Liberty Dollar Update

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

Sorry for the delay in posting all this stuff but I've been on the road since late June.
September 2010 Vol. 12 No. 09
Liberty Dollar Case & LD 12th Anniversary!!

Table of Contents:
1. 12th Anniversary of the Liberty Dollar!!
2. What is a $45,000 car worth?
3. Letter to Authorities
4. US prosecutors repeatedly abuse the law
5. Greenspan… You gotta love him :)!
6. Silver Velocity - the Coming Bullet
7. Likelihood of Hyperinflation Increases
8. The Twilight of Irredeemable Debt

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

1.12th Anniversary Issue!!
Happy Birthday Liberty Dollar!!October 1st is the 12th Anniversary of the little currency that could bring relief to beleaguered Americans who suffer at the hands of the government run ponzi monetary scheme. After my 23 years of research and development, 10 years, 8 months and 2 days of circulation plus 16 months since Kevin Innes, the first of the Liberty Dollar Four, was arrested on June 2, 2009, it makes one wonder just how long it will be until the LD4 are set free??? Of course, this will happen at the end of the trial. But it makes one wonder how long it will be before the Liberty Dollar Four trial will begin and they have an opportunity to prove themselves innocent. Forget about the old, outdated concept of innocent until proven guilty that is long lost in this country - once the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Please keep the faith as we plod through the molasses and the morass of the federal criminal injustice system as LD4 refuses to plead guilty and demand a trial! OH my God, do I really mean we really going to court. YES!!! We are really going to trial and it is getting closer! We just don't know when the trial will be but continue to push for it to be as soon as possible.

2. What is a $45,000 car worth?
Last month I published Kevin's letter. In it Kevin reported that initially he faced 45years in prison! And from 45 years, his federal pretender fronting for the prosecution, offered him SIX MONTHS if he would just plead guilty to a lie and testify against me. Cute eh?!

To me, sentencing in federal court is much like going to buy a car. For example, the price on the car is $45,000. But the fast talking used car salesman comes up to you and says he likes you… and you can have the car for only $6000!! Wouldn't that make you wonder how much the car is really worth and the ethics of a company that would get $45,000 from some people but take only $6,000 for others?

Welcome to the federal injustice system… If you just lie for the DOJ, you too can get a 45-year sentence whittled down to only 6 months with time servedJ! Luckily, Kevin has a higher sense of value and is holding firm against a wave of lies from his federal pretender and is demanding a trial… simply because he is innocent and refuses to lie to get out of jail! Yea Kevin!

SPECIAL NOTICE: October 16 will be Kevin's 500th day in jail!!! Please send him a thank you card for taking the blunt of the gov war against the Liberty Dollar c/o his wife:
Julia Gaunt
16 Norman Austin Dr.
Asheville. NC. 28804

3. Letter to Authorities
As we prepare for trial… we discovered the Letter to Authorities (LTA) that was written by the Chief Counsel for the Liberty Dollar. Originally, the LTA was written so RCOs and active supporters of the Liberty Dollar could inform their local authorities, the police and sheriff departments, that they were introducing the Liberty Dollar in the local community. Now, the LTA proves that Liberty Dollar distributors and supporters wanted the authorities to be well informed because they knew the authorities would be invariably be contacted and proves that the Liberty Dollar Four had no criminal intent, a key element of every criminal code because when there is no criminal intend, the defendants are innocent. Of course this is very important for our case and getting your confiscated property back to you.

I am happy to report that we have already received two super letters from Hank Lane, the former RCO for Greensboro that just happens to be in North Carolina! NOW we are looking for more letters to the authorities. If you ever wrote to any authorities, please email a copy to me, fax it to 775.307.1879 or mail it to my attorney:
Aaron Michel
3736 Surry Ridge Court
Charlotte, NC. 28210

Thank you for your continued support as we prepare to confirm in federal court that it is legal to use a private voluntary barter currency between consenting adults.

4. US prosecutors repeatedly abuse the law
As the Liberty Dollar Four enters the federal prosecution gauntlet, it is good to know just how crooked the Department of (In)Justice when it come to a "fair trial." Right on queue, USA Today has published an amazing HUGE, two and half page, report as they probe the everyday practices of the US Department of (In)Justice. The report documents case after case and acknowledges that nobody knows how many cases the government has "won" by lying and cheating people of their life, liberty and Constitutional rights. Regardless of your involvement with the Liberty Dollar Four… I hope you will read this amazing article. So why are the Liberty Dollar Four being prosecuted in the Western District of North Carolina? It might just be because it is the corrupt place where "US prosecutors repeatedly abuse the law."

5. Greenspan… You gotta love him :)!
On September 15, Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, reported to his masters at the Council on Foreign Relations and told them, "Fiat money has no place to go but gold." It doesn't get any simpler than that!!

Of course if you read my "Solution" book you know about the Council on Foreign Relations - aka The Eastern Establishment that created the Federal Reserve and has actually run the US government regardless of which !@#$#@! party is in power since 1921. If not, click HERE for that chapter.

Click HERE for the complete article, "Greenspan's Warning About Gold Echoes After Fed Speaks" published by the New York Sun on September 23, 2010.

Even better is Greenspan's spirited article about gold from July 1966. Click HERE for his original article: "Gold and Economic Freedom."

Click HERE for an in depth article from 1995 on the Council on Foreign Relations by William Blasé for The Courier in Hatch, New Mexico 87937

6. Silver Velocity - the Coming Bullet
So many good articles about Silver have been published, it is hard to know what to read.
Hinde Capital in London, whose CEO, Ben Davies, has thrown himself into the campaign to expose manipulation of the precious metals markets, this month published a long report on the excellent prospects for silver, citing the concentrated short position of the bullion banks and the work of silver market analyst Ted Butler. The Hinde report is titled "Silver Velocity -- the Coming Bullet" is available HERE.

James Turk at has also issued several pro-silver articles:
Silver Is Ready to Move to Centre Stage
The Battle for $21 Silver Begins
Silver to explode at any moment

7. Likelihood of Hyperinflation Increases
Meanwhile, from all quarters it seems like everybody with a brain or a computer is documenting the likelihood of hyperinflation. Here are three articles:

How Hyperinflation Will Happen

Hyperinflation fears on the rise globally

What is the Likelihood of Hyperinflation in 2010, 2011 or 2012?

8. The Twilight of Irredeemable Debt
When Richard Nixon closed the gold redemption window on August 14, 1971, redeemable debt gave way to irredeemable debt. This watershed event set the stage for the global financial chaos being experienced today. Click HERE for an outstanding explanation about irredeemable debt by Professor Antal E. Fekete.

And last but not least: The Fed Will Purchase Almost $3 Trillion In Treasurys And Set The Stage For The Monetary Endgame that will likely set off a chain of events which could result in rates dropping all the way to 0, stocks surging, and gold going from current price levels to well into the 5 digit range.

Closing Remarks:
As we wade through what appears to be months and months of needless pre-trial work… for a trial that is a waste of time and money… we need to remember that this is what it takes to reestablish a value based currency in America. This the price the Liberty Dollar Four and hundreds of thousands supporters like yourself have agreed to pay to validate the Liberty Dollar model and provide Americans with a way to protect their money from the current ponzi monetary scheme run by banksters fronting for the US government.

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you for all your support.

Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

To me, sentencing in federal court is much like going to buy a car. For example, the price on the car is $45,000. But the fast talking used car salesman comes up to you and says he likes you… and you can have the car for only $6000!! Wouldn't that make you wonder how much the car is really worth and the ethics of a company that would get $45,000 from some people but take only $6,000 for others?
An even better example is the guy who tells you that the coins he is selling that resemble US coins are worth $10 but he will sell them to you for $20; since they are stamped with a $20 emblem, you can try passing them to your local merchants at face value. Wait a minute, where have we seen that before?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Harvester »

JJ! Good to hear from you! Appreciate the repost of Bernie's letter. Yes, it is lawful to use a private voluntary barter currency between consenting adults. That trial will not end well for your side.

