Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise


Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by KSmith »

bmielke wrote:
KSmith wrote: Tell you what: If you yo-yos can find even a single court anywhere in the civilised[sic] world outside of Colorado where a judge is allowed to sit in judgment of his own case, cf., Tumey v. Ohio, 273 U.S. 510, 523 (1927) (violates 14Am), when other judges could hear it, get back to me.
Your wording confuses me, please explain what you are looking for and I will take up the challenge.
I'm looking for a case wherein a judge is permitted to sit in judgment of a case in which he is a defendant in tort, other judges are authorized by statute and available to hear the case in his/her stead, and the statutory law of that jurisdiction commands recusal. (Since you have binding precedent in both jurisdictions holding that a judge cannot do this, you would also have to explain why SCOTUS and their Colorado counterparts are wrong to prevail.)

It has been black-letter law since the first settlers arrived in Jamestown that no man can sit in judgment of his own cause. Dr. Bonham's Case [1610] 8 Co. Rep. 114 (Ct. Common Pl.). It “certainly violates the Fourteenth Amendment … to subject [a man’s] liberty or property to the judgment of a court the judge of which has a direct, personal, substantial, pecuniary interest in reaching a conclusion against him in his case.” Tumey v. Ohio, 273 U.S. at 523. The test this Court has consistently used in determining whether a judge has an interest in a case sufficient to disqualify him from consideration of an appeal is “whether the ‘situation is one ‘which would offer a possible temptation to the average judge to lead him not to hold the balance nice, clear, and true.’’” Aetna Life Ins. Co. v. Lavoie, 475 U.S. 813, 822 (1986) (citations omitted). Recently, SCOTUS affirmed this understanding. declaring that
the Due Process Clause incorporated the common-law rule that a judge must recuse himself when he has "a direct, personal, substantial, pecuniary interest" in a case. This rule reflects the maxim that "[n]o man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause; because his interest would certainly bias his judgment, and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity."
Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co., No. 08-22 (U.S. Jun. 9, 2009) (slip op. at 6) (quoting Tumey, supra).

The only exception to the iron-clad rule that a judge may not hear a case in which he has a direct personal financial interest is the “Rule of Necessity,” empowering a judge to hear a case when the “‘failure to do so would result in a denial of a litigant's constitutional right to have a question, properly presented to such court, adjudicated.’" United States v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 214 (1980) (internal quotation omitted). While not explicitly addressing application of the Rule, the Will Court outlined its well-known contours:
The true rule unquestionably is that wherever it becomes necessary for a judge to sit even where he has an interest -- where no provision is made for calling another in, or where no one else can take his place -- it is his duty to hear and decide, however disagreeable it may be.
Will, 449 U.S. at 214 (quotation omitted).

Here's where your problem lies. Judges of the Colorado Court of Appeals may "serve in any state court with full authority as provided by law, when called upon to do so by the chief justice of the supreme court." Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-4-101. In every jurisdiction with a similar statutory provision, conflicted supreme court justices are required to recuse. E.g., Mosk v. Superior Court of Los Angeles, 601 P.2d 1030 (Calif. 1979) (collecting cases); Sullivan v. McDonald, 913 A.2d 403 (Conn. 2007). As the “Rule of Necessity” only applies in cases of bona fide necessity, see United States v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 214 (1980), and sixteen non-conflicted judges were available and authorized by statute to hear my claim, it cannot trump my right to have my grievances decided by a fair and independent tribunal. The Colorado Supreme Court explains why:
The first ideal in the administration of justice is that the judge must be free from bias and partiality. Men are so agreed on this principle that any departure therefrom shocks their sense of justice. … We are equally certain that when … a judge is prejudiced or otherwise incompetent to hear or try a cause, but nevertheless, proceeds in that regard, the issues are not likely to be determined and the rights of the parties properly protected and enforced in a court over which he presides.
People ex rel. Burke v. District Court, 60 Colo. 1, 4, 152 P. 149 (1915) (internal citation omitted).

