Pete the Closet Johnny Reb?

Cpt Banjo
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Pete the Closet Johnny Reb?

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Over at Lost Horizons, someone has posted a letter from Pete in which he refers to the conflict that took place between 1861 and 1865 as The War of Northern Aggression.

I didn't realize this was part of Pete's outlook -- did he grow up in South Carolina or something?

My father always referred to the Civil War as the War Between the States, having learned the name from his grandmother who had been married to a former Confederate soldier.

[EDIT: Merged this single post into another topic dealing with Pete's letter --Dr Pepper]
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Hendrickson corrects O'Brien

Post by Quixote »

Pete Hendrickson has written an open letter to Tim O'Brien of the Small Government Alliance "correcting" O'Brien's "mis-statements" about the federal income tax and about the reason Pete is doing time.

Pete's letter can be found at

O.Brien's blog column, which is actually about fed/state immigration control powers, is at ... -and-dies/

Pete says his prison sentence proves he's right.
Finally, you make a few comments about my current circumstances and suggest that it is a consequence of my analysis of the law being "rejected" in a courtroom. Nothing could be further from the truth-- indeed, the course of things just underscores how right I am.
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Re: Hendrickson corrects O'Brien

Post by Famspear »

[quote="Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson"]Finally, you make a few comments about my current circumstances and suggest that it is a consequence of my analysis of the law being "rejected" in a courtroom. Nothing could be further from the truth-- indeed, the course of things just underscores how right I am. [/quote]

Yeah, no doubt about it. The fact that Blowhard Hendrickson is in federal prison after having been convicted of using his own Cracking the Code tax scam on his own federal income tax returns -- which most certainly is "the course of things" -- underscores how "right" the Blowhard was -- namely, zero percent right.

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Re: Hendrickson corrects O'Brien

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:[quote="Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson"]Finally, you make a few comments about my current circumstances and suggest that it is a consequence of my analysis of the law being "rejected" in a courtroom. Nothing could be further from the truth-- indeed, the course of things just underscores how right I am.
Yeah, no doubt about it. The fact that Blowhard Hendrickson is in federal prison after having been convicted of using his own Cracking the Code tax scam on his own federal income tax returns -- which most certainly is "the course of things" -- underscores how "right" the Blowhard was -- namely, zero percent right.


Gee... you don't suppose that Petey's analysis of the law was "rejected" -- along with his other attempts to bedazzle, bamboozle and bullsh*t the jury -- because what he wanted was legally impermissible according to either statute or long-settled case law?

I pity his cellmate.
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