You anti-gold/silver people are fun to watch, I must say. I did enjoy silvers 6.2% gain against the dying dollar last week. HaPpY HalloWeen!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Joey Smith »

That trial will not end well for your side.
And Pete will never be convicted once a jury hears his side of the story ......
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Sorry for the delay in posting all this stuff but I've been on the road since late June.
Glad to have you back... and I see you brought presents!
1.12th Anniversary Issue!!
Happy Birthday Liberty Dollar!!
October 1st is the 12th Anniversary of the little currency[..snip..]
I wonder how many couples celebrate their wedding anniversary when they're legally separated. I mean, if you don't count celebrities and the terminally obsessed.
[..snip..]that could bring relief to beleaguered Americans who suffer at the hands of the government run ponzi monetary scheme
Sure, let's redefine "relief" as getting them to pay for overpriced currency and base that currency's value on the so-called "government run pozi monetary scheme" so that it moves up and down with inflation. Yep, you totally relieved them. Of their hard-earned money.
After my 23 years of research and development, 10 years, 8 months and 2 days of circulation plus 16 months since Kevin Innes, the first of the Liberty Dollar Four,
And illegal alien.
was arrested on June 2, 2009, it makes one wonder just how long it will be until the LD4 are set free??? Of course, this will happen at the end of the trial.
Or after you've served your sentences.
But it makes one wonder how long it will be before the Liberty Dollar Four trial will begin
I'm dying for it to start, too. But don't forget numbnuts, you've done your share of delaying that date.
and they have an opportunity to prove themselves innocent.
Or repeatedly stick their feet in their mouths, and each other's mouths, and maybe even a few other mouths. I'd hate to be in that courtroom.
Forget about the old, outdated concept of innocent until proven guilty that is long lost in this country - once the land of the free and the home of the brave!
You seem to think that you should be allowed to continue the very activity that got you arrested until a jury decides whether or not you're guilty. Funny, I said something similar to myself earlier today. I said, "Self, let's go out and stab someone in front of a police officer. Then, get out on bail on the premise that because I am innocent until proven guilty, I should be allowed to continue stabbing people until the jury declares that I am not guilty. At which point, I'll just continue stabbing people. For fun and profit. Look, I'm doing this for the benefit of everyone. Life is repressive. I'm freeing them. I wonder where I insert my plea to send money now?"
Please keep the faith as we plod through the molasses and the morass of the federal criminal injustice system as LD4 refuses to plead guilty and demand a trial!
Wow, I had no idea that we had to demand a trial to get one. Is there some special procedure for that, like no pleading guilty, or can I plead guilty and still get one. Hey, when you push the gas pedal when driving, do you also demand that it goes or does that just kind of happen anyway?

OH my God, do I really mean we really going to court. YES!!!
OH my God, was that really a question. NO!!! You know, some people use their incarceration to educate themselves. Perchance you would consider such a path? Oh, wait. Let me rephrase that. Bernie use book in lock up, get smarter? Find thing to put at end of asky thing other than dot?
We are really going to trial and it is getting closer! We just don't know when the trial will be but continue to push for it to be as soon as possible.
I'd like to see that motion. "I hearby demand that the judge, despite various motions and whatnot from all parties that have delayed and will continue to delay the trial date, set the trial date ASAP. IT NEEDS TO BE NOW. MY MARKS ARE LOSING INTEREST."

2. What is a $45,000 car worth?
Depends on the make and model.
Last month I published Kevin's letter. In it Kevin reported that initially he faced 45years in prison! And from 45 years, his federal pretender fronting for the prosecution, offered him SIX MONTHS if he would just plead guilty to a lie and testify against me. Cute eh?!
Don't remember this. Probably tuned it out. I mean when you dip gems like this in piles of crap, you can't expect that gem to shine quite as bright, can you? I can't remember the charges and I'm really not inclined to look them up, but 45 years seems like a gross exaggeration. Kind of like your interpretation that the deal involved lying about you. While I'm sure there are prosecutors out there who encourage deals in which they know the guy is lying, I don't think that's the case here. Why? Because you're the one telling us so. The one who told everyone that there was no way that their gold and silver could be taken.
To me, sentencing in federal court is much like going to buy a car.
Is the federal court doing credit checks now? Is there some guy with slicked back hair who circles the parking lot like a vulture and descends upon anyone entering the lot? Does he assure you that your defense attorney was only driven by a little-old lady on Sundays?
For example, the price on the car is $45,000. But the fast talking used car salesman comes up to you and says he likes you… and you can have the car for only $6000!!
Your analogy is off. There are two cars of equal value. The first car runs great, but it's ugly, expensive to repair, occasionally kills small children and kicks puppies. The second car runs great, is a work of art, cheap to repair, avoids killing small children and drops doggie-biscuits out the tailpipe. Now, you've been entered into a contest to win one of the two cars. The contest starts with six months of driving the bad car. If you win, you get the good car. If you lose, you are stuck driving the bad car for forty-five long years. The contest is a difficult one and you are unlikely to win, so you are given an opportunity. An opportunity to walk away with the good car and the only thing you have to do is make the contest a bit more difficult for someone else by divulging incriminating information about that person.
Wouldn't that make you wonder how much the car is really worth and the ethics of a company that would get $45,000 from some people but take only $6,000 for others?
It makes me think that you really have no concept of money.
Welcome to the federal injustice system… If you just lie for the DOJ, you too can get a 45-year sentence whittled down to only 6 months with time servedJ! Luckily, Kevin has a higher sense of value and is holding firm against a wave of lies from his federal pretender and is demanding a trial… simply because he is innocent and refuses to lie to get out of jail! Yea Kevin!
That's right, tell everyone it's all lies now and keep repeating it so later on, when the trial happens, you don't have to change your story.
SPECIAL NOTICE: October 16 will be Kevin's 500th day in jail!!! Please send him a thank you card for taking the blunt of the gov war against the Liberty Dollar c/o his wife:
Julia Gaunt
I like how you're admitting that the illegal alien is taking the "blunt" of the case for you. Out of curiosity, are they legally married or just saying they are. I couldn't help but notice that the last names are different, which might just mean that she didn't change her name, but it could also mean that they're just calling themselves husband and wife with no legal backing.
As we prepare for trial… we discovered the Letter to Authorities (LTA) that was written by the Chief Counsel for the Liberty Dollar. Originally, the LTA was written so RCOs and active supporters of the Liberty Dollar could inform their local authorities, the police and sheriff departments, that they were introducing the Liberty Dollar in the local community.
Dude, you seriously forgot that you paid someone to write a letter like this? Lay off the pot.
Now, the LTA proves that Liberty Dollar distributors and supporters wanted the authorities to be well informed because they knew the authorities would be invariably be contacted and proves that the Liberty Dollar Four had no criminal intent, a key element of every criminal code because when there is no criminal intend, the defendants are innocent.
"Your Honor, I didn't mean to kill that guy, so I can't possibly be guilty of killing that guy." Or how about "Officer, I'm going to kill that guy. Here's a letter admitting to such. Look, I even had it notarized. I know that this letter totally admits to having intent, but the fact that I'm giving it to you demonstrates that I have no intent. And you know what the criminal code says: if there's no criminal intent, I'm innocent. Well, I'm off to take care of business. Oh, before I go, I want you to know that I'm totally going to plead not guilty and DEMAND a trial. Write that down. D.E.M.A.N.D. A. T.R.I.A.L. Don't forget! See you later! Bye bye!"
Of course this is very important for our case and getting your confiscated property back to you.
See above.
Thank you for your continued support as we prepare to confirm in federal court that it is legal to use a private voluntary barter currency between consenting adults.
"Consenting adults," makes it sound like you're marketing adult material. Is the LD illegal to use as a "private voluntary barter currency" if you're under the age of 18? It'd be a shame if all those places who are using the currency had to card everyone before accepting it or handing it out as change.
As the Liberty Dollar Four enters the federal prosecution gauntlet, it is good to know just how crooked the Department of (In)Justice when it come to a "fair trial." Right on queue, USA Today has published an amazing HUGE, two and half page, report as they probe the everyday practices of the US Department of (In)Justice. The report documents case after case and acknowledges that nobody knows how many cases the government has "won" by lying and cheating people of their life, liberty and Constitutional rights.
I don't get USA Today. I tried their site search and turned up nothing. Does anyone have a link?
So why are the Liberty Dollar Four being prosecuted in the Western District of North Carolina?
Because that's where the jurisdictional stuff says it should be. If you wanted the trial somewhere else, you should have set up LD somewhere else.
It might just be because it is the corrupt place where "US prosecutors repeatedly abuse the law."
Jury's still out on that one.

