Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Unidyne »

I came across a CD of music by The Neon Philharmonic, the short-lived symphonic pop duo of Don Gant and Tupper Saussy. Yes, the same Tupper Saussy who wrote "The Miracle On Main Street" and got his butt thrown into a federal slammer for filing (in his words) "an income tax return that offends the IRS".

I wondered what ever became of him (died in 2007, heart attack, age 70) and found his official website (tuppersaussy.com). It lists something odd about the man. His "top 10 beliefs", listed under the heading "Honest Things":

http://www.tuppersaussy.com/Writings/D6 ... D8F62.html

2. Since the evidence is equally convincing that (a) earth moves about the sun and (b) the sun moves about the earth, I choose (b) because that's what the Bible implies.

4. Because of the vast evidence supporting it, the Genesis creation account is more persuasive than Darwin's naturalistic speculations.

8. The American income tax is a uniform excise on privilege, measured by amount of income from whatever source, less deductions and credits. Because the Constitution prohibits the federal government from converting into a privilege a citizen's right to derive income from his own country, citizens can be taxed on domestic income only by creating the presumption that they consent to being treated as aliens. Nearly 170, 000,000 Americans have unwittingly stripped themselves of an inalienable right of citizenship. This may explain government’s increasing arrogance.
Sooooo... Not only is the income tax illegal, but the Biblical account of Genesis is literal and the supposed "solar system" is geocentric. :roll:

Comments, anyone?
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Comments, anyone?
What a maroon!
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Demosthenes »

Tupper was the most polite tax denier I ever talked to. Ever.
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Famspear »

Unidyne wrote:.....Sooooo... Not only is the income tax illegal, but the Biblical account of Genesis is literal and the supposed "solar system" is geocentric. :roll:

Comments, anyone?
You realize, of course, that under Einstein's General and Special theories of Relativity, it's just as correct to say the sun revolves around the earth as it is to say the earth revolves around the sun. Indeed, it would be just as correct to say that the entire universe revolves around my left elbow. Under the Theory of Relativity, no specific point of space in the universe is "special."

This means that if you are standing on the side of the road and I pass you in a car going 60 miles per hour, it is just as "correct" (in the Einsteinian sense) to say that you passed ME at 60 mph as it is to say I PASSED YOU at 60 mph. The assumption that I passed YOU is based on a pre-set frame of reference -- the earth. But there's no reason why I can't assert (under the Einstein view) that I AM THE FRAME of reference -- and that you (and the earth) are "really" the ones who are "moving."

Of course, in the Copernican view, the solar system is indeed heliocentric -- the sun in the center, with all the planets going around the sun.

An excellent course on this topic -- for non-scientists (like me) -- is Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution: Modern Physics for Non-Scientists (2d ed. 2000) by Professor Richard Wolfson of Middlebury College.
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Famspear »

Demosthenes wrote:Tupper was the most polite tax denier I ever talked to. Ever.
And he was the most talented tax denier whose music I played on top 40 radio many years ago. Ummm....... wait, as far as I know, he's the ONLY tax denier whose music was played on top 40 radio (by me or by anyone else).


Does the use of the term "top 40 radio" date me in any way?
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:I'll make you feel better Famspear - any idea what I should do with about a hundred 78s I have? :)
wow...... Some of 'em might be worth some money, too. You should have them appraised.
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by LaVidaRoja »

IIRC, used them in lieu of clay pigeons.............
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Re: Looking back at Tupper Saussy

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I think that I might even have a copy of "The Moth Confesses" (the album with "Morning Girl") somewhere in my cellar. I found it in a box of record albums being thrown out, years ago.

Since I gave away my turntable long ago, perhaps the local gun club could use it....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools