; the mod gave it its own thread in Flames. Harvey then reposted it verbatim here. I would delete it, but two respected posters have already answered it. In addition, Harvey reposted verbatim his rant against Quatloos he calls "Warning to Newbies" in the "New Items" forum; I just deleted it. Perhaps Harvey should set up his own board, or post on Weston White's.

I think Harvey is trying to get banned to get some street cred in LH. Sense of the community: should he succeed? I am opposed in principle, but we don't often have to face someone who is being intentionally disruptive.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Lambkin »

He's not actually that disruptive IMO. His ineffective perseveration reflects his poor character. (If he is banned I will try to stifle a yawn.)

Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Nikki »


Harvester is insisting that Pete was not an employee because of the "an employee includes ..." tatement in the tax code.

Harvester, like Pete and all the other LoserHeads, refuses to accept 'includes' as a term of expansion as specifically defined n the law.

Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Harvester »

Oh I accept that 'includes' can be a term of expansion, but it does not expand the common term 'employee.' It replaces it. 'Includes' can be considered expansive to include other things within the meaning of the term defined.
(c) Includes and including
The terms “includes” and “including” when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.
http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/ ... -000-.html

Once again, what is the meaning of the term defined? "includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, ...." So essentially we can paraphrase this to mean 'government workers.' And therefore the term 'includes' can be considered expansive to include (not exclude) other things within the class or category of government workers, that they have just defined. Such as .. a postal worker, a census taker, &c.

Are you a legislative draftswoman?

Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Paul »

Now why would a judge not want a jury to know it can also judge the law itself?
Because a jury deciding the law for itself and convicting would have its decision of the law necessarily subject to review by the appeals courts, and a "reversal" would result in the appeals court telling the judge that the jury must be told what the law is and that they must follow it. And, if it could be done on convictions, why not on acquittals or hung juries? Come to think of it, that happens today. Guess the court system is far ahead of you, probably because its participants are smarter and more experienced.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

wserra wrote:
Harvester wrote:Yes that's right, common-term wages blah blah blah
Harvey posted this once on this thread. A mod (not me) saw it, and found it not only repetitive and mind-numbingly stupid, but off topic as well; the mod gave it its own thread in Flames. Harvey then reposted it verbatim here. I would delete it, but two respected posters have already answered it. In addition, Harvey reposted verbatim his rant against Quatloos he calls "Warning to Newbies" in the "New Items" forum; I just deleted it. Perhaps Harvey should set up his own board, or post on Weston White's.

I think Harvey is trying to get banned to get some street cred in LH. Sense of the community: should he succeed? I am opposed in principle, but we don't often have to face someone who is being intentionally disruptive.
We're better off just ignoring him, and even avoiding talking about him or mentioning his name. He gets some street cred for being the "chief target of the Quatloosers", or something like that.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by LPC »

Paul wrote:
Harvester wrote:Now why would a judge not want a jury to know it can also judge the law itself?
Because a jury deciding the law for itself and convicting would have its decision of the law necessarily subject to review by the appeals courts, and a "reversal" would result in the appeals court telling the judge that the jury must be told what the law is and that they must follow it. And, if it could be done on convictions, why not on acquittals or hung juries?
Harvester has never seen (and will never see) the massive internal contradiction in his core beliefs, because he: (a) believes in the "rule of law" and not the "rule of men" and (b) believes that every jury should be allowed to read and judge the law itself, without any control by any judge or any review by any panel of judges, and so allow the members of each jury to decide the law in each case without any consistency from case to case.

I see the contradiction between these beliefs, and anyone rational would see the contradiction in these beliefs, but Harvester does not see the contradiction because these beliefs allow him to believe what he wants to believe, which is that Hendrickson was right and everyone not Hendrickson (and not Harvester) is wrong.

Unless the jury rules against him/them, of course, in which case another horrible miscarriage of justice has occurred.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by LOBO »

notorial dissent wrote:LPC was too polite to come right out and call you a liar and an idiot, well actually not, he figured it was a waste of time considering the idiot part, you are just too dumb to catch it.