[..giant frickin' snip about Greenspan, gold, silver, and hyperinflation..]
As we wade through what appears to be months and months of needless pre-trial work…
Then by all means, don't bother with it. It'll just make the prosecution's job easier.
for a trial that is a waste of time and money… we need to remember that this is what it takes to reestablish a value based currency in America.
No, this is what it takes to shut down a scam.
This the price the Liberty Dollar Four and hundreds of thousands supporters like yourself have agreed to pay to validate the Liberty Dollar model and provide Americans with a way to protect their money from the current ponzi monetary scheme run by banksters fronting for the US government.
Um, you mean the supporters who contributed to your legal fund, right? Because I doubt that anyone who purchased from you have automatically agreed to fight your legal battles for you. After all, you told them that it was perfectly legal, that their investment in you was safe, right?
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
One where we can all frolic naked through fields of overpriced gold and silver trinkets. Where it rains private barter currency from the sky. One where, obviously, social diseases and concussions become commonplace. Gold and silver private barter currency forever! It's an itching, burning, dizzy utopia!
Thank you for all your support.
If that's what you want to call it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

"Kevin" is William Kevin Innes, the Asheville, NC, rep for LD. He was one of the people scooped up in the original raid. Innes is the only non-citizen in the crowd (he is Canadian) and that fact, combined with his deep involvement with LD, has resulted in his being kept in jail until trial, while the others have been bailed out. I doubt even Von NotHaus is being threatened with 45 years -- though probably with enough separate repetitive counts that if served consecutively instead of concurrently, could add up to 45. Innes probably was told that, if he pleaded guilty to at least a nominal number of counts and turned state's evidence, all the counts would be concurrent sentences for an actual duration of 6 months. If I were his lawyer, I'd be somewhat enthused at that prospect .... but the offense for which he's being prosecuted is sufficiently obscure that the actual jury response is hard to predict.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Found it!
If convicted, each of the defendants faces a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment on the conspiracy charged in Count One and a maximum sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment on the mail fraud charge in Count Two. As to the additional counts with which von NotHaus and Innes are charged, Count Three (publishing) carries a maximum sentence of 15 years’ imprisonment, and Count Four carries a maximum sentence of five years’ imprisonment.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by notorial dissent »

So.... then, we can safely say that von Nutbert's math skills are equally on par with his economic skills? Who'd a thunk!!!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by bmielke »

webhick wrote:Wow, I had no idea that we had to demand a trial to get one. Is there some special procedure for that, like no pleading guilty, or can I plead guilty and still get one. Hey, when you push the gas pedal when driving, do you also demand that it goes or does that just kind of happen anyway?
I think in some states you have to demand a speedy trial, Georgia sticks out in my mind for some reason.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

