Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Dr. Caligari
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Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Dr. Caligari »

On another thread, Harvester posted as follows:
Harvester wrote:Yes, your side finally got their long-awaited trophy, Pete safely ensconced in prison. [ . . .]

But he won't be there much longer; we're making great strides, quietly . . behind the scenes . . sorry can't reveal more now.
Harvester, you have made so many false predictions (Pete wouln't be convicted, he would never be sentenced, he would never go to jail, Doreen would never file a non-CTC tax return, the State Governors would all resign weeks ago) that I feel comfortable in making you this challenge:

I will pay you $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete is released from prison in the next 60 days (i.e., on or before September 7, 2010), if you will pay me $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete remains in prison through September 7, 2010. A condition of the bet is that we both send our money to a mutually agreed-upon third-party escrow holder.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by LPC »

Dr. Caligari wrote:I will pay you $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete is released from prison in the next 60 days (i.e., on or before September 7, 2010), if you will pay me $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete remains in prison through September 7, 2010. A condition of the bet is that we both send our money to a mutually agreed-upon third-party escrow holder.
I'd like a piece of that action.

Put me in for a hundred also.
Dan Evans
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notorial dissent
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by notorial dissent »

Why bother, I seriously doubt that Harvey can scrape up bus fare, let alone any real money unless the panhandling has been particularly good the last few days.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by . »

Proposed bet wording wrote:I will pay you $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete is released from prison in the next 60 days (i.e., on or before September 7, 2010), if you will pay me $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete remains in prison through September 7, 2010. A condition of the bet is that we both send our money to a mutually agreed-upon third-party escrow holder.
I doubt the resident punching bag is dumb enough to take anyone up on it, but since he's a known weasel-worder, you might want to modify the terms to account for a possible court appearance on the civil contempt, or a non-prison-setting meeting with the feds assist them in pursuing his already ratted-out customers, etc. by changing "prison" to "custody."
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I'll take some of that action. Put me down for a C note.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by bmielke »

Well if this is gang up on Harvey day I'll take ome of that action too.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Cathulhu »

Likewise! I'm good for a c-note.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Harvester »

60 days eh? It's tempting - of course this great American hero deserves to be free, I see no statute that Hendrickson has violated (and of course there's no injured party). He will not serve the full sentence.

Alas, I must decline your wager/s. I am reminded that wagering, like gambling, is a vice and I should not have indulged the few times I did (but of course I'm good for it). Many a family has faced hardship & ruination to what is often an addiction. Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by . »

Punching bag wrote:[PH] will not serve the full sentence.
Weasel words, as I said.

Hendrickson was sentenced to 33 months. IF he behaves himself, he'll get his required-by-law 15% "good time" and serve about 28 months.

Which would be the full sentence under the law. If Hendrickson gets out after 28 or so months, our punching bag will then claim that he didn't "serve the full sentence," (assuming, of course, that he hasn't gone on to his next soon-to-be-imprisoned "guru".)

Here's some food for speculation. PH also got 6 years of supervised release. Any bets on whether he pulls a Simkanin and winds up with more time for violations of the conditions of his release (which will no doubt include the filing of accurate returns, amongst many other things he likely won't comply with) than the original sentence?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Famspear »

. wrote:Hendrickson was sentenced to 33 months. IF he behaves himself, he'll get his required-by-law 15% "good time" and serve about 28 months.

Which would be the full sentence under the law. If Hendrickson gets out after 28 or so months, our punching bag will then claim that he didn't "serve the full sentence," (assuming, of course, that he hasn't gone on to his next soon-to-be-imprisoned "guru".)

Here's some food for speculation. PH also got 6 years of supervised release. Any bets on whether he pulls a Simkanin and winds up with more time for violations of the conditions of his release (which will no doubt include the filing of accurate returns, amongst many other things he likely won't comply with) than the original sentence?
Blowhard Hendrickson's projected release date (per the Federal Bureau of Prisons) is currently November 18, 2012, which corresponds to the 28 months mentioned above.

I think there is a reasonably good chance that Blowhard will pull some sort of Simkanin, which would be fun to watch.

Maybe The Good Lord gave us people like Blowhard Hendrickson, Richard Simkanin, Larken Rose, Irwin Schiff, and Edward Lewis: "I Am A Raving, Delusional Anti-Semite" Brown because The Good Lord wants us to have some Schadenfreude from time to time. There is something satisfying about seeing the bad guy getting nailed -- especially, the incompetent, arrogant, egotistical bad guy.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Thule »

. wrote: Here's some food for speculation. PH also got 6 years of supervised release. Any bets on whether he pulls a Simkanin and winds up with more time for violations of the conditions of his release (which will no doubt include the filing of accurate returns, amongst many other things he likely won't comply with) than the original sentence?
Another speculation. If Petey continues to run LH thru Doreen, will the IRS seek some sort of injuction to shut him down?
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Number Six »

I don't know what the statistics are for federal inmates successfully breaking out of prison or getting free while in transport from one prison to another, but it makes for good melodrama and excitement in the movies, like "The Fugitive" and "The Pink Panther". A two year sentence is not much for ruining the lives of so many people, Lynn Meredith and Schiff are going to be in for a lot longer.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

