Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...


Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Nikki wrote:It is not appropriate to reply to a troll.

Instead, talk about it in the third person.
Even better, don't mention it at all. It craves attention so much that it will derive intense pleasure from seeing everyone else talking about it. I do recognize the virtue of trying to protect newcomers from its idiocies; but anyone dumb enough to fall for them won't listen to us anyway.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Cathulhu »

bmielke wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Nikki wrote:It is not appropriate to reply to a troll.

Instead, talk about it in the third person.
Even better, don't mention it at all. It craves attention so much that it will derive intense pleasure from seeing everyone else talking about it. I do recognize the virtue of trying to protect newcomers from its idiocies; but anyone dumb enough to fall for them won't listen to us anyway.
I'd say the same, but no praise to any gods, I'm truly free because I'm atheist.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Gregg »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:I'd say the same, but no praise to any gods, I'm truly free because I'm atheist.
Welcome to the club.

Technically, I am not free, but my rates are reasonable. :twisted: :roll: :whistle:
Three of us in the same place? It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

I'm not free, and hardly ever reasonable, but I'm often cheap.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Four of us! And I'm worth every FRN (or gold, if you like)
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Cathulhu »

Yikes! A wave of logic and intellect might take over!

I once played the part of Expensive, the gun moll, onstage, so while I'm free, I'm never cheap.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by LPC »

Cathulhu wrote:
bmielke wrote:AMEN!
I'd say the same, but no praise to any gods,
Although the word "amen" appears in the old and new testaments, it is not an expression of praise to any particular god. The word translates roughly as "so be it" or "truly."

It is an expression of agreement or affirmation, but the affirmation doesn't necessarily need to be religious.

"Amen to that" is a modern expression of agreement that can be applied to any opinion, religious or otherwise.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by ProfHenryHiggins »

Harvester wrote:Hmm, running a scam from a black robe protected by fat old men with guns; can't quite imagine what that's like, perhaps you could elaborate?

Why on Earth did you stick your organ of Zuckerkandl in a pencil sharpener, John?

That makes somewhat more sense than what you actually wrote, but still
remains utterly nonsensical.

Here's a suggestion: Stop ignoring your doctor's advice and take the blasted anti-psychotic pills he prescribed like you're supposed to. They won't give you menstrual cramps or periods; that's a different type of pill entirely, Harvester.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Cathulhu »

No feed troll.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Nikki »

Especially when the troll can't even keep track of his own multiple identities as when he posts at LoserHeads as Libre and then signs it "Nationwide". :roll:
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by grixit »

I'm ba-a-ck! I'm Nationwide.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Gregg »

Nikki wrote:Especially when the troll can't even keep track of his own multiple identities as when he posts at LoserHeads as Libre and then signs it "Nationwide". :roll:
Gee, why am not surprised it couldn't even write something original, but instead he stole what I wrote and changed it around.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by lorne »

not going to believe this, had BBQ with Harvester. Not quite what I thought, imagine Eddy Murphy /Brian Wilson cross. Quite a trip. You are right to censor him, his optimism is very infectious! No more IRS in my future. anyway he was going a mile a minute, thinks were under a huge deception but convinced we are about to break out, break free. Says something BIG is coming; very good for the USA. Think he's part of larger network of spooks (is that right word?) battling the 300 at top of pyramid. many posters here not who they appear. OK said enough already.

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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Gregg »

Okay, who here thinks Lorne is another Lee Harvey alias?
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:Okay, who here thinks Lorne is another Lee Harvey alias?
I hate to bring this up, but Harvey has been having trouble here as Harvey why hasn't he switched to Nationwide? Or has he and I haven't noticed because I have both on Ignore?
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by wserra »

Nationwide sleeps with the fishes.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Joey Smith »

The "miracle" that Harvester expects is NESARA -- he's apparently about a decade late in learning about that scam (and, of course, he fell for it immediately).

Not much left over at LostHeads anymore. You have one of their "Owls" Patrick Mooney convinced that he won even though he got his butt thoroughly kicked by the IRS, you have Skanky who can't talk about anything but "common law" but can't figure out how to put it to any practical use, and then you have a few stragglers who can't figure out why Pete's stuff isn't working for them.