October 2010 Vol. 12 No. 09
LD4 October 2010: Trial this Spring?
Table of Contents:
1. Sad day regarding Karl Reile
2. Trial this spring?
3. Want to be Part of the Trial?
4. Money for the Trial?
5. Piece of S*** Judge
6. US Dollar loses 0.75% Value in Hours!!
7. 33% Price Increase on US Mint Silver Eagles
8. Can You Trust the Gold & Silver ETFs
9. TWO more Articles Regarding Bad Fed Prosecutors
10. New site for Liberty Dollar Case
11. Anecdote from a LD supporter
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
1. Sad day regarding Karl Reile
I am very sad to report that Karl Reile, a very close friend and one of Liberty Dollar's best Regional Currency Officers, died on Sunday, October 10, 2010 in Elma, New York.
Karl was not just a big supporter for Liberty Dollar and the ideals it represents, Karl was a close friend and a person I loved. I know his father, his three brothers and was a guest of his family on several occasions when I attended the Reile's annual "Pig Roast." There is simply no way to measure how much Karl is already missed. I loved that guy.
While the Liberty Dollar attracted many elderly supporters who have died over the years with much sadness, to lose Karl in such a tragic way is the most painful loss to his family, friends, fellow RCOs, me personally and for the whole Liberty Dollar organization.
Please join me as I send my deepest sympathy to Karl's recently married wife, his family, his many friends and all the RCOs. Karl was a spark plug, a doer and is already greatly missed. This is indeed a very sad day.
2. Trial this spring?
I am no better at reading tealeaves than anyone else. And it is certainly impossible to know what this !@#$#@! government will do, but it is beginning to look like the Liberty Dollar Four (LD4) will finally come to trial in the spring of 2011. And while that seems like a long time away, it is about average for federal cases that take about two years to come to trial. Of course, we have all been anxious to get to trial and put this "miss-adventure in North Carolina" behind us. But the government has been working on their case since 2004 and it simply takes time to organize a defense for such a large, complex, multi-year case such as the Liberty Dollar.
To that end, I acknowledge my attorney, Aaron Michel, who has taken a leadership role in developing an increasingly strong defense. At this late date, I am very encouraged that the Liberty Dollar Four will win against all odds (only 2% federal defendants are acquitted!*) and your property will be returned. Quite frankly, other than winning, nothing will make me happier than returning all your property, filling all the outstanding orders and returning the $100K to Karl's father.
* The only way the government has a 97% conviction rate is by the piece of work Federal Pretenders talking their stooge defendants into copping a plea 95% of the time. Out of the balance of 5%, roughly 1% of the cases are dropped, the gov wins 2% and the defendants win 2%. So the truth is that the defendants win about 50% of the time when they don't cop a plea! That is why the gov will do almost anything other than go to trial. So the Federal Defenders mail jog is not to defend their defendants, it is to pressure their defendants to cop out. The bottom line is that the gov absolutely does not want to go to trial with 50/50 odds! First because they don't have time but most importantly because then they really have work to prove the defendant is guilty while facing the odds of losing 50% of the time!! I feel very strongly that the gov is going to lose the Liberty Dollar case.
3. Want to be Part of the Trial?
Want to tell the government what you think about their money and where they can stick it? Unfortunately, that is not germane to the LD4 case. The charges against the LD4 are for counterfeiting US coins, using Liberty Dollar as "current money" i.e. like money in your pocket, conspiracy and fraud. Now we are looking for witnesses who can tell real life stories (narratives) about how they used the Liberty Dollar and support the LD4 case that we did not violate federal law, that the Silver Liberty Dollar is not a "coin," and that it was only used by people who voluntarily accepted it and that it is indeed a private voluntary barter currency.
So what happened to you regarding the Liberty Dollar? Were you a merchant, an associate or a RCO? Did you use the Liberty Dollar? Were you raided or visited by any authorities? Is there anything that you can bring to this mega trial? If so, you could be a valuable witness for a head-turning trial regarding the US (dollar) vs. the Liberty Dollar and our right to protect our money and its loss of purchasing power from the government. NO, I am not talking about testifying about, "I want my silver back." or "Bernard is a good guy." Neither of these points is pertinent to the criminal case.
But if you think you may be able to bring something to the trial, please reply to this call for witnesses by emailing a brief narrative about your testimony to I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the trial, as it will last six to eight weeks! The trial is shaping up to big and important for you and our country's monetary system at a very critical time. I invite you to play an active role by submitting your narrative now.
4. Money for the Trial?
The good news is that the LD4 defendants don't need any money for our defense because as indigent defendants, the gov pays for our legal defenseJ just like the gov pays the US Mint, FBI, prosecutor, investigator, the judge, the courthouse, the US Marshals, etc. In fact the gov is paying for everything except for LD4's living expenses while we are out of jail on an Appearance Bond. All that works until we go to trial in Statesville, North Carolina.
The bad news is that the LD4 either pay for motel room and food or we turn ourselves in and stay in jail during the trail. Quite simply, we must meet some serious living expenses, just to be a defendant in court. And those expenses get to be very serious when you consider that the trial is projected to take about TWO MONTHS. So with the trial finally projected to be in the spring, this is an early announcement that the LD4 needs to raise some fund just to attend the trial. Please consider what you can donate as we prepare for a really big trial that will surely impact us all. The horror of the bottom line is that we need to raise $5000 to $10,000 or the LD4 will sit in jail, much to the detriment of being assistants in their our case.
5. Piece of S*** Judge
As Judge George H. Painter was preparing to retire recently as one of two administrative law judges presiding over investor complaints at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, he issued an extraordinary request: Please don't assign my pending cases to the other judge.
In a notice recently released by the CFTC, Painter said Judge Bruce Levine, his longtime colleague, had a secret agreement with a former Republican chairwoman of the agency to stand in the way of investors filing complaints with the agency.
"On Judge Levine's first week on the job, nearly twenty years ago, he came into my office and stated that he had promised Wendy Gramm, then Chairwoman of the Commission, that we would never rule in a complainant's favor," Painter wrote. "A review of his rulings will confirm that he fulfilled his vow," Painter wrote.
Please click HERE to read this whole sorry story of how one judge, who is still on the bench, has deliberately corrupted his own court! This should make you wonder about the whole federal judiciary and especially if you are a federal defendant.
6. US Dollar loses 0.75% Value in Hours!!
Karl Denninger with Market ticker recently announced: "There is another 0.75% decline in the value of the dollar in the last couple of hours, and it is very disorderly. The dollar looks to be headed to 72, a historical low. Bernanke is clearly intending exactly that sort of thing, in an orderly format. What's going on this evening is anything but orderly. If this keeps up by the time Bernanke gets to his meeting the dollar will be lucky if it's not in the 60s, below all historical support levels. Somewhere in here it will come under severe speculative attack. Bernanke thinks he can control this if it happens. He's wrong."
Do You Know Where Your Dollars Are Headed? Click HERE for the complete article.
7. 33% Price Increase on US Mint Silver Eagles
US Mint Announced 33% Price Increase on Silver American Eagle Premiums!
The United States Mint has officially raised their wholesale price that they charge above spot on American Silver Eagles to all authorized dealers from $1.50 to $2.00, an increase of a whopping 33%. This news comes on the heels of a significant silver spot price rally over the last month to a new thirty-year record over $22 per ounce. The impact of this news is significant and has already affected dealer pricing across the country within hours, as prices on Silver American Eagles have jumped industry wide.
The year 2010 will go down as a record year for Silver Eagle sales, as the United States Mint has already sold more than 25 million coins year-to-date. Click HERE for chart. Link to:
The effect is already starting to show
APMEX online store is starting to look like it did in 2008. The big difference then was that the manipulated price was weirdly plummeting as supply of minted one ounce Silvers simply ran out. The current signs of shortage are accompanied by a seemingly natural fast spot price rise. The manipulation may be over but two weeks ago there were out-of-stock notices and the premium (markup) on a single one ounce APMEX silver round was up $0.50. And last week they raised the premium to $2.49. Total premium is now up 50%!!! And just recently APMEX stopped listing ALL generic silver!!!
Last week, at the time of Ray's report, APMEX's out of stock silver items included:
1-oz "silver rounds" (i.e. "generic silver")
All silver pieces greater than one ounce
Britannias from 1998, 1999, 2001-2003, 2005-2010
1-oz Englehard bars
1-oz tiger bars
5-oz JM bars
10-oz JM bars
10-oz apmex rounds
10-oz Morgan bars
10-oz tiger bars
100-oz JM bars
Get ready for much higher prices for silver and the PREMIUMS charged by the US government and private bullion dealers. Silver is going to cost a lot more in the immediate future as it blasts off for the moon. Hope you are on boardJ!!
Editor thanks Ray Ubinger, a devoted Liberty Dollar supporter, for this contribution.
8. Can You Trust the Gold & Silver ETFs
Do Gold and Silver ETFs Make Good Investments?
Before you put money into one of the five Gold and Silver ETFs traded in the United States, please read this outstanding article by Alix Steel for on Tuesday, October 5, 2010:
NEW YORK -- Silver and gold prices are hitting record highs, making physically backed exchange-traded funds (EFT) very tempting investments. Before you buy, here's what you need to know.
There are five physically backed ETFs traded in the U.S.: The biggest, SPDR Gold Shares (GLD); the cheapest, iShares Comex Gold Trust (IAU); the newest ETFS Physical Gold Shares (SGOL) and the two silvers, iShares Silver Trust (SLV) and ETFS Physical Silver Shares (SIVR).
When you buy gold and silver physically backed ETFs, you do not own the physical metal; you own a paper representation…. and the metal may not be there…
Please click HERE for the complete article.
Bottom line: If you have money in an ETF… GET IT OUT AND BUY PHYSICAL METAL.
9. TWO more Articles Regarding Bad Fed Prosecutors
Click HERE for the second article by USA TODAY regarding bad fed prosecutors...
Not guilty, but stuck with big bills, damaged career
(link to: ... tors_N.htm)
Click HERE for the third article by USA TODAY regarding bad fed prosecutors...
When prosecutors go astray, justice takes a beating
10. New site for Liberty Dollar Case
As we gear up for the most important trial regarding our country's monetary system in a 100 years, we are looking for a special person to manage a new site just for the trail. If you have the time and expertise for such a project that will run through the spring of 2011, please email me. Such a site for the trial that we could all share would be very beneficial.
11. Anecdote from a LD supporter
"Kimberly-Clark (KMB: NYSE) as you know, makes toilet paper. And the Federal Reserve makes dollar bills. If I take a dollar bill and deposit it in my bank account, I'm lucky if I earn 0.5%. If I buy Kimberly Clark - it owns big printing presses that print toilet paper - I will earn a dividend yield of 4%, seven times higher." …Russell Napier
What Russell fails to point out is that real inflation is currently running at above 4 percent, so investing in toilet paper is also a losing just don't lose as much.
Closing Remarks:
That's the news for another month. Hopefully we will be in court this spring. I see the trial as the ideal way to further the Liberty Dollar ideals… so we MUST WIN. Please consider what you can do to support this all-important effort to return America to a value based monetary system. It will also help get your silver backJ
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!
Bernard von NotHaus
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

The good news is that the LD4 defendants don't need any money for our defense because as indigent defendants, the gov pays for our legal defenseJ just like the gov pays the US Mint, FBI, prosecutor, investigator, the judge, the courthouse, the US Marshals, etc. In fact the gov is paying for everything except for LD4's living expenses while we are out of jail on an Appearance Bond.
And not a scintilla of shame for sucking off the government teat, the very government that Nuthouse has condemned as being tyrannical.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Harvester »

And the slave shows not scintilla of shame for sucking off the plantation owners teat, the very plantation that NotHaus has condemned as being tyrannical.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by The Observer »

