Phil Hart (again)

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Phil Hart (again)

Post by LPC »

According to the Associated Press (and, an Idaho legislature ethics panel has unanimously recommended that Phil Hart be removed from his position on the Revenue and Taxation Committee because of conflicts of interest while he continues to fight the IRS and Idaho over tax debts totaling $700,000.

Meanwhile, Hart is running for reelection, and his lawyers says that Hart believes he has *overpaid* his taxes.
Dan Evans
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

.....and his lawyers says that Hart believes he has *overpaid* his taxes.
Yeah, and I *believe* that every woman I meet immediately falls in love with my dashing good looks, is enraptured by my sense of humor, and is fascinated by my every word as I pontificate endlessly about my views on music, art, politics, the General Theory of Relativity, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and of course my Weltanschauung etc., etc.

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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

Famspear wrote:
.....and his lawyers says that Hart believes he has *overpaid* his taxes.
Yeah, and I *believe* that every woman I meet immediately falls in love with my dashing good looks, is enraptured by my sense of humor, and is fascinated by my every word as I pontificate endlessly about my views on music, art, politics, the General Theory of Relativity, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and of course my Weltanschauung etc., etc.


You work too hard at it. I just say "Forty-Two" and women fall at my feet!
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by webhick »

Gregg wrote:
Famspear wrote:
.....and his lawyers says that Hart believes he has *overpaid* his taxes.
Yeah, and I *believe* that every woman I meet immediately falls in love with my dashing good looks, is enraptured by my sense of humor, and is fascinated by my every word as I pontificate endlessly about my views on music, art, politics, the General Theory of Relativity, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and of course my Weltanschauung etc., etc.


You work too hard at it. I just say "Forty-Two" and women fall at my feet!
It's only because you're obviously trying to be coy about what Forty-two actually means. Sure, we know that it's the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, but we prefer to think that when you say it, you're actually describing a personal physical attribute and we're supposed to guess the unit of measurement. We all tend to come to the same conclusion: millimeters. This makes us burst into such crippling laughter that we are no longer able to breathe and ultimately end up passed out on the floor.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by webhick »

CaptainKickback wrote:Webhick! You of all people should know that the secret to life, the universe and everything is 42. :shock:
Holy crap. It's happening here too. Can someone explain to me why, whenever I say something one of the people I was talking to repeats one of the things I said back to me and acts like it was something I should have thought to say? It wasn't funny six months ago and it's so far from funny now I'm ready to start stabbing people with an ice scream scoop. Don't think I won't.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

webhick wrote:
It's only because you're obviously trying to be coy about what Forty-two actually means. Sure, we know that it's the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, but we prefer to think that when you say it, you're actually describing a personal physical attribute and we're supposed to guess the unit of measurement. We all tend to come to the same conclusion: millimeters. This makes us burst into such crippling laughter that we are no longer able to breathe and ultimately end up passed out on the floor.
OMG, you're onto me!

And I clearly saw that you "got" the Douglas Adams reference, so you can take some solace in the fact that not everyone skims your posts, but the guy who you know doesn't is, well, me.

Nice picture, Capt.! Relative of yours? :wink:
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

Excerpts from an editorial on September 24, 2010, by the Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Washington:
In voting unanimously to recommend the removal of Rep. Phil Hart, R-Athol, from the House Tax Committee, the special House ethics panel showed that it gets it. In refusing to depart voluntarily, Hart showed that he does not.

[ . . . ]

Hart says he’s being persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service, but he is battling the state, too. The ethics panel says that’s his business, but that he should not have used his position in government to invoke a constitutional privilege to gain delays from criminal or civil sanctions.

[ . . . ]

Questions about his judgment were first raised in 2005, when it was reported that he owed $90,000 in back income taxes, penalties and interest and that property taxes hadn’t been paid in two years.

[ . . . ]

Now his obsession has yielded enormously high tax bills, and he sees nothing wrong with using his position as an elected representative to drag out this absurd melodrama.

People pay taxes in this nation. It is the law of the land. Until those laws are changed, they must continue to pay taxes in a timely fashion or face the consequences. It’s quite troubling to have an elected representative who thinks that a different set of rules ought to apply to him.

[ . . . ]

Hart owes nearly $700,000 in back federal and state taxes, penalties and interest, according to public records. Where does he think the money to pay him for public service comes from?

[ . . . ]

If he survives this election, legislative leadership will still have to decide whether to drop him from the House Tax Committee. They should. He is an embarrassment to the Legislature. ... and-state/
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Gregg wrote:I just say "Forty-Two" and women fall at my feet!
Maybe they just like to play dominoes.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Nikki »

If he wants to stay in (or attain) office while dealing with tax problems, he's got to drop this state-level stuff anf go federal.

Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by lorne »

interesting article Famspear, reads like it could've been written by a quatscammer. Nice to have a complicit media machine, isn't it?

".. trying to prove that the amendment to the Constitution that brought about a national income tax was itself unconstitutional.
That argument won't get him anywhere. Suggested reading: Cracking the Code.

"People pay taxes in this nation. It is the law of the land."
Well yes, except when it isn't the law of the land, and it's just the law of the 10-square mile district. As Harvester, Merrill, Zuniga and millions of other non-filers can attest - not everyone's afraid of the bankers' IRS. Of course the government needs tax revenue; we should all pay what's lawful. All we ask for is an honest, straightforward, lawful tax system; not a scam.

