Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

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Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Dezcad »

September 16th

Actually all of my letters can be put out even with the
mistakes. Thank you.

All of my messages are monitored and quite a few
don't get sent out for some strange reason or another.

All of my messages that get posted are read by others
that will never respond to them. They are just
witnessing for now and taking notes.

We have many friends Ray and they have been
watching everything and everyone that would do us
and America harm.

The progressives that would be king and their
federal sellouts assume that everyone but them are
stupid. That's what we've always known and
appreciate their arrogance. we believe that they are
the most omnipotent force and have prepared for that
years ago. We just needed to identify them, no matter
where they are.

The courts and the collusion of the D.O.J. are the
heart of the treason of all of the woes of united States
law and problems. The Kinney case is just one of
many tens of thousands of cases that the Progressive,
communist, B.A.R. attornies have made very large
sums of $$$ off of. We have tried to warn the D.O.J.
Judges (courts) and all government attornies that they
must stop their fraud practices but they are such
narcisisstic nihilists that their ego blinds them. "God"
is in the play and God knows who all these criminals
are in every town, city, county, state and nation.
as I said in the last letter,"They will have to stand
before the mast one day soon".

I was sent to the Federal psychiatrist at Fort Devens
and was given a clear bill of health. That being said
then all that I say is truth and backed with fact of

These Zionist, Progressive Communists and
Freemason that have been taken over by the
Zionists at the end of the French revolution and their
creation of Communism in the late
1820s is true. All anyone has to do is get on the
computer and confirm it for them selves.

We have a Zionist Progressive communist in the
White House that was not even born in this country.
My God! We have a communist in the White House
and no one is demanding the military to intervine.
The Entire D.O.J./And Executive branch is controlled
by George Soros and other Zionist Freemasons.
There are no other groups of people in the world
capable of doing what they are doing.

Right now the Exposure of the Judges and
Department of Justice is the priority. The White
House is only conducting a deversion while the
Plutocrats, (Zionist, Freemasons), are jockeying for
position to do the United States and its people great
harm. If there is a great Pandemic or other great crisis
it will have been created and orchastrated by these
government Black ops organization. They have many
of them. Even F.E.M.A. has a very large one. I
confirmed this myself some ten years ago. right from
the horses mouth.

Most of the government agencies have A black bag
Team. Even Homeland Security.

Its all coming to a head now Ray and I pray that
sensible heads will rule and stop these people before
they do any more murder and mayhem like vthey did
on 9-11.

God Bless all.
See you soon.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Dr. Caligari »

To quote Ernest Hemingway, otro loco mas.
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)

Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Nikki »

Edward: family WooWoo wrote:I am SO not paranoid. I have clear proof that everyone has colluded to get me. None of what happened to me has anything to do with what I did. It's all a massive, multi-party conspiracy specifically organized to silence me.
The psychiatrist gave him a clean bill of health? Perhaps the actual report says that Edward: family Narcissus "does not present a clear, present danger to himself or others?"
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Nikki wrote:
Edward: family WooWoo wrote:I am SO not paranoid. I have clear proof that everyone has colluded to get me. None of what happened to me has anything to do with what I did. It's all a massive, multi-party conspiracy specifically organized to silence me.
The psychiatrist gave him a clean bill of health? Perhaps the actual report says that Edward: family Narcissus "does not present a clear, present danger to himself or others?"
I have the same trouble believing that the psychiatrist gave Ed: Moron a clean bill of health as I do believing anything else that he writes (scribbles?). If anything, I think that Eddie-Boy might be becoming more unhinged than ever, now that it's probably settling in that he may indeed never leave prison alive.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by bmielke »

CaptainKickback wrote:Ed who? Ed Brown? Nope, can't say I've ever heard or read much of anything about the man. Convicted tax denier you say? Okay, I'll believe you, but his "movement seems to consist only of him. :twisted: :roll: :thinking:
Ed: Brown is soooo mad at you right now that he would challenge you to a duel if only they hadn't taken away his leather dueling gloves...

Seriously Ed: Family Mo-Ron seems like he's slipping farther down the insanity trail.

Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Nikki »

He's been having serious difficulties with his sovereign zeal ever since the Constitutional Rangers revoked his membership.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:The psychiatrist gave him a clean bill of health? Perhaps the actual report says that Edward: family Narcissus "does not present a clear, present danger to himself or others?"
I very much doubt that Ed has even seen the psychiatrist's report. Why should he? The psychiatrist works for the government, not Ed, and has no reason to give Ed a copy of his report unless required to by law.