Harvester wrote:And the slave shows not scintilla of shame for sucking off the plantation owners teat, the very plantation that NotHaus has condemned as being tyrannical.
The very "plantation" that NotHaus lives on and enjoys the protection given by the "slaves" of the "plantation" against enemies foreign and domestic. He also benefits from the production of the "plantation" by using the highways that it has built, the air traffic system, monitoring of food, pharmacy and work safety. And yet Mr. NotHaus shows that he is an ingrate, cheapskate, and deadbeat by expecting the "plantation" to provide for his defense in rebelling against it.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by webhick »

Oh! More presents! It's like Christmas came early!
1. Sad day regarding Karl Reile
Out of respect for the dead, I'll refrain from making a mockery of this section.
I am no better at reading tealeaves than anyone else.
Pot leaves on the other hand...
And it is certainly impossible to know what this !@#$#@! government will do
No, it's not impossible. The government is going to prosecute, duh.
but it is beginning to look like the Liberty Dollar Four (LD4) will finally come to trial in the spring of 2011.
And while that seems like a long time away, it is about average for federal cases that take about two years to come to trial.
Stop right there. Are you seriously being reasonable about something? I mean, you're writing like you're human. It's unsettling. Knock it off.
Of course, we have all been anxious to get to trial and put this "miss-adventure in North Carolina" behind us.
Who is this Miss Adventure in North Carolina and how does she relate to this newsletter? Is she a penpal from prison? Ooh, you met in the personal ads! How sweet. And creepy.
But the government has been working on their case since 2004
Our case. Don't talk about yourself in third person, that's a right reserved for reality show douche-bags.
and it simply takes time to organize a defense for such a large, complex, multi-year case such as the Liberty Dollar.
Arguably, you've had since the raid to prepare for court. I mean, you knew since then that there'd be a legal battle and maybe instead of focusing your energy on battles you couldn't win (ie. getting the government to return crucial evidence in an ongoing investigation) you should have contacted a lawyer about the possible charges and started working on your case then.
To that end, I acknowledge my attorney, Aaron Michel, who has taken a leadership role in developing an increasingly strong defense.
I'm sure your attorney appreciates that you acknowledge that he is doing well at his job. You know, a stronger word or phrase may be in order here. Or maybe the fact that you're not calling him a Federal Defender is the only thanks you think he deserves.
At this late date, I am very encouraged that the Liberty Dollar Four will win against all odds (only 2% federal defendants are acquitted!*) and your property will be returned.
I'm going to rearrange things here to move the asterisked section up.
* The only way the government has a 97% conviction rate is by the piece of work Federal Pretenders talking their stooge defendants into copping a plea 95% of the time. Out of the balance of 5%, roughly 1% of the cases are dropped, the gov wins 2% and the defendants win 2%. So the truth is that the defendants win about 50% of the time when they don't cop a plea! That is why the gov will do almost anything other than go to trial.
There. You know when someone says "win against all odds," that usually means that the odds suck. Badly. Your statistics don't exactly scream impending doom, although it would be awesome if it did.
Quite frankly, other than winning, nothing will make me happier than returning all your property, filling all the outstanding orders and returning the $100K to Karl's father.
I would like to acknowledge that Demo most likely highlighted this. See, how cold that sounds? Seriously though, thanks Demo, it's not often that he mentions things this juicy. So, numbnuts, what'd you do with the $100,000 you borrowed? Pot church? "Living expenses?" It probably wasn't legal fees since, IIRC, you raised that money with selling jailhouse dollars and begging for donations. It certainly wasn't to replace the stock that was confiscated in the raid so you could fulfill the orders and keep your customers happy. It definitely wasn't used to return the money from the unfulfilled orders since that clearly didn't happen.
So the Federal Defenders mail jog is not to defend their defendants, it is to pressure their defendants to cop out.
You know, for a few seconds there I sat and wondered if "mail jog" was some kind of legal jargon. And then I realized that you're probably high and meant "main job." Next problem was that I don't think cop-out means what you think it means because cop-out and plead out are opposites. And no, that's not their main job. Their main job is to try to get their client off and if the odds of that are slim, then trying to make sure they do as little time as possible.
The bottom line is that the gov absolutely does not want to go to trial with 50/50 odds! First because they don't have time but most importantly because then they really have work to prove the defendant is guilty while facing the odds of losing 50% of the time!! I feel very strongly that the gov is going to lose the Liberty Dollar case.
OMG, I had no idea the government was afraid of work. I wonder what they've been doing with your case since 2004. Playing tiddlywinks with the Liberty Dollars?
3. Want to be Part of the Trial?
I don't think the judge would appreciate my snark.
Want to tell the government what you think about their money and where they can stick it? Unfortunately, that is not germane to the LD4 case. The charges against the LD4 are for counterfeiting US coins, using Liberty Dollar as "current money" i.e. like money in your pocket, conspiracy and fraud.
I need you to stop being rational. It's harder to make fun of you when you are.
Now we are looking for witnesses who can tell real life stories (narratives) about how they used the Liberty Dollar and support the LD4 case that we did not violate federal law, that the Silver Liberty Dollar is not a "coin," and that it was only used by people who voluntarily accepted it and that it is indeed a private voluntary barter currency.
I hope they don't forget to include the parts where they read stuff on the LD website as late as 2007 where it was constantly being referred to as currency and were instructed to pass it off as regular change.
So what happened to you regarding the Liberty Dollar? Were you a merchant, an associate or a RCO? Did you use the Liberty Dollar? Were you raided or visited by any authorities? Is there anything that you can bring to this mega trial?
1. Well, mostly I found about it through this site and I've just been laughing ever since. 2. No, no, no. I don't scam people. 3. God, no. 4. No, but if any of them are male, single, good-looking, and have low standards, I wouldn't mind be raided. 5. Cupcakes.
If so, you could be a valuable witness for a head-turning trial regarding the US (dollar) vs. the Liberty Dollar and our right to protect our money and its loss of purchasing power from the government.
"Head-turning." A little full of yourself, aren't you?
NO, I am not talking about testifying about, "I want my silver back." or "Bernard is a good guy." Neither of these points is pertinent to the criminal case.
There you go again. It's like your lawyer found a blend of coffee that sobers the crazy right out of you for very short periods of time.
But if you think you may be able to bring something to the trial, please reply to this call for witnesses by emailing a brief narrative about your testimony to
Well, all I got is cupcakes, so I'll just shoot a quick note to the courthouse:
Note to Courthouse wrote:Dear Justice System,

Bernie told me to bring something to his Liberty Dollar trial. Since I don't really have anything helpful to contribute, I thought I'd bring cupcakes so everyone has something to munch on while we watch Bernie go down in flames. I will provide undecorated cupcakes for the jury, and the rest will have an image depicting Bernie crying behind bars.

