Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

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Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Famspear »

As of this evening, Friday, September 24, the Federal Bureau of Prisons lists Wesley Trent Snipes as being "in transit."

Inmate # 43355-018.

http://www.bop.gov/iloc2/InmateFinderSe ... &x=60&y=11
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Famspear »

From the Federal District Court Order in the Snipes case on August 23, 2010:
The Defendant has filed an “Emergency Motion to Stay Self Surrender” (Doc. 536). It appears from the motion that the Defendant has been instructed by the Marshal to surrender himself to commence service of the commitment portion of his sentence on September 2, 2010. The Defendant is presently at liberty on bail pending appeal, and although the Court of Appeals has issued an opinion affirming his conviction and sentence, no mandate has issued. Additionally, there are various pending motions (as well as a contemplated motion yet to be filed) as to which a decision should be made before the judgment is executed. Finally, the Defendant’s motion recites that counsel for the United States of America consents to the requested relief.

Accordingly, the Defendant’s “Emergency Motion to Stay Self Surrender” (Doc. 536) is GRANTED. The execution of the commitment component of the Defendant’s sentence is hereby deferred pending further order of the Court.....
---from Order, Aug. 23, 2010, entry 537, in United States v. Wesley Trent Snipes, case no. 5:06-cr-22-Oc-10GRJ, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida.

I see no subsequent order on the docket on this matter, so it's unclear (at least to me) whether Snipes is actually in custody or not. The Bureau of Prisons notation "in transit" would seem to imply that he is in custody, but I'm not sure.

EDIT: The Bureau of Prisons web site states that the term "IN TRANSIT" means that:
...the inmate has been moved from a BOP facility, and may or may not be returned. For example, a pretrial inmate may have been removed by the U.S. Marshals Service and subsequently released by the court with no further notice to the BOP.

That's not much help.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by grixit »

And now for another episode of "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!"
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

He was in NY earlier this month.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Demosthenes »


Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by dee_are »

He's "IN TRANSIT" as of a couple of days ago:

http://www.bop.gov/iloc2/InmateFinderSe ... &x=60&y=11
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Demosthenes »

11/19/2010 563 ORDER granting 526 Motion to revoke bail as to Wesley Trent Snipes (1); denying 527 motion to interview jurors as to Wesley Trent Snipes (1); denying 529 Motion for bond as to Wesley Trent Snipes (1); denying second 530 motion to interview jurors as to Wesley Trent Snipes (1); denying 541 Amended Motion for new trial as to Wesley Trent Snipes (1). Signed by Senior Judge Wm. Terrell Hodges on 11/19/2010. (LRH) (Entered: 11/19/2010)

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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Famspear »

From the Orlando Sentinel, Friday Nov. 19, 2010 (excerpts):
OCALA – A federal judge today rejected movie star Wesley Snipes' demand for a new trial and ordered the actor to surrender to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to begin serving a 36-month prison sentence for tax-related crimes.

In a 17-page order, U.S. District Court Judge William Terrell Hodges said, "The Defendant Snipes had a fair trial; he has had a full, fair and thorough review of his conviction and sentence by the Court of Appeals; and he has had a full, fair and thorough review of his present claims, during all of which he has remained at liberty. The time has come for the judgment to be enforced."

Snipes, 48, an Orlando-born star of "Jungle Fever," "White Men Can't Jump," and the Fugitive sequel "U.S. Marshals," was convicted in 2008 of three misdemeanor counts of willfully failing to file federal tax returns.

[ . . . .]

The judge's order requires Snipes to "surrender himself" upon receipt of notice from the U.S. Marshal Service or from the federal Bureau of Prisons. It is unclear in the order where and when he must turn himself in.

[. . . . ]

Snipes' defense team provided Hodges with an unsolicited email from a juror whose identity was redacted from public documents and who suggested that other members of the panel were not fair to the actor.