And I'm not sure that Ed has any right to the report. For example, one of the more surprising aspects of the HIPAA regulations regarding "protected health information" is that patients do NOT have the right to see psychotherapy notes relating to their own psychotherapy. See 45 CFR §164.524(a)(1)(i).
Dan Evans
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by fortinbras »

"Clean bill of health" is probably a very elastic term in prison environment. The shrink probably said that Ed did not fit the fairly extreme categories of mental illness or defect that would entitle him to a more clinical or therapeutic environment. This is, for most of us, a far cry from a finding of being completely well-adjusted and of good judgment.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Gregg »

If he gave Ed a clean bill of health, then that's the real conspiracy.

The really sad but also true part about this is if the Great Zazzoo answers this letter, that would be the most exciting thing in Ed's life for at least a week in either direction.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by LPC »

fortinbras wrote:"Clean bill of health" is probably a very elastic term in prison environment. The shrink probably said that Ed did not fit the fairly extreme categories of mental illness or defect that would entitle him to a more clinical or therapeutic environment. This is, for most of us, a far cry from a finding of being completely well-adjusted and of good judgment.
Yes, in this context, "clear [sic] bill of health" might translate as "does not need to be on suicide watch."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by notorial dissent »

Or is harmlessly delusional and no threat to anyone but himself and possibly his red crayon, which incidently, I would believe.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Trippy »

Ed Family: Delusional wrote:All of my messages that get posted are read by others that will never respond to them. They are just witnessing for now and taking notes.
This is the clearest evidence yet that ol' Eddie's gone around the bend. He thinks everyone's watching out for him, when it's clear everyone (except his wife and Kazoo) has moved on to the latest guru/tax nut/gun nut/etc. etc.

Guys like Ed may eventually have to go on suicide watch - or, at the least, some very heavy therapy. Their brains cannot handle the fact no one is interested in them anymore and no one cares.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by notorial dissent »

Ed's overblown ego is not going to take well to his being yesterday's cat pan liner, and it is quite a few yesterdays at this point. As Trippy has pointed out, at this point it is only the voices in Ed's head, maybe his "beloved" wife, and Kazoo that is paying him any attention at all. His acolytes have other much more pressing things to worry about now, like staying alive, and even the dumbest of them will eventually figure out, or at least come to blame him for their current and future residence, so Ed is ultimately going to die a very lonely bitter and long forgotten old man.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Gregg »

CaptainKickback wrote:The entire world, except for a few people have forgotten about Ed, Mrs. Ed, the Dogwalker, Reno, and dumb kid. Nobody is paying them any attention, rallying to their defense, fighting on their behalf, or even sending them a few bucks for commissary. :lol:
But I can't help but think that at the very least Danny gets a lot of unwanted attention from a lot of his new friends in the joint. All of them, but Danny more than the others, always seemed to me like they would have trouble getting along with criminals who don't think they're heros for stickin' it to the man.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by . »

Ed: nut-job par excellence wrote:All anyone has to do is get on the computer and confirm it for them selves [sic].
Well, there you go. Ed read it on the interwebs, QED.

It must really suck when the high point of your week is writing yet more drivel for the consumption of Kazoo, the last idiot on the planet who might possibly give a rat's ass about you.

But, Ed's pretty crafty. He turned what was a gravy-train involving absolutely no work on his part and the ability to rant and rave at his Elaine-financed leisure about the evil Joos and whatever else into an effective sentence of life in prison for both he and Elaine, while at the same time also wrecking the lives of his idiot accomplices.

That ain't easy to do. Next, I'm pretty sure he'll find a way to make the BoP take away his shoelaces. Assuming they haven't already.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Gregg »

Next, I'm pretty sure he'll find a way to make the BoP take away his shoelaces. Assuming they haven't already.
I don't know why but I thought they had, actually. Something in one of his or Elaine's screeds abut having to wear slippers seems to be just on the tip of my memory. Could be someone else.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Thule »

. wrote: But, Ed's pretty crafty. He turned what was a gravy-train involving absolutely no work on his part and the ability to rant and rave at his Elaine-financed leisure about the evil Joos and whatever else into an effective sentence of life in prison for both he and Elaine, while at the same time also wrecking the lives of his idiot accomplices.
And I guess he won't have to worry about taxes ever again. That's a victory.
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Re: Ed's latest letter to Kazoo

Post by Thule »

CaptainKickback wrote:The entire world, except for a few people have forgotten about Ed, Mrs. Ed, the Dogwalker, Reno, and dumb kid.
"Few people", I guess that would be us? Of course, there is Joe Haas...
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