Please respond with an estimate of the amount of individuals we can expect for the trial along with their preferences on flavors. At your request I can spike the jury's cupcakes with Ritalin so they can stay awake for the entirety of the trial. Also, you'll need to provide Ritalin.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at the trial, as it will last six to eight weeks!
No, you don't want to see me there. Trust me on this. But, if I was there, you'd be able to pick me out of the crowd pretty easily. I'd be the chick in the back stifling laughter.
The good news is that the LD4 defendants don't need any money for our defense because as indigent defendants, the gov pays for our legal defenseJ just like the gov pays the US Mint, FBI, prosecutor, investigator, the judge, the courthouse, the US Marshals, etc.
Funny that after borrowing $100k, all the ordering problems, and all the begging for money, that you're all indigent. Ha! The monetary architect is broke.
The bad news is that the LD4 either pay for motel room and food or we turn ourselves in and stay in jail during the trail.
So at least there are options. Three hots and a cot in this economy isn't the worst thing. I know a homeless guy who purposely gets arrested for minor stuff on cold nights for a place to stay.
Quite simply, we must meet some serious living expenses, just to be a defendant in court. And those expenses get to be very serious when you consider that the trial is projected to take about TWO MONTHS.
Well, I guess you should have thought about that before you thought you could one-up the system and break the law.
So with the trial finally projected to be in the spring, this is an early announcement that the LD4 needs to raise some fund just to attend the trial. Please consider what you can donate as we prepare for a really big trial that will surely impact us all. The horror of the bottom line is that we need to raise $5000 to $10,000 or the LD4 will sit in jail, much to the detriment of being assistants in their our case.
Are you trying to seriously pass yourselves off as "assistants" in the case? Does this mean that you'll also be expecting payment for your services in the case? That would be deluded. Also, I looked up the hotel rates. $65/night = $3640 for an eight week trial. Includes continental breakfast, so you can probably eat for a realistic $20/day, which comes up to $1120. You could also strike it lucky. Some landlords who are having trouble renting an apartment will do short-term leases for cut rates just so they can mitigate their damages. Then, you stand to spend a helluva lot less. But unless you can find something like that, you're stuck spending $4760 per defendant - and I'm not including any transportation expense. You're going to need closer to $15k to cover everyone except Kevin.
5. Piece of S*** Judge
Oh, he's going to love that.
[..snip a little of the lead in..]
"On Judge Levine's first week on the job, nearly twenty years ago, he came into my office and stated that he had promised Wendy Gramm, then Chairwoman of the Commission, that we would never rule in a complainant's favor," Painter wrote. "A review of his rulings will confirm that he fulfilled his vow," Painter wrote.
The Washington Post also ran a story about how Painter has been diagnosed with dementia and has wrestled with alcoholism and mental illness. Also, this story came out Oct 22, 2010. You don't just debench a judge on the word of someone with those kinds of problems without an investigation.
6. US Dollar loses 0.75% Value in Hours!!
And since the LD is based on the US currency, it also lost 0.75%!
The United States Mint has officially raised their wholesale price that they charge above spot on American Silver Eagles to all authorized dealers from $1.50 to $2.00, an increase of a whopping 33%. This news comes on the heels of a significant silver spot price rally over the last month to a new thirty-year record over $22 per ounce. The impact of this news is significant and has already affected dealer pricing across the country within hours, as prices on Silver American Eagles have jumped industry wide.
Considering that you go, IIRC, $5 to $10 (depending on the spot price of silver) above spot, the Eagles are still a better deal. Oh, and they're legal.

[..snipped a bunch of stuff about APMEX and silver. Really not interested..]
10. New site for Liberty Dollar Case
As we gear up for the most important trial regarding our country's monetary system in a 100 years, we are looking for a special person to manage a new site just for the trail. If you have the time and expertise for such a project that will run through the spring of 2011, please email me. Such a site for the trial that we could all share would be very beneficial.
It's getting a little annoying that you intermittently spell trial as trail. If you're lucky, Demo may cover it on her blog.
Closing Remarks:
That's the news for another month. Hopefully we will be in court this spring. I see the trial as the ideal way to further the Liberty Dollar ideals… so we MUST WIN. Please consider what you can do to support this all-important effort to return America to a value based monetary system. It will also help get your silver backJ
For the last damned time, the people you scammed don't owe you anything for you to make things right.
Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.
I thought it wasn't currency.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

I would like to acknowledge that Demo most likely highlighted this.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by wserra »

And what he tells you three times is true. Unless, of course, her Snark be a Boojum.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by Demosthenes »

November 2010 Vol. 12 No. 11

Liberty Dollar Four Re-indicted!

Thank you for the record number of emailings for the October Newsletter. It's good to know that you remain interested in your money that was confiscated by the US government. Now, I invite you to check out the info in this exciting new issue!

Table of Contents:
1. Liberty Dollar Four Re-indicted!
2. New attorneys appointed to defend LD4
3. Is the government losing the LD4 case?
4. CASE NUMBER for the LD4
5. Learning Channel with Liberty Dollar now on YouTube!
6. "Inside Job" - the Movie
7. Yahoo/Financial: Federal Reserve - a private ponzi scheme!!!
8. The 20 Cities With The Most Underwater Homes
9. "Ben Bernank" Cartoon Video

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!

1. Liberty Dollar Four Re-indicted!
Here's the real story behind the re-indictment of the LD4!
Dirty Tricks and the Re-Indictment of the Liberty Dollar Four!
How Dishonest Attorneys CO-OP Their Clients

Lying Cheating Attorneys: Do you think I am writing about the prosecutors at the Department of Injustice (DOIJ)? Nope! I mean the defense attorneys, whose sole jobs are to defend their clients to the best of their abilities. But that is not how the current injustice system works these days.

I have previously exposed how the defense attorneys usually lie to their clients so 95% cop a plea and go to prison. We know this because the DOIJ is barred from contacting the defendants and the only contact most incarcerated defendants have is the Federal Pretenders Office (FPO). So they are the only ones who can co-op their defendants into the hands of the DOIJ and prison!

But what about the stubborn 5% who refuse to believe the pack of lies that the Federal Pretenders tell their defendants and demand a trial like the Liberty Dollar Four? As the DOIJ is not happy winning 50% of the cases that go to trial, they use the defendant's own defense attorneys and a variety of dirty tricks to co-op the case into their hands and the pain-in-the-ass defendants into prison.

It is not just the Federal Pretenders Office (FPO) who lie and cheat their clients. Good God no! As the FPO can only defend one defendant in a case, when there is more than one defendant, the FPO appoints an independent private criminal attorney who is approved by the CJA panel. CJA refers to the Criminal Justice Act that created the panel and set the standards for private attorneys to represent indigent (broke) defendants. Hence the phrase: CJA attorney.

William Kevin Innes is being "defended" by Claire Rauscher, who is the head of the FPO in Charlotte. Bernard von NotHaus' CJA attorney is Aaron Michel, Sarah Bledsoe's CJA attorney is Joe von Kallist and Rachelle Moseley's CJA attorney is Matt Pruden.

First a short course in criminal law 101: Every criminal offense is constructed of elements. Every element must apply for a defendant to be convicted. For example, if "burglary" is "breaking" and "entering" a "house" at "night" and taking "property" that he/she "does not own" then there are six elements. ALL SIX ELEMENTS must apply for the defendant to be found guilty in court. That is the law. If the defendant broke into a "warehouse" or broke into a "house" during the "day", he would not be guilty. Criminal law is very exact as it must be because the defendant's life, or years of it, is at issue and equally to protect the innocent.

With me so far? Two months ago, while investigating the Liberty Dollar case docs for BVNH, Aaron Michel discovered an important "element" was missing in the indictment. This was a very serious flaw in the gov case against the LD4. But as he was under no obligation to disclose the flaw to the DOIJ, he only disclosed it to me. I was thrilled with the development although we could have won the case with the flaw.

Aaron and I held the "flaw" very close and never disclosed it to anyone until four weeks ago when Aaron disclosed it to Bledsoe's CJA attorney, von Kallist, who he trusted. Within two weeks the DOIJ informed the court that they were going to re-indict the Liberty Dollar Four to "streamline" the case and drop one of the four charges. Of course, when the gov drops any charges that is usually good news, but I smelled a rat. First, because the DOIJ does not have to re-indict to drop any charges. Second, I informed Aaron that the only reason for the re-indictment was to change the original indictment after von Kallist had informed the DOIJ of the flaw.

Of course, Aaron objected to my contention. But sure enough on November 17, 2010, just two weeks later, the LD4 were re-indicted by the Grand Jury, so no objection could be raised, as only the Grand Jury can change an indictment. And sure enough the new, the streamlined indictment corrected the flaw and dropped the fraud charge. It is now obvious that the only reason the gov went to the trouble and cost to convene the Grand Jury was to correct the flaw after the POS attorney von Kallist reported it to the DOIJ!