Colorado law goes even further, imposing an affirmative obligation upon judges to recuse: "Any judge who knows of circumstances which shall disqualify him in a case shall, on his own motion, disqualify himself."  Colo. Rev. Stat. § 16-6-201(2). Once that a judge is obligated to recuse himself, he immediately loses all jurisdiction in the matter except to transfer the case. Erbaugh v. People, 140 P. 188, 190 (Colo. 1914)). Further, a judgment rendered in the face of a jurisdictional defect is void. Davidson Chevrolet v. City and County of Denver, 330 P.2d 1116 (Colo. 1958).

To make matters worse, one of the defendants made this remarkable confession:
A judge who is free of bias is a necessary prerequisite to maintaining public confidence in the judicial system because "[j]udicial decisions rendered under circumstances suggesting bias or favoritism tend to breed skepticism, undermine the integrity of the courts, and generally thwart the principles upon which our jurisprudential system is based.” ….

Judicial impartiality is so important to our system of justice that we become concerned if there is even an appearance of partiality.…

The primary rationale for requiring disqualification on the basis of appearances "stems from the recognized need for an unimpeachable judicial system in which the public has unwavering confidence. Allegations of judicial bias may serve to erode this public confidence." …

"It is fundamental to the vitality of our judicial system that litigants believe in the fairness of the process. An unfavorable decision perceived to be the result of an impartial consideration may be bearable, but an unfavorable decision tainted by even the appearance of partiality cannot be condoned." …

I do not stand alone in my belief. The Due Process Clause of the Constitution safeguards the right to impartial judges and requires recusal of judges who are or who appear to be biased. Consistent with this principle, a Colorado statute, procedural rules, and the Code of Judicial Conduct all provide guidelines to ensure that due process requirements are satisfied and that parties to civil and criminal cases are the beneficiaries of unassailably fair and impartial judges.
People v. Julien, 47 P.3d 1194,1201-02 (Colo. 2002) (Bender, J., dissenting) (internal citations omitted).

Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by KSmith »

fortinbras wrote:Now, mind you, this has been going on for more than seven years! Rather than sit for a psych evaluation that would have last a couple of hours, Ken Smith has wasted seven years of his and other peoples' time. Law school, even at Harvard or Yale, takes only three years. In those seven years he could have gone into psychotherapy and been cured of whatever ails him. But no, he has to try to drill through the Rock of Gibraltar with the blunt end of a boiled carrot. And for his efforts he has had really ugly comments about him put by judges in the public record.
When a judge demands that you [edited to remove offensive material], you would. Pragmatism.

Same principles apply here.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Duke2Earl »

I edited the above post to remove offensive sexual references. We do not generally edit this forum. You are free to state your arguments, dumb as they may be, but sexual insults are over the top. Consider yourself warned.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by KSmith »

Nikki wrote:Even if Smith had been admitted to the Bar, it wouldn't have lasted long.

His clear inability to comprehend how the system works (as opposed to his interpretation of how the FF's wanted it to work) would result in him receiving enough sanctions and disciplinary actions to have his license suspended and then revoked in short order.
It has been rightly said, Nikki, that the only difference between an attorney and a prostitute is that the latter is honest about what she is doing. If being an attorney means the right to [Edited again....Strike Two] judges for pay, I don't want to be a member of "the Club." As the old joke goes, they are using lawyers because there are some things even a lab rat won't do.

What I want are rights -- as opposed to mere liberties. If I can't even rely on the black-letter law of the land at need, do I have any rights at all?
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

KSmith wrote:
Nikki wrote:Even if Smith had been admitted to the Bar, it wouldn't have lasted long.

His clear inability to comprehend how the system works (as opposed to his interpretation of how the FF's wanted it to work) would result in him receiving enough sanctions and disciplinary actions to have his license suspended and then revoked in short order.
It has been rightly said, Nikki, that the only difference between an attorney and a prostitute is that the latter is honest about what she is doing. If being an attorney means the right to [idiotic, juvenile and unprofessional cracks removed], I don't want to be a member of "the Club." As the old joke goes, they are using lawyers because there are some things even a lab rat won't do.