The funny thing is that there are no updates on Pete; apparently, none of his "fans" care enough to visit him in prison. Contrast that with Irwin Schiff who had quite a few visits from his fans the first couple of weeks, and then of course was quickly forgotten while waiting to die in prison.
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by lorne »

he didn't talk to me about that Nesara thing; did he say he beleives in it? Did talk about a win in traffic court using the common-law stategy. But he said the court doesnt want to admit common law is valid. Said not conclusive but they knew what Harvey had in store & rather than risk it told the police not to show up. everyones traffic citation was being dismissed that session due to no prosecution - quite possibly due to Harvery!

Well Petes stuff working just fine for Harvey, did give me a few cautions about it tho. very helpful guy. I'm still planning my TY2010 strategy, CAREFULLY, beleive me I know how the IRS operates.

No offense but, where are all the heavy hitters? they go to illuminati convention and leaves Wserra in charge?
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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by Gregg »

Gregg wrote:Okay, who here thinks Lorne is another Lee Harvey alias?
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Re: His Most Challenging Role Yet

Post by lorne »

Harvester wrote:if you missed 6 MINUTES the other night I transcribed it:

"Whether Leona Helmsley really did tell her Connecticut housekeeper 'We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes' we can be sure of one thing - lots of people pay no income tax. Aside from the millions who don't earn enough to file a return, there are plenty who feel they just don't owe the tax. In fact it's a bit of a cottage industry. A little digging shows no shortage of books, videos, and websites all describing how the IRS has deceived virtually everyone regarding the true nature of income, and furthermore, how to escape the government-run scam. Tax protesters, deniers, abolitionists - they go by several names - but common among them is their unwillingness to give up; even when faced with penalties, levies, or in some cases, jail.

If you've ever had doubts about our nation's income tax system, and spent any time online in search of answers, then you've no doubt run into this man - Famspear. The unassuming attorney spends most of his time online; a lot of time. His handiwork is everywhere. From facebook to wikipedia, Famspear makes sure any notion of the tax not exactly as envisioned by the IRS, is quickly and soundly corrected, quashed, typed over, buried and of course, ridiculed.

So staunch in his tireless, seemingly all-knowing defense of the tax he's become something of a legend; "tax defender" or "tax shill" to the tax honesty community. It's a role he's played for over a decade. But now, in a restored Republic, Famspear must put on new face in what critics say may be his most challenging role yet. We managed to catch up with Famspear at his beachside home.

AN: You've been at this a long time. How did it start?
FA: well I had a few tax protestor-type clients and found them interesting; been fascinated with the whole TP mind set - it's a unique one - the psychological traits they all share. I mean you can hammer them with the law and court rulings all day long but they just don't get it. It's like "hello? anybody in there?" After awhile it gets old though. And they just keep popping up, and someone's gotta defend the sacred tax; where do they all come from? there's no end. Every day "no, you're delusional," "no, the law is what I say it is," "no court has ever ruled." It's a lot of work.
AN: that script is getting old
FA: tell me about it. So that's why I'm excited by this new role
AN: yes, talk about this new project.
FA: OK, here's the idea, it's really out there. Somehow these wackadoosters figure it out, and they start their own republic, like the original one, and set it up right alongside the corporate government.
AN: haha
FA: Yeah and they're not arrested cuz it's legal, funding and everything, I mean, total patriot fantasy. And people have a choice, corporation or constitutional republic right? and then, get this, word starts to get out, people learn whoa, been paying taxes we never owed, adhesion contracts, been snookered, bamboozled, hoodwinked, scammed...
AN: doesn't look good for you
FA: hell no. So, how to save my butt right? Well, can't say I was part of the scam now can I? How's that gonna play? So I go a little psycho myself when my woman left home for brown-eyed man well I still don't seem to care. And then BAM! plausible denial. Say I was totally scammed myself!
AN: will that be well-received; isn't that a little hard to accept, from you a 25-year tax attorney? The "Knight Templar of the Sacred Tax?"
FA: well, I never back away from a challenge.
AN: you know it's collapsing, you know the truth is coming out.
FA: no! ... You said... OK, it's over! [rips the mic off, storms off]
AN: And there's nothing you can do to..

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Re: Maybe Harvester won't be with us much longer...

Post by notorial dissent »

Joey Smith wrote:The funny thing is that there are no updates on Pete; apparently, none of his "fans" care enough to visit him in prison.

I suspect the creeping crawling awareness somewhere in the dim recesses of what passes for intellect over there that they too will soon be joining the blathermeister may be a bit off putting, so no real need for a visit. I think we are seeing a lot of whistling in the dark syndrome over there now.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.