The email read: "I served on the jury in Ocala that found him guilty on 3 counts of failing to file taxes. It was a deal that had to be made because of certain jurors that had already presumed he was guilty before the trail (sic) started and we only found this out in the last few days of deliberation. We thought we were making the right deal because we did not think he would go to jail for not filing taxes. There were 3 on the jury that felt this way and told us he was guilty before they even heard the first piece of evidence going against what the judge had said."

Jurors take an oath, pledging to obey the principal [sic] that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

In his ruling, Hodges noted the email "presents, to be sure, a troubling set of circumstances," which would be contrary to the jury's oath and his repeated instructions before and during the two-week length of the trial.

U.S. law also prohibits courts from prying into jury deliberations without evidence of outside influence......
http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/loc ... 0860.story

(excerpted under the Fair Use Doctrine)
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Burzmali »

Famspear wrote:(excerpted under the Fair Use Doctrine)
As of, lol :roll:
Jozef Bleaux

Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Jozef Bleaux »

Famspear wrote:From the Federal District Court Order in the Snipes case on August 23, 2010:
The Defendant has filed an “Emergency Motion to Stay Self Surrender” (Doc. 536). It appears from the motion that the Defendant has been instructed by the Marshal to surrender himself to commence service of the commitment portion of his sentence on September 2, 2010. The Defendant is presently at liberty on bail pending appeal, and although the Court of Appeals has issued an opinion affirming his conviction and sentence, no mandate has issued. Additionally, there are various pending motions (as well as a contemplated motion yet to be filed) as to which a decision should be made before the judgment is executed. Finally, the Defendant’s motion recites that counsel for the United States of America consents to the requested relief.

Accordingly, the Defendant’s “Emergency Motion to Stay Self Surrender” (Doc. 536) is GRANTED. The execution of the commitment component of the Defendant’s sentence is hereby deferred pending further order of the Court.....
---from Order, Aug. 23, 2010, entry 537, in United States v. Wesley Trent Snipes, case no. 5:06-cr-22-Oc-10GRJ, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida.

I see no subsequent order on the docket on this matter, so it's unclear (at least to me) whether Snipes is actually in custody or not. The Bureau of Prisons notation "in transit" would seem to imply that he is in custody, but I'm not sure.

EDIT: The Bureau of Prisons web site states that the term "IN TRANSIT" means that:
...the inmate has been moved from a BOP facility, and may or may not be returned. For example, a pretrial inmate may have been removed by the U.S. Marshals Service and subsequently released by the court with no further notice to the BOP.

That's not much help.
He's waiting for a date to surrender. He's also waiting dsetermination as to where and what type of institution-and it isn't going to be "camp", either.

My money says a USP for high security, and some place not close to home. Fort Dix, Terre Haute, Marion, Leavenworth-the farther from FL the better.

Enjoy your stay Wesley-and don't forget that "cooperate with the IRS" business when you get out, SUCKA! :mrgreen:
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by wserra »

Jozef Bleaux wrote:He's waiting for a date to surrender. He's also waiting dsetermination as to where and what type of institution-and it isn't going to be "camp", either.

My money says a USP for high security, and some place not close to home. Fort Dix, Terre Haute, Marion, Leavenworth-the farther from FL the better.
I'd be surprised. My money says that he starts at a low-medium FCI, and winds up in a camp.
Enjoy your stay Wesley-and don't forget that "cooperate with the IRS" business when you get out, SUCKA! :mrgreen:
Y'know, I take no joy in Snipes spending three years locked up. He wasn't a promoter, who would deserve that and more. He's some schmoe who got greedy. I think there may be something to the idea that DOJ wanted to make an example of a high-profile cheat. Don't get me wrong - Snipes broke the law, has no complaint over being punished for it, and in fact got a real break when the jury acquitted him of evasion. But, in his case, it's still a waste of someone with talent. There should be a better way.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by . »

But, of course, he should also have been convicted of evasion and conspiracy. $30 million not being chopped liver, it makes perfect sense that he was targeted as one of the higher-dollar scammers of the last few years. He's damned lucky he's only going to serve 85% of 3 years.