What I want are rights -- as opposed to mere liberties. If I can't even rely on the black-letter law of the land at need, do I have any rights at all?
You have repeatedly and publicly shown, in every one of your posts, that you wouldn't know what black-letter law is if it stares you in the face. Every word that comes out of your keyboard vindicates the judgment of those who govern admission to the Colorado Bar.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by fortinbras »

KSmith wrote: I'm looking for a case wherein a judge is permitted to sit in judgment of a case in which he is a defendant in tort, other judges are authorized by statute and available to hear the case in his/her stead, and the statutory law of that jurisdiction commands recusal.

I think what Kenny is referencing his attempt to disqualify ALL Colorado federal judges from sitting in the case where he is suing one or some federal judges because they handed him losses. He tried naming ALL the judges as defendants, even when they hadn't yet handled one of his cases. In fact, at one point, he thought that naming as defendants "Judges John Doe numbers 1-20" would enable him to eliminate judges whose names he didn't know. When he couldn't force them to recuse, he tried to get them ALL, even those who hadn't yet dealt with him, removed from office.

He lost and will continue to lose on this issue. Attempting to compel recusal by filing groundless lawsuits against one or more judges has been a typical militia/sovrun tactic for at least 30 years, and italmost never works - certainly not when the judge has never before had any contact with the plaintiff. The rule is that a judge should recuse himself if an ordinary observer might doubt his impartiality. An ordinary observer, not a paranoiac with a conspiracy theory. And even the judge having handed the litigant losses in previous cases is not ordinarily considered evidence of bias. At least as important is the judge's duty to handle court business rather than fob off for flimsy reasons. There is also a rule of necessity; if ALL the judges supposedly have an equal "interest" in a case, then any of the judges can handle the case; in this instance, the sitting judge, having never dealt with Kenny in a previous case, was even less "interested" in the outcome than those who had. Indeed, such a judge might have a self-interest that encouraged finding fault with another judge.

Now, considering how little he understands of these legal principles, and how very badly he has handled the cases of his one and only client, namely himself, you can understand why the Colorado legal system is reluctant to turn him loose on the public.
Last edited by fortinbras on Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

CaptainKickback wrote:For the record, anyone filing a pleading with the court that includes
As the citizen has an absolute right to assassinate a tyrant, any public official who exercises tyrannical power over him ¬¬including judges ¬¬may lawfully be assassinated. And as assassination of a public official is undesirable, the law must be read as not bestowing tyrannical powers, providing remedies when an official abuses his or her lawful authority. Ergo, certiorari is unconstitutional
like Ken Smith did is a tin-plated idiot of the first order.

Most people react poorly to some clown threatening them and are very unlikely to give consideration to any request attached to it. Yet this seems to have escaped the putrid cauldron of Ken's mind.
Ken is a narcissist whose fevered mind is unable to comprehend or accept anything which stands in the way of his getting exactly what he wants, exactly how he wants it and when he wants it. I find myself wondering just how this guy made it through law school.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by bmielke »

CaptainKickback wrote:For the record, anyone filing a pleading with the court that includes
As the citizen has an absolute right to assassinate a tyrant, any public official who exercises tyrannical power over him ¬¬including judges ¬¬may lawfully be assassinated. And as assassination of a public official is undesirable, the law must be read as not bestowing tyrannical powers, providing remedies when an official abuses his or her lawful authority. Ergo, certiorari is unconstitutional
like Ken Smith did is a tin-plated idiot of the first order.

Most people react poorly to some clown threatening them and are very unlikely to give consideration to any request attached to it. Yet this seems to have escaped the putrid cauldron of Ken's mind.
Is he paraphrasing someone on that? It seems like I have read something similar before. pecifically the "the citizen has an absolute right to assassinate a tyrant" part.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by LPC »

fortinbras wrote:He evidently passed the regular screening process but the Bar Admissions committe, relying on its rules, did want him to have a psych evaluation because it had discovered that "he previously abused the legal system and exhibited a lack of candor."
Hindsight makes that decision look pretty smart.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by fortinbras »

.... any public official who exercises tyrannical power over him ¬¬including judges ¬¬may lawfully be assassinated. ...
Y'know, there's a reason that the law schools title their class on court tactics as "Trial Diplomacy."
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Famspear »

KSmith wrote:.......What I want are rights -- as opposed to mere liberties......
Ummm...... no...... it's possible that what you really want is to resolve some sort of conflict you had with Mommie or Daddy, wayyyyyyyy back years ago, when you were just a little tyke. Psychologists refer to this as Transference -- the inappropriate repetition, in the present, of some aspect of a relationship that was important in the Subject's past. (You are the Subject, Kenny boy.)