So what was the flaw? The original indictment omitted the element "of original design" from the 486 charge. That one key phrase meant that the LD4 were not guilty. Now that element has been added with the re-indictment. So does this mean prison for the Liberty Dollar Four? Absolutely not because LD4 would have won with the flaw! Plus there are other very serous flaws with the gov case:)! The gov cannot win this case, nor will they!

It is blatantly dishonest for any attorney to disclose client/attorney info to anyone. It is worse when the defense counsel discloses privileged info to the DOIJ and co-ops their clients into prison! Welcome to the real world of dishonest back stabbing attorneys who are supposed to "defend" their clients!

But that is not all… just look at Joe von Kallist's record: He is known as a state defense counsel who does death penalty cases. He's had only nine federal cases, the minimum number of jury trials to qualify as a CJA attorney. The first two were federal death penalty cases in which von Kallist was one of two attorneys assisting the accused. Rauscher was co-counsel in one and Deke Falls (my former CJA/POS attorney who I fired and sued) was co-counsel in the other trial. All the other defendants plead guilty except for the two jury trials with guilty verdicts (he probably did not prepare for trail as pleading is so much easier and work is such a drag).

Von Kallist has never won an acquittal in federal court. Bledsoe's case is his tenth federal case. So it makes one wonder if he is even qualified to be a CJA attorney or competent to defend Bledsoe. Oh I forgot! He is NOT defending her. His real job is to co-op her into prison, as he is nothing more than a front for the DOIJ and a damn poor one. And while his competency is a whole different question, there is no question about his dishonesty as an attorney. IMHO, von Kallist should be disbarred.

So von Kallist ratted out the LD4 to the DOIJ and they were re-indicted! But he is not the worst rat. That honor goes to Top Rat Rauscher! Nobody has done more to damage the LD4 case than Rauscher. Plus she continues to hold Kevin in a !@#$#@! stinking jail as purely punitive punishment because he refused to cop a plea as the DOIJ expected Rauscher to deliver. And I don't think any better of Rachelle Moseley's CJA attorney Matt Pruden. He is just a young rat in training. Soon to do more of the same.

Think all this is bad? Rauscher, Kevin's defense counsel, is even worse! Much worse!! Overtly, she has steadily co-oped the four defendants into the hands of the DOIJ. Recently Rauscher teamed up with DOIJ Prosecutor Jill Rose to sabotage the LD4 case again. What did Rauscher do?
1. Rauscher agreed with Rose that defense would NOT get the list of the DOJ exhibits until just TWO WEEKS before trial.
2. Rauscher agreed with Rose that defense would NOT get the list of government witnesses until just ONE WEEK before trial.
3. Rauscher agreed with Rose to set January 15th as the deadline for defense pretrial motions, thereby limiting the defense efforts.
Defendants don't lose their case because they don't care. They lose cases because their own defense counsels lie to them so they cop a plea. And when that does not work, the defense counsel gives up valuable defense info so the DOIJ can win. And to make sure the DOIJ has every advantage to win, the defendant's own counsel saddles up with the DOIJ by agreeing to outrageous terms for discovery and unrealistic deadlines for pretrial motions. Oh, and let's not forget about the non-existent defense strategy and shoddy preparation for the defendant's trial. All this and more dirty tricks are what send 97% of all federal arrestees to prison! And that is how the current injustice system works. Cute eh?! Don't you wish you were a federal defendant in such a fair and honest system?

Can I prove my allegation that von Kallist ratted out the LD4? No, it is simply a very strong case of "circumstantial evidence" supported by all the other info that has been confirmed. What is most gratifying is that in spite of all this s*** and because defense is hip to all this s*** the LD4 will win even if you don't contribute to the defense. So if you holding paper or digital Liberty Dollars and have a dog in this fight but have not taken a more active role to support the Liberty Dollar Four to "change the money - change the country" then please send $10 or $20 to Kevin's wife: Julia Gaunt, 16 Norman Austin Dr., Asheville, NC 28804. She is having a very difficult time with Kevin in jail who needs to buy the basics like toilet paper, better food, etc! Thank you for your support.

2. New attorneys appointed to defend LD4
Now the good news! I am pleased to report that Randy Lee, a top private federal criminal attorney in Charlotte has been appointed to aid my chief counsel, Aaron Michel. In addition to this very positive development, David Ganz of New Your City, certainly the most well-known and top national attorney in the field of coins, currency, and the law has been approved as an expert witness for the Liberty Dollar Four! In case you are not familiar with "expert witnesses" they are distinguished from factual witnesses by the fact that they can, and Mr. Ganz will, render an opinion. These are two HUGE developments that lead me to ask the question in Article #3 below.

But first, a Liberty Dollar supporter just contacted me because he lives in Statesville, the same little, country town where the historic Liberty Dollar Four trial will take place. I was surprised and very pleased to add another outstanding witness for the defense. Current witness count, including 20 government witnesses from the FBI, Secret Service, US Mint and US Treasure, now number 84 witnesses!! Got something you can testify to, other than you want your silver back!? Please email your particulars to me and I will reply. LAST CALL FOR WITNESSES. Getting ready for the trial:)! Hope you can stop by.

3. Is the government losing the LD4 case?
With two top attorneys now on the defense team, David Ganz as an expert witness and the fraud charge dropped, the inevitable question is: "Is the government losing the LD4 case?" The answer is YES. Piece by piece and in soo many ways, the government is loosing the LD4 case. Of course, I cannot disclose the inner-workings of the case, but if you simply look at what has happened to my co-defendants, Sarah Bledsoe and Rachelle Moseley, it is very telling. First they were arrested on two felony counts of fraud and conspiracy. Then their POS CJA attorneys, von Kallist and Purden lied to them that the gov "never" reduces felony charges to a misdemeanor (lie) and that they have worked really hard (lie) land in their special case (lie)the gov is willing to reduce the charges to a misdemeanor… IF they just plead guilty and testify against BVNH. They said NO! A few months later the same lying POS attorneys offered Sarah and Rachelle a deferred plea with no record whatsoever if they just plead guilty and testified against BVNH. They asked their attorney what they did not understand about "NO"! And explained in no uncertain terms that they did nothing wrong, they were NOT GUILTY and wanted to get into court ASAP! They demanded a speedy trial and an end to the BS that was killing their lives! Their attorneys were shocked that anybody would not take such a "deal." So in spite, von Kallist ratted out the LD4! Then the fraud charge was dropped.

Is the gov losing the case against a private voluntary barter currency? Hell YES! In fact the gov is losing much more than just the LD4 Case. The LD4 Case is just part of a long tug-a-war that the gov has been fighting and losing for many years!

A short list of reverent government losses include:
1965 - The gov lost control of the silver market when they ran out of the 3 billion ounces of silver after World War II that they sold for $1.29 per ounce. Today, silver is around $27 to $30.
1971 - The gov lost control of the gold market when they stopped redeeming their worthless pieces of fiat crap for gold and the private gold market took control of gold when gold was about $100 per ounce. Today is it is about $1400!!
1975 - The gov lost control when they returned the right of gold ownership to Americans and gave the free gold market a terrific boost.
1998 - The gov lost more control when a new, market driven gold and silver, private voluntary barter currency debuted and offered people an alternative to the US dollar.
2011 - The gov will lose much more control when the LD4 wins. And you can exercise your right of choice to be damned with a depreciating currency or win with a free market currency that will appreciate as the gov piece of crap currency descends into hell.

With all due respect to my good friends at, the United States enjoys the freest gold and silver market, ever. Throughout the history of OUR country the gov has controlled the precious metals market. And while the metal markets are still grossly manipulated by the gov via Goldman, Morgan, HSBC, etc. gold and silver are still the freest and will continue to move towards a totally free market because the metals owners, GATA, you and I demand it. Anything less than a totally free market is "economic slavery" to a gov that lies, cheats and tries to send any dissidents, like the LD4, to jail!