Had he been acquitted on all counts, the dissonance and internal conflict on the part of the 14th Amendment morons would have been funny to watch, but the internet triumphalism of TP morons in general would have made the decibels generated by a jet engine seem like nothing, even though his idiot guru/promoters were convicted.

Until something short of absolutely crushing these morons makes any impression on them, and I won't hold my breath for that, it's rather unlikely that a better way will be found, even if such a thing exists. I have my doubts about that possibility, human nature being what it is.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by LPC »

Jozef Bleaux wrote:My money says a USP for high security, and some place not close to home. Fort Dix, Terre Haute, Marion, Leavenworth-the farther from FL the better.
You may be confusing Snipes with the characters he has played in movies.

For example, he's not really a vampire.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Famspear »

At the request of Peter E. ("Jailbird Blowhard") Hendrickson, Doreen Hendrickson has begun a thread at losthorizons.com on Wesley Snipes. She writes:
Peter saw a reference to the Snipes case, and asked me to start a thread with this discussion of that case he wrote back when Snipes' trial had just concluded. He says that it is typical for non-fully-educated folks [Blowhard code language for "folks who don't use Blowhard Hendrickson's tax scam"] to imagine that whatever Snipes did is the same as what someone with actual understanding [Blowhard code language for.....well..... a delusional belief that Blowhard Hendrickson's tax scam actually works......] of the tax does, and to thus find events like the Snipes prosecution discouraging, at least. He asks that everyone read through what follows and be sure that it gets out into the newsgroups and forums asap, so as to forestall any such mistaken impressions from taking in the community now that the Snipes affair is back in the news.


Ah, yes, we wouldn't want anyone to get the false impression that Snipes is going to prison for using Blowhard Hendrickson's tax scam. Snipes used the "861" scam. We need to remember that Blowhard Hendrickson is the one in prison for using his own scam.......

Doreen then re-prints Blowhard Hendrickson's comments:
"Update: Wesley Snipes-- The Latest Victim Of "Non-Filing"

Late last week (February 1, 2008) actor Wesley Snipes and his co-defendants heard from the jury in his highly-publicized trial on various "tax crimes". Snipes was found guilty on three counts of "failure to file". He was acquitted on another three counts of that offense, and also on charges of conspiracy and fraud. Co-defendants Eddie Kahn and Douglas Rosile were convicted of conspiracy and fraud.

Those felony conspiracy and fraud charges involved Snipes' effort to claim a refund of amounts previously treated as payments of tax during 1997 on his original return for that year by the filing of an amended return. Lacking an accurate understanding of what they were dealing with [code language for "lacking an understanding of, and agreement with, the Blowhard Hendrickson 'non-method' tax scam method"], the return (and thus, the claim) Snipes filed with the advice of his codefendants was inadvertently (and pointlessly) rendered invalid by the addition of a "no" to the jurat (so that it read "under no penalties of perjury"). Further, the rationale under which the claim was made was the "861" misunderstanding, and, as is typical of filings made under that misunderstanding, several pages of "861"-related material were attached to the return but nothing rebutting any information returns concerning Snipes' receipts for the year were included.....

Nonetheless, Snipes succeeded in convincing the jurors that insofar as the felony charges were concerned, his behavior lacked willfulness-- that is, the deliberate violation of a known legal duty. This was based on his defense argument that he was simply an unwitting victim of his codefendant's influence and manipulations. Judging by what was presented at trial about his voluminous mailings to the IRS and other behavior over the years, this is more than highly unlikely, but Snipes' star-power appears to have served him well with the jury.

Snipes got the benefit of a vaguely more credible doubt regarding three of the failure-to-file charges as well, claiming that he believed that he couldn't be required to file returns that he (inexplicably) imagined would constitute evidence against himself once he became aware that he was under investigation (even though the investigation was for behavior in previous years...). Star-power doubtless helped him successfully skate on that thin ice, as well. No such rationale was available for the years 1999, 2000 and 2001, though, and so the "There Is No Law" and "861" nonsense-- the continued noisy advocacy of which prevented Snipes from learning the actual truth about the law [meaning, the advocacy which supposedly prevented Snipes from learning the "Blowhard Hendrickson scam"] at any time over the last four-and-a-half years-- have claimed another victim.