You are a liar, or else so deliberately dense and obtuse as to be institutional material, but I think I’ll just stick with liar as it is the simpler and more likely fact.

With all his bluster about not having to file, I'm beginning to think he's just not filing, and makes so little that the IRS doesn't bother with him, rather than filing a ctc-style return. He never brings up the problems that the other lostheads have, such as fighting CP2000 notices or getting lock-in letters or levy notices, and he never mentions anything about getting a refund from filing a ctc return.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Thule »

wserra wrote: Sense of the community: should he succeed? I am opposed in principle, but we don't often have to face someone who is being intentionally disruptive.
Opposed as well. At least as long as the moderators have the patience to spin derailments over to more fitting groups.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by . »

Our resident punching-bag is but a 3rd-rate mind incapable of anything beyond trollish behavior.

Ignoring their amusement value, he's now made over 200 totally useless posts. He's been Van Peltian in his ability to spout inane BS while simultaneously evidencing nary a scintilla of rationality or even a basic understanding of simple English.

His exposition of his monumental ignorance on a wide variety of topics is like lava from a volcano. Er, well, wait, maybe it's more akin to explosive diarrhea. In any case, there's no stopping his obtuse fulminations about "income," "includes," evil "banksters" or anything else that strikes his brain cell. He is troll, hear him roar.

Anyone other than a CrackHead reading his tripe quite reasonably cringes at his abject and repeated humiliation. Let him continue to embarrass himself and wallow in his growing ignominy.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

. wrote:Our resident punching-bag is but a 3rd-rate mind incapable of anything beyond trollish behavior.

Ignoring their amusement value, he's now made over 200 totally useless posts. He's been Van Peltian in his ability to spout inane BS while simultaneously evidencing nary a scintilla of rationality or even a basic understanding of simple English.

His exposition of his monumental ignorance on a wide variety of topics is like lava from a volcano. Er, well, wait, maybe it's more akin to explosive diarrhea. In any case, there's no stopping his obtuse fulminations about "income," "includes," evil "banksters" or anything else that strikes his brain cell. He is troll, hear him roar.

Anyone other than a CrackHead reading his tripe quite reasonably cringes at his abject and repeated humiliation. Let him continue to embarrass himself and wallow in his growing ignominy.
Maybe it's time for the various moderators to introduce a new rank, "troll", for people like this.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by wserra »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Maybe it's time for the various moderators to introduce a new rank, "troll", for people like this.
Harvey is not banned, but he is now on moderated status. Any mod should feel free to approve an on-topic, non-repetitive post, even if inane.

Kindly direct any further comments about Harvey to the appropriate thread in Flames.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Dezcad »

PH is starting to really lose it. Check out the Response to the 2d Motion for Contempt.

"Hendrickson-bucks" - that's your argument?


Case No. 2:06-CV-11753
Judge Nancy G. Edmunds

We respond in opposition to Plaintiff's Motion. The discovery order involved was issued pursuant to a judgment that we have demonstrated to have been induced by false representations to the Court in our recent Motion to Vacate [Docket #58]. Further, we have demonstrated that the Court lacked jurisdiction in the matter ab initio, and the judgment suffers from numerous additional flaws also rendering it void. As such, it grounds no claims for Plaintiff of any kind, including that with which Plaintiff's Motion is concerned:

"A "void" judgment, as we all know, grounds no rights, forms no defense to actions taken thereunder, ... " Fritts v. Krugh, Supreme Court of Michigan, 92 N.W.2d 604, 354 Mich.
97 (1958).

"But if [a court] act without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities. They are not voidable, but simply void, and form no bar to a remedy sought in opposition to them, even prior to a reversal. They constitute no justification, and all persons concerned in executing such judgments or sentences are considered in law as trespassers." Elliott v. Peirsol, 1 Pet. 328,340,26 U.S. 328, 340, 7 L. Ed. 164 (1828)

Plaintiff has argued in response to our Motion with such absurdities as that the vacating of a void judgment is time-barred, and by suggesting that if once a Court has been induced to issue a judgment not actually supported by evidence, and in favor of a party that has engaged in misrepresentations in inducing the judgment, and in violation of due process, well, that's that,
and too bad. This is entirely in keeping with the character of its behavior throughout its vexatious assault upon us-- that is, it is flatly and knowingly defiant of the law:

"Judgment is a void judgment if court that rendered judgment lacked jurisdiction of the
subject matter, or of the parties, or acted in a manner inconsistent with due process."
Klugh v. U.S., 620 F.Supp. 892 (D.S.C. 1985). Also see FRCP Rule 60(b)(4).