. wrote:
Proposed bet wording wrote:I will pay you $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete is released from prison in the next 60 days (i.e., on or before September 7, 2010), if you will pay me $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete remains in prison through September 7, 2010. A condition of the bet is that we both send our money to a mutually agreed-upon third-party escrow holder.
I doubt the resident punching bag is dumb enough to take anyone up on it, but since he's a known weasel-worder, you might want to modify the terms to account for a possible court appearance on the civil contempt, or a non-prison-setting meeting with the feds assist them in pursuing his already ratted-out customers, etc. by changing "prison" to "custody."
Since Harvey weaseled out of accepting the bet, like the coward that he is, how about making the stakes non-monetary? If Pete is still incarcerated, under either his original sentence or for civil contempt, on or after September 7, 2010, Harvester agrees to publicly renounce CtC and make no more posts in favor of it or of any similar tax theory. If he has been released as of that date, then anyone who accepts the opposite side of the bet must proclaim belief in and fidelity to the principles set forth in Cracking the Code, and will publicly advocate for those principles.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by ashlynne39 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
. wrote:
Proposed bet wording wrote:I will pay you $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete is released from prison in the next 60 days (i.e., on or before September 7, 2010), if you will pay me $100.00 (in FRNs) if Pete remains in prison through September 7, 2010. A condition of the bet is that we both send our money to a mutually agreed-upon third-party escrow holder.
I doubt the resident punching bag is dumb enough to take anyone up on it, but since he's a known weasel-worder, you might want to modify the terms to account for a possible court appearance on the civil contempt, or a non-prison-setting meeting with the feds assist them in pursuing his already ratted-out customers, etc. by changing "prison" to "custody."
Since Harvey weaseled out of accepting the bet, like the coward that he is, how about making the stakes non-monetary? If Pete is still incarcerated, under either his original sentence or for civil contempt, on or after September 7, 2010, Harvester agrees to publicly renounce CtC and make no more posts in favor of it or of any similar tax theory. If he has been released as of that date, then anyone who accepts the opposite side of the bet must proclaim belief in and fidelity to the principles set forth in Cracking the Code, and will publicly advocate for those principles.

Gee I don't know. Sounds iffy to me. I hear that all 50 governors have been served with a magic paper to swear fealty to the sovereign citizens of la la land and that any day now the prison doors will swing open and all the non-violent offenders are going to be freed from their enslavement. That could happen before September 7 and then what would we do?
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

ashlynne39 wrote:
I doubt the resident punching bag is dumb enough to take anyone up on it, but since he's a known weasel-worder, you might want to modify the terms to account for a possible court appearance on the civil contempt, or a non-prison-setting meeting with the feds assist them in pursuing his already ratted-out customers, etc. by changing "prison" to "custody."
Since Harvey weaseled out of accepting the bet, like the coward that he is, how about making the stakes non-monetary? If Pete is still incarcerated, under either his original sentence or for civil contempt, on or after September 7, 2010, Harvester agrees to publicly renounce CtC and make no more posts in favor of it or of any similar tax theory. If he has been released as of that date, then anyone who accepts the opposite side of the bet must proclaim belief in and fidelity to the principles set forth in Cracking the Code, and will publicly advocate for those principles.[/quote]

Gee I don't know. Sounds iffy to me. I hear that all 50 governors have been served with a magic paper to swear fealty to the sovereign citizens of la la land and that any day now the prison doors will swing open and all the non-violent offenders are going to be freed from their enslavement. That could happen before September 7 and then what would we do?[/quote]

If such a magic paper exists, paying off our bet to Harvester will be the least of our worries. That's "if".
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by The Operative »

ashlynne39 wrote: Gee I don't know. Sounds iffy to me. I hear that all 50 governors have been served with a magic paper to swear fealty to the sovereign citizens of la la land and that any day now the prison doors will swing open and all the non-violent offenders are going to be freed from their enslavement. That could happen before September 7 and then what would we do?
Those demands on the state governors is actually irrelevant to Pete's prison sentence since he is in FEDERAL prison. Besides, don't you know that the federal "corporation" doesn't answer to anyone except the Federal Reserve, IMF, UN, and the illuminati?
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Since Harvey weaseled out of accepting the bet, like the coward that he is, how about making the stakes non-monetary? If Pete is still incarcerated, under either his original sentence or for civil contempt, on or after September 7, 2010, Harvester agrees to publicly renounce CtC and make no more posts in favor of it or of any similar tax theory. If he has been released as of that date, then anyone who accepts the opposite side of the bet must proclaim belief in and fidelity to the principles set forth in Cracking the Code, and will publicly advocate for those principles.
Doesn't seem a fair bet. All quatloosers against Harvey? And there's always a chance of a jailbreak. Phrasing is important....
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by ashlynne39 »

The Operative wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote: Gee I don't know. Sounds iffy to me. I hear that all 50 governors have been served with a magic paper to swear fealty to the sovereign citizens of la la land and that any day now the prison doors will swing open and all the non-violent offenders are going to be freed from their enslavement. That could happen before September 7 and then what would we do?
Those demands on the state governors is actually irrelevant to Pete's prison sentence since he is in FEDERAL prison. Besides, don't you know that the federal "corporation" doesn't answer to anyone except the Federal Reserve, IMF, UN, and the illuminati?
True but I thought that part of the 50 governor thing was that the military was going to march in and overthrow Obama and Tim Turner was going to be the new leader of the land (or was it Sam Kennedy?). Either way, surely they would spring Petey from the pen.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Harvester wrote:Alas, I must decline your wager/s. I am reminded that wagering, like gambling, is a vice and I should not have indulged the few times I did (but of course I'm good for it). Many a family has faced hardship & ruination to what is often an addiction. Thanks for your consideration.
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Re: Dr. Caligari's Challenge to Harvester

Post by Cathulhu »

I put Harv on ignore right after he claimed his wife had a Piled Higher and Deeper--doubtless in manure management. Haven't caught the ignorant bozo selling fruit at the side of the road telling the truth yet.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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