Nor is the system done with Snipes, by the way, even without regard to what kind of time he will serve and fine he will pay. Like others distracted from the truth about the tax [meaning, of course, distracted from the Blowhard Truth, which is of course the supposed "truth" that Blowhard Hendrickson used to put himself back into federal prison] and misled into "non-filing" despite allegations of the receipt of "income" (including even those entirely acquitted of any criminal culpability for this choice, such as Tom Cryer and Vernie Kuglin) Snipes can now count on a civil trial to collect a whole lot of money from him (if he doesn't just make himself liable by creating a bunch of tax returns in continuing ignorance and hand over the money, as his equally ignorant attorneys have declared he will). It's a pity. Even at this late date, Snipes could still spare himself a good deal of financial and moral abuse if he would just learn the truth.".
Yes, if Snipes would just learn the Blowhard Truth! Instead of going to prison for following the 861 method, Snipes could be going to prison for using the Blowhard Truth!
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Cathulhu »

My scam's better than your scam,
my scam's better than yours!
My scam's better because I'm in prison--whoops.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Cathulhu »

This showed up on facebook, where idiots expressed sympathy. Way too long and whiny.

A Letter From Nikki Snipes--Wesley's Wife

Dear Beloved Friends and Families,

Thank you for giving love and support through all these years as our family has been going through this heinous battle. With much support and love from you all, we are gathering ourselves from the shocking decision in the most recent hearing on my husband’s misdemeanor case. My warrior husband is still standing strong, willing to give his all to defend his liberty, something that had never crossed our minds that he would have to fight to keep.

At the moment, he is at home with us and has filed a motion for an extension of his bail in order to move forward on going to the Supreme Court to seek the justice that has not been served.

It’s been 4 years since the indictment literally dropped down on Wesley out of blue when he was filming in Africa and I have been patiently waiting for the truth to unveil and prevail itself, doing whatever necessary for his vindication. Now the misrepresentation and speculations have gone too far as the government moved forward with outrageous, selective prosecution on my husband's misdemeanor conviction.

I now feel that it is necessary to write this letter for the sake of our five wonderful children’s future in this country and most of all, for the sake of my man’s integrity and dignity that has been attacked and destroyed not only by the government but also by the media who’s been spinning and twisting the whole story and misinforming the public.

I feel like going around and telling every one of you face to face the truth you never got to hear through the media who has been erroneously reporting all of these shocking series of events to look like a lame tax evasion story from the very beginning.

So please spare me a moment to inform you with the facts and the truth of how it all went down…

More than a decade ago, Wesley was using an accounting service from Kenneth Starr, the founder of Starr & Company. In 1999, he discovered that Starr had forged his signature on a document and his monies had been stolen. He requested that the Manhattan DA in NYC investigate and warned his fellow actor Sylvester Stallone who was Starr’s client at the time as well.

In 2000, after parting ways with Starr, Wesley sought for more honest representation and got introduced to Eddie Khan and his accounting firm that represented more than 4000 clients, including lawyers, doctors, business owners and IRS EMPLOYEES and he was offered to try the service for awhile. But soon after, he also parted ways with Eddie and sought other financial advisors. However, in 2006, the government decided to indict Eddie Khan (the founder of the Florida accounting firm) but picked Wesley out of Eddie’s 4000 clients and made him share the same charges they had put on Eddie as a co-conspirator. Wesley was not even his client at the time but had a history of Eddie filing papers for him just like the other 4000 clients he had filed the papers for.

In 2008, Wesley received a trial followed by the indictment, not in the state of his residency but in Ocala, Florida, a place he had never even been before. Moreover, the given jury pool of 120 people for the trial consisted of mostly non-college graduate, white people except for two (2) African-Americans whom the government rescheduled to come back but conveniently gave them the wrong return date. Therefore, the 12 jurors selected out of that pool were all-white and none of them had a similar background or similar experiences as my husband, unlike what is required by the law. Thus, his attorney filed a motion on this specific issue, but the judge denied it and began the trial in Ocala just as they had planned out. When this incident got out to the press, they made sure that my husband was PLAYING the “race card.”