"A "void" judgment... . .. is vulnerable to any manner of collateral attack. No statute of
limitations or repose runs on its holdings, the matters thought to be settled thereby are not
res judicata, and years later, when the memories may have grown dim and rights long
been regarded as vested, any disgruntled litigant may reopen old wound and once more
probe its depths. And it is then as though trial and adjudication had never been." Fritts
v. Krugh, Supreme Court of Michigan, 92 N.W.2d 604,354 Mich. 97 (1958).

"[Jurisdiction] must be considered and decided, before any court can move one further
step in the cause; as any movement is necessarily the exercise of jurisdiction." State of
Rhode Island v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 37 US 657, (1838). (Emphasis added.)

"This Court holds that 26 U.S.C. § 7401 requirements constitute facts essential to jurisdiction. The failure to prove jurisdictional facts when specifically denied is fatal to the maintenance of this action." United States v. One 1972 Cadillac, 355 F.Supp. 513, 514-15 (E.D.Ky.1973). See also United States v. Isaac, 968 F.2d 1216 (6th Cir. 1992)

"[O]ne cannot rightfully invoke the jurisdiction of the court to enforce private rights, or
maintain a civil action for the enforcement of such rights, unless one has in an individual or representative capacity some real interest in the cause of action, or a legal or equitable right, title, or interest in the subject matter of the controversy. This interest is generally spoken of as 'standing' ... " Bowie v. Arder, 441 Mich 23,42-43; 490 NW2d 568 (1992)
(See also Solomon v. Lewis, 184 Mich App 819, 822; 459 NW2d 505 (1989), Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555,560 (1992). Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(h)(3):

Whenever it appears by suggestion of the parties or otherwise that the court lacks
jurisdiction of the subject matter, the court shall dismiss the action. (Emphasis added.)

"A court lacking jurisdiction cannot render judgment but must dismiss the cause at any stage of the proceedings in which it becomes apparent that jurisdiction is lacking. Bradbury v. DenniS, 310 F.2d 73 (10th Cir. 1962), cert. denied, 372 US. 928, 83 S.Ct. 874, 9 L.Ed.2d 733 (1963). The party invoking the jurisdiction of the court has the duty to establish that federal jurisdiction does exist, Wilshire Oil Co. of Texas v. Riffe, 409 F.2d 1277 (10th Cir. 1969), but, since the courts of the United States are courts of limited jurisdiction, there is a presumption against its existence. City of Lawton, Okla. v. Chapman, 257 F.2d 601 (lOth Cir. 1958). Thus, the party invoking the federal court's jurisdiction bears the burden of proof. Becker v. Angle, 165 F.2d 140 (10th cir. 1947).

"If the parties do not raise the question of lack of jurisdiction, it is the duty of the federal
court to determine the matter sua sponte. Atlas Lifo Insurance Co. v. W. 1. Southern Inc.,
306 US. 563, 59 S.Ct. 657, 83 L.Ed. 987 (1939); Continental Mining and Milling Co. v. Migliaccio, 16 F.R.D. 217 (D.C. Utah 1954). Therefore, lack of jurisdiction cannot be waived and jurisdiction cannot be conferred upon a federal court by consent, inaction or stipulation. California v. LaRue, 409 US. 109, 93 S.Ct. 390, 34 L.Ed.2d 342 (1972); Natta v. Hogan, 392 F.2d 686 (10th Cir. 1968); Reconstruction Finance Corp. v. Riverview State Bank, 217 F.2d 455 (10th Cir. 1955)." Basso v. Utah Power and Light, 495 F.2d 906 (10th Circuit, 1974).