Hart is a great American and his instant classic Constitutional Income: Do You Have Any? no doubt placed a target on his back. As Nikki informs us: The DOJ/IRS has limited resources and goes after the big fish, the promoters/authors etc. Here we witness the retaliatory nature of the beast. It's power should never be underestimated. Fortunately, it had a weakness. And the story of its takedown will be a whopper. Book should be out around Christmas - look for it on Amazon.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Gregg »

Lorne is a liar.

As has been pointed out many times, his first few posts here claimed he was a tax preparer who had a client that he wanted to talk out of "this crazy theory" and wanted to know what to say to an idiot. Within just a few weeks, he was full bore batshit crazy lemming of Federal Inmate Number 15406-039.

To believe he is not only a liar, but a pretty pathetic one, you have to accept that after whatever career training he had to to become a tax professional and whatever sacrifices he made to become a CPA or whatever he was, he gave up. He implied that this was just one of his many clients, so to believe him you have to believe he just tossed all his other normal and profitable clients to the 4 winds.
To believe Lorne, you have to believe that while he no longer pays income tax, he also no longer has an income, having given up his livelihood for Federal Inmate Number 15406-039, and is now preparing his business plan to sell produce at roadside. Finally, you have to believe that Lorne was just a few months ago at least able to appear rational to successful people who needed tax advice, book keeping, accounting. Rational enough for them to entrust him with their successful businesses.

So, the only logical conclusion is Lorne is a liar. A pretty pathetic liar at that.

(And I happen to think he's just another voice in Harvester's head, cause he's so pathetic he'd invent someone as pathetic as Lorne to be his lone supporter. But that's just my opinion)
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by LPC »

The Idaho-based Spokesman Review reports that the IRS has placed two new notices of federal liens totaling almost $300,000 against Phil Hart, apparently for two new (and different) tax years, bringing his total of taxes, interest, and penalties owed to nearly $1,000,000.
Dan Evans
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

lorne wrote:interesting article Famspear, reads like it could've been written by a quatscammer. Nice to have a complicit media machine, isn't it?
Ah, yes, everyone's "in" on the supposed "conspiracy."
".. trying to prove that the amendment to the Constitution that brought about a national income tax was itself unconstitutional.
That argument won't get him anywhere. Suggested reading: Cracking the Code.
That argument won't get him anywhere, but I wouldn't suggest reading Hendrickson's Cracking the Code. Yes, Hendrickson cleverly includes some correct information about the tax laws, as a way of solidifying his "credibility" with people like Lorne. But the place to go for information on the validity of the Sixteenth Amendment is not Hendrickson -- it's the court decisions on the subject.
"People pay taxes in this nation. It is the law of the land."
Well yes, except when it isn't the law of the land, and it's just the law of the 10-square mile district. As Harvester, Merrill, Zuniga and millions of other non-filers can attest - not everyone's afraid of the bankers' IRS.
Yakety yak! Ah yes, the old argument that the law applies only in the District of Columbia (which, by the way, started out as a ten square mile area, but is not that large today). What a doofus argument, Lorne. Come on, come up with something new.
Of course the government needs tax revenue; we should all pay what's lawful. All we ask for is an honest, straightforward, lawful tax system; not a scam.
No, what you Lorne want is a scam. You love scams. You are a scam.
Hart is a great American and his instant classic Constitutional Income: Do You Have Any? no doubt placed a target on his back.
Hart's "book" is a classic piece of nonsense.
Fortunately, it had a weakness. And the story of its takedown will be a whopper. Book should be out around Christmas - look for it on Amazon.
What book? Let's hear it, Lorne. We want the author's name and the title. We just can't wait. What "book" is coming out that's going to "take down" the federal income tax system? Come on, Lorne, give us the good news.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by lorne »

wait a minute mister Famspear, how would you know "Hendrickson cleverly includes some correct information about the tax laws, as a way of solidifying his "credibility" if you've never read his book?

No, the book that's coming out (around Christmas) will not "take down" the IRS, it's a chronicle of the AMERICAN RESTORATION which includes that wonderful little IRS tidbit. The restoration is happening right now, as we speak, the fiat system is collapsing. The clues are all around you. From White house rats jumping ship, the halting of foreclosures, people waking up, on and on. Can you not see it or are you in denial?
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by LPC »

Lorne reminds me of the Texas expression about "all hat and no cattle."

Lorne's got plenty of attitude, but no law or facts.
Dan Evans
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by The Operative »

lorne wrote: the fiat system is collapsing.

I have been hearing about the supposed collapse of the fiat money system as far back as 1977. It wasn't true then and it isn't true now.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by The Observer »

LPC wrote:Lorne reminds me of the Texas expression about "all hat and no cattle."

Lorne's got plenty of attitude, but no law or facts.
Actually Lorne also has plenty of what cattle leave behind.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Famspear »

lorne wrote:wait a minute mister Famspear, how would you know "Hendrickson cleverly includes some correct information about the tax laws, as a way of solidifying his "credibility" if you've never read his book?
Pay attention.

First, Hendrickson has posted part of his book on his web site. So, I and many others here have read parts of his book. I haven't read the entire book -- and I don't need to do so in order to know what the courts have ruled about his legal "theories."

Second, Hendrickson has also posted many comments on his web site that may or may not be included in his book. I have read many of those comments.

In short, I have read some things that Hendrickson has written that are actually correct. A stopped clock is correct twice a day.

If this is too hard for you to follow, just say so, Lorne.
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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by Harvester »

HA! that's more like it Quatlosers. C'mon now, let's step it up here. We've got the upper hand, but you do you want us "wackadoosters" to get our Republic back? Well alrighty then - take the gloves off.

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Re: Phil Hart (again)

Post by LPC »

The Observer wrote:Actually Lorne also has plenty of what cattle leave behind.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.