During the trial, the government announced that Kenneth Starr was to be their key witness and Wesley’s team raised the issue that Starr’s credibility was in serious question due to not only the fact that he had defrauded Wesley (the very reason why he had to seek for other accountants) but also Starr’s previous involvement in Anthony Pelicano’s illegal wiretapping case back in February 2006. At Pelicano’s trial, the government presented audiotape evidence and witness testimony that Kenneth Starr had hired Pelicano to wiretap Stallone after he got sued by Stallone for misappropriation of his funds. HOWEVER, when Wesley’s team raised this issue at the trial due to the fact that it was Wesley who first discovered Starr’s fraudulent activities and requested an investigation disapproving Starr’s credibility, the government LIED and said that Pelicano illegally wiretapped Stallone on his own and HID the fact that Starr had been investigated as co-conspirator. We got to find this out only after Starr finally got arrested for his overbearing crimes after the trial. Starr, as a key witness who has been bitter since Wesley’s discovery of his crimes, sufficiently prevented Wesley from receiving a fair trial.

Through it all, Wesley was found NOT GUILTY on every offensive charge but guilty of three (3) MISDEMEANORS of willful failure to file tax returns during the period of three years when he was going through chaotic financial situations, seeking for the right trustworthy advisor. However, as Judge Hodges decided to make him an example (as he literally said it out loud at the trial), he sentenced Wesley to THREE (3) YEARS of IMPRISONMENT for the misdemeanor conviction, instead of sentencing him to probation or public service for such misdemeanor charges as in many other similar cases.

We realized so clearly at that point that the government was determined to destroy his life, his family, his integrity, his career, and everything he had built and earned in his life. There was no question for us that he should fight to not only defend his liberty but also to vindicate himself.

As he kept his faith and continued seeking for justice, the truth started to prevail.

In May 2010, Kenneth Starr was indicted for a Ponzi scheme in which he stole at least $20 million of his clients’ money, the very thing that Wesley had claimed earlier. Starr’s arrest on such charges ended up exposing his poor credibility just as Wesley’s team had claimed during the trial.

Followed by Starr’s arrest, in July 2010, the 11th Circuit Court rushed an opinion affirming the verdict against Wesley, then the media immediately spread the news even before our attorney found out. We were totally shocked and disappointed again.

However, shortly after the media spread the news, one juror from the trial sent an unsolicited email to Wesley's attorney offering help.

According to the email:There were three (3) jurors in the jury that had presumed Wesley to be guilty even before the trial started without seeing any documents, They had to compromise with those three jurors and ended up finding him guilty of three misdemeanors as result of it,They did not think the judge would give him any jail time for the misdemeanor convictions.

Followed by this email, another juror sent an unsolicited email confirming that most of the jurors believed Wesley would not receive any jail time for the verdict.

Subsequently, my husband’s legal team filed a motion to interview the jurors after receiving the two (2) emails as well as a motion for a new trial based on jury misconduct on the grounds of the three (3) jurors’ apparent perjury with their preconceived notions of the defendant’s guilt.

In October 2010, Starr pled GUILTY to most of the charges.

On November 15, Wesley’s team asked for a new trial at the hearing based on the alleged perjury of the three (3) jurors and perjured testimony of Starr, as well as the prosecutorial misconduct of the government who withheld information about Starr’s previous criminal conduct before Snipes’ trial.However, last week, on November 19, 2010, Judge Hodges issued an order REFUSING to interview any of the jurors, DENYING my husband a new trial and REVOKING his bail as requested by the government. He had simply denied every single one of our requests and with that he denied Wesley’s constitutional rights.