4. CASE NUMBER for the LD4
Just in case you want to look up the Liberty Dollar Four (LD4) case that has been declared "mega" by the gov and branded as "landmark" by the defense team, LD4 case number is 5:09CR27-1. Enjoy!

5. Learning Cannel with Liberty Dollar now on YouTube!
I am very pleased to announce that the 2005 Learning Channel Special that featured the Liberty Dollar is now FINALLY on YouTube!!! Praise the Lord! Please do the Liberty Dollar a HUGE favor and click on the link below for the 8.50 minute clip from the original hour long show. No need to watch the whole clip… but it needs viewer counts! Just clicking on the video… adds to viewer counts! And if time permits, please add a review and that will give it an even better rating. Your support is very important as we race towards winning the trial. Please click HERE. Thanks for viewing the LD clip!!

6. "Inside Job" - the movie
I encourage you to see the movie "Inside Job" a documentary with Matt Damon, William Ackman, Daniel Alpert, Jonathan Alpert, Sigridur Benediktsdottir. Director Charles Ferguson exposes the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, "Inside Job" traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships that have corrupted politics, regulation and academia.

7. Yahoo/Fianacial: Federal Reserve - a private ponzi scheme!!!
"What the Fed's $600 Billion Plan Really Means"
The Federal Reserve Wednesday announced its latest effort to spur economic growth: a plan to purchase up to $600 billion of government bonds through June 2011.

Why is the Federal Reserve buying bonds?

It wants to lower interest rates, in the hopes that doing so will loosen the supply of credit and spur more economic activity. The central bank's main tool for reducing rates is to slash the short-term overnight lending that banks charge to one another, the so-called Federal Funds rate. Bring short-term rates down, and long-term rates tend to follow. In normal times, that's as far as the Fed usually goes. In the past three years, the Fed has reduced the Fed Funds target rate 10 times, from 5.25 percent to between zero and .25 percent. It's been at that extremely low level since the fall of 2008.

Once the Fed Funds rate can't get any lower, what else can the Fed do?

I encourage you see the complete video. This a very revealing expert expose of the government's slight of hand steals more of your purchasing power… your money!!! Now even Yahoo calls the Federal Reserve - a private ponzi scheme!!!

Click HERE for the short video and printed article.

8. The 20 Cities With The Most Underwater Homes
A record percentage of mortages are now underwater!
1. Vero Beach, Fla. -- 43.4%
2. Melbourne, Fla. -- 43.7%
3. Sarasota, Fla. -- 46.3%
4. Tucson, Ariz. -- 46.3%
5. Tampa, Fla. -- 46.8%
6. Riverside, Calif. -- 48.1%
7. Jacksonville, Fla. -- 48.2%
8. Bakersfield, Calif. -- 48.2%
9. Merced, Calif. -- 49.7%
10. Vallejo, Calif. -- 51.3%
11. Fort Myers, Fla. -- 51.6%
12. Port St. Lucie, Fla. -- 52%
13. Lakeland, Fla. -- 53.7%
14. Modesto, Calif -- 53.9%
15. El Centro, Calif -- 55%
16. Stockton, Calif. -- 57.5%
17. Orlando -- 64.2%
18. Reno -- 64.4%
19. Phoenix -- 68.4%
20. Las Vegas -- 80.2%!!

Read more: ... z15oRykjiA

9. "Ben Bernank" Cartoon Video
Gary North Reality Check (Nov. 16, 2010): Ben Bernanke is in trouble. Big trouble. Bigger trouble than any Federal Reserve Chairman has ever been in. Here is a cartoon video that discusses "quantitative easing." It is a riot. This is very, very bad for Bernanke. When the public starts laughing at a senior government bureaucrat, he is in trouble. "Ben Bernank" Cartoon Video:

For more info go to: Gary North Reality Check (Nov. 16, 2010): "Big Trouble for the Ben Bernank" by Gary North:

Closing Remarks:
That's it for another month! And what a month it has been for the LD4. With your support and our outstanding legal team, we will win this case and once again work towards returning our great country to value.

Many thanks for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency that provides us with "just weights and measures" will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value - one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:
Deke Falls (my former CJA/POS attorney who I fired and sued)
Von Nuthouse sued Falls, along with the US Attorney, several AUSAs, the case agents and others. Docket 10-cv-58 (NCWD). Promptly dismissed. The entire opinion after listing the parties:
NotHaus asserts a variety of legal theories to justify the relief requested: (1) that the indictment is deficient because it “fails to identify federal regulations required by law” and “recites United States Code sections without Federal Regulations . . . making the . . . United States Code sections incomplete, incompetent to give notice of material facts to which Plaintiff could respond and . . . void as a matter of law,” (2) that federal prosecutors are not authorized by Congress to bring cases outside the District of Columbia, (3) that the FBI raided the Plaintiff’s business under the authority of a defective indictment because the indictment lacked proper references to the Code of Federal Regulations, (4) that NotHaus is not a “licensed/enfranchised individual” and so is not subject to federal prosecution, (5) that the federal prosecutors proceeded against NotHaus under a faulty indictment and that defense counsel failed to challenge these deficiencies, (6) that because the indictment was faulty, the federal prosecutors–aided by defense counsel–subjected plaintiff to involuntary servitude and denied him the equal protection of the law, (7) that Public Law No. 80- 772, 62 Stat. 683 (1948), which enacted Title 18 of the United States Code, is unconstitutional, and (8) that the federal government does not have the power to force NotHaus to become a “regulated individual,” and in consequence the government cannot prohibit NotHaus from conducting bartering transactions or creating his own currency.

All of these allegations are factually and legally baseless, as explained more fully in the
defendants’ motions to dismiss and memoranda in support.
That last part - doing nothing more than referring to moving papers - is judge-talk for "this shit isn't worth my time". Seems right to me.

I was in a USDC once, waiting for my case to be called. A judge who shall remain nameless was about to rule summarily on something equally stupid when the litigant said, "Wait a second, Judge. Can I say something?" The judge looks at him and utters the best line I've heard in 33 years in courtrooms: "Well, due process requires it, but it does take time."

The guy didn't get it.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by fortinbras »

Von NotHaus calls himself an economist (you'd have to get a police permit to call yourself a gypsy fortuneteller) and supposedly a financial whizbang, and supposedly got rich from Norfed and other enterprises, but he's relying on a Public Defender??

Not to criticize public defenders who, for the most part (there are shameful exceptions) are hardworking and very savvy. But any lawyer who can effectively defend NotHaus's antics might also be able to bring the dead back to life. Aaron Michel, the court-appointed lawyer that von NotHaus is getting all chafed about, has been in practice since 1992 and has not only the law degree but is a CPA; most people would think that von NotHaus was lucky to get such a lawyer - the one in Hawaii he had advising NORFED has a less glittering career.

The Von NotHaus pleadings quoted in the previous message (e.g. about the absence of Federal Regs, etc) is from the court decision in the civil suit launched by von NotHaus in Bernard Von Nothaus v. U.S. Attorney's Office in the Western District of North Carolina (WDNC, 8/31/2010) 2010 WL 3489080. I don't yet know what the Lexis serial number is. The capital V and lowercase H is as the court typed his name. It probably will not be printed in F.Supp.

I am not a trial lawyer but even I can see enormous defects in NotHaus's suit.
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Re: Liberty Dollar Update

Post by . »

Wes wrote:The guy didn't get it.
They never do. They never did. They never will. And a good thing, too.

If they could, we wouldn't be here detailing and observing how they don't, didn't and won't and all of our lives would have a bit less humor in them.

Predetermined outcome notwithstanding, a good story nonetheless. It's not just irony that's lost on idiots.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.