I would pay to see that!

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I would pay to see that!

Post by Gregg »

The LH legal genius Skankbseat has gone totally off the deep end I think. In his latest efforts he works himself up to a pretty good lather even for the crackheads, ending it with this gem...

In order to arrest these people you are going to have to be witness to the rights violations. That means you will have to be either a victim of rights violations or be an observer. In Hendrickson's situation, he and whoever in the trial proceedings is in a position to do this. You need to document the rights violations in easy-to-read format so a peace officer can use this as evidence to perform the arrest. Alternatively, you can use the evidence to make a citizen's arrest. You have the power to walk into Rosen's courtroom and arrest him in his individual capacity. Like i have been saying, a criminal has no incentive to stop his agenda unless he fears going to jail.
emphasis added

I'll pay his cab fare if he wants to try it!
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Gregg »

in another thread..
Now that i finally understand what has been done to me these past two years by certain government officers, i take this rights violation issue VERY seriously, and i am pursuing remedy. I am probably the only one on this forum so far who has gone up the chain of command and put the US Treasury Secretary on notice about my corrected record, starting the process of taking him to court in his individual capacity for rights violation if this subversion of the law does not stop.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 0&start=75

Anyone wanna bet Gietner isn't losing much sleep over this?
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Meanwhile, another LostHoper has posted this:
Pete will not be going to prison.....He will remain a free man. Warriors get you plenty of can goods, water and personal items and stack them up. We have won this race and when this info is exposed, we will be rejoicing. As a matter of fact I am already rejoicing. Don't worry about what the IRS is doing, they will be gone away shortly and all these troubles everyone is having will be gone. I will give you more info later.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by The Operative »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Meanwhile, another LostHoper has posted this:
Pete will not be going to prison.....He will remain a free man. Warriors get you plenty of can goods, water and personal items and stack them up. We have won this race and when this info is exposed, we will be rejoicing. As a matter of fact I am already rejoicing. Don't worry about what the IRS is doing, they will be gone away shortly and all these troubles everyone is having will be gone. I will give you more info later.
Gee, that sounds familiar...
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Joe Dirt »

They're planning on going somewhere??

If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably a wise investment.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Gregg »

No no no, I want to see one solo tax protester and/or Sov'run Cit'zen walk into an open session of Federal Court, walk up to a sitting and presiding US Federal Judge and attempt to handcuff him, read him his rights and lead him from the court in irons. Hell, if they're good the Bailiffs will help, don't ya think?

(i'm 2 hours into Ambien, please indulge me)
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by bmielke »

Gregg wrote:No no no, I want to see one solo tax protester and/or Sov'run Cit'zen walk into an open session of Federal Court, walk up to a sitting and presiding US Federal Judge and attempt to handcuff him, read him his rights and lead him from the court in irons. Hell, if they're good the Bailiffs will help, don't ya think?

(i'm 2 hours into Ambien, please indulge me)
I must admit I would enjoy seeing that,

Of course I am envisioning the aftermath...

"Don't taze me bro...Come on man, it's for the good of the nation...What's that?...AH NOT THE EYES, IT BURNS...AHHHHH NOOOOO!...I said don't taze me bro...AHHHH NOOOOO!" You get the picture.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Lost Hopes, now apparently without a moderator, seems to be descending rapidly into total insanity. About half of the regulars are talking about suing the judge, or their "payers," or the IRS, or somebody-- but they've decided it's time for them to be suing (at the same time they are saying the court system is totally corrupt-- go figure).

Then we have a group that has decided that the best thing to do right now is to chip in and buy a plane ticket for Pete to New York so he can go on Fox News (no explanation of why they think Fox News would put him on the air).

Finally, we have some saying that there's no need to worry, Pete will never serve his sentence, because the Guardians of the Free Republic are going to dissolve the IRS any day now.

The site has always been a good source of unintended comedy, but now it's really going over the top.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Gregg »

Dr. Caligari wrote:Lost Hopes, now apparently without a moderator, seems to be descending rapidly into total insanity. About half of the regulars are talking about suing the judge, or their "payers," or the IRS, or somebody-- but they've decided it's time for them to be suing (at the same time they are saying the court system is totally corrupt-- go figure).

Then we have a group that has decided that the best thing to do right now is to chip in and buy a plane ticket for Pete to New York so he can go on Fox News (no explanation of why they think Fox News would put him on the air).

Finally, we have some saying that there's no need to worry, Pete will never serve his sentence, because the Guardians of the Free Republic are going to dissolve the IRS any day now.

The site has always been a good source of unintended comedy, but now it's really going over the top.