On top of the government’s effort to take my man’s liberty, the media has been assisting by adding more fuel to the already overwhelming fire. Ever since the jury rendered its verdict on February 1, 2008, the media has repeatedly MISREPRESENTED Wesley as having been convicted of tax evasion. He was NEVER charged with or convicted of tax evasion. He was convicted on three (3) misdemeanor charges of failing to file his tax returns in 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively while dealing with the Kenneth Starr’s issue which has caused him a great deal of damage in his finances and wellas his ability to trust.

At this point, it is more than obvious that the government has been abusing their power to use my husband’s fame and popularity in order to make him an example in a crime he NEVER committed. It is clear that excessive and extreme penalty has been given to him for demonstration purposes. Moreover, the media has been playing a HUGE part in the government’s propaganda to make his case appear as a tax fraud crime scheme.

It is excruciating... to the degree that it is surreal to be wronged in a way that I thought only existed in the movies. And frankly, this is even worse than a movie because the public has heard only one side of the story, which is the side that is far from the truth.

All we had simply asked and have been asking for was to receive a new and fair trial from the very beginning of this unfortunate incident. Surprisingly, my husband’s constitutional right have not been granted but rather violated throughout the whole process. Yet I keep my faith in the belief that there is justice for us to be found somewhere in this country.

Wesley has always been an honorable man, wonderful husband, loving father, and most of all, a man of integrity for as long as I have known him and shared my life with him over a decade. He is NOT a tax–evading criminal who needs to be put away and imprisoned for three years but an artist who simply needs an honest accountant who does not deceive. No words can describe the kind of respect that has grown in my heart for him over the years and is still growing right at this minute, watching and learning about him most up-close and personal. He has never rested but has been putting all of his best efforts and passion towards what he does the best: acting and producing films.

Just as he had confessed at the trial, my husband really is an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist who was unschooled and miseducated in the field of finance as I can and would bear witness to and as many of you who really know him would agree as well.

So please continue to pray with and for us until justice is served in his case.

Again, I appreciate your love and support. It is important for us that you have an accurate account of the TRUTHFUL information on what happened and continues to happen to your dear friend and brother Wesley regardless of what has been said and played out in the media, as his integrity and dignity remains with those who care and love him.

Please feel free to share the truth if you happen to come across misinformed people who want to crucify the brother for failing to file the papers just as many citizens in this country fail to file at times for various reasons.

Thank you for taking your time to read my long letter. From the bottom of my heart, I wish all of you and your loved ones a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving weekend.

Lastly, writing this letter was truly healing for my soul and emotions. I thank each one of you for the healing.

May God bless you.

Sincerely with Peace & Love,

Nikki Snipes
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by JamesVincent »

So is he a wanna-be sovrun'? Or is he just an idiot. I seem to recall a lot about Kenneth Starr from before or around the time period Mrs. Snipes said they were dealing with him, allegations of embezzlement and outright fraud.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Cathulhu »

Try googling under "Royal Order of Amen-Ra" or "Wesley Snipes private army". Definitely wanna-be sovrun.
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by wserra »

Cathulhu wrote:A Letter From Nikki Snipes--Wesley's Wife
At this point, it is more than obvious that the government has been abusing their power to use my husband’s fame and popularity in order to make him an example in a crime he NEVER committed.
Oh, so he did file?

Why didn't they tell the jury that?
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Re: Wesley Snipes and the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Post by Demosthenes »

Mrs. Snipes wrote: It’s been 4 years since the indictment literally dropped down on Wesley out of blue
Snipes was visited by two Special Agents of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division a couple of years prior to the indictment. They read him his rights, which is Snipes' excuse for continuing to not file after that date. The jury bought his excuse which is why they acquitted him on the later years' failure to file counts. They thought it was reasonable that Snipes' interpreted his right to remain silent to mean that he didn't have to file returns.
outrageous, selective prosecution on my husband's misdemeanor conviction.

The DOJ has been criminally prosecuting Eddie Kahn clients steadily for the past five years, starting with the biggest fish first. It's turned into quite a long list.
I feel like going around and telling every one of you face to face the truth you never got to hear through the media who has been erroneously reporting all of these shocking series of events to look like a lame tax evasion story from the very beginning.