As noted, Plaintiff has never produced a scintilla of evidence of any debt owed by us to it, and this is plainly the foundational requirement of its entire Complaint. The several pieces of paper produced by others, on which it is purported that payments in certain amounts were made to us, and on which it is purported that these payments were of a peculiar variety which possibly
give rise to a claim by Plaintiff to a "piece of the action" do not qualify as evidence. This is explicitly so by statutory provision (26 USC §§6201(d) and 7401), as well as by simple common
sense and the federal rules of evidence concerning hearsay. Further, all were explicitly rebutted.
These pieces of paper are of no more significance than would be those we persuaded our
neighbor to produce listing all payments he had made to Plaintiff last year and declaring them to
have been payments of "Hendrickson-bucks". Could we sue for our "piece of the action" based
on that declaration?

If that neighbor had withheld part of a payment he owed to Plaintiff and sent it to us instead, as a deposit in escrow against what Plaintiff would owe us if our neighbor's payments to it were, in fact, "Hendrickson-bucks", and Plaintiff had rebutted the characterization of our neighbor's payments as "Hendrickson-bucks", demanded that withheld property from us, and been given it, would we have standing to bring a subsequent suit against Plaintiff to force it to
return that money to us, on the grounds that we made a mistake in sending it to Plaintiff, and
based on the "evidence" of our neighbor's "Hendrickson-bucks" declarations?

Would we be entitled to summary judgment in our favor in the face of Plaintiff's rebuttal of those declarations? Would we have grounds based on that "evidence" to have Plaintiff enjoined to declare over its own signature that our neighbor's payments to it were, in fact, "Hendrickson-bucks", and to reveal to us the details of its finances so as to better enable us to collect its "debt" to us, so established?

In light of the foregoing points of law, fact and reasoning, Plaintiffs Motion should be denied.

Respectfully submitted this 7th day of June, 2010.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Imalawman »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 'Tis laughable. That might even get a sanction from the court.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Famspear »

The PeterEricBlowhardMeister wrote:
As noted, Plaintiff has never produced a scintilla of evidence of any debt owed by us to it, and this is plainly the foundational requirement of its entire Complaint. The several pieces of paper produced by others, on which it is purported that payments in certain amounts were made to us, and on which it is purported that these payments were of a peculiar variety which possibly give rise to a claim by Plaintiff to a "piece of the action" do not qualify as evidence. This is explicitly so by statutory provision (26 USC §§6201(d) and 7401), as well as by simple common sense and the federal rules of evidence concerning hearsay. Further, all were explicitly rebutted.

These pieces of paper are of no more significance than would be those we persuaded our
neighbor to produce listing all payments he had made to Plaintiff last year and declaring them to have been payments of "Hendrickson-bucks". Could we sue for our "piece of the action" based on that declaration?

If that neighbor had withheld part of a payment he owed to Plaintiff and sent it to us instead, as a deposit in escrow against what Plaintiff would owe us if our neighbor's payments to it were, in fact, "Hendrickson-bucks", and Plaintiff had rebutted the characterization of our neighbor's payments as "Hendrickson-bucks", demanded that withheld property from us, and been given it, would we have standing to bring a subsequent suit against Plaintiff to force it to
return that money to us, on the grounds that we made a mistake in sending it to Plaintiff, and
based on the "evidence" of our neighbor's "Hendrickson-bucks" declarations?

Would we be entitled to summary judgment in our favor in the face of Plaintiff's rebuttal of those declarations? Would we have grounds based on that "evidence" to have Plaintiff enjoined to declare over its own signature that our neighbor's payments to it were, in fact, "Hendrickson-bucks", and to reveal to us the details of its finances so as to better enable us to collect its "debt" to us, so established?
At this point, I'm sensing the emerging waves of panic from the Fabulous Felon, the Haughty Hendrickson, the Bloviating Blowhard.

Hey, fella, can you say "decompensation"?


I knew you could.
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Re: 2d Motion for Contempt against Pete and Doreen Hendrickson

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Dezcad wrote:PH is starting to really lose it. Check out the Response to the 2d Motion for Contempt.

"Hendrickson-bucks" - that's your argument?
That lengthy screed could be easily summarized as "please incarcerate me for contempt."
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)