Take a tip from someone whose mental health is a lot better than yours, Ken (I know, I know, I'm not sayin' much): Give up this fruitless, losing battle. Your problem may well be with Mommie or Daddy (or some sort of parent-like figure). You need to come to an understanding of why you are having these thoughts, why you feel this anger, and why you are repeatedly failing.

Do yourself a favor. See the psychiatrist. You're a smart guy. You can do it.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by wserra »

KSmith wrote:Your argument can be condensed into this simple sentence: "The court disagrees with you; ergo, you are wrong."
Allow me to just change a word or two: "Every court you've been to disagrees with you; ergo, you are wrong."

Yeah, I think that pretty well sums it up.
get back to me.
Take your time. Ken will be at this for decades.

Hint, hint.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by LPC »

I've been scrolling through the last 24 hours or so of postings, and the Ken Smith responses are really spooky, and in some ways scarier and more dysfunctional that what we've seen from Harvester or even Van Pelt.

When the usual nut job posts some crap in response to someone, the crap is usually relevant to what the previous poster has said or it's clear that the crap isn't really intended to be responsive but is an evasion or distraction.

But Smith's crap is neither responsive nor clearly non-responsive. He seems to think that the crap he's cutting and pasting is relevant and responsive even when it isn't, which suggests to me that the voices in his head are pretty loud.

Smith seems to be the answer to the question: What do you get when you combine a personality disorder with monomania?
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Duke2Earl »

It appears that in Ken Smith's mind (such as it is) he is so clearly right that any judge or court that disagrees with him is by definition not impartial and prejudiced against him. Therefore, all judges must recluse themselves until a judge is found that agrees with him. Talk about your long searches..... I doubt I will live that long. Monomania indeed.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Famspear »



I feel one comin' on.......

Wait for it.......

A pesky old plaintiff called Ken
Files his lawsuits again and again.
Yes, he sues lots of judges
For personal grudges,
But never will chalk up a win.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by Nikki »

Ken Smith: The love child of PAM and LawyerDude :?:
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by fortinbras »

Duke2Earl wrote:It appears that in Ken Smith's mind (such as it is) he is so clearly right that any judge or court that disagrees with him is by definition not impartial and prejudiced against him. Therefore, all judges must recuse themselves until a judge is found that agrees with him. Talk about your long searches..... I doubt I will live that long. Monomania indeed.
More to the point, Kenny appears to think that any judge that doesn't see things his way is a "tyrant" who may justifiably be assassinated. No wonder the courthouse marshals have him on a watch list.
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by grixit »

LPC wrote: Smith seems to be the answer to the question: What do you get when you combine a personality disorder with monomania?
A dead end on a one way street?
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Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by James »

Ken Smith posts some interesting questions 1) cert denied 2) unpublished opinions and 3) jury arbiter of law. With a single exception the posts give no informed answers on these specific questions but rather attack Smith's motives and person. The single exception is Dr Cagliari's 11/30/10 post "Nothing in the 7th Amendment about a jury's finding of law" and Smith's response citing reasons for a jury's finding of law. Smith also cites reasons and authority against cert denied and unpublished opinions but all posts duck answering on merits. I think we need more informed answers on merits to these questions in this forum.

Re: Ken Smith: Rogue Judges Invite Their Own Demise

Post by bmielke »

James wrote:Ken Smith posts some interesting questions 1) cert denied 2) unpublished opinions and 3) jury arbiter of law. With a single exception the posts give no informed answers on these specific questions but rather attack Smith's motives and person. The single exception is Dr Cagliari's 11/30/10 post "Nothing in the 7th Amendment about a jury's finding of law" and Smith's response citing reasons for a jury's finding of law. Smith also cites reasons and authority against cert denied and unpublished opinions but all posts duck answering on merits. I think we need more informed answers on merits to these questions in this forum.
I would need to read this thread again because it's been a while, but a piece of advice, whatever Kool-Aid you have been drinking stop now. The path that follows Smith will only lead to complete destruction of whatever life you have.