That's because it is a lame tax evasion story.
More than a decade ago, Wesley was using an accounting service from Kenneth Starr, the founder of Starr & Company. In 1999, he discovered that Starr had forged his signature on a document and his monies had been stolen. He requested that the Manhattan DA in NYC investigate and warned his fellow actor Sylvester Stallone who was Starr’s client at the time as well.

In 2000, after parting ways with Starr, Wesley sought for more honest representation and got introduced to Eddie Khan and his accounting firm that represented more than 4000 clients, including lawyers, doctors, business owners and IRS EMPLOYEES and he was offered to try the service for awhile. But soon after, he also parted ways with Eddie and sought other financial advisors. However, in 2006, the government decided to indict Eddie Khan (the founder of the Florida accounting firm) but picked Wesley out of Eddie’s 4000 clients and made him share the same charges they had put on Eddie as a co-conspirator. Wesley was not even his client at the time but had a history of Eddie filing papers for him just like the other 4000 clients he had filed the papers for.
She left out who introduced her husband to Eddie Kahn. Snipes purchased a "pure trust" tax denier scam package from Commonwealth Trust Co before he moved on to Kahn's tax denier scam.
In 2008, Wesley received a trial followed by the indictment, not in the state of his residency but in Ocala, Florida, a place he had never even been before.
This has been covered here on Quatloos in extensive detail before.
Moreover, the given jury pool of 120 people for the trial consisted of mostly non-college graduate, white people except for two (2) African-Americans whom the government rescheduled to come back but conveniently gave them the wrong return date. Therefore, the 12 jurors selected out of that pool were all-white and none of them had a similar background or similar experiences as my husband, unlike what is required by the law.
Who knew that federal law required all jurors to be the same color and educational background as the defendant?

Ironically, a large number of the jurors in the pool had moved to Florida from places like New York and New Jersey.
Thus, his attorney filed a motion on this specific issue, but the judge denied it and began the trial in Ocala just as they had planned out. When this incident got out to the press, they made sure that my husband was PLAYING the “race card.”
Yep. Calling Ocala "a hotbed of Klan activity" in your legal filings is going to raise some eyebrows in the local press.

During the trial, the government announced that Kenneth Starr was to be their key witness and Wesley’s team raised the issue that Starr’s credibility was in serious question due to not only the fact that he had defrauded Wesley (the very reason why he had to seek for other accountants) but also Starr’s previous involvement in Anthony Pelicano’s illegal wiretapping case back in February 2006. At Pelicano’s trial, the government presented audiotape evidence and witness testimony that Kenneth Starr had hired Pelicano to wiretap Stallone after he got sued by Stallone for misappropriation of his funds. HOWEVER, when Wesley’s team raised this issue at the trial due to the fact that it was Wesley who first discovered Starr’s fraudulent activities and requested an investigation disapproving Starr’s credibility, the government LIED and said that Pelicano illegally wiretapped Stallone on his own and HID the fact that Starr had been investigated as co-conspirator. We got to find this out only after Starr finally got arrested for his overbearing crimes after the trial. Starr, as a key witness who has been bitter since Wesley’s discovery of his crimes, sufficiently prevented Wesley from receiving a fair trial.
Interesting but not particularly relevant. I sat through the trial, and I thought the key witness was Snipes' ex-employee, not his ex-accountant.
Through it all, Wesley was found NOT GUILTY on every offensive charge but guilty of three (3) MISDEMEANORS of willful failure to file tax returns during the period of three years when he was going through chaotic financial situations, seeking for the right trustworthy advisor. However, as Judge Hodges decided to make him an example (as he literally said it out loud at the trial), he sentenced Wesley to THREE (3) YEARS of IMPRISONMENT for the misdemeanor conviction, instead of sentencing him to probation or public service for such misdemeanor charges as in many other similar cases.
What similar cases would those be?

Snipes' sentence was a straightforward application of the federal sentencing guidelines. Because of the huge amount due, the guideline range for the three misdemeanor counts exceeded 10 years, but was capped at 36 months by the statutory limit for misdemeanor tax crimes.
As he kept his faith and continued seeking for justice, the truth started to prevail.