Agreed, I'm almost to the point where I need to quit reading it cause I'm not sure if the drugs are affecting my mind..I have prescriptions for them, honest)
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Demosthenes »

a plane ticket for Pete to New York
I bet that would violate Pete's terms of release.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Omne »

Aw come on, you missed the best line from Mooney:
I am also intending to write Judge Rosen myself. Having seen that shameful son-of-a-bitch in action on Monday, he will receive a scathing letter about his performance very soon.
They're pulling out the big guns now. A scathing letter? Is that better or worse than a stern talking to?
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Funkalicious »

And if the judge doesn't go away, they will taunt him a second time.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by bmielke »

Omne wrote:Aw come on, you missed the best line from Mooney:
I am also intending to write Judge Rosen myself. Having seen that shameful son-of-a-bitch in action on Monday, he will receive a scathing letter about his performance very soon.
They're pulling out the big guns now. A scathing letter? Is that better or worse than a stern talking to?
You can forget a stern talking to, but a scathing letter sits on the desk until you either throw it away or cover it up with other stuff.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by The Operative »

I wonder if Mooney will actually be stupid enough to threaten a federal judge.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Famspear »

The Operative wrote:I wonder if Mooney will actually be stupid enough to threaten a federal judge.

Methinks that plumbing the depths of the Sea of Stupidity in which we find foundering the Followers of the Fabulous Felon, the Prevaricators who prattle with praise for the PontificatingPrisonBoundPeterMeister, the Heroes of the HaughtyHendrickson, would require a plumb line, the length of which is unfathomable.

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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by . »

I certainly wouldn't bet against him receiving a visit from the USMS to assess his potential after the judge receives what the USMS calls an "inappropriate communication."

50-50 on whether he actually is stupid enough to cross the threat line.
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by bmielke »

. wrote:I certainly wouldn't bet against him receiving a visit from the USMS to assess his potential after the judge receives what the USMS calls an "inappropriate communication."

50-50 on whether he actually is stupid enough to cross the threat line.
I wonder if he knows where the line is...
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by LPC »

Omne wrote:Aw come on, you missed the best line from Mooney:
I am also intending to write Judge Rosen myself. Having seen that shameful son-of-a-bitch in action on Monday, he will receive a scathing letter about his performance very soon.
They're pulling out the big guns now. A scathing letter? Is that better or worse than a stern talking to?
Reminds me of a great line from the first (1967) "Casino Royale" movie, in which Woody Allen ("Jimmy Bond"), facing a south American firing squad, declares that "You know that this will mean an angry letter to the New York Times!"
Dan Evans
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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by iplawyer »

So - does this violate Pete's terms of release? Is somebody official watching LH so that stuff doesn't happen?

In a nutshell - yes.

I have twelve seats reserved, another CTC warrior has reserved his own two seats. Hopefully more have done the same and will post here.

John Stossel has an email containing MCP2012's excellent summary from the Topic "Don't be fooled by the sham..." More emails anyone?


Last evening, lots of emails where sent out to fellow CTC warriors in the greater NYC area (driving distance) seeking their attendance/support.

With just 14 warriors - consider this possibility - each holds/displays an 8.5x11 card in their lap. Each card makes up a 14 person banner:


Last but not least, if 14+ warriors wore their CTC white polo shirt with the Don't-Tread-On-Me logo on the pocket...lots of folks would "get the picture" and thus generate curiosity.

The opportunity has been presented and the topic of the show certainly fits Pete's criminal/civil cases - not to mention all the "frivolous" BS being tossed around by our favorite bully.

In closing, Pete has/is making plans to be on the show. Will YOU join us?


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Re: I would pay to see that!

Post by Gregg »

Oh my, now we finally know where the noted legal scholar Skankbeat is getting his brilliant theories from.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:59 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
The first excerpt came from the recent Linsey Springer cases. He took the position that since the form 1040 was legally invalid by not having a valid control number, he could not be penalized for not completing it as specifically protected under the Paperwork Reduction Act. This opened up a giant can of worms as the 1040 has not had a valid control number since the 1980s and many people had been prosecuted for not completing it. His case would establish that all these folks were malicioualy prosecuted by the government. As you can guess, the government was not about to let this become widespread knowledge. So they railroaded this guy like they did to Hendrickson. Before his website was shutdown by the government he made copy of his case documents available to the public. They contain informative case law if you can find them. The specific federal case for this excerpt is Springer v. Horn (2009)
And the second excerpt did not come from a court opinion, but from an appellate legal brief by Bob Schulz, on point nonetheless. I read about him in the news a while back and then got hold of his appeals brief. See below. It has informative case law citations. It was the first case i saw where an individual made first amendment petition for address of grievances.
Finally, this gem is my favorite legal theory in less than 25 words...
I normally do not pay attention to the source case as it is often irrelevant to the case citations within it.
Imagine a society of people who are convinced they know the law better than all the lawyers, judges etc... because they read it on the internet in articles by people in prison.
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