In May 2010, Kenneth Starr was indicted for a Ponzi scheme in which he stole at least $20 million of his clients’ money, the very thing that Wesley had claimed earlier. Starr’s arrest on such charges ended up exposing his poor credibility just as Wesley’s team had claimed during the trial.

Starr's ponzi scheme started years after he and Snipes went their separate ways.
Followed by Starr’s arrest, in July 2010, the 11th Circuit Court rushed an opinion affirming the verdict against Wesley, then the media immediately spread the news even before our attorney found out. We were totally shocked and disappointed again.
The 11th Circuit took eight months to rule.
However, shortly after the media spread the news, one juror from the trial sent an unsolicited email to Wesley's attorney offering help

Funny how the juror waited two and a half years to come forward.
According to the email:There were three (3) jurors in the jury that had presumed Wesley to be guilty even before the trial started without seeing any documents, They had to compromise with those three jurors and ended up finding him guilty of three misdemeanors as result of it,They did not think the judge would give him any jail time for the misdemeanor convictions.

Followed by this email, another juror sent an unsolicited email confirming that most of the jurors believed Wesley would not receive any jail time for the verdict.
Jurors are explicitly instructed that they may not consider the sentence when deciding whether a defendant is guilty. I can't believe both jurors admitted they disobeyed the judge's instructions.
In October 2010, Starr pled GUILTY to most of the charges.

He pled guilty to crimes he committed after Snipes had already been convicted.
On November 15, Wesley’s team asked for a new trial at the hearing based on the alleged perjury of the three (3) jurors and perjured testimony of Starr, as well as the prosecutorial misconduct of the government who withheld information about Starr’s previous criminal conduct before Snipes’ trial.
If the DOJ didn't find out about Starr's ponzi scheme until after the Snipes trial was over, what did they withhold?
However, last week, on November 19, 2010, Judge Hodges issued an order REFUSING to interview any of the jurors, DENYING my husband a new trial and REVOKING his bail as requested by the government. He had simply denied every single one of our requests and with that he denied Wesley’s constitutional rights.
Good grief, the judge has been bending over backwards for Snipes since the day he was convicted. Any other defendant would have started serving their 36 months back in 2008. Heck, Snipes should be looking forward to getting out of prison right about now.
On top of the government’s effort to take my man’s liberty, the media has been assisting by adding more fuel to the already overwhelming fire.
Being a celebrity sucks. Of course, it also pays big bucks. It's kind of hard for the media to feel sorry for a guy who didn't pay taxes on $38 million.
Ever since the jury rendered its verdict on February 1, 2008, the media has repeatedly MISREPRESENTED Wesley as having been convicted of tax evasion. He was NEVER charged with or convicted of tax evasion. He was convicted on three (3) misdemeanor charges of failing to file his tax returns in 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively while dealing with the Kenneth Starr’s issue which has caused him a great deal of damage in his finances and wellas his ability to trust.
True that. Journalists aren't attorneys, but unlike tax deniers, they don't try to be attorneys.
At this point, it is more than obvious that the government has been abusing their power to use my husband’s fame and popularity in order to make him an example in a crime he NEVER committed.
Never committed? He filed tax returns all those years after all? And he wonders why he didn't get a nice "acceptance of responsibility" downward departure on his sentence.
He is NOT a tax–evading criminal who needs to be put away and imprisoned for three years but an artist who simply needs an honest accountant who does not deceive.
Wow, Maybe she doesn't know that Snipes sent a 26-page letter (with a huge attachement of his "legal analysis" to the prosecutors after he'd been indicted, and after he'd dumped Eddie Kahn as his advisor. Or maybe she hasn't seen Snipes' sovereign filings in the Florida dockets on cases and issues that have nothing to do with Eddie Kahn and his federal income tax problems.
Just as he had confessed at the trial, my husband really is an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist who was unschooled and miseducated in the field of finance as I can and would bear witness to and as many of you who really know him would agree as well.
He never took the stand.